Death Times Two
Page 9
“Oh! She’s heading north again!”
Lisa plasters her mouth to mine, and I swear the sexy reaper circles her hips toward my hand. Her hot heat sets my hand on fire, sending blood straight to my crotch. I’m no saint and I don’t try to over analyze it when my pants become tight. I’m a guy with my hand down a pretty woman’s pants. You do the math.
Panic and desire grip me with equal force. I wish to God this damn ghost wasn’t here trying to take over so I could really enjoy this moment. “Holy shit.” I gasp between kisses. “You are so fucking hot right now.” Oh yeah, that sounded smooth. Like a drunken frat boy.
“Don’t talk sexy to me!” She pants, gasping for breath. “I can’t think.”
I suppress a grin, thrilled she liked my words even if they were un-cool and spur of the moment.
Her small hand spasms against my chest. “I’ve got to hold onto Bebe while we find the damn gold.” Her breathing becomes ragged as I lift my lower hand slightly, cupping her moist heat in my palm. “Oh. My. God. Don’t do that! It feels… well… I think you know exactly how it feels, you undead tease.” Her body shivers and I swear she presses in closer. “Where was I? What they hell are we doing?” she squeaks again and her eyes round. She jams her mouth back on mine. Bebe must have gone for her lips again.
Wetness from her core seeps out to coat my palm and I can’t resist the involuntary grinding of the heel of my hand against her mound. I want her. I want her bad. I want to make her squirm all over me, all night long. I want to erase every memory of any other man she’s ever been with. For one night, I want to be her world.
Best get to reaping all these damn ghosts so I can make it happen.
I ease back, still keeping up the pressure between her legs, “Christ I can barely think like this. I fucked up before with the crates. I think Vivian said something about moving a light fixture on the wall.” I look around the room and only see the caged ceiling light. “I know of a room with sconces like she mentioned.” I pant into the air between us, barely able to hold onto the urge to rip off her clothes. Yup, I’m officially a horn-dog with no fear of immediate consequences. “It’s across the hall. How about I carry you?”
Lisa nods, her eyes glazed with what I hope is passion, but there’s also a tinge of fear there. Makes sense since an aggressive spirit is trying her damndest to possess her.
“Can you carry me? I mean,” she hesitates, uncertainty on her face. “I’m no feather weight.”
A grin tilts the corners of my mouth and I don’t answer, instead just lowering my grip around her back to settle more firmly near her middle. With little effort I scoop the sexy blond into my arms, relishing her round-eyed look of shock. My fingers between her legs press against her back opening and she lets out a little moan of desire.
“Asa, you’re killing me here. If you had any idea how close I am…” She stumbles in her words, switching thoughts quickly. “All these ghosts are coming after me,” she whispers, that hint of fear growing despite my subtle efforts to keep her mind occupied on what my hand is doing in her pants.
I nod, keeping my lips near her mouth, in case I need to kiss her again to block Bebe. “That’s a safe assumption. They seem to be popping up like flies whenever we least expect it. Maybe they’re drawn to you?”
Without waiting for an answer, I carry her out of the room and across the stark white hall. I lift one booted heel and kick in the door, unwilling to let go of Lisa and risk her for even a moment.
A suppressed giggle escapes the reaper. “Is it wrong I’m totally turned on and scared out of my mind at the same time?”
I kiss her lightly, staring into her blue eyes. “I don’t think so. I’m sure as hell turned on. We’ll get through this. I promise.” I circle the heel of my hand against her sensitive mound, knowing I’m hitting the aroused bundle of nerves beneath.
Lisa’s arms twine around my neck, only one hand grasping me as the other holds to the ghost of Bebe.
“It’s been a long time for me. You keep doing that and I’m going to cease caring about the job I’m supposed to be doing.”
“Right,” I say, easing back on my teasing. “We need to find the gold.”
I carry her to a metal-caged bulb protruding from the far wall. “Can you reach it?”
She reluctantly lets go of my neck, trailing her hot hand down my chest before shifting her attention to the light fixture.
