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How To Catch A Crook (Crooked In Love Book 3)

Page 20

by Linda Verji

  All the glee drained out of the older man’s expression. “What?”

  “Martin knew he’d never get my signature, so he forged it,” Worth informed his father. “You’ve been conned. I bet he got out of the country as soon as you paid him.”

  Senior’s shocked expression left no doubt that Worth had guessed right. Worth almost laughed. That’s what you get for trying to screw me over.

  “I still own his share of W Sport though,” Senior blustered angrily. “He’s already been paid, so it’s mine now.”

  “That’s not how it works-” Worth folded his arms over his chest. “- as you very well know.”

  They both knew that usually there was only one way these things ended. In court.

  Senior’s anger immediately faded and was replaced by watchful caution. “You wouldn’t take me to court.”

  “You know me, Dad. Wouldn’t I?” Even though he wasn’t in the least bit amused, Worth smiled. “You went behind my back to get a share of my company so you could disrupt our operations. You’re a businessman. Do you think it would be smart for me to just let you get away with it?”

  “You can’t take me to court,” Senior insisted. Though the older man hid it well, Worth saw the panic that flashed in his eyes. “I’m your father. How would it look in the papers; father and son fighting?”

  “It would certainly look better than ‘father trying to sink his own son’s company’,” Worth countered. “Give Martin back his share of my company or sell it to me.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  Worth arched his eyebrows. “What do you think?”

  Senior watched him for a long tense moment before suddenly rising. His tall, lean build was stiff with anger as he bit out. “I need to talk to my lawyers.”

  Worth forced a smile. “I’m sure you do.”

  As he walked to the door, Senior threw over his shoulder. “I’ll be back.”

  “Can’t wait,” Worth tossed back.

  Senior shut the door behind him with a loud slam.

  Worth shook his head. Really? Had the old man just expected him to take his nonsense lying down? He should know better by now. The good thing about this latest fiasco was that the old man would be too occupied trying to get himself out of the legal mess that he’d created to bother Worth for quite a while. Worth chuckled.

  The sudden ringing of his phone cut into his thoughts. He picked it up. “Yeah?”

  “I just sent you an email.” Sin’s voice echoed over the line. “The marketing team’s budget for the opening of the new store in Mesa is attached.”

  “They’re already done with it?”

  “Yup!” she said curtly before hanging up.

  Worth stared at the phone. What was with that ‘yup’? Was she angry at him? It certainly sounded like it. A moment later, he realized why. Wincing, he dialed her number.

  “What?” she greeted. She was definitely angry!

  “Come into my office.”

  She hung up without answering and for a second he thought she’d ignore him. However, just moments later, she knocked on his door. When she came in, he was still seated at the edge of his desk. Though her expression was indecipherable, her stiff movements as she closed the door and the way she stayed right in front of it as if getting ready to leave, left no doubt that she was mad at him.

  He sighed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Sorry?” She frowned.

  “For snapping at you like that.” He pulled in a deep, long breath. “It wasn’t about you.”

  Sin was quiet for a long while, but soon her expression softened. “Who was it about? Your dad?”

  “Yeah.” Worth nodded. Forcing a smile, he met her eyes. “So don’t hold it against me, okay?”

  He expected Sin to escape his office then, but instead she asked, “What happened?”

  Worth didn’t plan to answer her question. They were hiding too much from each other to be the kind of people to share their troubles. But somehow, he found himself saying, “He came to gloat about how he’d found a new way to screw me over.”

  “What?” Sin frowned. “What father celebrates such a thing?”

  “My father.” Worth shrugged. Sarcasm in his tone, he said, “I really won in the genetic pool, didn’t I?”

  Sin smiled. “Trust me - you’re not the only one with a father you wish you could trade.”

  “You too, huh?”

  “Yeah!” She confessed, “My dad ditched me and my mom for a younger model.”

