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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

Page 19

by BWWM Club

  Christina moaned and arched into him as her arms went around his neck. She felt one of his hands go to her breast and kneed it slowly. Through her haze she then felt his other hand go from her hip to between her legs. Fingers rubbed over her curls and circled her clit. The sharp pleasure made Christina jump and she clutched onto him.

  Then one of Nathan's fingers slid into her and Christina broke off from the kiss as her head fell back, closing her eyes as the pleasure coursed through her body. Nathan's lips traced their way down her neck to her chest, moving across to her free breast. Another finger joined the first as he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked gently, flicking the tip with his tongue.

  Christina pushed her fingers into his hair and held on for dear life. Compared to earlier with their frantic coupling and the high intensity, this sensual dance between them was so hot she was overheating. It felt so good she didn't want it to stop. She writhed under Nathan's hands. Nathan added another finger, brushing his thumb across her clit as his mouth nibbled at her breast.

  Pleasure gathered very low in Christina's belly to the point of painful and she squirmed, wanting to get away but also wanting to have more. Nathan's arm locked around her waist and held her in place as he tended to her, bringing her up to great heights. He held her tighter as Christina climaxed, ripples of pleasure racking her body as she screamed in his arms, clutching at his hair like a life support.

  Nathan's ministrations slowed until she was calmer and limp in his arms and withdrew. Christina moaned and tried to tug him back but Nathan ignored her, moving her slowly to the middle of the bed. Then he stood to shuck his jeans off, his cock appearing large and proud against his belly.

  He crawled onto the bed and moved over her, their bodies barely touching. Christina felt his erection brush her thigh and shivered. Unable to stand much more, she closed the distance between them and kissed Nathan fiercely, sweeping her tongue into his mouth and tangling it with his. Nathan came down on her so their bodies were flush together, cupping her hand in his hands.

  Christina touched his bare skin and traced her hands down his back, feeling the muscles bunch under her fingertips, and brushed over his taut backside. Nathan groaned and shifted, moving her legs apart so he could settle his hips between them. The tip of his cock brushed at her pussy in a way that had Christina wriggling.

  Nathan buried his face into her neck.

  "God, you'll be the death of me." He rasped, nibbling on her jaw.

  His hips surged forward and his cock entered her in one long thrust. Christina gasped and gripped his shoulders. She could feel herself tightening around his cock. Even though it had been merely half an hour since the last time, she still needed to adjust to his size.

  Nathan waited until she relaxed and withdrew most of the way out, pushing back in again. They fell into a slow but sensual rhythm, Christina raised her hips to meet his and feeling his cock go further inside her. Nathan growled and picked up the pace, planting kisses everywhere he could reach.

  Christina took his lips with hers and felt his pace speed up even more in his urgency until the pleasure she had felt earlier returned and blossomed so quickly it caught her by surprise.

  The orgasm hit her hard and she cried out into Nathan's mouth. She clutched at him and felt Nathan tense in her arms before he also climaxed, jerking into her one last time. Then he relaxed, muscles twitching while he breathed heavily. Christina held onto him tightly, not wanting to let go.

  After what seemed like an age, Nathan pulled out of her and shifted off the bed. He pulled back the duvet and coaxed Christina under it before sliding in beside her. He adjusted the duvet around them and pulled her to him so her back was flush against his chest as he kissed her neck.

  "How do you feel?"

  Christina pulled her hair out the way and allowed Nathan more access.

  "Better than I have in a long time." She purred.

  She felt Nathan smile against her hair as he nuzzled it, running it through his fingers. He held her close and settled them into the pillows.

  "Get some sleep. You'll need it."

  "Are you staying?"

  For a moment Christina hoped that he would. Then she dismissed it. He wouldn't stay. But his next words had her warming inside.

  "I wasn't planning on going anywhere."

  Feeling relaxed, Christina settled down. Immediately, sleep hit her and she was falling into a pleasant slumber for the first time in a long time. Right as she fell into a deep sleep she heard Nathan's voice.

  "I love you, Christina."


  Nathan lay on his side and watched Christina sleep. She looked so peaceful, her hair spread across the pillow and tickling his cheek. The bruise was still prominent over her eye and Nathan couldn't help but feel anger whenever he looked at it but it didn't draw away from the fact she was absolutely lovely.

  Their second lovemaking session had been even better than the first. Nathan hadn't thought it possible. And he was itching for another session. But he knew Christina was exhausted. He would let her sleep and make love to her again before Jack got up in the morning. There was no way he was leaving her without leaving an imprint of himself of her mind.

  Nathan sat up. He was tired but he didn't want to sleep just yet. He wanted to go and look in on Jack, check that he was all right. It was something he did every night before he went to bed, a sort of ritual to make sure Jack was still there. After what had happened with Katie and the threats lately he knew he wouldn't be comfortable until he had looked in on his son.

  Slipping on his jeans, Nathan tiptoed to the adjoining door to his son's room. He opened it and put his head around the door.

  And pushed the door open wider, flicking the light on. Jack wasn't in bed. His duvet was on the floor and his nightlight was broken on the floor. It looked like there had been a struggle.

