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Mountain Rough

Page 3

by Kelli Callahan


  I stared as it hit the ground and shattered against a rock. The noise was loud, especially in the silence of the night. I pulled my hand out of my pants and considered reaching down to gather the shards of glass, but when I looked up, I didn’t see Red in his bed anymore. I bolted towards my cabin, running as fast as I could. I felt guilt, shame, and every other remorseful emotion I could come up with. I slammed the door once I was back inside my cabin, and pulled a chair from the dining room table to put under the doorknob. I waited for judgment, anger, or whatever would follow when Red figured out I had been watching him. All I heard was silence. I finally crawled into bed, feeling mortified, with the sheets clutched tightly around my neck.

  Chapter 4: Red

  I took porn for granted when I lived in the city. Anything I wanted was at the touch of my fingertips on a computer. I could look at anything my filthy mind could think up and there was plenty to choose from. An unhealthy appetite for porn was one thing my ex-girlfriend and I never had to fight about. She loved watching, and sometimes acting out, anything that was dirty or taboo. If sex was all we needed to make the relationship work, we would have never left the bedroom.

  If only we didn’t have to discuss things like bills, her spending habits, and her inability to function like a normal adult.

  After moving back to the mountains, I found the lack of porn to be one of my least favorite things. I had gone through every adult movie behind the Front Office counter several times over. My father’s computer was a total disaster and could barely get online, much less surf for porn. I wasn’t sure when he stopped using it, but perhaps it was a luxury when he didn’t know there were better options out there. I still paid for a cell phone, but it didn’t get much of a signal at the resort. WiFi was on the list of amenities I planned to add, but it was too early to justify those expenses quite yet.

  Charlie, you are a lifesaver. I need something new.

  I removed the first DVD from the box and pushed it into the DVD player after stripping off my clothes. They were all pretty basic, but after not having anything filthy for almost a year, I was okay if anal was the main event. The movie started and my cock got slightly hard. I dropped onto the bed and spread my legs, taking my dick in my hand. I had gotten so bored with the selection I had that I hadn’t jacked off in a few days, so I was long overdue. My dick swelled until it was throbbing as I watched a nice looking redhead devour a cock so fast that it was clear she did it for a living. It was a good, sloppy blowjob like I enjoyed, so it didn’t take me long to feel the pressure building in my balls.

  Aw yeah, you’re going to love it when I explode on your face.

  The ejaculations in porn were kind of a paradox. On one hand, most guys would rather bust their nut in a woman’s throat, pussy or ass, but in porn, the money shot was key. I got rather bored when she pulled the dick out of her mouth and started stroking it. I felt the pressure subside for a moment and then she spread her legs for a new partner to fuck her pussy. That was more like it. I smiled when a cock almost as large as mine made her moan. The pressure returned fairly quick and I knew I was about to erupt. I stroked my dick even faster, feeling the cum surging in my shaft before it started the shower me in my own filth. It ran down my shaft, which allowed me to move my hand a little faster so the last of it could spurt from my glans. Just when I thought I might get one more good squirt before I was done, I heard something shatter behind me.

  What the fuck was that?

  I sat up in bed, fully alert. I had no idea what the sound was, but judging by the faintness of it, I thought it could be a window at one of the cabins. I snatched my jeans off the floor and started shoving my legs into them when I reached the living room. Cum was getting everywhere, but I was more concerned with making sure it wasn’t an animal, and making sure something didn’t happen to my only guest. I wiped my hand on my jeans, opened the front door and started walking around my cabin towards the direction of the noise. I took a few steps and then I felt something against my foot. It was sharp and extremely painful. I hopped back, grabbed my foot and turned it towards me. The moon was providing enough light, but I couldn’t see exactly what it was. What I could see was that my foot was bleeding.

  Fuck! Shit that hurts.

  I hopped around and tried to put my foot down, but whatever had cut me was underneath the skin. I looked at the ground and I could see the moon reflecting off something. I bent down and picked it up. It was broken glass. I had found the source of the noise, but it was much closer than I imagined. I held it up and sniffed. It smelled like red wine. I turned my head to side and saw that from that vantage point, I was looking directly into my bedroom window, which showed the bed and the television. Even though I was hurting, I still couldn’t help but laugh. It appeared that someone had gotten a show, and quickly ran away when they dropped the glass. That someone had to be my guest, the ravishing redhead named Mandy staying in Cabin A.

  I wonder how much she saw—she must have at least seen me cum.

  I left the glass where it was and returned to my cabin. It took several minutes to dig around in my foot with a pair of tweezers to get all of the glass out, but it didn’t appear to have caused permanent damage. I cleaned myself up and tossed my jeans in the dirty clothes hamper before crawling into bed. I wasn’t sure if Mandy had been spying on me, or just happened to wander by when I was in the midst of my eruption. Either way, she definitely got a show. Knowing that she had seen me in such a filthy moment made me wonder how she would react when she saw me the next day. I also couldn’t help but think about her delicious lips and gorgeous body doing exactly what I saw in the video.

