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Romance Sex Stories

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by Carly Smesh

  Chapter 40

  When Sharron arrived back with David a month later, Shaun found her somewhat subdued.

  Out on the stoop that night she talked about what was troubling her.

  "The provisional committee are to demand that UN stands by its commitment to give the Jews there own homeland, especially now the true picture of the Nazi extermination camps has come to life. There are thousands of unplaced Jews wondering around Europe that no country wants, all making their way to Palestine. But the Grand Mufti in Jerusalem as stated that all Jews will be driven into the Med. Shaun they are ringed by Arab nations who want all Jews dead.

  The British are trying to keep the lid on things, but there has already been incidents at the kibbutz's and ambushes. We are starting to arm ourselves whenever we can, but there are not enough arms or equipment. Daddy has resigned his commission and now sits on the council, he says a war is coming."

  Shaun smiled "Sharron you said we. So you identify yourself with them?"

  Sharron smiled back sadly. "The Jews are my people, I don't give a damn about religion, but I do care about my people. If it comes to a fight I will join them."

  Shaun nodded, "I think I need to see your father and find out how best to help."

  The following month found Shaun sitting in the lounge of the King David Hotel inPalestine waiting for Sharron's father. When he arrived they embraced and moved out to the veranda, where Shaun ordered coffee. After discussing about little David and Sharron Shaun got down to business.

  "How can we help Sir?"

  Silverman smiled, "Shaun if hAas I expect we get the withdrawal of the British Mandate of Palestine and the UN's acceptance of a Jewish state, then we will have to fight to keep it. There are 250,000 Jews in Europe who wish to come here, they have no home in Europe. Europe doesn't want them. But they are prevented from landing here by the British blockade. We are managing to smuggle some in, but if war comes we will need every last one of them. We will have over two million Arabs around our boarders determined to kill us all.

  We need arms and equipment, we need radio equipment to be able to coordinate with. Most of all we need training, there are a few who served in the British armed services, but we need more."

  Shaun nodded, "Two of my former command have agreed to help, and both are in Egypt at the moment awaiting demob. Both are training instructor's one in navigation the other in explosives.

  Shaun went on to outline his proposal that they be offered jobs within the Jewish administration, but would return with him to Kenya to undertake training of Jewish personnel who would be based at the Crater. "They could be trained along the lines of the LRDG, as a fast response unit. The equipment and vehicles would be easier to obtain in Kenya than here. I can buy ex-army radios under the guise there for the Crater and game park and ship them to you. But there would be problems regarding language, I don't think either my men or I speak Hebrew, so the men arriving would need to speak English. The other problem is food, they wouldn't be able to get kosher food at the Crater," Shaun said with a smile.

  Silverman chuckled, "that would be sorted out with the volunteers we send."

  Later Shaun met with members of the Hagenah were he outlined what had been discussed with Silverman. Between them they thrashed out the details of what was to happen.

  He then travelled to Egypt to meet up with Proff and Cookie. From them he learnt that feelings were running high with the population regarding the Jews.

  "If it comes to a war, I don't give them much of a chance. The Egyptian Army has been buying ex-British Sherman tanks along with Vickers machine guns, and field pieces," Cookie murmured.

  Shaun nodded grimly "I don't think they can use them until the UN recognises the new state of Israel. That's when war will break out. But in the time we have available we will start to train them as LRDG teams. I imagine they will be operating in the Sinai Desert to stop the Egyptian threat, that's where you come in Proff Do you have good maps of that area?"

  Prof nodded "No problem, I also have maps of Palestine that I can bring."

  Shaun smiled, "Well gentlemen it seems we have our work cut out for us. I'll return to Kenya and prepare everything, it seems that Z Patrol is about to be re-born."

  Chapter 41

  Once back in the Crater he told Sharron about what had been discussed with her father.

  She looked at him "Shaun why are you doing this for us?"

