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Romance Sex Stories

Page 46

by Carly Smesh

He was naked when he took her into his arms again, "Oh God, but I love you so much," he murmured into her hair. They kissed, their tongues sliding over one another. His hands slid inside the panties gripping her firm buttocks, pulling her on to him. She groaned at the sensation then moved back, pushing the panties down to her ankles where she kicked them away.

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed. She lay on her back looking up at him, her legs were bent and opened for him has he lowered himself into her.

  After, they lay facing each other. He had his arm over her, his hand lightly running up and down her flawless skin. "It's never been like this before," he murmured.

  She smiled, "It was pretty intense, I have to agree."

  "I'm curious, when you came last night, you knew we would make love."

  She stroked his face, "I had been thinking of it for over two weeks, the more I thought about it the more excited I became," she explained.

  "Sharon you know I want to marry you, don't you?"

  "Shaun, let's not talk about marriage until this war is over. I love you darling and that's not going to change."

  He nodded pushing her over on to her back as he bent to kiss her. He looked down on her, "What time do you have to leave tomorrow?"

  "7.30am, I have to change back into my uniform, they are picking me up at 9am."

  She suddenly pushed him onto his back and then straddled him, guiding him into her. She gave a shudder as she sank down, her legs on either side of him. His chest supported her arms as she began to rise and fall.

  When he awoke the next morning the bed was empty, she had gone. He glanced at his watch 8.45 am. He climbed out of bed and went into the bathroom. Glancing in the mirror he saw her lips stick marks all around his face and neck. He smiled remembering, it had been a pretty intense night.

  After breakfast he went out walking in the bazar, there was a goldsmith's shop he wanted to find.

  He explained his requirement to the owner, who in turn showed him some samples of his work. Shaun choose one and wrote out the message he wanted inscribing on it. After being told it would be ready the following day he paid the man. On the way back to the hotel he purchased some wrapping paper and binding cord.

  Back in his room, he began to wrap the presents for his patrol. For Jack he had bought a brass, Zippo lighter with an engraving of the Sphinx on the front. Titch, had a watch with a leather casing that protected the dial. Cookie had a cook book. Sammy had records of Vera Lynn and Ann Shelton. Prof had a book on astronomy. It took most of the morning to wrap them all.

  Over the next few days, he hung out at the hotel. He'd noticed Carol and Bobby coming down for breakfast together, but didn't comment on it to him.

  Christmas Eve they stayed in the bar singing Christmas Carols whilst Tim played the piano revealing a talent they had not been unaware of.

  Christmas day dawned with the usual cloudless sky. He was in the dining room having breakfast when she walked in. He brought her over to his table and ordered coffee for her.

  It seemed she had got back late last night, exhausted from the journey. He noticed she had brought a small suitcase this time. "I'll need to change for the dinner," she explained. They returned to his room after she had drunk her coffee.

  They looked shyly at each other when the door was shut. Then Sharon began to unfasten her blouse that broke the spell as he began to shed his cloths. He looked surprised when she removed her skirt she was naked underneath. She saw his look, "I have them in the case," she explained.

  When they were naked he just looked at her body, his mouth dry. She was looking at him, her tongue licking her lips. When he went to hold her she grasped his swollen member trying to squeeze it, as he kissed her neck. Sharon was making strange sounds as her passion built.

  Later as they dressed, he asked how her trip had gone. It seemed that the Germans received their information from the Italians, but did not know from where the source of the information came from. "The only thing we can assume is that we have a mole in the upper command structure."

  He handed her the small box, "Happy Christmas Darling," he murmured. She eagerly opened the box, "It's a cartouche!" she gasped. "What does it say?"

  He shook his head "Don't ask me, I have a problem with English. Ask Prof. He may be able to translate it." The heavy gold cartouche had Egyptian hieroglyphics embossed on it. A gold chain lay in the bottom of the box.

  Shaun gathered up the presents for the patrol, and they both went down to the conference hall that had been reserved for the meal.

