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Taming the Tease

Page 30

by Golden Angel


  Dialing back the vibrator to a steady, low hum, Rick couldn't believe that he was already hard and ready to go again. Although maybe it wasn't that surprising. Feeling Maria struggle to move beneath him, tasting her on his tongue, feeling her softness in his hands, hearing her cry out his name... not to mention knowing that she was riding a sexual high, was all extremely arousing to him. Even if he had just cum ten minutes ago.

  He could hear the ragged, near-panic in her voice as she'd hit her second orgasm, known that he was pushing her close to the edge... but he wanted to show her the other side of his desire for control over her orgasms. Although withholding pleasure could be rewarding, he also wanted to overload her with it, to drown her in it.

  Right now, that meant pulling back slightly. Her sobs had quieted to whimpers as he laved his tongue over her pussy, soothing the hot, swollen flesh as it quivered under his touch. Gentling his hold on her breasts, he caressed and squeezed them, barely running his fingers over her nipples.

  Just like a man needed time between orgasms before he could come again, so did a woman. Multiple orgasms were different, but right now Maria needed a bit of a break before her body would be able to peak again. After all, mountains couldn't exist without valleys.

  "Rick?" Her voice was breathless, questioning, and slightly confused.

  "Yes, sweetheart?" he asked, looking up the curvy length of her body to meet her eyes, enjoying the sight of all her swells and dips along the way. Lots of nice valleys there to appreciate.

  Her eyes were slightly reddened, tear tracks down the sides of her face, and her cheeks were pink, her hair slightly mussed from both his manipulations while she'd been giving him head and the way she'd been tossing her head back and forth while she was on her back. Rick's cock jerked, pressing hard against the bed beneath him. Fuck she was gorgeous. He licked up her creamy center, enjoying the shudder that went through her. A few more minutes and she'd be ready for him to ramp things up again.

  "What are... are you... um... I thought we were done?" It came out as a question, making him chuckle a bit. She squirmed a little, obviously slightly uncomfortable about having a conversation with him while he was still licking her pussy.

  "Mmmm... no," he replied, sliding his tongue into her hole, spearing her pussy with it and then pulling back out. The humming vibrations that were echoing up and down her channel actually made his tongue tickle a little bit when he did that, but it was worth it to see her reaction and feel the lift of her hips in response. "I'm not done eating this gorgeous pussy... I'd like to have you come on my face at least one more time."

  Consternation, arousal, anxiety, excitement... he kept a careful watch on her expressions as they flitted across her face. Her legs tensed, trying to push him down and away from her. Ha, not gonna happen. Even better, when she wasn't able to dislodge him, he could see the way that aroused her even further, her eyes getting big as her nipples plumped again.

  "Okay... yellow, I'm not sure I can handle that." Her voice quavered, but he could see the curiosity in her eyes, feeling the way her pussy was fluttering around the vibe.

  But he pulled back enough to rest his cheek on her thigh, still close to her pussy but no longer licking it. More confusion in her expression, as if she'd just realized that some part of her hadn't really wanted him to stop. Rick plucked at her nipples and she shuddered, looking at him suspiciously.

  "I thought yellow meant we slow down and talk about things."

  "It does." Rick grinned. "But slow down doesn't mean stop." He nuzzled his face against her thigh, pinching her nipples and rolling them through his fingers, keeping her body primed. If he stopped playing with her completely, she might lose some of the needy edge that he was working so hard on building back up.

  She squirmed. "Can you at least turn off the vibrator?"


  Yeah, that turned her on. Apparently Maria liked being denied. It was turning Rick on too, although before today he wouldn't have said that it was a particular kink of his. Seeing Maria's arousal was what made his cock twitch; although he did have to admit that he liked this kind of control over her too. The subs at the club would never ask for something like that, they knew to leave it up to the Dom. Rick had already decided that he didn't want to change that about Maria, he liked that she was constantly talking, asking... he didn't want to train any of that out of her. It was refreshing, even if it wasn't what he'd once imagined when he'd been fantasizing about the sub that he'd settle down with.

