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The Lady Who Lived Again

Page 6

by Thomasine Rappold

  Henry Whalen rounded the corner of the house. Hammer in hand, he wiped his forehead with the back of his fist. Tufts of red hair pointed north as he waved. “Morning, Doc.”

  Jace tossed him a nod. “How’s the roof coming along?”

  “Good as new.” Henry tossed the hammer to the ground, then headed to join him. The gate that enclosed the front yard creaked open as the gangly young man slipped through it. Sweat beaded on his freckled face, which was blotchy and sun burned. “Was that Madeline Sutter I saw earlier?” he asked, jogging up to the porch.

  Now was the moment to put Maddie’s plan in motion, so Jace took a breath and smiled suggestively.

  “Yes, it was. Daily house calls come with the job, of course—but some are much more pleasant than others.”

  Henry frowned, shoving his hands into the pockets of his denim overalls. “So what was she doing here?” His nettled tone took Jace aback.

  “Well, Henry, that’s not any of your business, now is it?”

  “No, sir, I suppose not. Just curious, is all.” He averted his eyes, glancing out toward the street. “She doesn’t come to town often.”

  “Judging from your reaction, I can understand why.”

  Henry shrugged. “There’s nothing saying she has to stay in Misty Lake.” The harsh words lacked any trace of civility.

  Jace could hardly believe the difference in the man from only moments before. Why did these decent people simply accept all the rubbish piled around Maddie’s feet? “So that’s your defense?” Jace asked. “That she should leave town?”

  “It would sure be easier on folks if she did.” Henry lifted his chin against Jace’s stern frown. “That girl was dead.”

  “She was in a coma. An extended state of unconsciousness.”

  Henry was shaking his head before Jace had finished, rejecting the explanation like a stubborn child. He may as well have slapped his hands over his ears and chanted la-la-la.

  “A coma,” Jace repeated.

  “Maybe,” Henry said. “But either way she was gone.” He toed a loose floorboard. “She came back from somewhere,” he muttered.

  Jace stared, baffled and exasperated. “And where do you suppose that was?”

  Henry glanced away.

  “Unlike some folks, I don’t claim to know. I just know it’s strange.” He turned back, fixing his eyes on Jace. “She died on her birthday, you know. May twelfth. She came back on Friday the thirteenth.”

  Jace stiffened against a surge of surprise. Talk about adding fuel to the fire.


  “You can call it what you want.” Henry swatted at a fly. “I’ll keep my distance, just the same.”

  The idea that this homely fellow found Maddie unappealing was so absurd it was laughable. Jace couldn’t resist.

  “She’s pretty, though, huh?”

  Henry smiled, looking more like himself. At least his sense of humor was untouched. “Yes, sir, she is.” His smile faded. “They all were. The Fair Five, we called them. Those girls had us all smitten… Daniel Hogle was crazy for Madeline in particular. For a while after the accident, I thought he might marry her anyway, but his uncle wouldn’t stand for it.”

  “So she was punished for surviving,” Jace said. “For something beyond her control.” His anger came through in his tone, but he couldn’t help himself. “Narrow minded…”

  “This is a small town, Doc. Losing those girls hit us hard. They were my friends.” Sorrow clouded Henry’s eyes. He steeled his bony shoulders, as if adjusting his stance might combat his grief. “They were daughters and kin of folks we’ve all known our whole lives. The mere sight of Maddie Sutter adds salt to the wound.”

  Something inside Jace clicked like a switch. Maddie was more than a scapegoat. She was somehow responsible for what happened. Jace heard it in Henry’s voice now as clearly as he had in Mrs. Tremont’s last week. He was eager to hear Maddie’s account of the accident and wondered if that alone might absolve her—perhaps her neighbors simply needed to hear a true version of the facts.

  “You should watch yourself around that one, Doc. Pretty or not, something about her ain’t right.”

