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Wedding Dreams: 20 Delicious Nuptial Romances

Page 9

by Maggie Way

  “I thought you had taken the car for a long drive to gather your thoughts and re-evaluate your life and shit, not stay over at some random guy’s place and have him make you breakfast. Which I’m uber jealous of, by the way,” he adds.

  He’s more than some random guy. “I’m so sorry about taking it like that, there’s no scratches or bumps right?”

  He raises an eyebrow, amused. “No, it’s in perfect condition, thanks for asking, but I’m not interested in talking about the car, if you know what I mean.”

  I raise my head to peek up at him. “I’m so embarrassed.”

  “Why are you embarrassed? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  I was supposed to get married today, but instead I kissed my brother’s best friend, and instead of feeling guilty or remorseful, all I can think about is how much I liked it. In my book, that is definitely not right.

  “Girl, you just broke up with the biggest jerk-off. This was a good distraction, maybe you should have slept with him too.”

  I blush at the thought. As if that could ever happen… “What? No way!”

  “Girl, you need some double D.”


  “Delicious Distraction. Best way to move on from Adam,” he bobs his head enthusiastically.

  Adam. Oddly enough, hearing his name doesn’t spark anything in me. No heart flip, no sense of anxiety. Nothing.

  “He kept saying that he was bad news.”

  Gabe looks even more impressed.

  “Ooph a bit of a bad boy, eh? They’re the best in bed.”


  “What? It’s true!”

  I shake my head whilst grinning at him, “Anyway, sorry again for taking off in the middle of the night. And to think you also had to deal with cancelling everything for today.”

  Gabe puts his hand over my knee, his perfectly manicured and moisturised hands on display.

  “Pish posh, that was easy. I’m just glad you’re okay.”

  I’m not okay. I kissed Tristan Keys, and I have to pretend it never happened.

  “Not to mention you hooked us up with an amazing business opportunity. Well done, girlfriend!”

  Gabe wasn’t the least bit hesitant when I told him Tristan’s proposal. He all but gave his verbal ‘hell yes’ to the idea, but until anything official happens its business as usual. And to be honest, I’m not exactly comfortable with talking to Tristan right now.

  “Anyway, I think I’ve had enough drama to last all year. I just want to check my emails and—”

  “Sorry but you’re not going to have much chance to unwind.”

  I give him an inquiring glance. “What are you talking about?”

  His grin is wide. “Ooh, I can't hold it in anymore!” He stands up to reach forward for his white laptop and props it open in front of me. “Read this.”

  It’s an email from Amelia. What? The girl I worked with at the frozen yoghurt shop? I pull the laptop closer to read.

  Hi Lacey,

  Gosh, it’s been a long time, hasn't it?

  You can thank your sassy friend for this email coming your way because, as you know, life gets in the way and we both moved onto better things. When I mean better things, I mean away from you. Haha. Anyway, since we lost contact details and I decided to run away to London with my love, sassy Gabe found me on my Instagram. You're a wedding planner now? And a very successful one I might add! So proud of you, but do I get some credit? Perhaps a discount when you plan mine?

  Say yes, please say yes.

  Oh and it's only three weeks away so please say yes real soon. I really want you to be here.




  I peek up at Gabe, flabbergasted. You could literally pick up my jaw off the floor. “In case you weren’t sure, I did say yes.”

  “You what—”

  “Pack your bags, we're going to Italy baby!” He grabs my shoulders to shake me but I'm like a flimsy rag doll.

  Italy? Amelia? My friend from University is getting married, and I’m flying over to plan her special day? Is he being serious or is he just trying to be funny?

  “What?” I whisper.

  He clicks his fingers in front of my eyes. “Italy. Pack your bags. Also if you didn't notice, that email was sent last week so we're hopping on the plane very soon. Tomorrow, as a matter of fact.”

  “WHAT??” I rasp out, learning of yet another unforeseen development. He really can’t be serious.

