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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

Page 52

by BWWM Club

  “Hello?” She realized she didn’t take a moment to see who it was.

  “Hey, babe.” It was Alex. Bianca relaxed against her seat; his voice had that effect on her.

  “What’s up? Is everything alright?” She asked, he didn’t sound like himself.

  “I’m not so sure this new business venture is going to work out,” he sighed, he sounded crushed.

  “Why? What happened?” Bianca completely forgot about being late for work.

  “My investor has backed out. I think I was dreaming a little too big. Luckily I have my military pension to live on for awhile but without being on active duty the pay is so much less.” Alex sounded devastated and Bianca felt terrible.

  Maybe she was being selfish asking him to do this with her? He loved his career as a fighter pilot for the Air Force and she felt like she was taking his dream away. Maybe it was time to let him walk away…

  “Bianca? Did you hear me?” Alex asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

  “I’m sorry, Alex, I’m driving. Can you repeat that?” She didn’t want to seem distracted while he was having a personal issue.

  “I said that I may need to leave town, fly to Chicago, for a few days to see if I can scrounge up some other investors. If not, then I’ll have to start from scratch with my ideas.” Alex said with a bit of anger.

  Bianca frowned, hoping the anger wasn’t pointed at her. What if he resented her for taking away his career to have a child? Would he leave them? Shaking the thought away, Bianca tried to reassure Alex.

  “I’ll bet you find just the person you need to help you with your business. Maybe that Mr. Gates person wasn’t the right guy for your business.” Bianca said with conviction.

  She heard Alex sigh, “Maybe you’re right. My mom always used to say ‘everything happens for a reason.’ I guess it wasn’t meant to be.” His voice sounded a little brighter. Bianca hoped she helped him feel better. But she couldn’t help the guilt she felt at making him ditch his career for her.

  “I’ll miss you,” She mumbled. Now she was feeling lousy.

  “I’ll stop by tonight so we can have a proper goodbye,” Alex said, a hint of lust and innuendo in his voice.

  Bianca’s body heated at his words. “I’m almost at work and I’m running late,” she said, “I’ll see you later.” The last sentence was uttered with just as much lust as his previous one.

  Alex laughed, “Bye, babe.”

  Bianca’s day was a blur. All that she could think about was being without Alex for several days and the possibility that she may be pregnant. She wondered if she should test while he was there tonight or if she should wait. After much thought, all day in fact, she decided to wait. She wasn’t due for her period for two more days anyway. Finally her work day had come to an end and she could leave. Bianca bid Mrs. Jensen goodbye and walked out of the school, waving at the office staff as she went. Her drive home was silent; she was too wired with sexual energy at the prospect of seeing Alex that she hadn’t bothered with the radio. Her thoughts wandered to him leaving town for the rest of the week and an air of melancholy surrounded her. She pushed it back, however, since she didn’t want to ruin their night together. When she finally pulled up to the house, Alex’s car was parked at the curb. A smile settled on her lips, he was just as anxious to see her as she was him.

  “Hey,” Alex said, his voice deep with lust.

  The tone of his voice sent chills of desire up Bianca’s spine. Forgetting her work bag and almost her purse, Bianca raced to the door with Alex close behind. They burst through the door the second Bianca was able to insert the key and turn, Alex’s mouth already making its way to hers. They were frantic, as if his departure was for months instead of days. Bianca had grown used to his company, they spent almost all of the time they weren’t working together and being apart from him for even a few days would be agony. Somehow, during her inner dialogue, they made it to the couch. Bianca fell onto it when the backs of her knees hit the edge. Alex didn’t miss a beat and moved down with her. They turned so they were laying flat and Alex’s mouth never left hers as they went. Bianca panted against his mouth, her desire growing by the second. She nipped his lip as if to let him know she wanted more, needed more. Alex growled in reaction, pushing down tighter against her, his erection pressing against her pubic bone through his jeans. The feel of him, hard and ready for her, made her moan again with need. Bianca could feel her panties becoming wet with her arousal, and she had the yearning to rip them off. She hated that they were still clothed, that there was something separating their bodies. With frenzied movements, Bianca yanked her tank top over her head, barely missing Alex’s face with her elbow. He drew back, taking the cue from her, and pushed back on his heels to pull his shirt off. Bianca needed to feel his skin against hers, more than she needed to breathe.