  The tables had already been placed, a long top table, with four long tables arranged from the top table rather like a capitol E. Each table had a sign on it. 'Sue', 'Jane', 'Gloria' and 'Anne'. Sharon asked the significance of the names, and he explained they were the names of the patrols trucks. "They are named for our mothers or in my case my grandmother."

  Place names had been added to the tables and Shaun began to lay the presents at the appropriate name. Sharon wondered over to a table that Ann, Janet and Carol were sitting at leaving the Officers to continue their work.

  Bobby had the table list which he was checking against the place names. Shaun was looking at one of them, Sgt Barbara Mason WAAF. "I didn't know the Prof had a girlfriend?" he asked Bobby.

  Bobby shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't either, he apparently phoned her name through to the hotel manager's office."

  Shaun had a look at the list, it seemed quite a number of the men were bringing girls to the meal that covered all three services, Army, Navy, and RAF. Tim and Bill came over to say their tables were done.

  "Well let's take the girls through for a drink in the bar." They all trooped through to the bar finding a table they could all sit around. Shaun glanced at his watch, 3.50pm, they would start arriving soon he realised.

  It was something of a surprise to see all the men in uniform after the casual dress worn at the oasis. They would come to their table where introductions were made, before finding a table for their companions. Sharon and the other three girls had excused themselves, saying they needed to change. When she came back she was wearing the scarlet dress with the cartouche around her neck.

  Shaun could see the eyes of the men present following her, as she made her way back to him.

  The girl by the side of the Prof was a pretty little thing no higher than 5 foot 2 inches Shaun estimated. He introduced Sharon to them, who immediately took the Prof to one side showing him the cartouche. He turned to talk to the girl, it seemed they had met in the Cairo Museum. Her father was an assistant curator of a London Museum and she had worked there prior to joining up. When Sharon and the Prof re-joined them, Sharon's eyes were glassy. He'd noticed that the Prof had his Leica camera with him. He took him to one side whilst Sharron spoke to the girl.

  "Prof, do me a favour, take some photos of Sharon for me please."

  Prof smiled, "It will be my pleasure Boss."

  Sharon looked at him, "Thank you darling, I'll wear it always."

  "So you found out what it said?"

  She smiled, "This side says 'Always,' and this side says 'Shaun,' and if it wouldn't embarrass you in front of your men, I would kiss you."

  "I'm hoping for something else," he whispered.

  She looked into his eyes "You can depend upon it."

  The manager came in and announced dinner was ready.

  The men and girls filed in. Finding their places at the table, the men began to unwrap their presents. Jack brought a box and presented it to Shaun, "For you Sir, happy Christmas, all the lads chipped in for it." Jack knew that the four Officers had paid for this meal out of their own pockets.

  Shaun unwrapped the box. Inside was a heavy, silver tankard, beautifully engraved. 'To Captain Shaun Ramage from Sue Patrol,' followed by their rank and names. Shaun's throat constricted at the gift. He looked along their table, "Thanks lads, I'll treasure it always."

  Considering this was Egypt in war time, the meal was not half bad, chicken with roast potatoes carrots a
nd peas. With a Christmas pudding and custard for desert. Two bottles of red and white wine were set upon their tables for them to drink.

  After the meal, the tables were cleared and put away to make room for dancing, as a small band took their positions.

  They played different tunes from the Lambeth Walk to waltzes. Knowing Jack hadn't brought anyone Sharon asked him for a dance. During it they talked about Shaun, at the end of it Sharon whispered, "Keep him safe for me please Jack."

  By the end of the evening everyone was slightly tipsy. Shaun watched as Barbara had her arms around the Prof's neck, each gazing into each other's eyes. The party began to break up as the men came to say goodnight. Sharon tapped him on the shoulder, "Can I have the room key? I'm going up."

  The four Officers saw the last of the couples out, "How about a nightcap?" Bobby suggested.

  Sat down with a drink Tim remarked "that's £250 well spent," he murmured.

  "They deserve it," Shaun added.

  "Well make the most of it, it's back to the Oasis day after tomorrow." Bobby said mournfully.

  The lights were out when he entered the room. Sharon was fast asleep. Shaun looked down fondly at her, the journey and the day's activities had worn her out he reasoned. He undressed and slid in beside her.