She tugs on it to no avail. Not a creak, no sliding wall… nothing.
Lisa motions with her hand down the expanse of cinder block. “How about that one?”
Three quick strides and we’re next to it. She tries again, this time with luck. The concrete between the two sconces shifts, sliding slowly inward in a vague door-like shape. It recesses about a foot and then slides to one side.
Lisa crows in triumph. “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. Who the heck designs stuff like this?”
I know exactly who designs secret rooms and passages— an old and highly paranoid vampire unwilling to be caught by her enemies. I refrain from answering, saddened that this is probably one of the things I will have to delicately remove from her memories, just like our traveling in the tunnels. Vivian is very particular about who knows her secrets.
The movement of the wall is ponderous, but very soon the interior is exposed. A light has been triggered by the door opening and a low glow illuminates the cramped interior.
Three large chests are stacked one on top of the other, with unlocked latches. Of course—if you’ve got your gold stashed in a secret wall compartment I guess having the chests locked would be overkill.
I step into the confined space and Lisa swings the top lid open.
Honest-to-god pirate’s loot meets our gaze. Large gemstones set in gaudy gold settings, two gold goblets and random gold necklaces, all nestled among hundreds and hundreds of gold doubloons.
“Holy shit. You weren’t kidding about her being a vampire pirate, were you?” Awe lights her expression. “I’d really like to meet her one day. I bet she’s got some great stories.”
I think back to what Vivian said to me one day last spring, about how she’s worked to deliberately forget a lot of what has passed in her very long life. She said something like “If you constantly live in the past, you will never find happiness in the here and now.” I’ve often hoped she’d share more of her life with the seethe, but I think she saves that part of herself for only her husband.
“Nope. Vivian doesn’t joke very often. If she said she captained a pirate ship, then dammit, she probably did.”
“Huh.” She reaches out and grabs a coin. “With evidence like this staring at us, I’d say there’s no doubt. Hurry, let me shut it again. I don’t want Hal seeing this. Who knows what he’d do or who he’d tell.”
“Good thinking.” We reset the door, with much kissing and teasing as apparently Bebe senses what’s next and starts fighting to possess Lisa again.
Once the door eases closed Lisa gasps and screams, “Hal!” at the top of her lungs. “Oh, no… Asa, I’m going to…”
I set her feet on the floor and dip her back over my arm, supporting her as tremors wrack her frame. Going on instinct I thrust two fingers inside her heated core, her slick wetness clasping at my digits.
I pump steadily in and out as her orgasm peaks, capturing her heavenly moans in my mouth.
As fast as her release came, Lisa is in control of her faculties once more. “Hal!” she grins and pulls my face to hers in another kiss. “That’s the first time I’m glad he didn’t answer on the initial call.”
The familiar pink light I see only when touching Lisa comes into view. “Should I take my hand out of your pants, now?”
“Uh, yeah. That might be good.”
I hastily comply, tucking one hand in my pocket to shift my painful erection.
The glowing door opens and Hal steps into view. “My, my, my, Lisa.” His penetrating gold gaze locks unto me. “What have you been up t
o? Oh, she’s a pretty one.”
Belatedly realizing he’s not looking at me, but Bebe, I recall the striking good looks of the tall Brazilian woman. I bet he’s excited to transport her.
“You’re going to be a hit we’re you’re going, honey,” he says.
Lisa steps toward him, still firmly holding my hand in case Bebe decides to act like Joanna and attempts to pull her into the beyond.
“She’s a crafty one, Hal. I’d watch myself.”
Hal smiles, coldly cynical and all knowing. “I can handle the likes of her, thank you very much. You’re certainly keeping me busy this week. Do you have my payment?” One elegant eyebrow raises, as if he’s sure she’ll fail on the preferred coinage eventually.
“Right here, you smug bastard.” Lisa tosses him the coin. Her grip tightens on my hand, betraying the confident tone. I admire this strong woman, doing what she’s afraid of despite the risks.
Pretty soon the transaction is complete and we’re alone in the bunker room.