  Gabe rolls his eyes, completely unfazed by my shock. “Relax, you have plenty of time to pack. We're going early to check out the venue, which by the way is at a five-star hotel! So get your stuff packed and we can get the rest sorted once we're there.”

  I nod quietly, trying to absorb this all in. I’m going to Italy. I’m going to one of the most beautiful countries in the world. I’m going to plan the wedding for my old friend. This feels all so sudden – I have to switch gears and go back to wedding-planner-Lacey, and out of bride-to-be-Lacey mode. I know I asked to work as soon as possible but I never said it was going to be easy, but it’s Amelia. I have to be there for her, not as her planner but as her friend.

  “Let's do it.”

  “Really? If you don’t feel ready…”

  I give him a limp smile, “No, I want to, especially if it’s Amelia. This will be fun!” I say in an overly enthusiastic tone, but it’s helping to brighten my mood. I will perk up once I’m there. In fact, the sooner I get out of Sydney the better. Some distance away will do me a lot of good, give me some perspective. Besides, Tristan’s business proposal can wait for a little while.

  “I know, right? Girl, I’m looking forward to some fun adventures ahead. I can’t wait to see where we go. We’re going to see the world!” I can practically feel his enthusiasm brimming.

  “Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves alright? We're there to work, not take advantage of the surroundings,” I add.

  “And the hot men, don't forget,” he says cheekily.

  “So what are we going to do about the business?”

  “We’ll figure it out, we can update the website when we know.”

  “What about our Australian clients?”

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  “What about—”

  He grabs my hand, commanding my full attention. “Girl, listen to me. Enjoy every moment that happens, live in the now. I know you, and I’m going to be honest, Adam was only dragging you down. You sacrificed a lot for him but no more. This is your time to take on the world, the sky is the limit!”

  I breathe silently and nod, thankful I have such an amazing friend in him. “Alright, let’s get the chocolate. We should celebrate; let’s go out to dinner tonight. My shout.”

  Gabe grins. “That’s my girl! I have just the thing for this occasion.”

  He gets up and quickly goes to the kitchen, coming back with a box of Swiss handmade chocolates, the really good stuff. He knows me too well. “I've been saving this for a while, but what the hell!”

  He lifts the red lid to reveal a selection of beautifully wrapped chocolates, all in different shapes.

  “We'll just have to buy more when we're abroad.” I wink as I take out a green foil wrapped chocolate.

  Before Gabe grabs a chocolate, I lean into his shoulder. It’s so warm and comforting. “Thank you.”

  “For what?”

  “For being you.”

  He puts an arm around me and kisses the top of my head. “Likewise. Don’t ever change a thing about yourself, alright?”

  Everything is going to be okay. In fact, better than okay. It’s going to be fabulous; filled with spectacular scenery, wonderful people and unforgettable memories.

  Despite the crap I’ve been through in the last forty-eight hours, I’m not going to let it get me down. No way, life is too short to let setbacks stop me from enjoying myself, not even my fear of heights. Everything will make sense someday.

  Until then I’m going to give it everythin
g I’ve got. As long as I have my laptop, a bottle of Xanax and three milk hazelnut blocks at a time, I’ll be fine.


  Grabbing the handles of my overnight bag tightly, I step out of the plane relieved to be in the tropical climate. I made it! I’m back on flat land again. I did have some episodes on the flight, I’m not going to lie. Turbulence freaks me out, a lot. Take-off freaks me out. Landing on the tarmac freaks me out. Fortunately the Xanax and chocolate helped. In between eating, napping, chatting with Gabe and working on the laptop the day long journey went by fairly fast.

  Tucking my hair behind my ear, a grin emerges on my face as we step out of the airport and into the splendour that is Italy. Of Rome specifically. I’m in Rome, all the way on the other side of the world! Gabe is standing next to me, his hair still perfectly coiffed, his white scarf still tightly fastened around his neck. I, on the other hand, feel like absolute crap with my frizzy hair and dry skin. As we stand outside the airport waiting for a bus, Gabe taps my shoulder, his eyes focusing on a spiky haired young looking man.