  I haven’t had a girl that curvy and hot in a very, very long time.

  I WOKE UP THE NEXT morning and tended to my foot again before getting dressed for the day. Even with the lingering pain, I still couldn’t help but laugh at what caused me to end up that way to begin with. I walked outside, with shoes, and cleaned up the broken glass by my window. Mandy’s car was still parked near Cabin A, so it appeared that she didn’t flee at the sight of my cock getting a workout. I tossed the glass in the trash can and headed down to the front office. As I got close, I heard a door slam and a few seconds later, she walked around the edge of her cabin. There was a brief moment where our eyes locked together and we both knew that the other one knew everything.

  “Good morning. Did you sleep okay?” I lifted my hand to wave.

  “Yeah.” She nodded and immediately broke eye contact. “It was fine.”

  “I’m glad to hear it.” I took a step forward and limped.

  “Are you okay?” She raised her eyebrows.

  “I’m fine. I just stepped on some broken glass outside my window. Nothing too serious.” I turned towards the front office before she saw the smile form on my lips.

  “Is there anywhere to get some breakfast around here?” Her words were slow, as if she wasn’t sure she even wanted to be saying them.

  “I can make you something if you’d like to come over to my place.” I turned and motioned towards my cabin.

  “Um, yeah.” She nodded. “I feel like I should at least get some coffee in me before I try to drive down this mountain.”

  She followed me back and I heard her pause when she saw the wine glass in my trashcan, but then she followed me into my cabin. I started cooking bacon, eggs and toast while brewing a pot of coffee. I normally just made some in the office, especially since Charlie was working there with me. I finally finished cooking and put the food on the table, taking a seat across from her. She scooped some onto her plate and started filling her coffee with cream and sugar. She put so much in it that it was only about eighty percent coffee before she was done. I never really had a taste for anything in mine, so I sipped it as soon as it was in my cup and started digging into my food.

  “You said you have to drive six hours to get back home?” I pushed some bacon into my mouth and took a bite.

  “Yeah.” She nodded and lifted her coffee to her

  “Your accent sounds further away than that.” I tilted my head.

  “Oh.” She smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’m originally from Chicago. I’m going to college on the East Coast.”

  “Ah, that makes sense. I didn’t like Chicago. It was too windy.” I shrugged and washed my bacon down with coffee. “I like the breeze out here—especially at night.”

  “Yeah, it was nice.” She started at her food and I saw her practically choke on a bite of eggs.

  “So you got a chance to feel it, then? Good. It would be a shame to come all this way and not see how great it is at night.” I nodded and suppressed a grin.

  “Yeah.” She picked up her coffee again, but her hands seemed to be shaking, so she had to put down her fork and hold it with two hands.

  “It’s great to go for a walk at night, especially around the resort where you don’t have to worry about any wild animals.” I picked up another piece of bacon.

  “Look.” She sighed and put down her cup. “I’m sorry about your foot. If you’re not going to say it, then I will. I’d rather just be accused of something than be teased about it.”

  “How much did you see?” I put the bacon down on my plate.

  I guess the gloves are off now. She’s as feisty as the cliche about redheads suggests.

  “Enough—more than enough.” She lifted her head and looked at me. “You need curtains.”

  “I live alone. They’re on backorder.” I put my hands on the table. “You shouldn’t spy on people.”

  “You shouldn’t do—that—in front of a window that doesn’t have curtains!” I could see her face turning a light shade of pink.

  “You can’t even say it? Jack off? Masturbate?” I chuckled. “I guess you liked the show since you couldn’t even hold onto your wine glass.”

  “It slipped.” She swallowed hard.

  “What made your hands slippery?” I tilted my head and smiled.

  “Shock.” Her face seemed to get redder.

  “Really? That’s all it was?” I chuckled again.

  “It was disgusting.” She clenched her jaw and it appeared that her temper was flaring.

  “Disgusting? You saw what I was watching, right? Maybe I should take you back to the bedroom and do those disgusting things to you.” I narrowed my eyes at her. “I bet you’d love every second of it.”

  “I’m leaving.” She pushed back from the table.

  “Not quite yet.” I grabbed her wrist when she started walking towards the door. “I think you need to learn how we handle things around these parts when people leave broken glass on the ground for someone to step on.”

  I pushed back from the table and pulled her down across my knee with one swift motion. She landed with a thud and I smiled when I saw the outline of her ass pressed against her jeans. I shifted my weight so that she was bent at the waist, draped across my knee perfectly. She kicked, struggled, and tried to escape my grasp, but I held her firmly in place. I lifted my hand over my head and brought it down firmly on the seat of her blue jeans. She squealed and fought back even harder, but that got her another hard smack in the center of her perfect heart-shaped ass.

  “Let me go!” She started hammering my leg with her fists.

  “The more you fight, the worse it will be.” I gave her a smack that was a little harder.

  “What do you want from me?” She kicked her feet and squealed.

  “I want the truth. Tell me exactly what you saw and how much you liked it.” I brought my hand down firmly on her ass again.