  It was just a morsel of truth but it took Worth completely by surprise. Until now, everything Sin had said or written about herself was a lie. But he knew that she was telling the truth now. Why was she telling the truth? Was she beginning to trust him? No, right? Yet he couldn’t help the excitement that flooded him. Before he knew it, he’d crossed the room and taken her in his arms.

  “Hey!” She struggled in his embrace. “What are you doing?”

  “Just for a minute, Sin.” He tightened his hold around her shoulders and buried his nose in the crook of her neck.

  For a moment, she just stayed still in his arms, but soon her hands came up to rest on his back. Her palms eased up and down his back and shoulders in slow strokes, almost as if she was soothing him. He closed his eyes and inhaled, taking in her sweet scent. God, it felt good to hold her.

  But it didn’t last long.

  As if she’d just come to her senses, she shoved him away. “That’s enough!”

  Before he could beg for one more hug, she was out the door. Long after she left the room, her scent remained, taunting and tempting him with memories of her being in his arms. Though it was difficult to admit, the truth was that he’d developed feelings for Sin.

  Imagine that! He chuckled, but there was no amusement in the raucous sound. Wentworth Ransom III falling in love with someone he knew was trying to con him, falling in love with a crook! The gods were probably laughing their heads off.


  “YOU WERE RIGHT when you told me to start with the gallery,” Ten told Sin just three days later when they met at the café.

  “Did you find something?” a wide-eyed Sin asked.

  For the last week or so, they’d continued role-playing for Claire through the bugs in their house while they investigated her. While Ten focused on the footwork, Sin had focused on researching Claire, her work and her family.

  You’d think that with all the smartness Claire had demonstrated that she’d be a shrewd businesswoman. Nope, you’d be wrong. Claire’s gallery had been making a loss for five years running, which didn’t bode well for her already strained relationship with her father.

  And that relationship was really strained.

  As it turned out Claire was an illegitimate child. Mark Barnett had cheated on Mallory’s mother with Claire’s mother, and Claire was the byproduct. Claire’s mother inconveniently died while giving birth forcing the Barnett family to take Claire in.

  If one read between the lines, it was obvious that Claire wasn’t wanted in the family. Unlike her other siblings, she was sent to boarding school the moment she turned twelve. Furthermore, if the gossip mills were to be believed, her siblings and step-mother were already laying the groundwork to make sure she didn’t inherit anything once her father died. Basically, she was living on borrowed prestige and it could crumble any time.

  No wonder the woman was so intent on snatching power from wherever she could. Still, her unfortunate family life didn’t excuse what she was trying to do to Worth. Unfortunately, despite all her research, Sin couldn’t find anything to hold over Claire’s head yet. But obviously Ten had.

  “Boy, did I find something.” Ten dragged her chair closer to Sin’s to show her her phone. She’d paused a video on the gadget. When she played it, it was just a video of Claire’s gallery and the various paintings on the wall.

  Practically bouncing on her seat with excitement, Ten asked, “Do you see that? Do you see that?”

  “Do I see what?” Sin peered at the video
closely. All she saw was paintings and more paintings.

  “The paintings. The paintings.” Ten pointed.

  “Yes, I see the paintings,” Sin said, exasperation in her voice. “I just don’t see what you want me to see.”

  “Ugh! You know nothing about art.” Ten shook her head in disappointment.

  “Just tell me what I’m supposed to be seeing.”

  Ten explained, “The paintings she has are just cheap replicas. They’re not genuine.”

  “What?” Sin frowned. During her research, she’d come across a few articles describing the paintings in Claire’s gallery and the prices she’d bought them for. “If they’re just replicas, why are they so expensive?”

  “Exactly!” Ten’s eyes danced with excitement. “I thought it was suspicious too. But what made it even more suspicious was the fact that she’s selling her replicas for way less money than what she bought them for.”

  “She’s selling them at a loss?” Sin’s frown deepened. “That doesn’t make any sense at all.”