  Maria's breathing was becoming heavier, her slick pussy calling to him... but she'd said yellow and he wasn't going to break that trust.

  "So what's wrong, sweetheart? What can't you handle?"

  She bit her lip, looking adorably uncomfortable. "Another orgasm... it's just... it's so much, I feel... um... I can't even think of the word."


  "Yeah, that." She nodded, looking relieved that he understood.

  Of course he understood, but that wasn't going to save her. "Good. I want you to feel overwhelmed. I told you before... I want you at my mercy..." His words were becoming more ragged. He licked a line up her pussy. "I want you screaming with pleasure, until you're begging me to stop."

  "I already did that." Her voice was husky, aroused.

  "Yeah, and you're going to do it again... I want to watch you come on my tongue one more time. And sweetheart, this time, unless you say 'red,' I'm not going to stop."

  Rick let go of one of her breasts to flick the switch on the vibrator, amping the intensity back up and changing it from a steady hum to a throbbing pulse. As she moaned, her hips lifting up, he renewed his feast on her pussy.

  A deep shudder went through her body as she tried to tighten her legs around his head, an instinctive reaction to try and gain control over the amount of sensation running through her. Rick didn't give her that chance. Releasing her breasts, he wrapped his hands around her thighs, prying them apart and tilting her hips even further up. She cried out, her back arching as her pussy was opened completely to him, unable to protect herself from the onslaught of his tongue.

  He suckled her clit into his mouth, sliding his tongue around the tiny nubbin, ignoring her renewed pleas for him to stop. She called out his name and begged him to go slower, to stop, but she didn't say 'red.' Like a good submissive, she wanted to please him. More than that, she trusted him. Even though she thought she couldn't handle it, she gave over the control to him and allowed him to push her past the point where she would have stopped. His cock was practically throbbing and he wondered if he was going to cum without even touching himself.

  Then, she came. Gloriously. Beautifully. Screaming his name with a ragged passion that had him groaning against her soft flesh. She was crying again, and if he hadn't had such a firm hold on her legs, he was pretty sure she would have kicked the shit out of him in the throes of her climax. Which just turned him on even more.

  Slowing the steady sucking on her clit, he lowered her hips back down, reaching out for the remote and muting it back down to a low buzz. Maria moaned, whimpering as he released her clit, her body still spasming with the after effects of so many orgasms.

  With her legs spread to show her swollen pussy, her arms still bound behind her, and her eyes glazed with satisfied passion, she was like a wet dream come true. Planting one hand on the bed next to her shoulder, Rick wrapped his other hand around his cock. The shaft was hot and hard in his hand and he groaned with pleasure as he squeezed, fisting the iron rod and pumping, fast and hard.

  It took him less than a minute for his amped up sexual frustration to peak and spill out all over Maria's body, thick streams of cum landing on her stomach and breasts. He looked down to see her watching in fascination, and he groaned as the sight caused another spurt of ecstasy.

  The complete loss of his self-control was almost frightening, except that he loved it too. Being with Maria made more than just his emotions spill out all over the place. With other women maintaining c
ontrol had been easier, because he hadn’t felt the same way about them as he did with her.

  Breathing heavily, he worked the last few drops of cum from his cock, a feeling of complete satisfaction rolling over him as he looked down at his handiwork. A spatter pattern of his seed over her belly and breasts, marking her as his. It satisfied something dark and primitive inside of him.

  Studying fluid patterns on her belly and breasts, Maria had a slightly different reaction.

  "You know... I always thought this would be gross, but that was actually kind of hot," she murmured, and Rick had to laugh.

  He loved the things that came out of her mouth. It might not have been the sexiest thing to say, or the most complimentary, but it was honest and she brought a sense of humor to the situation that most women didn't. At least, most women that he'd encountered.

  Helping her to sit up, he undid the cuffs from her wrists. She winced as she rotated her shoulders, shrugging the soreness from them, and he immediately felt bad. If he was going to play for that long with her, he shouldn't have kept her in that position; it wasn't an easy one on the body.

