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Page 10

by Frances Stockton

  “They must have come and gotten the cart in the middle of the night,” Avery said.

  “The hall was empty except for the waiter. Mind if I take a turn in the bathroom?”

  “Not at all.”

  He made his trip to the toilet fast, washed his hands and quickly brushed his teeth. When he finished, he placed his toothbrush next to where she’d left hers.

  “Let’s eat before we have to microwave everything,” he said when he returned.

  Avery poured two cups of coffee and took her place at the table. Once he was seated across from her, he served the food. The waffles smelled fresh and felt warm. A generous heap of whipped cream melted some on the top and sliced strawberries covered it, along with drizzles of chocolate sauce.

  “Everything looks yummy. Thank you for thinking of breakfast.”

  “You’re welcome. What are you planning to do today?”

  “Spend a day at the spa.”

  “Didn’t you do that yesterday?”

  “Yes, but it’s rare for me to be the one getting massages and spa treatments. Yesterday was a makeover and mani-pedi,” she said, showing him her French manicured fingernails.

  They were pretty. Her toes were painted the same way.

  Hazard would like to find out if she had a foot fetish. Hopefully she wouldn’t object if he sucked on her toes.

  “What treatment are you in for today, then?”

  “A chocolate scrub, wrap and massage. I can’t wait.” That sounded nice, but he immediately imagined wrestling in chocolate with her. “Cocoa is excellent for the skin due to the antioxidants.”

  “What time?”

  “Nine o’clock. It’s a two-hour treatment, plus I’m spending time in the spa’s aromatherapy room to unwind beforehand. It’s wonderful to spend time in a place filled with the sounds and smells of a tropical island. Why? Would you like to join me?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “But you can’t.”

  “I’ve plans with Jax today. How about I meet you back here for dinner?”

  “Can we go to the Truth or Dare Club again or the casino?”

  “Sure, whatever you want.”

  “Sounds like a date,” Avery pointed out, using the side of her fork to cut into her waffle.

  “It should. It is a date.”

  “Imagine me on a date with Trevor Hazard Osbourne. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought that might happen.”

  “I’m honored to go out with you, Avery.”

  She stilled with a forkful of strawberry and waffle halfway to her mouth. “You mean that?”

  “I do. Why would you think differently?”

  “Only because of how you looked at me when we first met.”

  “We talked about this. If I could take back the moment we met, I’d have kicked Timothy’s pompous ass out of the hospital and held your hand while you waited for news from surgery. As it was, he was behaving like your fiancé. No matter what, I won’t steal another man’s woman.”

  “He’d asked me to marry him when I tried to break things off with him. I found out about an apartment he’d been paying rent on that neither of us used and confronted him about his other woman. He deflected with a ring.”

  “But you didn’t take the ring.”

  “I told him to keep it for someone who loved him.”

  “What did he do?”

  “He asked me to think about accepting it, saying a marriage such as ours shouldn’t be complicated with love. To him, marriage was meant for procreation and a stepping stone to the right power positions in Kentucky politics. I got the call about my father the same night.”

  “I’ll say it again. I’m glad you got rid of Timothy. He was not the right man for you.”

  “Maybe someday I will find the right guy. It’s for certain that it’s not Taran Maddox or Remy Sinclair, but perhaps he’s closer than I realize. I’m not sure I’d know love even if it was looking me right in the face.”

  “You’ll know, Avery. Your heart will.”

  “For what it’s worth, I’m happy with you. But I realize it’s far too early to think forever after.”

  “It’s worth more than you may think,” he said, on the inside feeling as though his heart burst, the pain of it making him rub his sternum to soothe it.

  He didn’t know why he’d reacted like that. A night of fucking did not translate into a lifetime of love. Not for him. Love hurt. Sometimes it destroyed relationships. He knew. He’d suffered the consequences of what happened when love turned into hate.