Lisa lets out a loud sigh and runs her hand through her short, spiky blond hair. “That was an experience I hope to never repeat.” She glances to me, undoubtedly seeing the pained look on my face and hastens to add, “Not the part with you and me! That was… incredible. But having a ghost try and penetrate my hoohah?” She shakes her head. “I hope she’s the only one who thinks of that trick in the future.” She shivers. “Brr … talk about scary.
“Every time I think I’ve got a handle on this new gig I get thrown a curve ball of immense proportions.” The young widow approaches me, self-doubt in her eyes. “Thank you. Thank you for being here for me and for ‘taking one for the team.’”
Anger sparks inside me. “Is that what you think?” I grab her hand and place it over my still hard cock. “I want you, Lisa—despite the age difference, despite you being human and me being a vampire, despite there being no chance of a future for us—I want you. Do you understand?”
Her hand closes over my cock and gives it a light squeeze. “Crystal clear, Asa.” She reaches up and voluntarily kisses me, with no threat of a ghost possession to prod her. After a while she pulls back, newfound strength shining in her eyes. “But we have a job to finish first.”
Chapter Thirteen
Sweet nibblets, my body is humming from Asa. Not only his touch, but his reaction to me. I hadn’t felt that much heat for over a decade during my hormone induced randy years when I first met my husband. Asa gave me a thigh quivering taste of what it would be like to indulge in my fantasy with him. From my reaction, I’m not sure I’ll survive. But what a way to die.
I smooth my hand down the front of my shirt, trying to collect my thoughts. “How many ghosts are left?”
“There should only be three.” He walks to the wall again and tilts the sconce, causing the door to slide open again. “We’ll need more gold. I’ll grab a few extra in case we run into problems.”
“Good idea.” I follow him into the tiny treasure room. “Who’s left?”
“Deneishia and Melvyn, both werewolves, and Emiko.”
The fact that there are still three spirits to reap unnerves me. “I know I said I didn’t want to know, but why are there so many dead people here?”
His hand hovers against the treasure chest. After a few seconds he looks at me. “We had problems with Ivan and…” He hesitates and I’m not sure I want to hear the rest of his explanation. “Vivian hosted a hunt.”
I shake my head. “What kind of hunt?”
His gaze drifts back to the chest. “A vampire hunt.” He hefts the lid open. “Emiko.”
Did I hear him correctly? Not sure I fully understand, I ask, “You guys hunted Emiko, as in—hunted to kill?”
He nods. “She was a ruthless killer, but if she could survive the hunt she’d earn her freedom from fifteen years in silver chains.” The coins jingle as he scoops up a handful. “Maybe it wasn’t the best idea in the world but she and the elders agreed to it.”
I’m speechless. Most vampire novels I’ve read painted them as violent creatures, but hearing an actual account goes way beyond my comprehension. The differences between Asa’s life and mine once again are glaringly clear. Several retorts linger on the tip of my tongue, most judgmental. But what do I know of his world besides the small slice I’ve seen over the two days? My life is hockey, my kids, and sunshine. His life is timeless— bound to a master vampire, consuming blood to survive, and darkness.
Breaking the tension, I say, “Well, that explains it.”
He glances at me. Something like wariness and relief flickers across his face. “We’d better get going.”
Fine with me. Despite the enjoyment I experienced here, the tunnels feel like they’re closing in on me. I rub my arms to chase away the heavy feeling that’s settled on my soul. “Where to next?”
Asa follows me out of the room and closes the door. “Let’s try the cabins. That’s where Melvyn died. Maybe Deneishia is hanging out there, too.”
“One can hope.”
We make our way through the tunnels to another ladder. Once again Asa leads the way and we eventually exit into a darkened cabin. The place is more rustic and dare I say, smells a little like wet dog.
Instantly I see a scruffy looking guy with brown hair sitting on a couch. Next to him is a dark-skinned beauty. Both look incredibly bored until they realize I’m staring at them.
“’Ello,” says the guy. “What ‘ave we got here?”