  “It doesn’t. That’s why I got close to one of her employees and got a list of her sellers.” Ten smiled. “And that’s where I found our smoking gun. All the people she’s selling to are influential people – the district attorney, a few judges, senators, higher-ups at the income tax office, upper management in companies her father is eyeing-”

  “Wait a minute!” Sin’s eyes widened as the truth dawned on her. “Are you saying that the gallery is being used as a cover for a slush fund?”

  “And a blatant one at that. I’m surprised no one has busted them… Oh wait!” Ten suddenly slapped her forehead. “There were two cops on the list too. I think she buys paintings from people she wants to bribe instead of sending them money directly. That way the money seems clean and her bribees don’t need to worry about the government being suspicious of the sudden influx of cash in their bank accounts.”

  “Wow! Wow! Wow!” Sin couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Let’s just say that my hunch is so strong I’d bet my farm, if I had one, on it.”

  After going through Ten’s phone and the evidence she had, it was obvious that she was right. This was their bomb. All they needed now was hard evidence.

  “If we get one of the people she’s bribed to reveal the scheme on tape, then we’ve got her,” Sin said.

  Ten frowned. “How do we do that? It’s not like they’ll just out themselves.”

  “Don’t worry.” Sin smiled. “That’s my job.”

  It was fortunate that most of the people on Claire’s list were men. It wouldn’t be hard to pluck the truth out of them. Soon, Sin could get off this rollercoaster. Soon, she wouldn’t need to be around Worth anymore, being tempted to dream of a life that she could never ever have. That thought should’ve made her happy. It didn’t!


  By the next weekend, Sin had found her prey. His name was Gary Rankin, and he was a senior officer with the IRS. From what Ten had found out, he’d received several thousand dollars from Claire as payment for his ‘paintings’. That could only mean one thing; he was being bribed. Considering his job, it was probably something to do with taxes. Strange? Not in the least bit. For Claire’s scam to work, she needed the IRS to close their eyes. What better way to guarantee that than to slip a senior officer a little something on the side?

  Fortunately for Sin and Ten, Gary Rankin was easy to get to. He had a proclivity for alcohol, pretty women and nightclubs. Perfect!

  “Now girls, remember-” Randy Diamante, the proprietor of The Red Room, met the eyes of each of the four girls he was sending into the VIP room. “- your commission comes from the number of drinks you can get them to order. Tom will water down your own drinks so you don’t get too buzzed but still, pace yourselves. The night is long.”

  “Okay.” Most of the girls, including Sin, nodded.

  However, one bottle-redhead looked nervous. Her voice was shaky as she asked, “What if they try to grope us? Can we call for help?”

  Randy’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re the rookie, right?”

  “Yeah.” The redhead nodded.

  “It’s your job to prevent that from happening, or at least earn extra if you’re allowing it.” Randy reluctantly added, “But if it gets too bad, call the guy outside the door and he’ll get you out.”

  Sin guffawed on the inside. That was Randy’s subtle way of telling redhead that if she complained instead of handling the drunks herself, she’d be out on her ass. Sin had worked the VIP room a couple of times in her heyday and she knew what was up. In these places the phrase ‘everyone for herself’ applied.

  When Sin had gone around W Sport making friends, she’d never imagined just how important one of those friendships would be to her overall plan. Drew, one of the guys from the marketing, had revealed that his cousin, Randy, owned The Red Room, and hooked Sin with this gig. Of course, he was curious why the CEO’s assistant would need to work such a job. However, Sin’s explanation that she needed a little extra money on the side to pay for her mother’s surgery had been enough to silence Drew’s questions.

  “Alright then.” Randy grinned and patted the ass of the blonde closest to Sin. “Go make me some money, ladies.”

  Sin and the other girls followed Randy down a narrow hallway to one of the VIP rooms. When Randy opened the door, music and loud laughs from the men in the room met them. The girls filed into the room one at a time.

