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Power of Three

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by Jenna Castille

  Power of Three

  Jenna Castille

  Janice loves Eric and she’s finally ready to give up being single and risk a commitment. But sexy Japanese businessman Ryuu has other plans.

  Eric knows Janice is the one for him. Then Ryuu steps in with a seductive offer, something that appeals to one of Eric’s deepest fantasies—forming a ménage. Eric is tempted but fears Janice couldn’t possibly accept his desire for other men.

  Visionary Ryuu’s job is to protect San Francisco from demonic invasion using the power of his Three. Finally, he’s found the other two. But they remember nothing of their past lives, not even their love for him.

  A Three divided is powerless. Without their combined love, San Francisco is doomed.

  An Ellora’s Cave Romantica Publication

  Power of Three

  ISBN 9781419925658


  Power of Three Copyright © 2010 Jenna Castille

  Edited by Ann Leveille

  Cover art by Dar Albert

  Electronic book publication February 2010

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  Power of Three

  Jenna Castille

  Trademark Acknowledgments

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Jell-O: Kraft Foods Holdings, Inc.

  Court TV: Courtroom Television Network LLC

  Chapter One

  The sand sparkled like jewels as the sun sank over rolling dunes. Wind howled through the desert, kicking up sand and flapping the sides of the multicolored tent set out alone, far from the city walls. Those city walls rocked in the distance as the ground trembled once more. But it wasn’t the fury of the storm that threatened the land. It wasn’t God’s hand shaking the very earth beneath their feet.

  God had nothing to do with it.

  Man’s hatred and greed built upon themselves. His ignorance and selfishness swelled to monumental proportions. These negative emotions, stripped bare by the difficult travels of the Silk Road, bubbled over the walled city. A tear in the fabric of the mortal realm threatened to loose an invading horde that rivaled any Mongol, any barbarian imagining.

  A gateway to hell loomed on the horizon and only three small, fragile humans stood in its way.

  Though facing the end of the world, Ryo felt blessed. Two of the most wonderful people in the world belonged to him. No longer was he a poor slave fighting the universe for his survival, no longer a beggar or a thief. He had a place, something he never dared dream of. And he had love.

  Apart no longer. A part forever.

  And now he would prove it to whatever powers held sway in the universe so he could live out his lifetime in peace with his two other precious members of the Three.

  He glanced at the tear growing in the corner of the tent as ancient, rhythmic words tumbled from his lips. The spells flowed through him and warmed his blood, words learned many lifetimes ago at the knees of the First, he who created the Three. Memories of other times, other lives spent happily with his two partners, teased the edges of his mind. But he pushed the thoughts aside. He couldn’t let his focus be distracted or terror and blood would reign.

  The scorching breeze flowed through the tent from the rip in reality, smelling of old blood and rot. He could hear unearthly howls shrieking inside the growing area of darkness, more distracting than any of his own thoughts and memories. Glancing again at the corner, he could see the gathering sets of glowing eyes and imagined the gleam of lamplight reflecting off of wet, glimmering teeth.

  His soul trembled but he looked down at the two people below him, bodies writhing. Centering himself, he concentrated on what he had to do. On what he’d so enjoy doing.

  His lovers were the light to his darkness. Where his raven-black mane lay against his back in a long, snaking plait, Jehanne’s hair shone with the gold of a thousand sunsets, a wild halo of rich, colored curls. Erich’s glimmered with a hint of starlight, straight and slick, falling just below his broad shoulder blades.

  Ryo placed his palm against Erich’s heaving shoulders as he uttered the last words in the ceremony, syllables more archaic than any language still spoken, words that flowed forth from the deepest pit of his consciousness, from a past beyond time immemorial.

  Jehanne screamed, her back arching beneath Erich to breaking angles. Soft light poured out of her, shooting up into him. That light increased a thousandfold, slamming out of Erich and back down to Jehanne. The endless loop of energy grew greater and greater, filling the room with a vibrating expectancy. Erich’s entire body began trembling as the power swelled, almost too great to contain.

  Ryo stopped chanting, moving forward to sink his fingers deep into Erich’s hair. He jerked Erich’s head back and sealed his mouth with a deep, tongue-thrusting kiss. He savored the rich, spicy flavor of his lover as it flowed through his mouth. Without breaking his kiss, Ryo scooted forward between Erich’s knees, pushing on the small of the other man’s back with his free hand to help keep him lodged deep inside Jehanne. Finally he drew back, gasping for air. Ryo locked eyes with the other man as he panted, trying to regain his own breath. Ryo flashed him a wicked smile and reached for a small jar lying on a silken pillow. He coated his heavy cock with the slick, fragrant oil before dribbling a thin stream between Erich’s ass cheeks. One finger at a time he stretched the other man. Erich’s ass clenched tight around each digit, drawing them in.

