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Romance Sex Stories

Page 48

by Carly Smesh

He thought for a moment before replying, "We could go back to the hotel and have a swim and lunch afterwards, how does that sound?"

  She nodded brightly "Sounds like fun, I can wear my new two piece costume."

  No one was around the pool when they got there. They went into adjourning changing cubicles. He managed to drop his slacks and underpants but was struggling trying to remove his shirt.

  "Darling, can you lend a hand, I can't get this bloody shirt off?"

  He was facing the wall still struggling when she entered and he felt her ease the shirt off his shoulder. He turned to thank her then stopped looking at her body in the flame red two piece costume. She looked at him in amusement, "What's the matter?" she asked then her eyes dropped, "Oh, I take it you like my swimsuit?" she whispered.

  He reached out for her pulling her into him. His hand pushing down the bottom of the suit, were it fell to the floor. "Shaun we can't, not here," she murmured breathlessly. He wasn't listening, his head buried into her neck. She felt him release the catch of the top of the suit and that joined the bottom on the floor.

  "Oh god," she groaned feeling the hardness of his member, as his lips nipped her nipples. Her leg came over his waist and she felt him enter.

  Later they swam, even the cold water didn't cool the heat from their love making.

  They were sat at a table waiting to be served when Tim and Ann appeared in costumes. Shaun noticed that Tim was carrying a camera. He excused himself and went over to him, returning with the camera.

  "What's that for?" she asked.

  He chuckled, "When I'm out there, I want to look at you in that outfit and have wicked thoughts."

  She laughed, "I'm not Betty Grable you know." He looked at her, "Of course you're not, she's a blonde." He made her strike some poses as he clicked away. Then she took the camera and shot some of him. Tim and Ann came over and joined them for lunch. Tim said that Ann should get a costume like Sharon's.

  "If I had a figure like Sharon's, I'd wear it," she said enviously.

  That night they made love, clinging to each other knowing in the morning they would part.

  He was waiting, dressed and ready, when the downstairs bell rang. It was Tim. She tried to put on a brave face for him as he kissed her good bye.

  "Take care darling" she whispered through tear filled eyes.

  Chapter 25

  The men were climbing out of the three tonner with their bags and cases as they pulled up behind it. Bobby and Bill welcomed them back with ribald remarks concerning lazy bastards. Ted detached himself and came over to the Ford.

  "I here you've had an interesting leave, Shaun?" was his opening remark. He said something to Tim and indicated Shaun should follow him back to his tent.

  "Pull up a chair, Shaun." He sat down wondering why he was here.

  Sandy knocked on the tent post. "You wanted to see me, Sir?"

  Ted nodded, "Come on in and close the flap."

  Once he had done so, Ted asked him to examine Shaun's shoulder. Sandy helped him remove his shirt. After removing his dressing he touched the wound, and then taking Shaun's arm, lifted it asking him to tell him when it was too painful. After ten minutes, he said Shaun could put back on his shirt, telling him he didn't need a dressing now.

  "So Sandy, what's your prognosis?" Ted asked.

  "Well, his shoulder blade took most of the cut but the knife nicked his shoulder muscle. The wound has healed, I can take the stitches out tomorrow."

  "Will it affect him carrying out his duties?" Ted asked.

  Sandy chuckled "He won't be playing table tennis for a while, but apart from being stiff and sore he should be okay."

  Shaun looked at the two of them, "If you are both quite done inspecting the meat, can someone help me put on my shirt?"

  Ted laughed, "Thanks Sandy. That will be all."

  He helped Shaun slip the shirt on, "As you no doubt realised, Captain Silverman told me about your mishap. He was concerned you may not be able to take out your patrol, hence the medical examination. It seems that you are able," Ted said dryly.

  It seemed that word had got out about Shaun's run-in with the Arabs as the men asked about him. Jack came over to inquire, and Shaun gave him the pocket version ending by saying, "Jack, before our next leave, I'm going to need a 7.65 PPK and a Leica camera and film."

  Jack nodded "I hear Sharon's quite a good shot, so she's got your PPK?" Shaun nodded.