  Jace doubted Henry would be so vocal in offering his opinion of Maddie once he knew she was Jace’s fiancée. Henry wasn’t a cruel man by nature. He was a product of his environment, infected by the nonsense fears of this odd community. Jace was more determined than ever to help Maddie battle the groundless bias against her.

  Being engaged wouldn’t hurt his practice—but engagement to Maddie might. He didn’t care. He would play her fiancé, despite any disapproval. This town needed his services, which meant he had little to lose. And there was a wealth of knowledge to gain. In return, Maddie’s engagement to him might help them to see she was a normal woman. A woman worth having.

  What harm could it do?

  “You’d better get used to seeing more of her, Henry. She’ll be helping me here in the office.”

  Henry’s eyes bulged.

  “She’s a bright woman, and I can use the assistance.”

  “People won’t like that.”

  “Then I suggest they brace themselves.” Jace took a deep breath, unable to resist. “Because during the short time I’ve known Madeline, our casual acquaintance has fast become something more.”

  * * * *

  Maddie walked toward home, consumed by a jumble of thoughts she was struggling to sort. It had been a long day. Strangely, the shock of seeing Daniel and hearing the news of his engagement had dissipated. As had the pinching feeling in her chest borne of their encounter in the dress shop.

  She currently had more pressing concerns. Namely, Jace Merrick and his unforgettable kiss. She sighed, thinking of little beyond her own desire as she ambled along. She inhaled deeply, letting the fragrance of wildflowers and pine fill her lungs. Releasing the breath brought her back down to earth, where she landed with a thud in the middle of reality.

  She’d entangled herself with a man who could destroy her. A man with a scientific mind and keen perception. What was more, she’d invited him to probe into her life, the darkest days of her existence. If he somehow discovered her gift in the course of his inquiries… Well, Maddie didn’t want to think about the consequences of that. Jace would not treat such information lightly, and if exposed, she might find herself confined to an asylum or worse.

  She wandered into the house as if lost in some dream. After removing her new hat, she peeled off her gloves, then tossed the garments atop the table in the hall. She supposed she had to inform Grandfather of what she’d done before he heard it from Rhetta or Gil. The two made frequent trips to town and were bound to hear the news of her engagement sooner or later. She felt a fresh wave of dread as she realized she’d have to enlist their help, as well as Grandfather’s, in supporting the premise that Jace had been treating Grandfather all along.

  She walked through the foyer and down the long hall, checking each room that she passed. The echo of her footsteps on the marble floor waned as she padded across the carpet in the solarium. Through the wall of windows facing the lake, she saw Grandfather outside on the patio, enjoying his afternoon port in the sun. A thick afghan covered his legs from the constant chill he suffered despite the warm weather. Staring out at the water, he looked so at peace, so resigned to his fate. So ready to go.

  She stopped in the arched doorway. Leaning on the doorjamb, she watched, trying to etch the picture of him in her mind. Staring at Grandfather’s regal profile, she felt—once again—deeply ashamed of what she’d become. A liar. A woman willing to use a man she barely knew for her own selfish purposes. Swallowing back her guilt, she pushed herself from the doorjamb and plastered on a cheery smile.

  “Hello, Grandfather.” She sank into the wicker chair at his side.

  “How was the shopping trip?”

  “Eventful,” she said for lack of anything else.

  He turned toward her, brows arched l
ike a pair of furry gray caterpillars as he waited for her to elaborate.

  “I ran into Daniel and his fiancée at the dress shop.”

  He frowned at the mention of the man he’d once liked but had grown to despise. “Tell me that you gave him hell.”

  “I can only tell you that the meeting drove me to do something foolish. When he assumed I would not attend the wedding for lack of a suitable escort, I invented one.” She fidgeted with her hands on her lap. “I told him that I was attending with my fiancé.”

  Grandfather coughed, nearly spilling his port. “Good lord, Maddie! I’m curious to hear how you plan to dig yourself out of that one,” he said as he set down the glass.

  “I already have.”

  His eyes flashed wide.

  “Doctor Merrick has agreed to act as my fiancé until after the wedding.”