  When Ryo worked him with three fingers, Erich’s head tossed back and forth, his thick hair sticking to his face with sweat. “I cannot. I cannot take more. I won’t be able to hold back,” he growled.

  He must have thrust more vigorously at his words, as Jehanne groaned beneath him in agreement and clawed at his back.

  Ryo smiled, leaning over to place a chaste kiss on Erich’s chiseled cheek while staring down into Jehanne’s desperate, hungry eyes. “You can and you will. You will love every moment. Both of you.”

  With a soft murmur Erich bent forward, pushing himself even deeper into Jehanne as he prepared for Ryo’s invasion. Ryo rubbed his hard, aching cock against Erich’s clenching rosette. Ryo circled his opening over and over until Erich relaxed and pushed back into him, welcoming his quick thrust. Ryo hissed at the firm clasp enveloping his cock. His eyes slid closed as his balls slapped against his lover’s ass. He was inside, embraced.


  Light flashed even brighter, a blinding red glare behind closed lids. Wind tore through the room, fresh and warm, scented with fragrant flowers. The loop of power raging between
Empath and Catalyst reached out and dragged Ryo in.

  The Three came together with a long, shared scream of passion, collapsing into a sated heap.

  Calm and quiet, peace filled a turbulent land.

  * * * * *

  Ryuu Saitou came awake with a strangled gasp, black satin cover bunching at his waist. It was a soft sound, not one overly alarming, but enough to wake the ever-alert Katashi Yoshida two rooms over.

  “Sir?” the old man’s voice questioned from the open doorway. “Ogenki desu ka? Are you all right? Do you need anything?”

  Closing his eyes and taking a few deep breaths, Ryuu shook off the adrenaline rush that accompanied a visionary dream. A part of him wanted the comfort and oblivion provided by a stiff drink but he refused to use a chemical crutch. A few minutes of meditation would calm his mind and body just as effectively while leaving his senses clear. He was the one in control, not the visions. He took another slow, deep breath, exhaling just as slowly before answering his old friend and butler. “I’m fine. Nothing new.” He ran one hand through his short hair, stopping to rub his temples. “The same dream again, Katashi. Nothing you can help me with unless you know where they’re hiding.”

  “No, I am still searching, sir,” his old friend and advisor replied somberly from the shadows, his own disappointment in his abilities flavoring his voice with defeat. “But I may have found a new lead. I will look into it tomorrow and report my findings to you immediately.”

  Ryuu closed his eyes and heart to the looming emptiness and despair. Why couldn’t he see them, damn it? It was almost unbearable, this bitter loneliness left in the wake of their absence. He’d lived so many lives filled with the joy and happiness of their presence but here and now there was only a deep void. What was he doing wrong?

  “I hope you’ve found one of them. The leak’s been open for years now. Shimatta! It’s a miracle that it hasn’t gotten large enough for a full breach. But we can’t count on our luck holding out forever.” He slammed his hand against the mattress with a dull thud. “We’re working on borrowed time. No telling how long until the tear widens enough for a true invasion. They’ve never let it run so close before. Never.”

  Katashi frowned and nodded. “I know, sir. You have never failed in your duty.”

  “And this won’t be the first time,” Ryuu vowed, clenching his satin cover in frustrated fists. “I will not fail San Francisco. I will not fail.”

  Chapter Two

  Oppressive heat overwhelmed all other sensations in this desolate level of hell. The sand melted and hardened with the heat until it crackled into shards of glass under each step of the tormented, slicing through the soles of bare feet. Not that anyone could walk far beneath the blazing sky. Most huddled under rocks, taking advantage of little patches of shade. Some fought with whatever energy they still possessed for the right to sit beneath those tiny hints of cool.

  Glorious. Absolutely glorious.

  The Demon Lord Balimorth sat on his crystalline throne, surveying the chaos with a malicious grin. The oppressive sunlight danced across his reddish skin, causing it to sparkle and glow orange, turning his face almost golden. The otherworldly radiance made his chiseled features seem beautiful but that evil grin shattered the illusion. He smiled as two particularly healthy specimens fought for a patch of comfort. Fists struck flesh to the roaring cheers of his imps and lesser demons. Words and bets were exchanged between the audience members as the two damned souls grappled. They fell on the jagged dune, rolling and wrestling for position, skin breaking and tearing against the sharp-edged sand. Finally one managed to get on top and pound the other’s head into the ground until he lost consciousness. The winner wasted no time in scrambling for his foot of shade.

  Balimorth clapped with his minions at the sport, leaning back to relax on his shimmering throne. Other, more impulsive demons would find this hell dimension unbearable. Other demons with less foresight would strive to break free without plan or strategy, their sole thought and purpose being escape. But Balimorth was no fool. There was a time and a place for everything and this place was good enough for him to bide his time before invading the mortal realm once more.