  Over the next two days the men worked on the trucks and Jeeps checking everything, and then began loading them. Shaun had spoken to Bobby. They had made three runs out to the cave stockpiling petrol, ammunition and food.

  "You should be alright for about three weeks," he said, as he handed Shaun a list of what had been taken out. He remarked that the runs had been milk runs, no enemy patrols were seen or aircraft.

  On the third day they set out. Shaun sat with Titch in Sue, Whist Sammy drove the Jeep with the Prof as his passenger. They arrived at the cave entrance on the fourth day.

  They climbed from the vehicles stretching and bending, releasing cramped muscles from the constant jarring of their passage across the desert. The burners were broken out and the pan for the tea was soon bubbling away. Shaun pushed up the goggles and pulled down the scarf wiping his face with it. He rinsed his mouth with his water bottle then spat it out clearing the dust that had accumulated in his mouth. He lit a cigarette, drawing in the smoke while leaning against Sue's front fender.

  Sammy came over with his mug, "Bet you're ready for this, Boss." he said cheerfully.

  Shaun smiled and nodded, noticing that the tea had milk in it. Cookie must be using the evaporated milk that Aunt Vicky sent him. After the tea, Jack sent down five men to move the boulders across the entrance of the wadi. Two others climbed up to keep a lookout.

  Tim came over to him, "How's the arm?" he asked.

  "Not too bad, still a bit stiff but not as painful," he murmured. "We'll let the men have a good night's sleep, then tomorrow we'll check out the traffic opposite Bomba where the road drops down to the coastal plain."

  Tim nodded "By the way, I gave that roll of film to the Prof to develop, but with getting ready for this he hasn't had a chance to do it yet."

  Shaun shrugged his shoulders, "He can do it when we get back."

  They had a good meal of sausage and beans, and by eight they were bedded down.

  At 4:30pm in the afternoon Shaun and Tim left in the Jeeps, cutting between Matuba and Timini they took up a position behind an outcrop of rock. He and Tim went forward with their binoculars until they were in a position to see the road two hundred yards away. What they saw gave Shaun a shock. Tank transported after tank transported filled the road. He focused the 10x50 binoculars on them murmuring to Tim, "There brand new Panzer IVs with a longer main gun."

  Tim was looking along the road counting, "It has to be a full Battalion strength."

  Shaun edged back "We need to inform command about this right away."

  They returned to the cave, whilst Titch drove the truck down to the entrance of the wadi, Shaun wrote out the message for Sammy to code. 'Location Bomba. Estimated battalion strength. New Mk IV Tanks with longer main gun.'

  He handed it to Sammy, "When you have coded it, get it off to command. Make sure you get a confirmation that it's been received."

  Titch returned with Sammy in the truck. As the men repositioned the camouflage net, Sammy came over to him. "They got it boss, they asked me to repeat it."

  Shaun nodded, "I'll bet they did, that's going to upset some people."

  They heard the following week that Tobruk had fallen. Over 85000 Allies had surrendered. The news came as a bombshell to the men. Rommel steamrolled his way along the coast road, Sidi Barrani fell followed by Mersa Matruth.

  The men grew despondent, "He'll be in Cairo next," Cookie grumbled.

  Tim came over to Shaun. "What do you think will happen now?"

  Shaun looked at Tim, "We carry on, it's even more important to damage his supply conv
oys now." He said grimly.

  Each night they went out attacking the convoys, changing locations, then doubling back on themselves. After three more weeks they were nearly out of ammunition and food. Their petrol supply was getting dangerously low. Shaun concluded it was time to return to the Oasis.

  They returned four days later, tired and worn out. Ted was there to greet them. Shaun followed him into his tent, pulling off his scarf and wiping his face. Ted poured out a large scotch and handed it to him. He downed it in one swallow, Ted refilled it then sat down behind his desk. He threw over a packet of Players, watching Shaun's hands shake as he lit it.

  "So, how are things at the front?" Shaun asked.

  "He's stalled at El Alamain at the moment, we appear to be holding him. Bobby and Bill have been out for over two weeks now, also L R D G and the SAS have been active."

  Shaun stood up, "I'd better see to getting the trucks loaded up and get back out there."

  Ted stood up, "Shaun, you are not going anywhere until you and your men have had a rest. They are all dead on their feet, you included.

