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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

Page 14

by BWWM Club

  They hit the ground when the world exploded.

  Chapter 3

  Nathan flinched and ducked away from the paramedic's probing hands.

  "Ouch! Leave me alone!"

  Leo sighed.

  "Nathan, let them check you over."

  "I'm fine." Nathan grumbled. "I've got a hard head."

  "That we never doubted." The paramedic muttered.

  Nathan glared at him. The explosion had knocked him hard and he had experienced dizziness and ringing in his ears. For ten minutes he felt like he was swimming underwater; whenever anyone spoke, it sounded like they were a million miles away. He was still struggling to hear anybody now.

  Thankfully the bomb hadn't caught him thanks to Christina so he was only bruised and had some scrapes on his back and elbows where he had hit the ground. There was also a graze under his hairline that stung like hell.

  Nobody had been hurt badly, either; a few people had been caught by flying food but only one ambulance had been called out. The other paramedic was dealing with Jane, who was complaining of being seriously injured but the red stuff on her dress was actually strawberry jam. If the situation wasn't so annoying Nathan would have found it amusing.

  Leo touched his shoulder.

  "Nathan, just let him check you over and they'll leave you alone. You don't have to go to the hospital."

  Nathan closed his eyes and sighed.


  He gritted his teeth as his head graze was cleaned and a sticking plaster was put over the wound. When that was done, Nathan gratefully hopped off the back of the ambulance, giving the paramedic a nod of thanks, and turned to Leo.

  "What happened?"

  "One of the waiters primed a bomb under the buffet table when you and Jane were near it." Leo's mouth twisted grimly. "He planned to set it off when you were right beside it."

  Nathan forced back a shudder. He didn't want to think about how close he came to being killed.

  "Did you see who it was?"

  Leo nodded.

  "We saw him by the table and move away. I thought he was just checking on food supply but Christina saw him get out his phone and put two and two together." He nodded towards the police officers talking to the host and his wife, both of whom were looking increasingly annoyed at the presence of uniforms at their party. "I've given a physical description to the police."

  "Where's the guy now?"

  "Clive went after him but he disappeared. Used the crowd to disappear."

  Nathan swore quietly. Now that wasn't something he wanted to hear. He had hoped it would be easy but the bastard had slipped away using the bomb as a distraction. And he had to keep looking over his shoulder.

  Turning towards the lawn, he spied Christina sitting on the grass. She had a bandage on her cheek and her sleeve was ripped, her face pale. Jack was in her lap and she held him as she rocked him, murmuring something into his ear.

  Nathan felt icy cold fingers going up his back. Jack could have been injured, even killed. If that bomb had got off near his son, Nathan didn't know what he would have done. He swallowed.

  "Where was Jack?"

  "He was with me. He was nowhere near the blast."

  That made Nathan feel better. Almost. He needed to know Christina was all right.

  "What about Christina? Is she okay?"

  "Christina's got the usual cuts and bruises and her ears are ringing but she's none the worse for wear."

  She had saved him. Christina had made it clear she didn't like him. But she had saved his life, pushing him out the way when she could have easily been hurt. She looked so frightened despite keeping herself together. Her expression was serene but her eyes told another story. The poor woman was terrified.

  It could have been simply doing her job. She was employed to keep him safe. But, at the same time, Nathan couldn't help wonder if there was something else going on there. Under that prickly exterior lay a vulnerable woman who seemed to want to atone for something that had happened to her.

  Nathan knew he should leave well enough alone. No point getting the woman's hackles up again. But he also wanted to know what made her tick, what drove her. He just wanted to know her.

  It was thinking this as he stared at her lovely face as she held his son that Nathan knew he was in trouble.


  It took Christina several hours before she finished her statement with the police. She was tired and dizzy from the explosion. Her ears were still ringing but had toned down to a tiny din. But it didn't stop Christina's head from feeling like she had whacked it hard against the wall.

  It was dark by the time Christina arrived back at the estate. She was exhausted by then and was ready to go to bed. After a long, hot bath.

  Clive had been patrolling the grounds when the patrol car dropped Christina off. He joined her on the steps and gave her a hug.

  "You okay?"

  "I'm fine." Christina stepped back and nodded towards the house. "Everything okay?"

  "You could say that. Josh is shaken and retreated to his room the moment we got back. Jane spent ages spouting off about how ineffectual we are until Nathan snapped at her to shut up. She stormed off to her room about an hour ago."

  Christina swallowed.

  "And Nathan and Jack?"

  "Jack was too scared to go to bed. He thinks his daddy is going to be blown away again. He's barely left Nathan's side since you went to the police station to be interviewed."

  The interview had also included a sketch artist. Christina had given them a detailed description but the sketch artist hadn't done what she wanted so she had taken the sketch pad away and drawn him herself. She had taken an art course while at university and she still had the knack. The sketch artist had been impressed and had even asked if she wanted his job, which Christina had found vaguely amusing.

  She had wanted to get out of there. She wanted to go and see that Jack was all right. He had been scared after the explosion, clutching onto Christina as his father had been with the paramedics and then the police. The poor boy had been whimpering, shaking in her arms. Her heart had ached for him. There were things a child should never have to see.