  “Sweet baby Jesus did you see the ass on that guy? Mmm mmm!” he eyes him up and down before spotting a muscular blond guy walking behind him. “Oh my, he’s pretty delicious too!”

  I smirk at him. “I take it you’re here to enjoy the beautiful landmarks and scenery?”

  He keeps his vision focused gorgeous men walking around. “Well I have plenty to admire, don’t I? I think we’re going to have a lot of fun here. Don’t you think?”

  I think so.

  Bring it on, Italy.

  End of Part One

  The First Chapter from Book Two – AMALFI COAST!

  Pushing the heavy mahogany door open, I walk into the room breathless. Not because I'm sweating underneath my black capri pants and T-shirt, not because the bus ride stopped half a mile shorter than expected, and not because Gabe and I had to walk up several flights of stairs with our heavy luggage in tow. No, I'm breathless because of this view in front of me.

  White walls from floor to ceiling. Blue embroidered carpet. Crystal blue skies outside the large white windows. I set the suitcase at the door and drop my black leather handbag on top of it to explore the room. The classic lined wallpaper, the antique circle dining table, the pure white starched sheets. I've been transported to interior design paradise. I have to pinch myself that I’m really here, in the Amalfi Coast, Italy.

  The location couldn’t be more secluded - tucked away all the way up in a crescent-shaped cove, the hotel overlooks the vast ocean and greenery. There’s a jelly bean-shaped swimming pool, and guests lying motionless on sun beds to its right. The best part is that the hotel is more like a villa so I was able to secure a room on the first floor, and avoid the use of an elevator.

  I can hear Gabe babbling to himself in the room next to me. “Shit, this is classy” he gushes loudly, to himself.

  A smile forms on my face. This is swanky, a lot swankier than I expected. And to think that Amelia and her fiancée has paid for all this, as well all our meals and other expenses for our stay.

  I'm. In. Italy. More specifically, I’m staying in Grand Hotel Villa Galleria, one of the most luxurious hotels in all of Southern Italy. It looks more like a 14th century castle than a hotel. To think I’m being paid to stay here is just baffling. I’m making that special day come true for my old university pal Amelia Smith. I haven’t seen her for a good four years, but boy she has done well for herself. After she graduated, she packed up her bags and went on a gap year to the UK to try and start her art career, working various odd jobs to support herself. Then one day, like out of a Hollywood movie, she met her Prince Charming. Kieran Urquhart, a rising junior attorney and son of famed divorce attorney QC Barry Urquhart, stumbled into her bar. Just like that, they fell in love and he popped the question after a year. Not to mention she is making a decent living as an artist, selling her oil paintings of inanimate objects like flowers, fruit and vegetables.

  I’m happy for her, I really am but truthfully I’m jealous. Jealous that she gets her perfect wedding with her perfect man and I have to make it all happen knowing my happy ending has been put on hold indefinitely. But I can cast my personal feelings aside and be happy for her. It’s an honour that she asked me to come and plan her wedding. This is an amazing first client to have, for my first major international wedding.

  Okay, stop gushing and get on with things. I need to shower and get changed. Putting my suitcase flat on the floor, I open it to reveal the horde that I’ve nicknamed my 70/30 kit. Seventy per cent of the items I bring are work related, and they sit at the top: my templates in a binded folder, three packs of biro pens, sticky notes, scientific calculator, my black leather notebook with all my contacts, chargers and of course my laptop. The thirty per cent are my clothes, all black and gray in color, and toiletries. But given how rushed I was with packing, this kit feels more like an 80/20.

  Stepping into the decadent marble bathroom with a pair of yoga pants and tank top in tow, I open the bathroom cabinet with delight; eager to see the free samples on offer. Like a kid in a candy store, I take out the miniature bottles of shampoo, body wash and cream supplied.