  The VIP room wasn’t a room in the actual sense of the word. Instead of the traditional four walls, it had three walls. Where the fourth wall should’ve been, a balustrade stood, looking down directly onto the main floor of the club where merry revelers were dancing their shoes off. But Sin had zero interest in the room; only its occupants. She quickly zeroed in on her mark.

  Even seated, Gary Rankin looked short. It didn’t help that his potbelly was sticking out as he sat sprawled out at the corner of the semi-circular couch. The flashing lights in the room were doing nothing for his looks. All they did was enhance the shine of the bald spot at the very front of his head and his beady eyes. However, Sin put on her most impressed smile as she headed straight for him.

  “Well, well, well, lookie here.” Gary welcomed her with a wide grin and patted the space next to him. “Come sit by me, honey.”

  “Hello, handsome.” Sin took the seat.

  Gary immediately slipped his pudgy arm around her waist bringing her closer to him. Jesus H Christ! Had the guy jumped into a vat of cologne before coming here? Sin could hardly breathe from the overpowering scent. Though her whole body was screaming for her to pull away, she steeled herself. If too much cologne was all she’d have to deal with tonight, then she’d gladly take the hit.

  Gary took her in, his eyes lecherously lingering over her breasts. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

  “Mercedes.” Sin simpered. “Mercedes Benz.”

  “Like the car?” he asked as he played with the top button of her navy, sweater dress.

  Sin automatically tensed at the unwelcome touch. Still, she forced a smile and nodded. “Yes, like the car.”

  “Very, very creative.” He chucked her chin and drew her even closer to his over-cologned body. “What will you have to drink?”

  And thus the hunt began.

  Sin spent the next four hours entertaining Gary while the other girls focused on his friends. She plied him with drinks, flirted with him, danced with him and acted like he was the most charming man she’d ever met. When he suggested that they head somewhere private for ‘extra fun’, she gleefully agreed.

  On the way to the hotel, she cuddled into him and swept her hands over his chest as if she was eager to get him out of his clothes. Even then, she plotted her next move. If everything went according to plan, she would get a confession without having to sleep with him.

  When they got to the hotel, Gary handed the receptionist a bunch of notes then ordered, “My usual!”

  “Your us
ual?” Sin pouted. “So you’ve brought other girls here before?”

  “Of course not, honey.” He squeezed her waist and smiled at her. “I just come here a lot for business.”

  Please! Sin scoffed internally. But on the outside, she smiled coyly, “So I’m your first?”

  “Of course!” Gary kissed her cheek before grabbing their room key and leading her towards the elevators. “You’ll always be my first.”

  “Aw!” Sin clung to his upper arm. “You always say the most charming things.”

  Given the late hour, there was no one else on the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, Gary tried to kiss her. Just before he did, Sin deliberately let her already unzipped purse fall. Its contents spilt out onto the carpeted floor.

  “Oh no!” She cupped her hands over her mouth as she stared at her fallen purse.

  “Did I do that?” Gary followed her gaze. “Sor-”

  He inhaled sharply as his eyes landed on the item Sin wanted him to see; Claire’s picture.

  “Oh dear! Oh dear!” Sin crouched down to stuff her things back into her purse. “Thank God I didn’t have anything breakable in-”

  “Who’s that?” Gary cut her off.

  Sin turned to stare at him. “Who’s what?”

  “The woman in the picture.” Gary voice was tight with tension as was his expression. “Who is she?”

  “Oh, this woman?” Sin picked up the picture and stared at it. It took phenomenal strength to smile at Claire’s picture instead of sneering at it like she wanted to. “This is Claire, my good friend.”

  “Your good friend?” Gary was still staring at Sin’s hand. “How did you two become good friends?”

  “Mmm. You know…” Sin straightened to her full height then stuffed the picture back into her purse. While subtly turning on the record function on her phone, she added, “Meeting here, there, helping each other out… that kind of thing.”

  “Helping each other out how?”

  “Why are you so curious?” Sin smiled as she sidled up to Gary and looped her arm around his. “Want me to introduce you?”


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