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Romance Sex Stories

Page 52

by Carly Smesh

  "What about Bobby, has there been any word about his team?"

  Her face became grave, "Shaun, you must stop getting excited, you have to rest and recover darling. I'll have to go in a moment."

  She kissed him before she left, promising to return.


  Gradually Shaun grew stronger, Tim and Cookie came to see him. By now they had allowed him out in a wheelchair to sit in the garden. On the sixth day, Bobby came to see him. He was out in the garden having a cigarette.

  "Those things will kill you," a voice said behind him. He turned and Bobby was there.

  Shaun laughed, "You mean they'll save you," he chuckled, holding up his badly dented cigarette case. "So when did you get back?" he asked.

  "Two days ago," Bobby replied.

  "From all accounts it was a complete success?" Shaun asked smiling.

  Bobby's face grew sombre, "Not quite, Shaun, I hate to tell you this, but Jack, Titch and Sammy are dead."

  Shaun's face went white, "How... w-why?" he stammered.

  "The Prof saw it all from the sand dune. The Jerry's had manned one of the 30mm quads after we had killed the original crew. Thinking it was toast, we were concentrating on the MG34s. Jack must have seen it, he moved out from behind the dune to get a clearer shot at it. A MG34 opened up on them. They must have all been hit hard. Prof said Titch must have floored the accelerator and drove straight at the 30mm with Jack firing the 50 calibre, they rammed it and the whole lot exploded. There was nothing we could do. I'm putting the three of them in for the VC."

  Shaun was stunned, "Jesus... how about the rest, any other casualties?"

  Bobby shook his head, "I'm sorry Shaun, I know you had all been together for a long time. Tim and the others know about it but were warned not to tell you until you were stronger. If they had not taken that gun out, then we would have had more losses."

  Shaun sat consumed with grief after Bobby left. Those men had been like brothers to him, and their deaths weighed heavily on his conscience.

  When Sharon visited him, he asked her if she knew about it. "Yes darling, I knew, but we were advised not to say anything until you were stronger."

  Later, Ted and Commodore Silverman visited him while he was out in the garden.

  "Captain Ramage, on behalf of myself and the General Staff, I have to thank you for the sacrifices you and your men endured while executing this rather brutal and dangerous mission. It was a complete success, denying the enemy of much needed resources. General Montgomery began his attack the day after the raid, and by all accounts is pushing Rommel back now."

  Shaun smiled sadly, "Thank you Sir, I'm sure the survivors will appreciate your remarks."

  Ted coughed, "Shaun, we have confirmed the request for the VC for Jack, Titch and Sammy, in fact all of the Z Patrol will get awards."

  Shaun nodded, "I need their address's Ted, so I can write to their folks."

  Ted nodded, "I'll get them for you."

  Commodore Silverman said, "I'm informed that it will be many weeks before you are fit, Captain. You will need to recuperate. There is a small villa by the beach, just outside of Alexandria. You will be transported there and I've assigned an Officer to take care of you." There was the faintest hint of a smile on his face as he said it.

  The following day, the Prof came to see him. He now sported Sargent's strips. They upped all the Patrol's non-commissioned men a rank, or so he was told. "So, I can't call you Prof anymore, what is your Christian name Sargent?"

  He looked mildly embarrassed, "It's Jeremy, Boss," he murmured, "but if you don't mind, I'd still like to be called Prof?"

  "Just what happened with our Jeep?" Shaun asked.

  Prof hesitated before replying, "Jack attacked the 30mm, but he had to move out from cover to do so. If they had got it going they could have wiped out the entire force. The mortars had knocked out the other one. Anyway, Sammy and Jack concentrated their fire on it, but one of the MG34's opened up on them. I think Sammy was killed in that first blast, Jack had blood all over his chest and Titch was badly wounded too. Jack screamed something to Titch, and the Jeep flew at the 30mm, all the time they were being raked by the MG34s. They must have been dead when they rammed the gun. The Jeep exploded, destroying the 30mm. It was the bravest thing I've ever seen, Boss."

  Shaun was quite, "So, there's only you and Cookie left from 'Sue' now?"