  Heart pounding in his panic, Nathan began to ransack the room, looking under the bed and in the closet. But Jack was nowhere to be found.


  Christina appeared in the doorway, wearing only her t-shirt and panties. She brushed her hair out of her face.

  "What's wrong?"

  Nathan turned to her. One look at her and he realized what he had done. His nanny and his last chief of security had been in bed together when Jack's picture had been taken. Now he had been in bed with Christina when Jack was taken.

  He shouldn't have let himself get distracted.

  "Jack's gone." He said coldly.

  If Christina noticed the change in tone towards her she didn't say anything. She turned.

  "I'll get dressed and find the others. We'll check downstairs."


  Jack was nowhere upstairs. Nathan searched through all the rooms, including his own. He even went through Josh's room, noting that Josh was nowhere to be seen. But Jack wasn't anywhere he was expecting to find him.

  Nathan could feel the panic growing. What had happened to his son? Where had he gone? Nathan didn't like this. His instinct was telling him something was very wrong. Jack wouldn't get up in the middle of the night and wander off; he was scared of the dark. It had got better until last week and now he refused to leave his room if it was dark.

  His fear was confirmed when he hurried downstairs and met Leo, Clive and Joe in the foyer.

  "Have you found him?"

  Leo shook his head.

  "No. He's not outside. Everything's still locked up."

  "And he's not in the house that we can find." Clive added.


  Christina was in the doorway to his office. She was dressed in her clothes from earlier and her hair was up in a high ponytail. Her expression was fearful.

  "There's something for you on your computer."

  With a sinking heart Nathan hurried to his office, following Christina to his desk. Christina slid into his chair.

  "I saw it when I was checking in here." She jerked the mouse and the screensaver disappeared, revealing his emails. "You had
one message with a picture attachment."

  Nathan stared at the attachment. He somehow knew what was going to be in that email. He didn't want to open it and find out. But he had to. He swallowed.

  "Bring it up."

  Christina clicked on it and the message filled the screen. Below the message was a picture of Jack, tied up and blindfolded in the back seat of a car.

  "Shit." Leo breathed. He scanned the email. "They want you to give them twenty million dollars and yourself in exchange for Jack's return. You're to do it by midday tomorrow or Jack dies."


  Christina's gut clenched. She felt sick when she saw the message. Someone had Jack, snatched from his bed in the night right under their noses.

  When she was distracted, making love to his father.

  This was her fault. She had got herself distracted and Jack had been taken. Somehow he had been smuggled out of the house and disappeared into thin air.

  Christina looked up at Nathan. He was staring at the computer, a dark look on his face. She knew exactly what he was thinking. No one had been watching his son. While he and Christina had been enjoying their carnal desires Jack had been taken from his bed.

  She reached out for his arm.


  Nathan moved away before she touched him and didn't look at her.

  "Find out who sent that email and from where." He snapped. "I want to know everything about this bastard."

  He was back to how Christina had first met him. The Nathan she had come to know and love was gone. She gulped.


  "And I wanted the information yesterday." Nathan scowled at her. "If you can't manage that then get out of my sight."

  He stormed out the room. Clive whistled.

  "What was that about?"

  "I think I can guess." Leo turned to Christina. He looked furious. "You two were fucking, weren't you?"

  Christina flushed.

  "Don't be so blunt, Leo." She snapped.

  Clive groaned. Leo looked like he was about to explode.

  "You fucking idiot, Chris." He shouted. "You've probably jeopardized our jobs with that stupid move."

  "I'm sorry, okay?" Christina shouted back. She blinked back her tears. Now was not the time to turn on the waterworks. "I didn't mean for it to happen, Leo. Neither of us did."

  "I'd believe that if it wasn't Nathan Gilmore you were talking about." Leo growled. "He's tried the same line with all the women in his life. And that is a fucking long line. You're just the latest flavor."

  Christina felt like she had been punched. Leo's words sucked the air out of her. She'd had her suspicions that Nathan was a womanizer but to hear it laid out like that brought reality back even harder.

  She had been played. Played beautifully and Nathan had got what he wanted. She had stupidly fallen for a man who, not only blamed her for his son's disappearance, but who would only add her at another notch to his bedpost.

  Christina had never felt so foolish in her life.

  "That's not true." She whispered.

  "I'm sorry but it is." Leo looked pained. "He's my friend but you're not the first to fall for him and you certainly won't be the last. Get out of it while you still can."

  He turned and left the room. Christina put her face in her hands, trying not to cry. Leo's words had hurt but they didn't hurt as much as Nathan's reaction towards her. She felt like a wreck.

  She felt a hand on her shoulder.

  "Ignore him." Clive said gently. "Leo is a stickler for the rules."

  "I know." Christina sniffed.

  "And ignore Nathan. He's only upset because someone got to his son a second time when the people looking after him were distracted. He's angry at himself, not at you."

  Christina wanted to believe that. She really did. But she knew she would still be forced to walk away from Nathan, whether she liked it or not.

  "Clive." Leo appeared in the doorway. He didn't look at Christina. "Jane was seen just outside the main gates. The guard's holding her and Joe's calling the FBI. Get the car."


