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Her Beating Hart_A Vampire Rockstar Reverse Harem Romance

Page 1

by J. L. Ostle

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Excerpt - Chapter 1

  Excerpt - Chapter 2

  Excerpt - Chapter 3

  Excerpt - Chapter 4

  Her Beating Hart

  J.L. Ostle



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Excerpt - Chapter 1

  Excerpt - Chapter 2

  Excerpt - Chapter 3

  Excerpt - Chapter 4


  Books By J.L. Ostle

  About the Author

  Copyright 2018 J.L. Ostle

  All rights reserved

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including but not limited to; photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to peoples either living or deceased is purely coincidental. Names, places, and characters are figments of the authors imagination, or, if real, used fictitiously. The author recognizes the trademarks and copyrights of all registered products and works mentioned within this work.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by Editing by Rebecca

  Formatted by Leigh Stone

  Cover by Kathryn Jacoby

  I always dedicate my books

  to my little boy, I love you Jake with all my heart.



  I remember growing up where vampires, faes, witches, and any other kind of supernatural beings were only what you read in books or watched on TV, but that wasn’t the case. Most walked amongst us, carrying on with a normal human life, hiding who they really were.

  Then one year, they decided to stop hiding in the shadows and made themselves known. I remember when I was ten years old, watching on the news of the supernatural council, and being told we shouldn’t fear them.

  How can you not fear ones who kill you instantly?

  Beings with power is going above and beyond nature.

  The ones that see us as a walking food bank.

  I used to look at people who walked past me on the streets and wonder if they were supernatural. Were they a vampire? A witch?

  Vampires were in two groups though, the day walkers, who were purebloods, ones born as vampires. Most were involved with the council as they were more powerful. They grew like any human would, except with the abilities and thirst of a vampire, but they primarily stopped aging at twenty-one—only gaining one year every hundred years. Then you had the nightwalkers, vampires turned by another and stuck at that age they were turned. They are the ones who fear the sunlight.

  It is the norm now. People know they exist; they fill our schools with different kinds of beings, and shops are filled with many types of blood. You go to a bar and blood is on tap.

  I never judge by who or what they are; I judge by their actions. Some think they are Gods, thinking they can do what they want. Those are the ones I try and steer clear of.

  I’m human.

  But I also have a gift, a gift that protects me and the ones I love and care for against the evils of the world.

  I used to be scared, knowing what I can do, afraid that I would be taken, used for experiments. But I shall not fear who I am.

  I tried to stick to a normal life, but with my luck flushed down the toilet, I had no choice but to go from my normality and jump into a world I never could imagine.

  Chapter One


  “I can’t believe you are going to be working with Beaten Hart,” my best friend, Emz, yells over the music.

  I heard what she said, but my eyes can’t seem to look away from the people I am going to be up and close with for the next couple of months. The men on stage are the most beautiful people I have ever seen.

  “If I had a choice I wouldn’t, but I need the money,” I yell back at her. It’s the truth. I don’t want to be babysitting a bunch of rock star’s, but I’m desperate. I can’t afford my rent, and if I hadn’t found something fast, I would lose my home.

  “Oh come on, you are drooling over them, just like the rest of us.” She waves her hand around the room at the screaming girls. Emz, with her long, wavy dyed red hair, green eyes, and tanned skin, has been my best friend since grade school.

  She’s the complete opposite of me with my long dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, and pale white skin.

  I look around the crowded stadium and see women screaming and crying as they watch the band play. I even see a girl take off her bra and throw it toward the stage. I put my head in my hands, not believing that I am going to see shit like this constantly. “I am a woman; I will admit they are drop dead gorgeous…”

  “Emphasis on dead,” she interrupts, winking at me.

  “But…” I give her a look. “I won’t go there; you know I will be professional. Besides, they wouldn’t go for a girl like me anyway.” I look down at my black skirt and blouse, having wanted to look as professional as possible when I meet the band for the first time.

  “You need to stop talking about yourself like that. You are gorgeous. I would love to have eyes like yours.”

  “Yeah, that’s what guys are looking for these days, nice eyes,” I say sarcastically. God, I can’t think. Beaten Hart plays rock-pop type music. I am more of a power ballad kind of girl, but I do like songs that are catchy. “Should we head backstage?” I point to the double doors that lead to the back.

  “Hell yeah.” Emz jumps up and down with excitement.

  I grab hold of her hand, and I maneuver us both through the crowd, by the time I get to the back door, sweat has formed along my forehead. I wipe it away with the back of my arm, taking out mine and Emz’s backstage passes from my bag.