  Prof smiled, "And you, Boss."

  Chapter 32

  Five days later he got the all clear from the doctor, on condition he rested and didn't overdo it. He was informed dressing would be provided and pain killer tablets to the Officer who would be tending to him. Later in the afternoon Sharon arrived to take him to the villa.

  He was quite in the car as she drove, she sensed that he was brooding over the deaths of his men. Only when the scenery changed to the more opened country did he take interest. "This villa, does it belong to the Navy?" he murmured.

  She shook her head "No it's Dads, he bought it when he was commissioned in 1939. He was originally posted to Alex and thought it would be convenient for the family. But then Mom was made head of surgery in Tel Aviv, and Dad was reassigned to Cairo along with me. We use it when we have some leave."

  She took a turning on to a dirt road. Sand dunes started to appear and he glanced the sea between some of them. They passed through a small village that contained a few shops, "Nearly there now" she mutated at his side.

  They drew up at single story villa set on top of a low bluff. The arched windows had wooden shutters across them and sand had blown across the stone driveway.

  "Stay in the car while I open it up," Sharon remarked.

  He watched as she opened the arched door disappearing inside. He lit a cigarette looking around, it seemed no other buildings were built nearby. He opened the car door swinging his legs out, he could smell the clean air of the sea. He reached in and retrieved his walking sticks, and began to walk slowly with the aid of the sticks towards the door.

  Sharon appeared she had removed her coat and hat and came rushing towards him. "Are you sure you can manage?" she asked. He smiled and nodded. Inside she led him slowly through the gloomy lounge to opened French doors, and pulled out a cane chair for him to sit in,

  He was sat on a wide patio looking directly out to sea, white sand separated the villa from the sea about a hundred yards away he judged.

  "I'll open the shutters now to let more light in. Would you like a beer while you wait darling?" He nodded "Please."

  When she had gone he became aware of a low humming noise that seemed to come from the side of the villa. He commented on it when she came back. "That's the generator, it supplies the electricity and powers the pump for the water. Hany put it on yesterday when he filled the fridge."

  "Hany?" he murmured. Sharon chuckled "he and his wife Messa look after the villa, they live in the village we passed. I came down yesterday with the food and drink for us and Hany put it in his fridge until ours was ready for it. He runs the store in the village and is the only one with a telephone."

  "Look darling if you are comfortable here I'm going to have a shower and change after I've brought the luggage in."

  He started to protest, "I should do that?"

  She laughed, "Yes but we need it today."

  He sat back in the comfortable chair and drifted off to sleep.

  When he awoke he could hear Sharon singing somewhere in the villa, he glanced at his watch 3:40pm, he'd slept for three hours.

  His clothes were sticking to him, 'I need a shower now' he thought, struggling to get up. Sharon must have heard him, she came rushing in. He blinked when he saw her, she'd changed into shorts cut high in the leg and wore the top piece of a two piece bathing costume.

  "I need to take a shower, I stink," he mumbled.

  She smiled "I'll take you through to the bedroom."

  She helped his undress ignoring his roused condition. She removed the dressing from his arm staring in horror at the vivid scars on it and his si
de. "I'll redress them after your shower."

  In the shower he supported himself by holding onto the shower wall while she bathed him. Groaning has she washed his lower areas. "Darling I know how you feel, but we can't yet, until you are much better," she murmured.

  He sat on the bed as she dressed the wounds aware of her body and the smell of her perfume. "Sharon wounds or no wounds I'm going to rape you if you keep wearing this outfit."

  She gave a throaty chuckle. "It's an incentive to get you better. In any case I'll be the one raping," she whispered sexily.

  She changed into a kaftan and they had steaks grilled on a barbecue outside on the patio, with a bottle of good red wine.

  He sat back contented gazing out to sea, the setting sun creating a thousand flashes of light reflecting from the quite water. "Time for bed Captain," Sharon murmured. Shaun brightened up, "You're sleeping on your own Captain," she chuckled

  The next morning early, he found his swimming trunks in the drawer where Sharon had put them. He struggled through the soft sand until he reached the sea. He managed to do an awkward side stroke pushing his body to greater effort.