  Shaun looked at Ted and smiled, "In case you haven't noticed, there's a war on."

  Ted smiled, "That's not a request, Captain, but an order. You all can have five days leave starting tomorrow." Shaun started to protest but Ted held his hand up, "Shaun go, you stink."

  After a shower and shave Shaun collapsed on to the cot he was asleep in seconds.

  For the past ten days Shaun had not really slept at the cave, he'd doze for a few minutes but then wake. Listening for any strange sounds, his brain going over events of past attacks, whilst considering where to attack next. The constant danger of being discovered or sustaining casualties, all weighed on his subconscious. He was close to a break down and didn't know it.

  Chapter 26

  Shaun opened his eyes and blinked several times to re-focus. Glancing at his watch, he saw it was 7:10am. He'd slept for over twelve hours. He collected his wash bag and made his way to the showers. It was strangely quite outside, the only sound was of snoring coming from the tents.

  After his shower he called in to the mess tent. The cooks had just started, he waited until the tea was ready, sitting down and lighting a cigarette. The cook brought over a mug of tea and a plate with two fried eggs and bacon, another plate contained bread.

  Shaun gazed down at his plate, his mouth suddenly full of saliva. The men started to come in, they all had the look of men who had slept too long and too deeply, moving slowly towards the serving table. There was not the usual banter that normally would be going on Shaun realised.

  Tim took a place opposite him, gazing in fascination at the fried eggs. "I wonder where these came from?" he murmured.

  Shaun smiled, "It's a gift from the gods, aka, Captain Silverman." Tim wasn't listening, his mouth chewing with a look of rapture all over his face.

  He returned to his tent and began to pack his valise. The clothes he had worn on the patrol were in a pile ready to be dumped into the trash bins. There was a knock on the tent post, he turned seeing Jack there.

  "Will you be staying at the Nile Palace as usual, Boss?" he asked. Shaun nodded, "If I get those items you wanted, I'll drop them off there for you," Jack continued.

  "Thanks Jack, do you need any money?"

  Jack shook his head, "No, but if you have 200 cigarettes to spare and a couple of bottles of Scotch, it would make it easier to get them."

  Shaun opened the wood chest by his cot, "Here, help yourself." Jack was aware that Shaun's Aunty kept him well supplied.

  Tim had brought the Ford round for him to load up and Ted came hurrying over to them. "Shaun, I have a message for you from Captain Silverman's office. You are to go to the flat. A key has been left for you under the geranium pot. Does that make any sense to you?" Ted asked looking perplexed.

  "Perfect sense, thanks Ted," he replied smiling.

  Tim dropped him off outside the flats. He picked up his valise and walked towards the door. Finding the key, he let himself in. In the flat, he looked around the familiar settings before pouring out a large vodka and tonic for himself. After loosening his tie, he sat back on the couch, the war seeming a million miles away as he relaxed.

  Sharon found him asleep on the couch, she was appalled at his condition, dark rings were prominent under his eyes, and his face looked drawn and haggard. She brought a blanket out from the bedroom and placed it over him. You poor darling, she thought, what have you been through.

  It was early evening when he awoke. He pushed off the blanket and stood up, for a second wondering where he was. Sharon must have heard him, she came hurrying in.

  She stopped and just looked at him, "Hello," she mumbled.

  He smiled, "Hello," he replied, and then she was in his arms.

  When they disengaged they sat down on the couch. "Who organised this?" he asked.

  She held his hand, "Dad, he got a report from your commanding officer warning of the condition you all were in. We have been monitoring all the raids. From the reports I saw, you seemed to be doing more than your fair share."

  He shrugged his shoulders, "We were in a position to strike back the first, that's all."

  She placed her hand against his face, "I'm going to feed you up, and you Captain, are going to rest, that's an order."

  He laughed, "Mam, I out rank you."

  She looked at him, "Not in this flat you don't. I've been out and bought some fillet steak, so you just sit back and relax."

  "I wondered why you're still in uniform," he murmured, "Can I use your bathroom for a shower?" She smiled and nodded.

  They eat by candle light, she had changed into a skirt and blouse with her hair brushed back over her head. "How bad was it out there?"