  He stared at her for a moment. "We've just been through a world war in which millions have died. I don't know much about the Jewish faith but the fact that seven or eight million Jews were murdered for no other reason that they were Jews seems obscene to me. The fact that they want to return to their homeland, which was incidentally promised to them seems only right. The fact that they will be ringed by Arab nations who have been urged by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem to kill every one of them, seems to be a continuation of what Hitler started. The Allies could not help during the war, partly because we were not fully aware of the scale of what was going on. But we don't have that excuse now."

  Sharron stared at him as tears filled her eyes, "Shaun I do love you, more so now. Thank you darling."

  The next day he drove down to the Game Reserve to see Sultar. After a long discussion it was decided that the camp for the trainees would be based in the North East of the Reserve.

  "We should be all right there it's mostly barren land, sand dunes and scrub. The Maasia don't use it and the animals avoid it due to the lack of water." Sultar said.

  It was arranged that tents would be erected ready for them close to a water hole and a generator would be set up. Some of the Ghurkha rangers would move there in preparation for them coming.

  "I'm flying down to Cape Town in the next few days to see what I can buy from the War Surplus Depo at Simons Town. Whatever I get will be sent back on the train dependant on size," Shaun said.

  Sultar smiled, "Do you know much about vehicles Shaun apart from how to drive them?"

  Shaun looked up startled and slowly shook his head.

  Sultar smiled again, "I thought not. But Ken does, he runs the main Garage in Nairobi, it would be worth your while to see if he'll go with you."

  "I thought Ken's folks were farmers." Shaun replied.

  "They are, but Ken's wife's family ran a small garage in town, which they let Ken run for them. He expanded their operations gaining dealerships with Ford, Dodge, and Chrysler to name just a few."

  Shaun nodded, "He was the procurement officer of O patrol in the desert, so it makes sense."

  Ken was sat in his office reading a brochure when Shaun knocked on the door. A wide smile crossed his face as he waved to his friend to come in.

  "So what brings you to my humble abode," he murmured as he poured out two drinks for them.

  Shaun sat down opposite his desk. "Ken what do you know of the situation in Palestine?"

  Ken frowned, "Not a lot, from what I've read the Jews are in for a sticky time if they do get their way regarding a homeland."

  Shaun nodded sadly, "Their ringed by Arab Nations who will try to drive them into the Mediterranean."

  "Yes, that's what I've heard. What's your interest in it?"

  Shaun took a deep breath and began to explain what he intended to do. When he had finished he looked at his friend seeing the slow smile forming on his face.

  "Resurrect the old LRDG eh. I'm in, how can I help?"

  "I need to buy vehicles from the War Surplus Depo in Simon's Town, mainly the American Jeeps and Chivvies trucks or what would be suitable. The Jeeps would be the attacking force and the trucks used for re-supplely for fuel and ammunition." Shaun went on to explain how they had used them in Libya.

  Ken stroked his chin "how many do you want?"

  "To start with about ten Jeeps and say two or three trucks, if I can get them fitted out with armaments we will get more lately, I hope."

  "Wow," Ken murmured, "how you going to pay for them?"

  "There has been funds deposited in the Gam
e Reserve account by the Jewish Committee that I can draw on. Fortunately what they lack in equipment and arms is not effected by monetary donations from around the world."

  "Well if you go buying that amount of vehicles someone is bound to notice. Let me get them, I have the perfect cover being a vehicle dealer. I can open a separate account at the bank to pay for them and the Game Reserve can pay the cost into that."

  It was agreed that Shaun would accompany Ken to Cape Town and they would fly down in the Dakota.

  Three days later the Dakota lined up on its approach run to Wingfield Airdrome having received landing permission. Shaun noticed the changes to the airport from his student flying days, it had been expanded and now was home for the SAAF Fleet Air Arm. Hellcat II's were lined up at one end of the runway.

  After passing through the flight office, they hailed a taxi which dropped them at the Bolder Hotel in Simon's Town. After checking in Ken took a taxi down to the Naval Base.