  “And why on earth would he agree to such a thing?”

  He seemed less stunned by her lie than Jace’s agreement to participate in it. It stung to know she was so repellant. That even Grandfather realized no man would touch her with a ten-foot pole.

  “He’s a doctor. I’m a curiosity.”

  He frowned. “You’re no such thing.”

  “Perhaps you can speak to Rhetta and Gil?” she asked, changing the subject. “If anyone questions them about the engagement, they can simply mention that Doctor Merrick made house calls here.”

  His eyes dimmed as he nodded. “They’re loyal to a fault,” he said. “No worries there.” He took another sip of port and stared back toward the lake. “After your parents died, I made a promise at their graves to protect you.”

  “None of this is your fault. You must know that.”

  “Perhaps. But it changes nothing. Men should be lined up to court you, the way they used to be. You should be engaged to a man who loves you, planning to start a family of your own, not clinging to the fading shreds of the one you have.” His icy hand reached for hers. “I only wish you’d reconsider leaving—”

  “You’ll not get rid of me so easily,” she said, fighting back tears. “And neither will they.”

  He stared at her, his eyes so sad.

  “This is my home,” she uttered.

  “But after I’m gone…?”

  “That won’t be for ages, old man.” She forced a teasing smile. “In the meanwhile, I must do this. And as frightening as it is to face them, it’s time I rejoin the world.”

  With surprising strength, his bony fingers gripped hers in the paper thinness of his hand.

  “You’re a strong girl. You’ll be fine.”

  Whether the reassurance was for her benefit or his, she felt better.

  “I’ve missed Amelia terribly. A part of me is actually looking forward to the wedding.”

  “Of course. And you and Doctor Merrick will make a very handsome couple.” His tired eyes sparkled. “I’m a fine judge of character. He’ll help you get what you want.” He slid his hand from hers and turned back toward the water. He seemed pleased by the idea of her and Jace. Too pleased. She could hear it in the tune he began to hum. This practical, no-nonsense man was so deeply worried about Maddie’s future he was willing to pin his hopes on an illusion.

  Maddie stood, staring down at him.

  “It’s a ruse, Grandfather. Please keep that in mind.”

  He glanced up with a trembling smile.

  “I will, if you will, girl,” he said with a wink.

  Chapter 6

  Maddie didn’t know where to begin. Standing amid the clutter in the alcove that made up Jace’s office, she was struck by the feeling she would be more housemaid here than office assistant.

  “I’ve made some progress,” Jace said.

  She glanced out to the patient waiting area, trying to see where. Beneath the newly patched ceiling, several of the larger trunks had been shoved to the outermost corners of the room, but there were piles and crates of books and miscellaneous items everywhere else.

  “Are those potatoes?” she asked.

  He nodded, gazing at the heaping crate by the sofa.

  “One peck to be exact. Payment for lancing a boil.”

  “Of course,” she said, suppressing a smile.

  “I’ve also earned five pounds of fresh dressed deer meat and a sack of feed for my horse. And the office has yet to open officially.”

  “I assume your wages in Pittsburgh fit more easily into your pocket?”

  He shrugged, grinning.

  “Such exchanges are customary in the country, I’m told. I’m literally earning my supper, but I appreciate compensation in all forms.” He maneuvered through the clutter. “Once you’re done shelving the books, you can start unpacking the trunks.” He pointed to a pile of items on the floor. “Put those things in one of the empty crates, and I’ll donate them to the clinic in Troy.” He turned back to the task of dragging a crate of books across the floor.

  It was as if their kiss had never happened. She didn’t know what she’d expected, but he didn’t seem the least bit awkward in her presence. He didn’t seem anything at all. She knew she should feel relieved, but his indifference bothered her. A lot.

  Her attraction to him was not so easy to dismiss. Neither was her urge to explore it. Everything she’d missed during the past three years of her stalled life—all her buried passion for living—was now bubbling to the surface. She could practically feel her desire for this man escaping through her pores.