  He shook his head, "Not too bad, we didn't have any casualties." She searched his face, seeing the strain etched into it.

  He changed the subject, "How's the war going?"

  "We seem to be holding Rommel, he's having problems with his supply lines now, thanks to you guys. There's reinforcements coming in from Suez and there's talk of a new commander being appointed."

  They finished the brandy and Sharon rose from the couch, "I'm going to wash and put away while you go to bed. I'll be in later," she said smiling. When she did go to the bedroom he was fast asleep.

  For three days he never left the flat. Sharon would go out and shop when she got off duty. Gradually she noticed the rings under his eyes had disappeared and his face filling out. They had made love, but initially it had seemed like desperation on his part, as if he needed her to comfort him. But slowly he returned to his normal self. On the forth evening Tim and Ann appeared at the flat.

  "Sargent Blake dropped this off for you," he said, handing over a bag. Shaun poured out a drink for them. Ann took hers into the kitchen to chat to Sharon. Inside the bag was a Walther PPK 9mm pistol and what looked like a new Leica IIa camera with two rolls of film.

  In the kitchen, Sharon asked Ann how Tim was. "He's a lot better than he was when I first saw him, he was quite frankly, knackered," she chuckled. Then seriously she said, "I think they've gone through a lot on their last mission, but Tim refuses to talk about it."

  That night in bed Shaun held her tightly, "When Tobruk fell, then Sidi Barrani followed by Mersa Matruth I thought we wouldn't be able to stop them. If he took Cairo they could have captured you." He hesitated before continuing, "I've heard the stories about the Polish ghettoes and the rounding up of Jews. I felt so bloody useless being so far away from you."

  She cuddled him as if he were a child, "Darling don't ever worry about me, worry about yourself and your men, if you have to worry."

  "Sharon, if anything ever happened to you..."

  She placed her finger across his lips, "Shush... I'll always be here for you," she said, bending to kiss him.

  Their leave was nearly up. Shaun had taken to photographing her around the flat, she had objected to some claiming they were too explicit. He had laughed saying the Prof wa
s very discreet. She took some of him as well, asking him to send them to her after he had them developed.

  On their last night she wore the scarlet dress knowing the effect it had on him. After diner, she put on some records for them to dance too. She had her arms around his neck, whilst his were caressing her bottom. They swayed to the music as he kissed her neck. She groaned pushing her body hard against his. She felt him unbuttoning the back of the dress, knowing what was about to happen.

  The sound of the Ford's horn alerted him that Tim was outside. She was still naked as he took her into his arms and kissed her goodbye.

  Chapter 27

  As usual, Ted was on hand as they drove up. "Well, you two look a hell of a lot better then you did," was his opening remark. He indicated that they should follow him into the command tent. When they were seated he continued. "Bobby and Bill got back yesterday, they ran into trouble out there. Jocko McPhee and Kiwi Bell are dead and Sargent Haney is badly wounded, he's now in the base hospital." He let the shock of the news register with them before resuming. "Bill's jeep was pretty well shot up, they had to tow it in. I'm afraid it's a write off."

  "What was it, aircraft?" Shaun asked.

  Ted shook his head, "No, they had troops under the truck canopy with MG34s waiting for them. If it had been the normal crew in the Jeep, Bill would have bought it, he'd had an eye infection, so Sargent Haney replaced him."

  Shaun and Tim sat stunned.

  "Where are Bobby and Bill now?" Shaun asked.

  "Flat on their backs getting some well-deserved sleep," Ted replied.

  As the men from the patrols returned from leave they were given the news. It had a dampening effect on the Oasis, the men were unnaturally subdued has they went about the business of getting the vehicles ready.

  Shaun had a chance to speak to Bobby before he left on leave.

  "Bobby, when you go out next time come over to the cave. The L R D G and the SAS are raiding between Slum and El Alamein and that's were Jerry expects trouble, we can concentrate between Derna and Bardia."

  Bobby nodded, "It is getting a bit crowded with the other units," he agreed.

  Later, Shaun ran his idea past Ted, who agreed with it. For the next week they ran supplies out to the cave, stockpiling for upcoming operations.


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