  A soft, cool breeze feathered over his cheek, catching his attention. Balimorth glanced to a four-foot-tall patch of nothingness near where he’d moved his throne. After a few millennia, years lost all meaning. But since the inch-long tear in reality had been discovered, he’d kept careful track. Twelve mortal years had passed. As soon as possible he’d sent his smaller creatures into the fray to seek out the Three and destroy any resistance from them. They found the Visionary. A child only six years old. No threat at all, so far from maturity.

  It only took the killing of his entire family in front of him by demon-possessed men to send him over the edge. He’d been living in an institution for nearly a decade with no chance of ever meeting, much less binding with his Three. Still, the demon lord left several smoke demons inhabiting orderlies to watch his movements. The way for invasion was clear.

  But Balimorth remained a cautious creature. He hadn’t clawed his way to the title of demon lord by making stupid mistakes. Cunning won more battles than brute force ever would. He sent more and more of his smaller creatures—imps and demons of smoke and shadow—through to cause minor mayhem. With each stealthy attack they pried the portal open by inches. As time allowed he sent greater beasts in. Now he stood poised mere weeks, perhaps days, away from having a portal big enough for him and his major demons to cross.

  Then a bloody war would rip through the mortal realm. He planned for total domination followed by the annihilation of every human soul within his reach. Even the patience of an eternal being had its limits.

  Soon it would be time to strike.

  Chapter Three

  The constant rumble of air-conditioning warred with the techno beat of Janice’s new playlist. Empty plates and bowls littered the small coffee table but Janice couldn’t muster the energy to haul herself off the couch and start cleaning the mess. Even Lisa lay like a lump on the floor of Janice’s apartment with her head on a knobby throw pillow and a margarita in her hand, the perfect picture of comfort and relaxation. And why shouldn’t she, with not one but two hot hubbies waiting for her at home? If the woman weren’t her best friend Janice would’ve hated her. But jealousy is such an ugly emotion, she thought as she crossed her eyes and blew at a single golden curl dangling in front of her nose. And one man is giving me enough trouble as it is.

  Her slightly drunken friend rolled to her side, took another sip and gave her a coy look. “I still don’t see the problem. The man’s into you, so what? You’re not ready to settle down. You want to play the field. You want to see what’s out there and experience the now. So rock his world during your trip and say goodbye when you get back.” She stopped, eyeing Janice with more knowledge than Janice found comfortable. “Unless that isn’t what you want. I mean, you’ve played the whole ‘I’m free, fast and loose’ card for months. Maybe you’re ready for something more now.”

  Janice slid off her couch to plop down on the floor next to Lisa’s head, stiff muscles groaning. She propped her chin on her knees, wrapped her arms around her legs and stared into the melting tropical slush of her drink as she tried to sort out her feelings. Damn but she hated weighing her emotions. Reading other people was so much easier.

  “I think that’s it,” she admitted, not at all happy with the way that fact made her stomach clench. “Since the divorce I’ve sworn that I don’t want to be tied down. I don’t think I could take another break, not after my bastard-ex-who-shall-not-be-named.”

  “Amen to that.” Lisa raised what was left of her third drink and waved it in the air. “And may his favorite, overused part rot off.”

  “I wouldn’t go that far,” Janice snickered. But the image that brought to mind held more satisfaction than she felt comfortable admitting. It would be poetic justice.

  “I know you wouldn’t,” Lisa shot back with a wave of her left hand,
the light dancing off the rock that her legal husband Julian had given her momentarily blinding Janice. “But I’m your friend, it’s my job to insult all creepy, cheating, no-good exes. And you’re getting off topic. We’re talking present, hunky, gainfully employed and interested only in you.”

  Janice leaned back, resting her head against the couch cushion and closing her eyes. She could picture that boyish grin of his that he seemed to reserve only for her. And that hot, smoldering gaze he shot her when no one else at work was looking. “He likes me. He really does. I can feel it in my bones. It’s there hovering around him. And he’s hinting around about making things official. But a part of me isn’t sure I can trust it to last. How do you know that the feelings won’t change tomorrow?” She opened her eyes again to give Lisa a searching stare. “Really, how did you know that Julian and Tim were ‘the ones’?”

  A strange, almost wistful expression flashed across Lisa’s face. “Destiny. No choice in the matter. Plus they turn me inside out on a regular basis.” She laughed. “I’m just lucky as hell for the two-for-one deal. But I can’t imagine my life without them now.”

  Great. That sounded eerily similar to how she felt about Eric. She hadn’t been looking for long-term when she went out with him in the first place. She’d wanted some fun, a good time with a guy she liked. The knee-melting sex was a huge bonus but she’d definitely been thinking short-term. Too bad her heart had a mind of its own.

  She stuck her lower lip out and gave a melodramatic sigh. “And that’s my problem. I’m having a really hard time imagining life without Eric.”

  Lisa sat up on her heels and patted Janice’s knee, only to lose her balance for a moment, giggling. “Then problem solved. There’s your answer.”


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