  "Where are they now?"

  "Nathan took Jack to his room a few hours ago. I think Jack fell asleep in his arms."

  "And Leo?"

  "He's going around the house checking the doors and windows. Then he'll be off to bed until two when he relieves me."

  Christina looked up at the house. Dark and silent, the house looked oppressive. She took a deep breath and patted Clive on the arm.

  "I'll check on the boy and then I'll get some sleep."

  "Night, Chris."


  Clive let her in and Christina made her way upstairs. Her feet were dragging and she nearly tripped up one of the steps. Forcing herself to stay awake, she forced herself to carry on and found her way to Jack's room. Cracking open the door, she slipped in and looked at the sleeping form on the bed, silhouetted by a nightlight.

  Nathan was sitting in an armchair near the bed, rocking gently. He was clutching a children's book and a toy monkey that had seen better days. His eyes were on Jack, who was huddled under his duvet. The boy looked so innocent as he slept. Christina blinked back the tears.

  Nathan seemed to realize he wasn't alone and looked up. A bandage was stuck against his hairline. For a moment he didn't look like a billionaire in control; he looked like a scared father.

  Christina wanted to go to him and hold him, let him lean on her. She had a feeling he hadn't leaned on anyone for a long time.

  She nodded at the adjoining door to her bedroom, which Nathan understood. He stood slowly so the chair didn't go rocking back against the dresser, and leaned over Jack. He put the monkey on the bed beside his son and leaned over him, kissing his forehead gently.

  Christina turned away. She couldn't watch anymore; too many memories she didn't want to see right now.

  She went into her bedroom, Nathan following a mome
nt later. Christina turned the light on as Nathan quietly shut the door.

  "Is he okay?"

  "He fell asleep a short time ago. I think he just exhausted himself." Nathan leaned against the door, his eyes closed. "The poor thing wouldn't let me leave him. He hasn't had that nightlight on for over a year."

  "He saw his dad nearly get blown to pieces. He's scared he's going to lose you."

  Nathan sighed. He opened his eyes. Christina was thrown by the exhausted look on his face. The tiredness was evident enough that she was amazed he was standing upright. His mouth hardened in resolution.

  "I'm not going anywhere." He pushed off the door. "It'll take more than a bomb to kill me."

  Christina winced. Nathan's voice had risen when he said that.

  "Say that a bit louder, why don't you?"

  "Sorry. I'm not in the best of moods right now."

  Nathan moved towards her. Christina did her best to stay put. The closer he got the warmer her body felt. She could feel heat licking at her core and spreading out. Being this close and alone with Nathan Gilmore had her hormones jumping all over the place. This was not a good situation at all. But for the life of her she couldn't move away.

  Nathan stopped in front of her, mere inches away. His expression softened and he gave her a smile. It was a small one but genuine, one that Christina felt right down to her toes.


  "For what?"

  "For saving my life. Leo said if I'd been where I was when the bomb went off..." He swallowed. "You'd be picking up pieces."

  Christina didn't want to think about that. It made her stomach churn to think what could have happened. If she had been half a second too late, if she hadn't run to him at didn't bear thinking about. She bit her lip.

  "A boy needs his father. You might be a bastard." This earned a chuckle from Nathan, "But you're a good dad and you've brought him up well. I might want to pummel you but I don't want you dead."

  "You could just say you're welcome."

  Christina laughed.

  "I don't make things easy for anyone."

  "That I do know."

  They looked at each other, sharing a smile. Nathan looked different when he laughed. He looked younger, happier. More dangerous to her.

  This was not good. But Christina couldn't bring herself to care.

  Nathan seemed to realize where they were and coughed awkwardly, glancing at his watch.

  "It's late. I'd better get to bed." His expression softened. "Thanks again, Chris."

  "Goodnight, Mr Gilmore."


  Christina swallowed. Saying his name felt too intimate, too inappropriate.

  "Goodnight, Nathan."

  Nathan stared at her for a moment as if weighing something in his mind. Then he leaned forward and kissed her gently on the cheek. Christina gasped, too stunned to move. Nathan drew back, brushing his fingers across her jaw like a lover's caress.

  "Sleep well."

  He turned and left the room by the other door. Christina stared at the spot where Nathan had been standing, wondering what had just happened. The man she thought as insufferable and arrogant had shown a side she had started liking. A lot.

  That was bad in anyone's book.


  "Nate? Nate!"

  Nathan jumped as his chair was nudged. He swung around and looked up in bewilderment as Josh, who was standing over him with his arms folded.

  "I'm sorry, what was that?"

  "Have you actually been listening?" Josh nodded towards the open doors. "Or are you too busy eyeing up your son's bodyguard?"

  Nathan knew his face was going red. He had been caught. But the image of Christina playing with Jack out in the garden, pushing him on the swing, had captured his attention. In the week since he had hired Leo's company Jack had warmed to Christina. A lot. When they spent time together she was all he talked about. He seemed to be coming out of his shell, laughing more. His development was improving remarkably and Nathan was wondering who his little boy was.