His cockney accent takes me by surprise and I smile. “Melvyn?”
“Is he here?” Asa stops beside me and puts his hand on my waist. Maybe in preparation to protect me, or maybe he just wants to touch me again. Either way I’m good with it.
“I think. English guy?” I ask.
“That’s him.” Asa inches closer, his arm going around my waist. “Don’t let him sweet talk you.”
I nod and look at the woman. “You wouldn’t happen to be Deneishia, would you?”
“That’s right.” She looks at Melvyn and back to me. “You can see us?”
I’m surprised they haven’t sensed me, but maybe a Were’s awareness isn’t as strong as a vampire’s. Or maybe they just aren’t controlling possessive creatures like the vampires are. “Yes. My name is Lisa.”
Melvyn stands. “Is this visit social or somethin’ else? Not that I’ll complain when a lovely lass shows up.”
“Thank you, but this isn’t really a social visit.” I fold my hands in front of me, trying to look unthreatening. “Actually, I’m a grim reaper and I’m here to help you crossover.”
Now the woman stands. Her face is a stony mask and I can’t tell if she’ll be cooperative or attack. “What do you mean, crossover?”
“You know—” I fumble for an explanation, not exactly sure what’s in store for the two werewolves. “Heaven.” I don’t add or Hell, figuring that won’t help persuade them to not fight the inevitable. “It’s better than hanging out here for eternity, isn’t it?”
The ghosts look at each other and then Melvyn shrugs. “Can’t be any worse, right? What you think?”
Deneishia isn’t so easily convinced. “At least here we know what to expect.”
“Yes, we do.” Melvyn slides his hand into hers. “Nobody seeing or hearing us. Life going on but we can’t participate. Running and hunting but never catching prey ever again.” He brings her hand to his mouth and kisses her knuckles. “It’s a fate worse than death, love.”
She swallows hard and then looks back at me. “Can we go together?”
More than anything I want to say yes, but I don’t know what happens after the elevator door closes, so I’m honest. “I don’t know, but I can ask.” I exhale and call, “Hal!”
Either the spirits I’m giving him are piquing his interest or the gold is motivating my porter. The pink light instantly appears, stretching and diming until the elevator door slides open. Dressed in orange plaid trousers and jacket, neon yellow boots, and a gigantic pair of pineapp
le-shaped sunglasses, I have to wonder if Hal is getting his style cues from Elton John or vice-versa. He leans out the elevator, seemingly giddy about being called.
A feral smile curves his lips. “I must say, Lisa, I haven’t had this much fun since the Salem witch burnings.”
“Nice, Hal.”
“What the shaggin’ hell is that?” Melvyn asks, pointing at the porter.
“That’s Hal and his elevator. He’ll deliver you to your appointed destination.”
The werewolf ghost laughs. “He’s got style, he does.”
“Thank you.” Hal’s voice drifts across the room and I feel the compulsion he’s sending out. Deneishia takes a step toward him but I block her path.
“Not so fast.” I glance at Asa. “Can I have three gold pieces?” I see his confusion but without questioning me he drops three coins into my hand. I close my fingers around them and hold my fist in the air. “Two gold pieces to transport them and one for you if you keep Melvyn and Deneishia together.”
Hal taps his chin with a long orange fingernail and purses his lips. “Five gold pieces and I will deliver them together and let them keep their wolves.”
His offer takes me by surprise. “What do you mean?”
“Meaning, I’ll deliver them to a place where they can remain in human form or run free as a wolf. The choice will be theirs.”
The offer seems extremely generous but I’m not a werewolf and don’t know if this is acceptable. I turn to the ghosts. “Well?”
They look like kids in a candy store. Melvyn claps his hands together. “When do we leave?”
“Just as soon as I get paid,” Hal says.
Everybody’s eyes level on me. I whisper to Asa, “Please tell me we can pay Hal five coins and still have enough for Emiko.”
Obviously Asa can hear and see Hal. He opens his hand, offering me two more pieces. “Hell yes. The sooner we get this over with the sooner I’m getting into your pants.”