  Shaun went out to the patio with his binoculars to look down on the harbour. He already knew that Simon's Town was the main Royal Naval Base for South Africa. The harbour had become an important base for convoys which had to take the long way around to the horn of Africa when the Mediterranean was almost closed by the Axis airpowers and submarines.

  The harbour installations had been expanded to provide workshops and storage facilities despite the lack of available space to build owing to the cliffs that towered above it. Shaun could see for himself that the harbour was busting at the seams with the amount of shipping that was either coming or going from the busy base.

  Ken was gone for over four hours. When he returned he was clutching a wad of A4 sheets and a wide smile. Shaun ordered a drink for him as he took a seat.

  "It's chaos down there" he gasped, "the Commander responsible for storage is having a fit trying to find space for everything."

  Ken took a long drink before continuing. "He gave me a copy of what they have in storage. When he found out what I was after, I really think he would have given me it all free so long as I took it away," he chuckled. "It seems they have had shipments from the States they said they didn't need. But the Yanks won't take it back so they are stuck with them."

  He handed Shaun the lists and sat back with his drink while Shaun looked them over.

  Shaun's eyes were flicking through the lists getting wider as he progressed. Finally he looked up, "Ken did you see what's on this?"

  "Yeah, I looked over it in the taxi. They have nine Jeeps still in there creates, I didn't see any Chevrolet trucks but I looked over the Dodge WC63's 6x6 1½ ton trucks, they have 3 which have power winches on them at the front, and towing hooks at the back. I think they would do the job the Chevrolet's did for us."

  Shaun nodded "I see they have extensive parts lists, filters, tyres, spark plugs and points etc. Ken I'm going to leave it all to you, we are going to need it all."

  Ken laughed "I thought you would pass the buck. No problem Shaun, I'll start tomorrow."

  Later that night he phone home to Sharon. At the sound of her voice his heart swelled.

  "Hello darling it's Shaun" He heard her gasp on the receiver.

  "Hello darling are you all right?"

  "Yes fine, look I need you to contact your father and inform him we are ready to receive the first students. But they need to have good mechanics in the first draft. We can take 10 to start with and build from there."

  "I can't phone him directly, he thinks his phone is tapped, but I can phone Mum at the hospital and if I use the old Z code she will understand and she'll pass the message on. I've had a letter from Prof, he Barbara and Cookie will be arriving in a weeks' time. I'm getting a home ready for them. When will you be coming home?"

  "All being well the day after tomorrow. I love you, good night darling."

  "Good night darling I miss you."

  He replaced the receiver and sat back lighting a cigarette. His mind awash with thoughts, Ken he knew would handle the purchase of the vehicles and spares and also arrange the transportation of them on a train. But his next major problem was where to find the guns for them. Ideally the Browning .5 M2HB and the ammunition to fire them. He would need to consult with Prof and Cookie about that problem."

  That night after dinner he brought up the subject with Ken. He had been invalided out and had not been aware that the patrol had converted to the 50 calibre machine guns for the main armaments for the trucks. "With their Armour Piercing Incendiary rounds they were a formidable weapon," Shaun said.

  "But from what you say they are likely to be up against tanks," Ken observed.

  Shaun nodded sadly "Yeah, they're going to need something else to redress that problem."

  Chapter 42

  After he had climbed to his desired altitude he level out and throttled back to economy airspeed, glancing over the instrument panel to see everything was in order he settled back for the long flight back home. His mind began to think of what lay ahead regarding organizing the training of the Jewish force. The training of map-reading and astral navigation would be left to the Proff Cookie could be left to explain the intricacies of explosives and how to exist in the field. But the question of weapons, where to get them, and what was available figured most in his mind.

  Yasmine dropped him off outside his home as she continued to the hospital block. He dropped his overnight bag on the bed then stripped and entered the shower. Thirty minutes later he entered the living room and poured out a drink for himself taking it to the settee and sat down. He took a sip then rubbed his eyes, tired from the long flight.