  He awoke in the early hours, she astride him kissing his neck and nibbling his ear. She saw his eyes open. "If I was the enemy, I could have killed you," she whispered.

  He chuckled pulling her down to his chest as his hips drove him further inside her, "You're my girlfriend and doing a good job of it as it is." They changed position with her facing the bed, he lifted her to her knees, and entered again.

  They lay recovering, sweat covering their foreheads. "Are all Jewish girls as randy as you Sharon?" he muttered breathlessly.

  She laughed, "Only the ones born in Tele Vive, it's the Mediterranean air that makes us hot blooded. Mind you it helps to have a good boyfriend."

  "So am I a good boyfriend?" He asked.

  She chuckled sexually "It all depends on this next performance." She had grasped him sliding her hand up and down his member. He groaned as he rolled her on to her back.

  The next time he awoke he saw it was 7.40am. She was packing her suitcase still naked, he watched knowing it would be the last time he would see her this leave. She had to report back this morning.

  He quietly slid out of bed and came up behind her, sliding his arms up under hers and grasping her breasts. He bent to kiss her neck as she involuntarily moved her neck to the side.

  She turned to face him, putting her arms around his neck. "You'll take care out there, Shaun, won't you?" she whispered.

  "Of cause darling, I have you to come back too," he murmured. She could feel his arousal, and suddenly lifted her leg up around his waist, feeling it going in. She jerked at his thrusts, tears cascading down her cheeks as she buried her face into his neck.

  He put on his shorts as she went to take a shower, then watched has she dressed. At the door they kissed once more, and then she was gone.

  He found the package on the coffee table. Upon opening it, he found a heavy silver cigarette case. Inside it was inscribed, 'Shaun always come back to me. I love you. Sharon.

  Chapter 22

  Ted was on hand to greet them as they climbed from the Ford. "Welcome back chaps, had a good Christmas I hope? You'll find some more presents in the storage tents along with some livestock."

  Mystified, they looked in the tents. Large bags announced they were Berber Tents, in another they found boxes with the legend, Camels Kneeling, Camels Standing, and Goats, alongside of these were two small petrol driven generators and air pumps. In another bag were Black Teraquas costumes.

  The Officers looked at each other. "So who is going to put them up first?" Shaun said, not at all surprised that no one volunteered.

  The following day Shaun and Bobby looked on in amusement as Tim and Bill's patrols started to erect the Berber tents. They chuckled as the 'animals' were blown up. Eventually Tim and Bill, perspiring heavily, came over to them.

  "You could have helped," Bill groaned.

  "Sorry old boy, but rank does have its privileges," Bobby replied in a superior voice.

  They looked inside the tents, "They could just about get a truck and Jeep inside one of them." Bobby said.

  "Well let's make sure, Tim bring your truck and Jeep up, see if they'll fit," Shaun said.

  The truck was reversed in followed by the jeep, there was about three inches of headroom above of the 50 calibre machine gun. They checked the animals next. Altogether there were 24 camels, 18 were kneeling with 6 standing, and 20 goats. Loops at the base of each animal allowed a tent peg to anchor it. Seen from a distance they looked remarkably life like.

  Later that night in the mess tent, Shaun remarked upon their new acquisitions, "They are too big and lumpy to cart all over the place. What we will have to do is move them to the base camp at the out crop, and Wadi Al Kuf, say two tents and half the livestock at each." He looked around at the others for comments. They all agreed.

  They had decided that Bobby and Bill would be based at the outcrop, whilst Shaun and Tim would use Wadi Al Kuf as their base. Over the next three weeks they built up their supplies at each of their bases, before going on to reconnoitring potential ambush points. Shaun and Tim's patrols spent New Year's Eve out in the desert.

  On their return from a patrol at the end of the third week in January, they were surprised to see Captain Silverman with Ted when they reported in. Bobby and Bill were already present.

  Ted had already marked on the big map the ambush points along with the base camps. Silverman was inspecting the map as they came in. He turned and smiled at Shaun and Tim, noting their dusty appearance.