  Chapter 5: Mandy

  I woke up thinking about what I saw the previous night through Red’s window. Mostly, I thought about how it made me feel. Before I even left the bed, I had my fingers in my panties, pleasuring myself with the mental image of his enormous cock erupting with bliss. I had dated a few guys, but it never went further than a make out session with light groping. The light groping was entirely on their end. There was something about watching such a dirty act in person that made it way more intense than seeing it in a porn video—not that I made a habit of watching that sort of thing. Sex wasn’t something I thought about often. I felt like I got enough of it vicariously through Hannah to have a pretty good idea what it was like without experiencing it firsthand.

  God, I need to get off this mountain and get back home where this kind of stuff doesn’t happen to me.

  I didn’t know why I asked Red for breakfast. My excuse was lame. He was so hot that I just wanted to be near him, even if we weren’t going to share anything more than a meal. I had powered through an entire day of school without coffee and I didn’t really even like it. It was normally nothing more than a late afternoon pick-me-up with enough sugar to clog my veins. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was well aware it was me that dropped the broken wine glass he stepped on. I also knew that he had to know what I saw. As I sat there listening to him talk about it and dance around his words, I felt my temper beginning to take hold. I lost it enough as a child to figure out when a flare up was coming.

  If he’s just going to play games, then I guess I’ll have to be man enough to hit it head on with a hammer.

  I didn’t expect what happened next. I was fully prepared to walk out of his cabin and never think about him or his awful resort ever again when I stood up from the table. A few seconds later, one of his big powerful hands was dragging me across his knee and the other was making my ass sting. It was shock, more than anything else, that kept me from screaming. He was an animal—and so incredibly hot. I had never been spanked before, but when I felt myself unable to break from his grasp, my pussy started getting wet again the way it did the night before—the way it did earlier that morning when I thought about what I saw when he was in his bed alone.

  “Well? Are you going to speak up or do I have to keep spanking you?” His hand came down several times on my jeans.

  “I saw it all!” I punched his massive legs with my fists, which didn’t seem to even dent his muscles.

  “And you liked it, didn’t you?” Several more smacks followed his words.

  “Fine, yes—I liked it!” I gritted my teeth and felt the sting getting worse.

  “That’s what I thought.” He slapped my ass a little harder. “You left that broken wine glass out there after you knew I heard it break—didn’t you?”

  “Ouch! I didn’t know you would come outside and step on it!” I kicked my feet when I felt his hand again.

  “That wasn’t what I asked.” He gave me several smacks that were even harder.

  “Ow! Yes, I figured you heard it when I looked up and saw you were gone.” I fought, even though it was clearly a losing fight, against his grasp.

  “That’s what I thought. Unbutton your jeans.” His hand stopped moving and instead just rested on my ass.

  “What in the world for?” I looked over my shoulder at him.

  “Maybe I just want to see what color your panties are.” He raised his hand and brought it down hard. “Before they come down and you get the spanking you deserve.”

  “No! Absolutely not! You’re doing just fine with them firmly around my waist!” I glared at him and clenched my jaw.

  “I’ll make a deal with you, and you should cherish this deal, because I don’t normally negotiate with people that have nothing to bargain with.” He let his hand rest on my ass again. “Unbutton your jeans, and I’ll pull them down, along with your panties. If your panties are dry, I’ll know you’re not into this and you can leave.”

  “What’s the other side of this deal?” I continued glaring at him.

  “If they’re wet—well then.” He smirked. “I’ll spank you until your ass is as red as your hair.”

  “What!? No!” I started struggling again.

  “They must be wet then.” He chuckled and gave me another smack. “Why don’t you pull them down and show me how badly you want me to take you in the other room and do dirty, filthy things to your gorgeous body.”

  Did he just call me
gorgeous—now of all times!?

  “Let me go!” I yanked against his grip.

  “I can do this all day.” He brought his hand down with a scorching smack. “Until those panties come down and you get the spanking we both know you deserve.”

  He didn’t release his grip. Part of me was glad he didn’t. I was wrestling with something inside that I hadn’t felt before in my entire life. The situation was like one Hannah would end up in, not me. I could easily picture her reciting the tale of her taking a walk and stumbling across some hot guy masturbating. The only difference was that it probably wouldn’t end with her running away as fast as possible. Red was nothing more than an insufferable caveman, even if he did have a muscled, drop-dead-amazing, body—one that I was pressed against while he continued to spank me as if it wasn’t causing me any discomfort at all.

  “Okay!” I squealed and nodded my head. “I’ll unbutton my jeans—but you don’t have to check my panties. You already know what state they’re in.”

  I leaned up and pushed the button through the hole. I thought he might release the grip and give me one shot at escape before he pulled my jeans down, but that wasn’t the case. He grabbed the back of them and forced the zipper to come apart on its own as he brought them down around my knees. A second later, my panties were there as well. I looked over my shoulder and saw that my ass was pink—with darker hues around the middle. Right as he raised his hand and I prepared for the worst, I heard a car door slam.

  “It looks like Charlie is here.” He lowered his hand. “He literally just saved your ass—for a little bit.”


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