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The Psycho-Duel

Page 10

by Perry Rhodan

  "Attempting something and succeeding at it are 2 different things," Sansaro reminded him. "But our accomplished plan demonstrates that we did not stop at a mere attempt. Carba is now the new Imperator of the Arkon stellar empire and can be led effortlessly in the desired directions. Now we will have no problem to take over the power here in the very immediate future. Mular retained his skepticism. "You can never tell ahead of time what a Terran will do," he asserted.

  "Gonozal VIII has lived so long among these people that he is almost one of their own. I’m afraid we’re going to be hearing from him many times again."

  Sansaro only laughed. He did not wish the commander’s pessimistic objections to spoil his great sense of victory. He gazed upward at the viewscreen where the vast spaceport was visible. He drank in the consciousness of the new power that he and his friends had won.

  And he thought: The only true happiness for a man is to stand above another and to rule him. Which was perhaps the reason why the Akons would never know true happiness.

  • • •

  Julien Hotchkins twirled the energy rifle over his head and gave the order for a final retreat. He and his men moved in a body toward the linear-drive warship. He had witnessed the successful intervention of the mutants and knew that Atlan had been rescued. He, "Hothead" Hotchkins, had contributed his part to the action and had won new renown for himself and his men. He grinned as he thought of this. Why give himself so much credit for chalking up a few extra missions? There were plenty of others like him who had won themselves a famous nickname: the "Organizer", Emery, "Greenhorn" Pincer, Graybound the

  "Smuggler" and others.

  He turned on his suit’s antigrav and floated up to the airlock of the Ironduke. He heard Rhodan’s voice in his headphones: "Well done, Lieutenant. My congratulations to you and your men."

  "Thank you, sir! Maybe the nextime we can let them have it instead of running!" Up in the Control Central, Rhodan laughed. He turned to Jefe Claudrin. "We take off at once," he ordered. "General order to all ships active absorption screens." The mighty figure of the Epsalian sprang into action. While the last of Hotchkins’ commandoes were coming on board, the Colonel took care of the final preparations for the takeoff. The first wave of the combat robots were so close to the ship by now that they were opening up with their built-in energy beams but their fire broke futilely against the vessel’s defence screen.

  "We’ll let the other ships take off first," ordered Rhodan. Shortly thereafter the Terran spaceships rose up from the landingfield. Rhodan glanced enigmatically at Atlan who was exhausted, resting in a flight seat. "We are now leaving Arkon, Admiral," he said. Atlan smiled ruefully. "Once again I am in your debt for saving my life," he said. "If Ras and the other two hadn’t hauled me out of there I’d have ended up as a prisoner down in the lower chambers."

  "Forget it," returned Rhodan.

  "Stand by!" thundered Claudrin. "Takeoff in 10 seconds!" Then the mighty Ironduke was borne aloft on the full thrust of its engines. The Kalup converters began to operate, generating a semispace zone around the ship that protected it against any form of attack. Once they were in outer space, Rhodan announced:

  "I’m going to call all units of the Solar Fleet back to Earth. It’s possible that the Regent will launch an attack against us.

  Atlan did not answer. The Arkonide had gotten up and gone over to the viewscreen. The Arkon system was still discernible. Rhodan came slowly to his side and placed a hand on his friend’s shoulder. In the background Claudrin’s deep voice was still rumbling out various orders.

  "Your home, Admiral," said Rhodan softly.

  "Yes, Barbarian," Atlan agreed. "My home—in spite of all." His eyes met Rhodan’s with determination.

  "One day I shall return here," he said firmly.


  Copyright © 1977

  Ace Books

  by arrangement with Arthur Moewig Verlag

  All Rights Reserved.




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