  After tossing his shirt away, Alex reached behind Bianca and unclasped her bra with skill. Too turned on to comment at his deftness, Bianca wiggled out of her tight pencil skirt, revealing the red lace thong beneath. Alex growled again, licking his lips, and Bianca held back a whimper at what his motions were doing to her underneath the panties. Reaching for her, Alex all but shredded the small scrap of fabric that covered her sex, throwing it away like garbage.

  “That’s better,” he mumbled, his eyes a dark stormy blue.

  Bianca nodded, reaching for his belt buckle. She fumbled for a second with the closure but within seconds had it removed and was undoing his jeans. The sight of his naked body made her quiver deep inside. His thick erection lay against his lower abdomen, the length of it almost touching his naval. His pale skin was all hard ridges and muscle which bunched under his skin as he moved back over her. Bianca ran her hands over his abs and up his pecs. He was warm and hard all over and his silken skin over the hard planes of muscle made her want to lick him. Alex drew closer, his mouth searching for hers. Instead of acquiescing, Bianca turned her head, offering him her neck and traced her tongue along his bicep. Alex moaned, his teeth gently raking along her neck. The action sent a shiver all the way to Bianca’s pussy, the longing for him to fill her was too much for her to take.

  “Alex, please,” she begged, bucking her hips against his hard length.

  “That’s right, baby. Beg for it. Let me know how much you want it.” He growled between clenched teeth.

  Bianca could tell his control was waning but he still wanted her to play along. She bucked her hips again, wiggling and spreading her legs until she could feel the tip of his cock against her entrance. Alex rumbled deep in his chest. Bianca smiled, thrusting her hips again. The feel of his thick head pressed against the seam of her pussy made Bianca groan. Alex pulled back, not allowing her access a third time and Bianca couldn’t hold back the whimper of loss at the contact.

  “Tell me again what you want, Bianca. I need to hear you say it.” Alex demanded.

  “You, Alex. I need you. All of you. I want you inside of me, now.” Bianca pleaded, trying to keep the desperation from her voice but failing.

  Bianca was on fire with lust and if Alex didn’t douse the flames soon she was sure she would combust. Alex lowered himself back down over top of her, pressing his dick against her slick folds. This time Bianca didn’t squirm, she fought the urge to press against him. Alex pushed forward slowly, torturously. The wide head of his penis breached her channel and Bianca cried out as he pushed deeper, his speed never increasing. Breathless, Bianca moved her hips up to meet his strokes and Alex froze. She looked up at him and he shook his head. He didn’t want to rush, he wanted to go slow and he wanted to be in control. The idea made Bianca even more aroused and she stilled, allowing Alex to take the lead. Once she complied, he moved again, achingly slow. Bianca’s breathing became labored and her heart pounded. The urge to move overwhelmed her but she stayed put. Instead she focused on the building pressure of her orgasm. The more Alex moved, his dick hitting the spot that made her see stars and gliding against her clit with every motion, the higher she climbed toward
climax. The orgasm hit suddenly, and Bianca couldn’t control her body. Her hips surged forward and she grabbed Alex’s biceps, her nails digging into his skin. Just as she began to come down from the mind blowing pleasure, Alex called out her name, finding his own release. He collapsed on top of her and they both lay there a moment catching their breath. Each time they made love was better than the last and Bianca was certain she was addicted to him.

  Finally recovered, Alex placed a chaste kiss on her forehead and lifted up.

  “Let’s get to bed,” he said grabbing her hand and helping Bianca to stand.

  She nodded, gathering her clothes from the floor and followed him up the stairs. She was exhausted.