  "So gentleman, it seems that you have prepared your positions well. As I understand it, Captain Ramage and Lieutenant Morris, will cover the area between Barce and Gambut. Whilst Captain Dole and Lieutenant Drake, will cover Bardia to Mersa Matruth." He saw the confirming nods from the four officers. He lowered his voice, "I suspect that within a few weeks we will start to put your hard work into action. The advance is stalling at El Aghella, Rommel is fighting back now."

  They discussed a few points more before being dismissed. As he was leaving Captain Silverman spoke to Shaun, "I have a letter for you Captain," he said, handing it over and smiling at Shaun.

  Shaun was for a second startled but Silverman's smile put him at ease, "Thank you Sir," he managed to mumble.

  In his tent he read it, it was from Sharon. She missed him, work was increasing and she was working long hours but didn't mind as it took her mind from thinking of him. He smiled remembering, he took out the photographs that the Prof had developed. They were coloured shots of her in the scarlet dress. His favourite shot was inside the cigarette case. He stretched out on his cot thinking of her and yearning to have her in his arms again.

  Titch came to see him the next day, "Boss I've prepared a parts list for Sue and the Jeep. We ought to service them, they've done a lot of mileage over the last month."

  Shaun checked the list, oil filters, air filters, sparkplugs, new points and oil. "Have we got this lot in the service tent Titch?"

  "Most of it Boss, but the other drivers want to service their vehicles too. It would be a good idea to take some of this to the base camps if we are likely to be there for any time."

  Shaun saw the logic in Titch's comments. "I'll make out a requisition order, you can take it to Alex and get it filled."

  Titch nodded "Thanks Boss."

  He walked over to where the men were working on Sue and the Jeep. He saw Sammy working on a strange radio he had not seen before. "What's this for Sammy," he asked.

  Sammy looked up and smiled, "It's a crude form of wireless interception we were given when we attended the code course in Cairo. It's not got much range, only about 25 miles. The idea is, if there's a Jerry radio tracking wagon working between me and Ben we should be able to locate it."

Shaun knew L/Cpl Ben Powers was Tim's radio operator. "So you have to have one of you some distance away from the other in order to track it?"

  "Well it could let us know there was one about somewhere, but to get a positive fix you would need the other truck as well," Sammy replied.

  Jack came over and nodded to Sammy, "Another drain on the batteries. It's as well we have the portable generator."

  Shaun chuckled, Jack was like a mother hen regarding Sue and the Jeep. He told him about Titch going to Alex and asked if there was anything else they needed.

  Jack shook his head, "Not off hand Boss, mind you, new blankets would be nice, ours are beginning to smell a bit ripe."

  Shaun nodded, "Point taken, I'll add them to Titch's list."

  Three weeks later they received the news, Rommel had broken out front El Ariella and was rolling up the Allies forces. "They are nearly at Derna, and show no sign of stopping," Ted informed the Officers. "Shaun, you and Tim get ready to pull out for Wadi Al Kef, and if they pass Slum, I'll release Bobby and Bill."

  Jack checked the loading of Sue and the Jeep making sure everything was on board, whilst Shaun checked the route with the Prof.

  They set out at first light with Cookie driving the Jeep. They reached the cave in less than three days. Once all the vehicles were inside, the camouflage net was reset covering the entrance. The burners were broken out to make food and tea.

  Shaun was eating a sausage sandwich whilst consulting with Tim. "We'll take the Jeeps out just before sunset and set up on top of the escarpment. We need to wait until we see fuel bowsers that will be the main target, after that concentrate on the trucks. We'll take the three inch mortars and ten shells, the drivers can use them."

  Titch would drive the Jeep whilst Jack manned the .50 calibre, Shaun would handle the Vickers Ks. He had four magazines for them, and Jack had 500 rounds of API. He went over to check Tim's Jeep. Alf Bell would be driving it and Sargent Walker manning the 50cal.

  They followed the base of the Jebel Akhdar until they reached a spot looking down onto the coast road. Heavy traffic was moving along it, a mixture of tank transporters troop transporters and trucks. It seemed to Shaun that the convoys contained about 50 vehicles and then a twenty minute break before another came into view.


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