  When he emerged he felt both elated and exhausted at his efforts. Sharon was standing on the beach with her hands on her hip, back in the shorts. "What the hell are you doing," she said angrily. He grinned, "Training to rape you."

  "Well I have to redress your bloody wounds now you've got them wet."

  They had a big breakfast of bacon eggs and fried tomatoes. "If the Rabbi could only see you now Miss Silverman," he chuckled.

  "Well I won't tell if you don't," she replied laughing.

  After four days, Sharon noticed the wounds seemed to be healing fast, no doubt due to the sea water she imagined from his daily swimming sessions. And he was walking better without the aid of the sticks.

  Hany had delivered a box of groceries along with two biscuit tins addressed to Shaun. "There from Aunty Vicky, there will be food in them," he told her. She unpacked them putting the cigarettes and malt whiskey to one side and handing him the letters inside of them.

  He was sat out on the patio reading them when she brought him a beer. "Everything all right at home?" she asked.

  He smiled, "Yes, life goes on in the Crater, Aunt Vicky says you wouldn't know there was a war on. That's Crater butter and cheese she's sent, they have a canning factory in Nairobi now."

  She left him to his letters returning into the lounge to tidy up. She was fluffing up the cushions on the couch when she felt his hands pushing up her top piece of her costume, she could feel his hot breath on her neck as he grasped her breasts squeezing them. "Miss Silverman you are about to be violated," he whispered in her ear.

  "Oh...yes please," she said breathlessly.

  She felt him pushing down her shorts, and then his erection was rubbing on her bottom. He was muzzling her neck, she felt weak yearning for the moment. Then she felt it and groaned at the sensation pushing back with her bottom.

  When the release came, it left them weak unable to talk for a moment. She felt him withdrawing and turned to look at him. He was standing breathing heavily, perspiration covered his body. He smiled at her, "That's harder work than swimming," he muttered. Sharon dissolved into laughter.

  Outside on the patio having a drink he murmured "I imagine that you will be sleeping with me now?" he said grinning.

  "Only if you promises not to overdo it," she said firmly.

  Over the next week they swam naked in the sea, each day he grew stronger. They made love at night in bed and some times during the day. Finally one morning he said "Sharon I'm fit enough now to return to duty."

  She stared at him "Darling you mustn't rush things you were badly wounded. It takes time to recover fully."

  He held her close, "Sharon I am fit now, I could stay here forever with you and be happy, but my Patrol is out there fighting," he paused "I have to go back. Will you run me to the Oasis please darling?"

  The roads were strangely quite from military traffic. Shaun had not heard what was happening with the war since being at the villa, apart from Montgomery had pushed Rommel back at El Alamain. It took five hours before the little Morris pulled up at the camp.

  The tents and trucks where visible, but there were few men around. He left Sharon in the car and made his way to Ted's tent.

  Ted had his feet up on the table when he knocked on the tent post. His face broke out into a wide smile as he came to his feet. "Shaun it's wonderful to see you again looking a hell of a lot better than you did.

  Sat in a chair Ted brought him up-to-date. Most of the patrol were on extended leave in Cairo due to the fact that Montgomery was advancing at such a rapid pace there was no work for it. "He's not giving Rommel a chance to dig in. We are past Benghazi now, which is helping his supply problems."

  Shaun nodded, "Tt sounds as if the LRDG has outlived its usefulness," he murmured.

  "At the moment it has," Ted agreed. "So do we have any orders, have you heard from the Commodore?"

  Ted chuckled, "He's at the front with the general staff, my last order was to stay put until further orders."

  "So Bobby, Bill and Tim are in Cairo with the rest of the men?" Shaun asked.

  Ted nodded, "Look Shaun you may as well return to where you are. Leave me a contact number where I can get a hold of you. To be on the safe side you may has well collect your personal things from your tent and take them with you."

  Shaun loaded his things into the Morris, telling a delighted Sharon of Ted's decision. "I gave him Hany's telephone number to get in contact with me, we will have to let Hany know."

  On the way back to the villa Shaun asked if she had to return to duty. "My last order was to see to your welfare, something I intend to do to the letter Captain," she said with a sexy chuckle.