  Sharron found him sleeping in the settee, he hadn't even finished his drink she noticed. She smiled, and unfasted his tie and shoes, removing them. She lifted his legs and swung him around to lay along the settee. He murmured something in his sleep, but she could tell by his rhythmic breathing he was fast asleep. She brought a blanket from the bedroom and covered him before bending to kiss his lips.

  She was outside on the stoop having breakfast when Shaun freshly showered and shaved made his appearance. He smiled apologetically, "Sorry darling I must have been more tired than I thought."

  Sharron looked at him, "It's a long trip from Cape Town, and you had every right to be tired. Have some breakfast then tell me all about the trip."

  They moved into the lounge to drink their coffee, she waited until he lit a cigarette.

  "Ken's going to bid on nine jeeps and three trucks all brand new. There's extensive parts that are on offer as well, he knows what we need so I've left it with him to organize it all. The main problem is the weapons for them, I'm rather hoping your father has some ideas on that."

  "When will they arrive?" Sharron asked quietly.

  "Well he'll have to organize freight for that amount, he'd need a least five flatbeds. They may need to lay on a special train for that lot. Which surmising he gets it all could take a week or so."

  "I'll let Mum know and she can pass it on to Dad," Sharron murmured.

  "You can also let him know about the first trainee's. They'll need to arrive in ones and twos to avoid suspicion. Prof and Cookie should be here by then, hopefully."

  Sharron nodded looking closely at him, "There's a lot to do darling, and not a few problems to sort out."

  "Tell me about it," he smiled ruefully.

  Three days later Ken arrived at the Crater.

  Shaun brought drinks out to the stoop while Ken brought him up to date with events.

  "It all cost £20000," he said with a smile. "That's nine Jeeps and two trucks plus all the spares and twenty jerry cans. I all so bought two trailer bowsers, a water bowser and a fuel bowser. The trucks can tow them, I hope I didn't over step the mark buying them but they were going for a pittance."

  Shaun laughed, "No, not at all, I should have thought of that. We will need them in the Sini. When do they arrive?"

  "Should be arriving within the next week, there putting on a special train and the flatcars will be put into a siding when they arrive so th
ey said. That cost £1500 to lay on, so all you need to do is get them to the Game Reserve. The Jeeps have been taken out of there packing cases and have been started up along with the trucks. The Naval Commander had the battery's charged up and filled with petrol, but you will probably need more to get them to were there going. I'll have the jerry cans filled with fuel once they arrive."

  Shaun smiled, "Thanks Ken, I really owe you one for all of this."

  Ken chuckled, "It was a pleasure, but I'd still like to be involved when they arrive for training if you don't mind."

  "Ken you know what a patrol need's to make it function as much as I do. It would be a great help thank you."

  The following week Prof, Barbara and Cookie arrived. Shaun and Sharron met them at the railway station. Once they had them all loaded into the big Ford estate car they set of for the Crater. Leaving behind two large packing cases that the Jason and the Ghurkha's would bring on the Bedford truck. Barbara Sharron and Prof were in the back seat whilst Cookie sat alongside Shaun.

  "So did you have any problems getting out here?" Shaun asked Cookie whilst the three in the back seat chattered amongst themselves.

  Cookie grinned, "No problems Boss, the Army was closing up shop in Egypt, and the Arabs wanted us out quick. Which helped us bring quite a lot of our equipment out with us, without any one checking it when we bordered ship at Port Said. "

  "I wondered what was in the packing cases. I still have to find the weapons we will put on the vehicles, that's the next big task, any ideas?"

  Cookie sat back considering the question for a moment. "Have you thought of contacting Bobby?"

  Shaun frowned, "Bobby, why would I contact him?"

  "Well, he's still in the Army, he's a Major now based in Paris. The last we heard from him was he was involved with collecting all the weapons that were hanging around for disposal. The reason I mentioned him is that his mother was a Jew."


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