  Alex watched Bianca as she slept, her untamed dark curls fanned out on her pillow. Her breathing was even and steady and she looked content; sated. Alex sighed, wondering what he would do if his investor in Chicago didn’t come through for him. He believed in his business, a security company that dealt with private and charter planes, but he had a hard time selling anyone on his idea. It didn’t help that he was the only person able to provide the services at this time. He had approached a couple of his friends from the Air Force about joining him, but they were either reenlisting or had civilian jobs already waiting for them. Stifling a curse so as not to wake Bianca, Alex slipped from the bed, pulling on his jeans and padding downstairs. All he could think about was Bianca and the possibility that she was already pregnant. Without a job Alex’s Air Force pension wasn’t much to live on.


  He had to convince the investor in Chicago that his company was solid. Pacing the kitchen, Alex started a pot of coffee. The sun wasn’t yet up. The clock on the microwave let him know that it was only four-thirty. Sleep was hard to come by when he didn’t have a job and was worried about the future of your relationship. What would Bianca think of him if he couldn’t find a job? The Keurig began to shoot coffee into his mug and Alex snatched it from under the stream just before it stopped. Repressing the urge to shout an obscenity once more, Alex tore a handful of paper towels to mop up the mess he just made.

  “First time using a Keurig?” Bianca asked from the kitchen doorway with a smirk.

  Alex’s head snapped around. His anxiety faded a bit at the sight of her. She had pulled on his t-shirt and was strolling towards him, her deep brown eyes alert for such an early hour.

  “I’m sorry. Did I wake you?” He asked, edging closer to her after tossing the sopping paper towels in the garbage.

  She shook her head, her curls in disarray from sleep and moving with the motion. She looked fucking sexy. Before Alex could change his mind, he grabbed her in his arms and headed back upstairs. Since they were both awake they may as well make the best of it.


  Bianca rolled over, her eyes unwilling to open as her alarm blared from the nightstand. Early morning sex was fantastic but having to wake up only an hour later was not. Prying her eyes open she turned, smacking her hand down on the alarm clock. She sat up, the delicious soreness between her legs reminding her of just how much fun she had last night. To her left Alex was passed out, the sound of the alarm didn’t even make him flinch. Deciding to let him sleep, Bianca crept from the bed and headed to the shower. Turning the shower as hot as she could stand, Bianca climbed in and pulled the door closed. The hot water cascaded down her body and cleared her head of the sleepy fog. A small voice in the back of her head wondered if she was tired for another reason, but she put that thought out of her head. PMS also made her tired and sluggish. The thought that her period was just around the corner doused her good mood, and Bianca switched the flow of water off with a force she hadn’t meant to exert. Wringing her hair out, she pushed the shower door open and reached for her towel on the rack but it wasn’t there. Frowning, because she was sure she had hung it there before she got in, she turned. A smile spread across her face.

  “Looking for something?” Alex asked, her towel draped over his arm.

  Bianca laughed, the thoughts of before dissipated, “Not anymore.”

  “If you want it, you better come get it,” Alex said with a smirk.

  “Baby, we can’t. I’ll be late for work.” Bianca answered, stepping from the shower anyway to retrieve her towel.

  “Bummer,” Alex muttered, tossing her the towel.

  “Three times not enough for you, soldier?” She asked, toweling her hair dry before wrapping it around herself.

  “I will never get enough of you, Bianca,” Alex growled, gripping Bianca by the waist and pulling her to him.

  She yelped in surprise. “You can’t change my mind this morning. I can’t be late for work.” Bianca said, pushing off of his chest.

  “Can’t blame a guy for trying,” Alex said with a smirk.

  Bianca laughed and strolled into her walk in closet. Alex followed, the smirk remaining. He clearly planned on watching her dress. It would be torture for both of them.

  “Don’t you have a plane to catch?” Bianca asked, dropping her towel.

  Alex’s eyes grew wide, the smirk gone. They traveled down her body and back up again slowly, stopping finally at her eyes. Bianca swallowed hard; maybe she could be late to work just this once. The way Alex was looking at her made her whole body heat.

  “Alex,” she whispered as he approached her.

  “I told you Bianca, it’s never enough,” His mouth crashed into hers and his arms circled her waist.