  Sadly, his failed marriage wasn’t the only one he’d had to go by. His parents divorced after years of bitter arguments and slammed doors. The shouts always made him feel guilty for being conceived in a seedy hotel room the night of his parents’ senior prom.

  They’d stayed married through three more children, his brothers and sister scattered about the country, living their own lives now. It wasn’t as if he didn’t see Chloe, Eric or Jacob. They spent holidays together whenever possible and they all had nice kids.

  Chloe and her husband Robert had three children, their youngest son, Sean, was autistic. It was because of his nephew that he created a research and scholarship fund for families to send their special needs children to the best schools.

  Over Thanksgiving, Eric confided in him about seeing another woman. His wife suspected nothing and Hazard was sworn to secrecy. He tried to talk sense into Eric, but Eric was debating leaving Angie for his younger mistress, claiming he didn’t want to stay married to a woman who was too busy working or taking their daughters to soccer practices and flute lessons to have sex.

  Of all his siblings’ marriages, he’d thought Eric and Angie’s was the most sound. Both were financially secure, with Angie being a real estate agent in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Eric having his own dental practice. Their daughters were teenagers now. Their family portraits showcased a happy family.

  To learn things weren’t nearly the way they appeared had broken his heart.

  Snatching up a piece of bacon from his plate, he munched it. Distracted from his negative thoughts by the way Avery stuck a forkful of food into her mouth and sighed as if the taste made her come, he was half tempted to slip beneath the table and open up her robe to taste her until she came on his face.

  “Is it good?” he asked after swallowing the bacon.

  “Perfect! How about you, Hazard? Have you ever been in love?”

  Taking his coffee in hand, he drank it too fast, burning his tongue a little. “Um-hmm,” he murmured his yes, swallowing the black coffee. “My high school sweetheart, loved her, married her, gave her everything I had at the time.”

  “If I may, what happened?”

  “Things turned seriously ugly less than a year into it and we separated. After the divorce, she became a money-grubbing bitch who’s now married to the owner of the first team I played for. Apparently, a rookie linebacker didn’t make enough money to support her in the manner she was used to.”

  “I’m so sorry.” Her compassion was genuine. She set her food aside and came over to him, surprising him by sitting on his lap.

  “It’s okay. Our marriage wasn’t meant to be. For some, marriage isn’t. I wish I’d figured it out before the vows were spoken. As it is, I’m never making the same mistake twice.”

  “Don’t judge the future based on your past. You might miss what’s right in front of you.”

  Her words soothed him as nothing else could. “So could you, baby,” he heard himself say, hugging her close and thanking her for not asking too many probing questions. “Seems to me we’re both too scared of what was to see what could be.”

  Keeping her on his lap, he reached over for her fork and slowly fed her waffles and whipped cream. With each bite, she sighed in pleasure. Carefully, he helped her sip coffee and nibble on bacon.

  After she finished, he cleaned his plate and set her on her feet.

  “Can I take a shower?” he asked.

  “Please do,” she said. �
��I’m going to enjoy a cup of coffee on the balcony. There’s an incredible view of Main Street.”

  Watching her pour a fresh cup of coffee and take it with her, he wondered if it was already too late. Had he fallen in love with Avery Grant already?

  And if he was in danger of giving her more than a temporary fling, of giving her his heart, why he wasn’t panicking? Maybe it was the fact that they’d become more than lovers over the night. They’d become friends.

  He’d never given up on a friendship. He wouldn’t start with Avery.

  The morning air was downright crisp in Nevada. Avery didn’t mind. The brisk temperature helped cool her off.

  Hazard radiated sexual heat at all times. Even after they had morning sex, she’d not been completely satiated. Satisfied, oh yes, she’d had an incredible orgasm. She always did with him.

  But the more they had sex, the more she wanted. The sexual tension didn’t lessen, it got stronger as the night turned into morning.

  Hazard was generous and wonderful in bed, not to mention super sexy and gifted. He’d already showed her things she’d never dare to try with anyone else. She looked forward to the remainder of the week.