  Bundling her up into his arms, Rick took her to the shower. She was a bit wobbly on her feet, still kind of out of it, and he enjoyed the way she clung to him in the shower, her body all slick and wet. One day, he promised himself, he'd have her like this, all wrung out and wobbly in the shower, and then he'd press her up against the wall and fuck another orgasm out of her while she begged for a respite. But not today.

  Today he let her lean against him, enjoying her soft breasts on his chest, her happy humming in his ear as he wrapped his arms around her and soaped down her back. He kissed her forehead, her closed eyelids, her cheeks, her lips, as he cleaned her off.

  Afterwards, he wrapped her in a towel. The heat had obviously gotten to her - and to him a bit as well - and she was practically dead on her feet. Sitting her down on the toilet, he brushed through her hair and pressed as much water out of it as he could, not wanting her to go to bed with completely wet hair.

  He took far too much satisfaction in getting her settled naked into his bed, her head on his shoulder, half-dried hair spread out across his arm, breasts tucked against his side and one leg over his thighs. Maria mumbled something incoherent as he arranged her. Rick would have liked to talk a bit, but sleep had already taken her.

  Well, at least he was pretty sure he'd made her day better.

  Chapter 19

  Maria woke up alone in Rick's bed. At least this time she wasn't hungover. Unless there was such a thing as a sex hangover. Her pussy felt like there was. It was sore in the most delicious way, even brushing her fingers over it made her wince, and yet her body tingled as she remembered the fucking phenomenal night they'd had. Without having actual intercourse once.

  At this point, she wasn't sure she'd survive sex with Rick. Was there such thing as being too good in bed?

  Or maybe, with prolonged exposure, she'd become more acclimated to it. Like alcohol tolerance.

  Grabbing one of his t-shirts so that she didn't have to walk naked out into his main rooms, she went looking for her clothes. She was a little let down that he hadn't had them all ready for her the way he had the other day, but it turned out they weren't just lying in the little piles in the kitchen where they'd be left. Nope. He'd folded them up and stacked them and put them on his couch.

  A little smile flitted on her lips. Maybe he'd wanted her to be naked while walking around his apartment.

  There was also a sticky note sticking to her bra, which was on the top of the pile.

  Out for my swim. Come join me?

  Maria was pulling on her pants so that she could go upstairs to get her bathing suit, when his front door opened.

  "Aww, I'm too late?" she asked, trying not to wince as her pants settled into place, brushing against her sensitive pussy lips.

  Wearing a blue striped bathing suit, a towel around his neck, and nothing else, Rick looked incredibly surfer-boy sexy. "Hey sleepyhead."

  "How did you wake up so early?" she grumbled, going over to him and stretching up for a kiss. Mindful of her morning breath, she kept her lips closed, but she wanted to kiss him anyway. His skin was slightly clammy under her hands.

  "Habit. Although I was a little later for my swim than usual." He glanced at the clock. "I've got just enough time to shower and get out of here... what are you doing tonight?"

  "Dinner with my family," she said. A little voice in the back of her head said that she should invite him, but that seemed like it was moving really fast. As far as they knew, her first date with him had been last Thursday. Maria never introduced guys to her family right away, at least not since high school.

  Fortunately, Rick just smiled at her, taking away her anxiety and the pushy voice in the back of her head. "That sounds like fun. If you feel like stopping by afterwards, I'll be around."

  "You're not doing anything tonight?" As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she kind of felt like an idiot. Duh, of course he wasn't, otherwise he wouldn't have asked her what she was doing.

  "Well, since you're not around I'll probably go to Liam's dojo," he said, wrapping his arm around her waist. "But I'll be home by eight."


  One more kiss to her lips and then she was out the door and on her way up to her own apartment. Not quite a walk of shame since she was at least wearing his t-shirt and not her shirt from yesterday. It was a nice soft t-shirt too, long enough that it covered her butt, and in a dark slate grey color that was somehow flattering to both of their skin tones. Maria grinned as she went into her apartment, picking it up by the collar to sniff at it.

  Yeah, it smelled like him.