  I’m going to enjoy this bath. Turning the tap on, I expel the contents of the bottle of body wash. As the hot water steams the room, an inviting lavender scent greets me. Sliding down into the relaxing water, I let it block out the sounds around me. It’s fashioned from tin and is big enough to easily fit two people, and I rest my feet on the edge.

  Forty minutes later, I emerge from the steaming room a rejuvenated, relaxed and clean woman with pruned fingers. I’ll give Hansley a call, let him know I’m here. He’s been checking up on me constantly ever since the drama with Adam that happened a few days ago, texting me silly jokes and memes and I know he wants to make sure I’m okay. I walk over to the antique bedside table and grab my phone, sitting down on the bed. Pressing his name on the video call app, I wait as the phone dials. It’s around 4pm now which means it should be 7am back home, and he’s always an early riser.

  Dial, dial, dial. Hansley’s face emerges, he’s still in bed and he looks bleary-eyed. “Hey,” he croaks. His five o’clock shadow makes him look scruffier than usual.

  “Crap, I thought you would be up by now, I’ll let you go back to bed.” I scrutinize his face. “Did you go drinking last night?”

  He yawns loudly and rubs his eyes “Yeah with some clients. So you’ve arrived hey?”

  When doesn’t he have drinks with work people?

  “Have a big mug of that green tea I bought you, okay? And stop drinking so much. Anyway, check out my room!” I move the phone away from me and scan it slowly. I walk up and go over to the window and pan outside. “Check out this view, too.”

  He pulls the blankets closer to him and turns to his side, moving the phone closer to his face. “Nice pad, wish I was there instead of being stuck with this shitty cold weather. So what are you going to get up to, besides working obviously?”

  I move the phone back to me, so he can see me again. “I’ll definitely try the restaurants and check out the local shops. Anything you want me to bring back?”

  “Maybe some booze?”

  I roll my eyes. “I’ll get you something nice, not alcohol.”

  He sits up, resting his head on the wall and moves his phone up so I can see his face more clearly. “So how are you? Mum and dad say you’ve been really normal about everything…like nothing’s happened.”

  I nod my head and give him a tired smile. Maybe it’s the distance, maybe I’m tired of feeling sorry for myself but with every passing second the memory of Adam fades more and more.

  “I’m fine, really I am.”

  “Alright, well just so you know he’s packed up everything from your place. I told him it better be clean, because if there was one crumb on the floor I’ll be coming for him again,” he says, his voice harsh all of a sudden.

  “Wow so it’s really happening hey…” I trail off, unable to finish
the sentence that confirms my new living arrangements. I’ll be going back to an empty apartment and living on my own.

  “If you want, I can stay over some nights—”

  I shake my head profusely. “No it’s fine. Thanks, you’re the best. So what was he like?”

  Hansley rolls his eyes, making it clear he wasn’t happy with the meet up. “He looked like total shit, if that makes you feel better. He kept asking about you, where you were but I said if he ever tried to bother you I would hunt him down. Has he?”

  I shake my head. Nope, not one text or phone call, thank goodness. I never want to see his face again, and to be honest being here in Italy, it’s not that difficult.

  “No he hasn’t. And yes I will let you know if he does.”

  “Okay sis. So Tristan told me he saw you the other day.”

  My cheeks colour at hearing his name. I’ve been trying to suppress the memories of the time I spent with him, not to mention that knee-crippling kiss we shared. And the fact that he said it can never happen again. I hate that the mention of his name jump starts my heart. “What did he say?”

  “He said you guys bumped into each other, and you’re going into business together? That’s pretty cool if you ask me.”

  Not to mention I stayed over at his apartment, we had breakfast together and we kissed… But he doesn’t need to know that. “I don’t know if he was serious or not, he’s still setting up—”

  “He’s already working on his first gig, some big launch event for a tech company at the Convention Centre. And he’s already hired a team to work exclusively on corporate. So yeah, I think he’s pretty serious.”


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