  Yet in the back of her mind, she knew the week would end. Last night, he’d hinted that they might take their relationship beyond their days and nights in Dare. Avery would like that very much. But she didn’t want to scare him off.

  She hadn’t missed how gun-shy he was about commitment. It was more than that, though. He was gun-shy about marriage. His ex-wife must have done a number on his heart. What she couldn’t do was try to change him. She could show him that she was nothing like his ex-wife and hope the change of heart came from within him.

  Wrapping her robe around her a little tighter, Avery sipped on her coffee and looked down at the street below. The height of the sun indicated it was about eight o’clock. Traffic was nonexistent, she figured, because those out for late-night fun were still sleeping.

  Off on the horizon, she could see the silhouettes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The scenic, ice-capped crests were created long ago, but the jagged heights indicated they were still young compared to the mountain ranges on the East Coast.

  The fresh air of Dare was worth a day in a spa. It was crisp, clean and unspoiled by too many cars or houses or tourists. She hoped Dare maintained its reputation as a small town with Vegas fun and amenities.

  The door to the balcony slid open. The rush of warm hotel room air brushed up against her back a second before Hazard’s arms came around her middle. Already the vibrant arousal that never seemed to go dormant took flight with nervous excitement within her as his giant hand splayed out and slipped inside her robe.


  “Um-hmm?” he answered, brushing her hair out of his way to nuzzle the side of her neck with kisses.

  This time, his face felt smooth. “You shaved,” she said, naturally bending her head to the left, exposing her throat to his clever, wandering mouth.

  “There were a couple disposable razors. I figured you’d appreciate the lack of razor stubble.” Silky smooth, his chin and jaw felt heavenly. His mouth felt warm, familiar, making her ache.

  Hazard’s hand began to move, caressing upward so that his thumb brushed her nipple. “Hmm, keep that up, we’ll be late for our appointments, Hazard.”

  “I know. I have to leave soon. But maybe we can have some fun until we meet up later?”

  “What do you have in mind?”

  His hand shifted downward, aiming straight for her quim. As big and long as his fingers were, it was a matter of adjusting his stance and his index finger slid home, finding her clit with ease.

  “Oh my,” she uttered, giving in and loving it.

  He drew her away from the balcony, hugging her closer and continuing to run kisses up and down her neck while he rubbed her clitoris. He smelled clean and cinnamon fresh, his hair a little damp from the recent shower.

  About to drop her head back to his shoulder and let go of her coffee cup, something odd caught Avery’s eye. Focusing on what she was seeing, she saw a guy in a baseball cap walk out from a hotel kitty-corner to where the Dare Hotel and Spa resided.

  Was that John from the night before? She was pretty sure it was, especially after he paused and seemed to look directly up at her and Hazard. Even though they were on the sixth floor and she didn’t think John could see what she and Hazard had been doing, Avery couldn’t shake off the chill that slithered down her spine as he stared at them.

  “Avery, what’s wrong?” Hazard asked, drawing back. “You froze up.”

  “Sorry, I think that’s John, the guy who’d given me his room number last night,” she commented, gesturing to the man a block away.

  Hazard looked in the direction she’d indicated. “I think you’re right.”

  Fortunately, John turned and started walking away.

  “Something’s off about that guy. The way he stared at us was creepy.”

  Hazard frowned. “Did he have a camera or cellphone?”

  “Not that I could see.”

  Avery moved so she could watch John walk at a brisk pace away from his hotel. A second or two later, another man rushed out of the hotel. He shouted. John slowed, turning back. The other guy rushed forward.

  A second later, the two caught up with each other and shared a kiss that left nothing to the imagination. Even at the slight distance, it was easy to tell they were into each other.

  “Well, hello, I know the second guy. Guess they’re a couple,” Hazard said.

  “Certainly looks that way,” Avery said, deciding to step back and give the couple their privacy. “How do you know the other guy?”