  Walking down the hall, I see a huge, scary looking security guard. He looks like he could break you in half without breaking a sweat. I walk toward him, giving him a shaky smile, and show him our passes. He checks them over and lets us through.

  Once we round the corner, Emz looks back over her shoulder. “Holy shit! I swear I thought I was going to pee my pants; that man is scary.”

  “No wonder they hired him. Only an insane person would mess with him,” I say, releasing the breath I was holding.

  We continue walking until I see wha
t looks like a metal detector with another two security men who don’t look as scary. We show our passes, step through the detector, and I see a red light beam up and down my body before I’m told I can go.

  I wait for Emz, and once she is approved, we are told to head straight down, we walk through another set of double doors. I see a room that says Beaten Hart on the door, so that must be their changing room. I look to the right and see another set of doors—I head toward there, opening it up a little and poking my head through. When I see couches, food, and drink on a table, I sigh in relief; this must be the meet and greet room.

  “Think we can sit in here.” I open the door wide and walk in, heading to the table grabbing a bottle of water, downing half of it.

  “Look at all the food.” Emz grabs a pastry of some sort and groans. “So, so good. You need to try one,” she says with her mouth full.

  I look at the food; I do feel a little peckish. I grab a strawberry tart, when I take the first bite, I groan out loud, I have never tasted anything like it. “Oh my god, I swear this is better than sex,” I moan.

  “I don’t think you have had sex with the right person then.” I freeze, hearing a voice behind me. “I am happy to rectify that though, sweetheart.” I turn, and I see the whole band standing there looking at me and Emz. Then all their eyes focus on me, and I feel my body start to heat up.

  I have done my research on each of them, seen pictures, but seeing them this close is making my body feel like it’s screaming at them.

  Screaming for them to touch me.

  Why am I thinking such things? They aren’t that irresistible.

  “Hi, sorry, I hope you don’t mind. I am Ivory; I will be your PA while you’re on tour,” I mumble over my words.

  Rush, the lead singer, smiles, enjoying my uncomfortableness. “Ah, you’re our new babysitter? I wouldn’t have thought Finn would let a girl have the position, especially a girl like you.” His eyes trail all over my body, and I am sure my face is turning bright red. Dammit, his voice pierces right through me. He is the bad boy of the group; he really does scream it with dark green eyes and shaggy brown hair that you want to run your fingers through.

  “What do you mean a girl like me?” I bite my lip, and he takes one step toward me then stops, his eyes looking at my mouth.

  “Petal, I don’t think a girl like you can handle a band like us. No offense, but you look like too much of a good girl, and we are a bunch of badass vampires.” He stands closer to me. “I’d even bet a thousand dollars that you are a virgin.” My mouth drops open in shock that he would say something like that.

  What has my virginity got to do with anything?

  “None of your business. Besides, how does my goodness and virginity status have anything to do with this job? If you are expecting a girl you can use as a sex toy, I’m afraid you will be disappointed since you are stuck with me. So suck it up, pretty boy.”

  “I think I have fallen in love with you. I don’t think I have ever seen a woman put Rush in his place before. I can die a happy man now,” Zeke, the drummer, interrupts and comes over to hug me. “Welcome to our fucked-up family.” He smiles at me; Zeke seems much warmer and friendlier. He has light brown eyes, thick, dark brown hair and a smile that makes you want to giggle like a school girl.

  “Thanks, Zeke.” I give him a shy smile.

  “I am going to like you.” Slate the lead guitarist pulls me into him, squeezing me. “You smell really good.” He inhales, and I pull back. He gives me a wink before taking a seat on the couch, his eyes roaming over my neck to the top of my chest. Slate has messy, dirty blond hair and light blue eyes that don’t look real, as if he is wearing contacts, but he isn’t. I could just sit and stare at him like I’m being pulled in, but I force myself to look away.

  I look at Caspian, the bassist, and he just stands against the wall, his eyes trained on me like he is trying to read my thoughts. “You must be Caspian.” I walk toward him, extending my hand, but he doesn’t take it. His eyes remain on mine. I step back, moving over next to Emz. His dark brown hair looks almost black and falls over his eyes, giving him that mysterious broody look.

  One thing they all have in common from the images I have seen on social media is that their bodies are perfect. Smooth, white skin, eight-pack stomachs, muscular legs and arms. They look like they could be models if they wanted to.