  From the corner of her eye she watched as he searched through the crate. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his forearms. His hair hung over his face. Maddie wasn’t sure which aspect of him she preferred—the rugged, disheveled man with the flexing muscles she saw now, or the distinguished, finely attired gentleman who’d visited over tea at the house. He was two opposing sides of a coin with no losing toss.

  Less than ten minutes alone with him and all she could think of was his lips on hers. Pathetic. Well, she’d made her own bed, she supposed.

  Carrying a pile of books, he gestured with his chin toward the tall bookcase.

  “I’ll relocate those books to a lower shelf so you can arrange them with these.” He set the books on the desk.

  The cramped corner allowed her little space for maneuvering and even less space for two. From behind her, he reached for the hefty volumes on the shelf above. Her senses peaked. His chest brushed her shoulder, sending a rush of heat through her veins. Her body all but crackled with the tension of his nearness, the delicious smell of his neck. He glanced downward, acknowledging the contact. His eyes met hers in a flash of awareness that stilled her breath.

  He felt it, too.

  His gaze dropped to her mouth, and her lips parted in response as she waited, urging him with her eyes to move closer, to touch her, to forget about these dusty books and simply kiss her. Please.

  As if hearing her silent appeal, he shifted toward her. Her heart pounded. He licked his lips, his blue eyes darkening in the way they had before. She hung suspended on the edge of that look—that look that told her something wonderful was about to happen. He drew in a long breath. Grumbling a curse, he pulled the books from the shelf, then sidled in the opposite direction. The books landed with a thud on the desk he passed as he strode away. She stared after him, perplexed and disappointed. Closing her eyes, she released a frustrated sigh.

  She’d missed her chance with Daniel. Back then, she’d assumed she had all the time in the world to explore physical desire. To discover what all the fuss was about. The accident changed everything. She knew now that there were no certainties in life, no guaranties or promises of tomorrow. There was only today, and she’d lost so much already. The secret ability she’d acquired in the aftermath would cost her more still. Truth and honesty, the bonds of trust that formed true love, an enduring marriage. These sacred things were forever out of her reach, so why not snatch up what passion she could?

  Plus, it was clear that the girlish curiosity sh
e’d felt for Daniel was a pale, paltry shadow when held against the powerful attraction she felt for Jace. Perhaps it was the force of her loneliness that drew her toward a man from whom she should be running. Or maybe the danger was part of the appeal. Either way, she might never have another chance to experience the bliss of so deep a craving. And if anyone found out? She was already a pariah, what did it matter if she ruined herself?

  The more she justified the exciting prospect and the more she looked at Jace now, the more convinced she became that the risk to her heart would be worth it. Perhaps she could keep him so distracted with pleasant entertainments that he would conveniently forget his interest in her medical history. The sound of his voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

  “I have to leave for an hour to check on Mrs. Tremont. Before I go, I wish to clear the air between us,” he said. “Regarding…what occurred the other day.”

  Jace didn’t strike her as a man who minced words, and his repressive tone dismayed her.

  “The kiss?”

  “Yes, Madeline, the kiss. I shouldn’t have taken such liberties with you. You have my assurance that it will not happen again.”

  Her heart sank to her knees. “May I ask why?”

  He stared, stone-faced. “I’m a doctor.”

  “You’re not my doctor.”

  He blinked. “No. But you’re…”

  “A grown woman,” she answered as he searched for words. “A fact you seem to have noticed.”

  He conceded with a nod, his lips curving into a smile that stilled her breath.

  “Yes, I’ve noticed, Maddie.” Any trace of humor melted as his sultry eyes moved down the length of her and back again.

  A shiver snaked up her spine. Heat coiled in her belly. He wanted her. Despite her tattered reputation, he wanted her. His reluctance to act on his desire stemmed from something else entirely, and whatever it was, she was determined to conquer it.

  She moved toward him, her steps slow and deliberate.

  “Before the accident, I was quite sought after.”


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