  Christina was a good influence on his son. She was also a good influence on him. Nathan was more relaxed, actually remembering to finish work within regular hours. He found himself having down-time, which had barely happened before. All so he could spend more time in her company. Christina was like a welcoming breath of fresh air.

  And all she had to do was be in the room.

  She had issues with her past; that much was obvious. Nathan wanted to know what those were but he knew better than to push with Christina. She would say something if and when she wanted to.

  He grunted and turned away from the garden.

  "Sorry, Josh. I'm still a bit out of sorts after the bombing."

  Josh's expression was sympathetic.

  "I understand you're a little all over the place. Anyone would be in that situation." Josh glanced towards Christina with a smirk. "But she is pretty. Maybe you should bang her. Just to loosen you up."

  Nathan's blood rushed to his groin. It was something he had thought about in the past week. He had been fascinated by the first interaction and it just went on from there. Nothing would please him more than taking Christina to bed and loving her the way she deserved.

  However he wouldn't broach those boundaries. Christina needed respect and trust before she got intimate with anyone. Nathan didn't think he was that patient. But he wanted Christina; that was without question. So he would do it on her terms.

  "Well, if you're not going to then maybe I could..."

  Nathan slapped Josh's thigh, pushing him off the desk.

  "Don't you dare." He snarled.

  No one touched Christina. Not if he had anything to say about it. She brought out the possessive instincts in him.

  "Fair enough." Josh laughed and moved around the desk to pick up his papers. "You saw her first."

  Jane was looking between them like they had grown extra body parts.

  "I don't get what's wrong with you, Nate. You want to sleep with the hired help, expect trouble."

  Nathan frowned at her. His sister had got increasingly hostile towards Christina and Nathan was confused as to why. Christina made a point of keeping away from Jane but Jane went after her. Everyone had noticed, especially Leo. Nathan was worried Leo was going to say something and it was going to blow up in Jane's face. His sister was a snob and he wanted to throttle her but he didn't want to see her hurt because of her attitude.

  "She's not hired help, Jane. She's a bodyguard."

  "She's a black woman in a rich man's home." Jane snapped. "It won't be long before you are seduced into her bed where she'll screw you over."

  "That is enough!" Nathan slammed his fist onto the desk, making his brother and sister jump. He could feel his blood boiling. He leaned forward and jabbed a finger at Jane. "You will not be disrespectful to Christina. She does not deserve to be treated like that."

  If it had been anyone else they would have cowered before him, expressed their sincerest apologies and scuttled away out of sight. But not Jane. She loved a confrontation, although not often with Nathan. Now she was looking at him like he had gone mad.

  "She really has got under your skin if you're all this riled up about her. And it's only been a week since you met her. It's amazing you haven't fucked her yet."

  Nathan growled.

  "What have you got against her?"

  Jane shrugged.

  "She's a woman of color. What can I say? They're always big trouble."

  "I never pegged you for a racist, Jane." Josh looked surprised at her outburst.

  "I'm not. I'm just stating a fact."

  "You're stating racist comments about Christina." Nathan snapped. "I will not tolerate that." He sat back in his chair and turned to face the bookcase, his way of ending a conversation. "Get out of here."


  "Because if you stay I might be tempted to smack you. Now go."

  There was a stunned silence. Then he heard Jane huff rudely and storm out, slammin
g the door behind her. Josh whistled.

  "What's she got a bee in her bonnet about?"

  "No idea." Nathan gaze wandered back, yet again, to Christina, who was now kicking a soccer ball to Jack. "But she had better change her opinions about Chris. She's not going anywhere anytime soon."



  Christina looked around. Jane was standing a few meters away, hands folded in front of her as she watched Jack going down the slide with Christina supervising him.

  "Miss Gilmore."

  Jane nodded at her nephew.

  "How's Jack this morning?"

  "He's fine." Christina looked fondly at the boy as he ran to the steps again and climbed back up to the top of the slide. "He's still having a few night terrors but not as much as two nights ago."

  Jack had experienced nightmares from the night after the explosion. From what Christina had managed to get from his tearful words was that he kept dreaming Nathan's death over and over. She had spent many hours holding him until he fell asleep. Eventually, she had put a mattress on the floor by his bed where she could sleep. A couple of times she had woken up to find Jack had climbed into bed with her and was fast asleep cuddled up against her. It made her heart ache that he was suffering.

  Jane nodded. She had her hair tied back in a fashionable chignon, showing off diamond earrings on delicate lobes. She was now wearing a peach-colored skirt suit, her blouse buttoned primly to the throat. Her long legs were encased in stockings, judging by the gleam of the sun coming off her calves and was managing to stay upright in four-inch heels in the grass. Christina couldn't figure out how she had got to the playground without falling flat on her face.

  "Is my brother aware of them?"

  Christina caught the tone of her voice and bristled. It sounded like Jane was implying she wasn't doing her duty.

  "He knows." She said stiffly. "I told him at breakfast this morning that Jack is improving."

  "What did he say?"

  "That I was doing a good job with him."

  And she was. Jack had blossomed since she had arrived and Christina couldn't help but feel proud whenever she witnessed something amazing from her little charge. He was incredibly bright. His looks and intelligence certainly came from his father.


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