  “They are all looking at you,” Emz whispers in my ear. I look at each one of them and see their eyes are trained on me.

  If they are trying to intimidate me or scare me off, it’s kind of working.

  “Ah great, you’re here.” My eyes zoom to the door, and I smile, relaxing a little when I see Finn, the band's manager. He is the guy who interviewed me. “I hope you had no trouble getting past security.” He comes over and shakes my hand.

  “No problem at all,” I reply.

  “I hope the band hasn’t tried to scare you off.” He looks at each band member.

  “Would we do a thing like that?” Rush says, trying to look innocent.

  “Yes, like you did to the last three PA’s I hired.” I wonder what he did to the last three that made them quit.

  “I am sure you fill each and every one of them on what we are like, what our needs are, what we are capable of; it’s not my fault if they can’t hack it.” Rush stands, coming over, his eyes full of mirth.

  “Well, Ivory isn’t your typical girl; she is different from the others. I have full confidence in her,” Finn says smugly. At least he feels confident about me.

  Just wish I felt confidence in myself.

  “You thought I wouldn’t go near a virgin, is that it?” Rush smiles. “If they are attractive and have a pussy, I will fuck them, virgin or not.” Rush and Finn have a stand-off.

  “Excuse me, can we not talk like I’m not here, and for goodness sake can we stop bringing up my virginity. And if it makes you happy, I am not a virgin,” I sigh.

  Rush looks my way and walks toward me, standing so close that his body almost presses into mine. “I know you’re a virgin.” His eyes pierce me.

  “Unless you are a doctor and have been down there, I can reassure you that I am no virgin. I had a boyfriend who I was with for two years and trust me, we didn’t just hold hands and cuddle in that time.”

  “You’re lying,” he tells me, sounding a little-pissed off.

  I am starting to get angry. Why is he getting so worked up about my virginity?

  “Why would I lie? If you want to call him, go right ahead.” I take out my phone, but he just keeps looking at me. “Why do you care?”

  “I can smell it on you.”

  “You smell it on me?” I start laughing; he looks at me like I’m crazy, stepping back. “Are you using your supernatural powers? I’m afraid that shit doesn’t work on me,” I stop laughing and shrug.

  “What do you mean it doesn’t work on you?” Zeke asks.

  “Like I said, she isn’t your typical girl; she is a rare breed. She is a shield,” Finn tells them.

  “I knew something was up when I couldn’t read her,” Caspian says, walking toward me, looking at me one more time with pure concentration. “Fascinating.” He steps back, leaning against the wall.

  “It looks like we have to use our charm, don’t we guys?” Slate laughs.

  “I have never met a shield before.” Zeke smiles at me. “At least we know our secrets won’t get pulled out of her.”

  Chapter Two


  Rush comes forward and stands in front of me, his eyes so pitch dark they turn black. “Kneel,” he commands me, but I just look at him. “Kneel down,” he says more sternly. I just cross my arms and give him an are we done look. “Fuck this shit.” He walks toward Emz and smirks at her. “Kneel.”

  I start to get angry that he would try that shit on my best friend. “Go fuck yourself,” Emz says, giving him the finger before coming to my side where we both glare at him.

  “Holy shit, is she a shield too?” Zeke asks. />
  “No, she , but as long as she wears her necklace, she’s basically like me.” Emz has been there for me since I was four years old, even though I only found out what I am when I was fourteen.

  Emz and I were at our childhood park playing on the swings when a group of vampires came over. They were giving orders like Rush tried to do, but I kept telling them no and to go away; I knew what they were when I saw their fangs. They were day walkers, a rare vampire breed.

  It was the first time I’d seen them, and I was so scared; I thought we were going to die that day. I held onto Emz’s hand, wanting her to be close to me if our life was about to be over, but when they tried to come near us, they couldn’t. It was like a safety bubble was around us.

  I told my parents what happened, and they found seers to help figure out what I was. Since that day, I’ve researched and trained my power. I even put some of my blood in a little vial and soaked that vial in my blood and used it as a discreet pendant, so no one can remove it apart from me.

  It worked; no supernatural being can harm us by using their powers. Unfortunately, if we get shot or stabbed, my blood is useless. Emz and my family and hers all have their necklaces and have been sworn to never tell a soul what it does.

  “Can the necklace come off?” Slate asks, fascinated by it.

  “Only by me. You can try if you want, but it might burn your skin.”

  “I think I’m good,” he chuckles.

  “Can you be bitten?” Rush asks behind me, moving my hair to the side, exposing my neck.


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