  Bianca moaned, her nakedness next to him being clothed made it even hotter. She could feel his erection pressing against her bare belly through his jeans. Her hard nipples brushed against the rough material of his polo shirt and it sent a zing of pleasure straight between her thighs. In the back of her mind she knew there wasn’t time for this but she couldn’t let him go. Her fingers laced through his sandy hair and she pulled him in closer, deepening the kiss. She wanted more; she wanted all of it, all of him. A shrill ring sounded in the bedroom and Bianca came crashing back to reality. It was a work day and she was going to be late. Reluctantly, she pulled herself away from Alex. A look of disappointment crossed his face and she was pretty sure it was mirrored on hers. Who the hell was calling this early anyway?

  “I’m sorry. I really have to go.” She said with regret.

  “I know. I do too. I can’t miss this meeting. I need this investor.” Alex grumbled as he answered the still shrieking phone. Something like anger passed over his face but was gone instantly.

  Bianca wondered if it was directed at her. She knew he was having a hard time finding investors for his new business venture. He had to be getting frustrated. Although she knew about his struggle to find work she couldn’t shake the feeling that it was about her. That she was the reason he was so angry. Pushing the thought aside for now so as not to ruin the time they had before he left, Bianca went about getting ready for work. It was finally starting to feel like fall in Philadelphia so she pulled on a pair of black slacks and a long sleeved white silk blouse. Red flats completed the outfit and when she emerged from the walk-in, Alex was holding his duffle bag, dressed and ready to go. The sight of him never ceased to take her breath away. His dirty blond hair was combed back, but a few strands managed to slip out and fall over his eye. She approached him and pushed them away. He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. There was something distracting him this morning. Bianca told herself it was nervousness about his meeting.

  They walked downstairs together in silence and each grabbed a travel mug with coffee and a bagel before heading out the door. Alex stopped beside her car door just before she climbed in.

  “I’ll see you in a few days,” he said. He looked as if he was going to say something else but instead leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss on her lips.

  Bianca reciprocated, “I’ll see you soon.” She had the sudden unexpected urge to tell him she loved him. But it was too soon for that right?

  She watched him amble out of the garage and toss his bag in the backseat of his SUV. He
waved one last time before climbing in and starting the engine. Bianca didn’t get into her car until he pulled away, the nagging thought that something was left unsaid between them plaguing her all the way to work.

  Chapter 6

  Halfway through the week Bianca missed Alex. Who was she kidding, halfway through the first day she missed him, but she tried to stay busy. Between work, and her college night classes starting back up, she wasn’t home pining for him as much as she thought. That didn’t mean she wasn’t thinking about him regularly while going about her day at school and work. She could still feel those last desperate kisses they shared the morning he left; the way his clothed body pressed against her naked one. Just the thought had moisture soaking her underwear. She couldn’t wait for him to get back.

  “Bianca? Did you hear the question?” Her head popped up off of her hand as the professor asked her a question.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” She asked quietly. Everyone was looking at her.

  Her face heated with embarrassment at being caught daydreaming about having sex with her boyfriend by her professor. Not that she knew what Bianca was thinking, but it was still awkward.

  “I asked you what were the three ways a student could make connections with a text?” Dr. Reynolds pursed her already small lips until they were just barely a line.

  Bianca sighed. “Text to self, text to text and text to world,” She recited from memory.

  The professor’s look changed from ticked to mildly surprised. For some reason she didn’t like Bianca and called on her any chance she could to try to make her flustered. Unfortunately every time, even when not ready for the question, Bianca answered correctly.

  “Very well,” She muttered before moving on to something else.

  Bianca smiled and her friend Jeanie, a fellow teacher’s aide from the school where she was a teacher’s aide, stifled a laugh. With a huff, the professor finished class. Bianca wasn’t sure what crawled up her ass and died but she didn’t really care either. She had more important things to think about. Like Alex’s last kiss, or her period finally being late. Suppressing a squeal of glee as she walked from the classroom, Bianca told herself she would take the pregnancy test as soon as she returned home.


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