  “He’s visited Dare a few times, name’s Billy Grainger.”


  “He’s a baseball player who was expelled from the game for steroid abuse. Guess he’s laying low so the press doesn’t hound him.”

  “Steroids are foolish,” Avery stated.

  “Can’t agree more with you. They have nasty side effects that aren’t worthy ruining my career over, among them erectile dysfunction.”

  “Good thing, Hazard. We’ve the better part of a week left. I hope to spend much of that time fucking you.”

  Hazard’s hand came to rest gently against her chin, bringing her around to face him. “I consider myself lucky to be the man you want. But who’s to say the week doesn’t progress to something more substantial?”

  “Do you want more with me, Hazard?”

  “Yes, I do. Do you want more with me, Avery Grant?”

  “I’d like that.”

  “Then kiss me and I’ll get out of your hair for the rest of the day. I wouldn’t want to make you late for the spa.”

  Her heart soaring with the possibility that they really would last longer than a week, Avery grinned and leaned into him. Hazard kept one arm at her waist, helping to keep her balanced when she went up on tiptoe and kissed him.

  Their first morning kiss was passionate, yet lovingly gentle. As if he didn’t want to let go, he lingered, seeking permission to deepen the kiss. When at last he drew back, Avery was already anticipating their date.

  “I should go,” he murmured, kissing her forehead.

  “Too bad you can’t stay.”

  “If I’d not promised to help Jax around his house today, I’d stay.”

  “You can’t break a promise to a friend.” Avery stepped back. “If you did, I’d be disappointed.”

  “Thank you for understanding. Do me a favor and get your cellphone. I want to add my number to your contact list.”

  Avery practically skipped inside the hotel room to find her phone on the side table where he’d placed it last night. Handing it over, she watched him turn it on and tap the screen.

  “My number’s saved in your contacts. Give it a try, text me or something.”

  Avery texted him as asked. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he texted her back. She’d read it later.

  “Don’t hes
itate to call me if you need something, anything, you hear? I’ll keep in touch today. If you don’t return a call or a text, I’ll worry.”

  “Are you turning into my bodyguard, Hazard?”

  “Guarding your body isn’t such a bad thing, is it?”

  “No. I want to be sure we’re on the same page.”

  “I’m looking out for you, Avery, yes. But there’s nothing to worry about. I want you to have a great time at the spa and enjoy your chocolate massage.”

  “Thank you. It’s a relief to have a friend in a strange place. Maybe tonight at the club I can get to know Jaxon better if he’s there.”

  “He’s always there when he’s in town.”

  “And Gabriel Krystiyan?”

  “You’ll meet him too.” Hazard stuck his phone back into the pocket of his jeans. He wore the same clothes as last night. His boots were on. “I’m going to run to my place and pack a suitcase before driving up to Jax’s place.”

  “How far away is it?”

  “An hour’s drive into the mountains,” he answered. “Later in the winter, it can get tricky getting in and out of there, but it’s not too bad right now except for the higher elevations.”

  “Drive safe,” Avery insisted.

  “I will. Kiss goodbye?” He sauntered up to her, grabbed her close and kissed her soundly.

  He was out the door before Avery’s heartbeat slowed to its normal pace afterward.

  Chapter Five

  Running late because he stopped in at the spa to be sure Avery made it to her appointment safely, Hazard turned off the engine of his rented Ford Explorer and scrambled out of the vehicle, trying hard to ignore the way he rubbed his chest as if it hurt to be apart from her for a couple hours.

  It was crazy to think he’d grown that attached to Avery. Some men might chalk his feelings up to morning-after great sex.

  Hazard knew it was more than sex. He wasn’t prepared to let go of her at the end of the week. How long they’d last, he couldn’t say. If their week in Dare together was it, he wouldn’t chase Avery like a lovesick pup. But he’d sure as hell make sure she didn’t forget him.


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