  With a final squeeze to her shoulder, Clive left the room. Christina took a few deep breaths and picked up her glasses, still on the desk. Slipping them on, she ran her program. The least she could do was find out who had sent the email. Then she would slip away while people were busy. She didn't want a long, awkward goodbye with Nathan. That would break her heart all over again.

  The search didn't last long, popping up with an IP address and the owner. Christina couldn't believe it. She ran it twice but it came up with the same answer.

  No. It couldn't be. That wasn't right.

  Christina sat back and stared at the result. Something had gone seriously wrong somewhere if this one was behind everything directed at Nathan and the one who had Jack. Now he was demanding Nathan and Nathan's money to let the boy go.

  Chances were he wouldn't be letting Nathan go alive.

  Christina knew what she had to do. She reached for the phone and dialed a number she had embedded in her memory.

  "This is Chris Maudsley. No, I haven't got the money. But I have a different trade you'll like. Trade me for the boy."

  Chapter 8

  It took a lot of arguing and a visit from the chief of police and the FBI agent-in-charge but Nathan got permission to go into the interview room and talk to Jane alone. He figured he would be able to get Jane to talk better than anyone else. His sister was a stubborn little bitch but he knew which buttons to press. When they fought, the pair knew how to rub each other the wrong way.

  Nathan entered the room and found Jane sitting primly at the table, her back to the two-way mirror. Her hair was down about her shoulders and she was wearing pale pink sweats and sneakers. She looked like she had been out for a run. Her face registered surprise when she saw her brother.

  "Nate. What are you doing here?"

  "I asked a few favors so I could have a few minutes with you." Nathan put the file he had been given on the table and sat across from her. He gave his little sister and incredulous look. "What the hell are you doing hanging around my house, Jane? Are you stalking me?"

  "No! I've been trying to get in all day but my code doesn't work and the guard wouldn't let me in."

  "That's the idea when you leave a job. You don't get the same privileges."

  Jane's bottom lip trembled, tears in her eyes.

  "But I'm your sister!"

  "And you were making insulting comments to the woman I love."

  That surprised Nathan as much as Jane. He hadn't said it out loud since Katie was alive. But thinking about it, Nathan realized he did mean it.

  He loved Christina.

  Jane's eyes narrowed.

  "You love her." She sneered. "She really did get under your skin. I hope she fucks well."

  Nathan slapped his hand on the table, making her jump.

  "That is none of your business." He leaned forward with a dark scowl focused on his sister. "What I want to know is where is Jack?"

  "Jack? What's going on?"

  "He's been snatched from the house. A ransom note was emailed to me, wanting my money and me to trade for Jack." Nathan swallowed back as much anger as he could without choking on it. "What were you going to do? Kill me and Jack and keep the money?"

  The gravity of the situation suddenly appeared to settle on Jane. Her face went white and she began to tremble.

  "I didn't kidnap Jack!" She cried. She looked terrified. "Despite everything I adore that boy. I wouldn't hurt him."

  "Then how do you explain your name coming up every time we checking into the death threats?"

  "Nothing to do with me."

  Nathan's partial bluff hadn't worked. Trying another tack, he opened the file and took out Wong's picture. He laid it on the table and pushed it across.

  "Recognize this man? His name is Alan Wong. You hire him to do some freelancing for us. You sent him emails with instructions to send me death threats using several email addres
ses. That was clever not to use the same address. But neither of you were clever enough to change the IP address each time. Otherwise we'd be none the wiser."

  Jane didn't seem to have heard him. She was staring at Wong's picture.

  "I know Alan." She said quietly. "But I didn't tell him to do that."

  Nathan wanted to believe her. He really did. There were things between them that needed to be resolved but through it all Jane was his sister. That was a bond that could never be broken. He swallowed and clenched his hands on the table, trying to sound calmer.

  "Suppose I believe you and it wasn't you who told Alan to do what he did. Who do you think did it?"

  "You won't like the answer."

  "Try me, Jane."

  Jane looked up at him, biting her lip. Tears glistened in her eyes.

  "I'm sorry, Nate. I think it was Josh."

  "Josh?" Nathan felt like he had misheard. "Why would he do that?"

  "Haven't you guessed? He's always been second-best to you." Jane shrugged. "I guess he thought it was time to take you out of the running and if you were alive he'd still be second-best."

  His little brother Josh. The baby he had held hours after he was born. The child he had taught to ride a bike, learn the alphabet and to read. The boy he had played football and baseball with. The young man who had followed him into the family business and become his trusted second. Nathan was reeling. He couldn't believe that Josh would do that.

  He shook his head, his head trying to deny it but his logic was piecing things together and the picture didn't look good.

  "I don't believe you." He said weakly.

  "Then believe me when I saw him talking to the waiter who blew up the garden party last week about half an hour before the explosion. I saw money change hands."

  "What? Why didn't you say anything?"

  "It didn't click until just now." Jane closed her eyes, tears spilling down her cheeks as she also realized the betrayal. "And I saw him with Alan several times over the last few months. I thought he had hired Alan personally for some extra work. But when I asked him about it he bit my head off."

  "And now he's got Jack."


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