  At the villa she hopped out the car "right while you unload your stuff, I'm going to get out of this uniform and take a shower I've been broiling in this car whilst you have been having a chitchat."

  He looked at her, "Hey I'm a poor wounded soldier you know."

  She laughed, "Captain you said yourself that you were fit, so get on with it...Sir."

  After putting his foot locker and rifle into the bedroom he was sweating like a bull. He stripped off and entered the shower himself. He could hear Sharon singing in the kitchen obviously happy with the way things had worked out.

  He put on his shorts heading for the kitchen. She was preparing sandwiches, dressed in white shorts with a black bra top. "Do all Jewish girls were shorts that short," he asked.

  She turned and smiled "In the kibbutz they do, why don't you like them."

  He grinned "Oh I like them all right, they should start a new fashion trend."

  "We can have steaks tonight out on the patio, and I still have a bottle of wine left. And if you are a good boy we may do something else later," she said wiggling her bottom.

  "Sharon Silverman you are a hussy, you're sex mad," he murmured.

  She laughed, "Only with randy Kenyon's."

  After the meal that night they were sat on the sun lounger drinking the brandy, "Sharon when can we get married?" He asked.

  "As soon as Dad and Mom can be here, and you'll want your lads there won't you?"

  He nodded, then chuckled, "It seems we are having the honeymoon before the wedding."

  She laughed, "No darling this is only practice for it."

  He smiled slipping his hand into her bra and freeing the breast, "Well you know what they say about practice," he murmured.

  She gasped feeling his thumb rubbing her nipple, which responded to his touch. "No, what?" She said breathlessly, as she felt him slide his other hand into her shorts.

  His lips covered her mouth and she felt his tongue urgently pressing on her lips. She opened them surrendering to his attentions.

  They lay cuddling each other. "Did you have girlfriends in Kenya Shaun?"

  He hesitated before replying, "one or two, not girlfriends has such more like girls I took out."
  "And did you sleep with them?"

  "Well yes, when I got the chance. Why do you ask?"

  She chuckled, "I just wondered where you got your experience from."

  "So was Peter your first man you slept with?"

  "Yes, but I had a two guys when I served in the Kibbutz, and we played around after drinking too much." "So you lost your virginity to Peter?"

  She laughed "Believe it or not, I lost it horse riding, when I was fifteen."

  "Lucky horse," he murmured then winched as she dug her elbow into his ribs.

  That night they went to the village to see if there were any messages for him, finding none they called into the small bar. Finding to his surprise they had vodka on sale. They had a few drinks and he bought two bottles to take back to the villa.

  Over the next ten day they fell into a routine. Hany brought newspapers on his delivery days, so they could check on the state of the war. Rommel had been pushed out of Libya, and Montgomery was keeping the pressure on him.

  Shaun put the newspaper down, "I think the L R D G is now a unit without a job," he murmured to Sharon. She looked concerned at him, "What will you do now then?"

  He shrugged his shoulders "I'll probably be re-assigned to an Infantry unit."

  "You would hate that wouldn't you?" She asked.

  He chuckled "I have to admit, I liked the familiarity we had with the men, and the excitement of the job." She nodded understanding.

  Two days later Hany brought the message, report to Commodore Silverman's office at 13 hundred hours the next day.

  Chapter 32

  Sharon waited in the outer office as the secretary showed Shaun into Silverman's office. He was surprised to find Prof and Cookie there. Silverman came from around his desk to shake Shaun's hand.

  "The sea air must agree with you Captain, you're looking much fitter now than when I last saw you," said with a knowing smile.

  "Yes, thank you Sir," Shaun managed to stutter.

  Silverman returned to his desk, "The reason I've called you men together is too inform you of the current situation with the LRDG. Unfortunately its work is almost done here in Africa, so now we must look to the future. I've been ordered to create a new unit under the command of the SOE, which is the Special Operations Executive. Its task will be to support and train the resistance fighters in Greece; to be more accurate, the Island of Tyros in the Aegean Sea." He moved to a large scale map hanging on the wall, pointing out the Island.


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