  "I hope he doesn't think he's getting this back," she mumbled to herself.


  Dammit, she should have just invited Rick. Dinner with her family had somehow turned into bbq at her parents with her family plus about ten other people. Some of her parents’ neighbors had ended up being invited over, because they were ‘like’ family. Ava had brought her friends Wendy and Cara because... well Maria still wasn't entirely sure she understood the full convoluted story, just something about men sucking and Wendy needing support. Then, worst of all, when Lara had arrived and seen that there were extra people, she'd texted Victor and told him to go ahead and bring his buddies that he'd been having happy hour with. Maria definitely didn't have a problem with Victor's friend Sameer, who was friendly, articulate, and intelligent, but she would never understand why either of them were friends with Jeremy.

  At least there were enough people that it was relatively easy for her to stay out of whatever group Jeremy was currently having a conversation with. She had absolutely no desire to say another word to him after the way their conversation had ended at Lara and Victor's engagement party. Although, technically she supposed she'd taken his advice about getting laid, it definitely didn't make her want to be a nicer person to him.

  "... I swear, it's like a chainsaw ripping through my eardrums, but the second I touch his shoulder he's awake and telling me that he couldn't possibly have been snoring because he hadn't even fallen asleep yet!" Barbara, who lived next door to Maria's parents, waved her hands in the air in frustration. Her husband Gerry just smiled indulgently and shook his head.

  "She's making this all up," he told Lara, grinning at the look of outrage his wife gave him in response. They'd were giving Lara 'marital' advice, with the exact same stories - and arguments - that they'd given all of Maria's sisters advice before their weddings. No one ever tried to stop their recitations, they obviously enjoyed it so much. The two of them had been married for over thirty years and were thoroughly enjoying their retirement together.

  "I am not!"

  "That's okay," Lara interrupted, laughing at the older couples' bickering. "We don't have that problem, Victor doesn't snore."

  "Just wait till he gets older," Barbara said, shaking her head sadly. "You think this one snored like that when we first got marri
ed? Ha! I would've left in the first year! Now I've got too much time invested with him; I finally got him trained to put the toilet seat down and he starts in on this!"

  Maria giggled along with Lara, as much at the couples' antics as at their words. For all their constant bickering and sniping, Barbara and Gerry always did it with a note of loving amusement in their voices. Kind of like her and Rick in a way maybe. Except that he would also spank her ass if she took it too far.

  Looking to her left she caught Jackie's eye and immediately blushed, since Jackie was the only one of her sisters who knew anything about that side of Rick. So far none of her sisters had been able to grill her about her "date" with Rick last Thursday. Too many people around. But the speculation on Jackie's face said that might not last for too long.

  Sure enough, five minutes later, Jackie was calling her over, asking for help in the kitchen. Uh huh. Maria sighed inwardly. Interrogation time.

  "Soooo... how are you?" Jackie asked as soon as they got to the kitchen, her dark eyes sparkling with eagerness as she started to load up slices of bread onto a tray. They'd run out of bruschetta outside.

  "Doing okay, how are you?" Maria asked, mimicking her sister's syrupy tones. More than okay, really. She was still sore down between her legs, but in a mostly good way, although she managed not to think about it too much while she was outside and surrounded by people. Mostly because it was really super awkward thinking about that when half of the people around her were family. She grabbed the bowl of bruschetta topping that her mom had in the fridge and put it on the counter next to Jackie.

  "Oh, I'm great. Just wondering how my sister's hot date went," Jackie winked at her. "Since you didn't call or anything afterwards."

  "You didn't call me either," Maria pointed out, although she did feel a bit guilty. She'd always been close to her sisters, even though they'd drifted a bit after they'd all gotten married and she hadn't. Any other guy and she probably would have been on the phone with each of them within the first forty eight hours post-date. Then again, things with Rick had gotten pretty complicated so quickly, and she'd known none of her sisters would be able to understand. Not that she was going to explain that to Jackie right now. It felt weird, but there were just some things that she wasn't going to be able to share with her sisters about her and Rick's relationship. "I thought maybe you weren't interested."


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