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BWWM Club 2: 6 Top Selling BWWM Romance Stories Bundle In 1

Page 54

by BWWM Club

  “Yes, Alex.” Bianca finally found her voice, although the lump in her throat made it waver. “We’re going to have a baby.”

  Alex smiled; the kind of genuine smile that reached all the way to his eyes. Bianca’s heart stopped pounding and she exhaled with relief. He wasn’t angry at all, just surprised. Without warning, Alex closed the space between them and crushed his lips against hers. He pulled her against his rock solid chest, and Bianca had no choice but to wrap her arms around his neck to keep her balance. His kiss was urgent and needy and Bianca opened her mouth to meet his pace as his tongue pushed between her lips. She missed him so much while he was gone and her kisses were just as desperate in return. Before they went any further, Alex scooped Bianca up in his arms and headed upstairs, taking the stairs two at a time. She would have been nervous had he not been a soldier. He placed her gently on the bed and began to undress her, tossing aside her t-shirt and yoga pants quickly and then shed his clothes just as fast. Alex settled back on top of Bianca and she moaned in anticipation just before their lips met. This time Alex’s kiss was soft and gentle. He feathered kisses along her neck and down to her breasts, taking the hard tip of her nipple into his mouth. Bianca groaned again as Alex ground his teeth against her nipple gently. Her back arched off of the bed and she wrapped her legs high around his waist, begging him to enter her. Alex pulled back, a look of mischief crossing his face. Bianca wasn’t in the mood for games, she just wanted Alex inside of her, now.

  “Please, Alex, I need you now.” She begged, thrusting her hips to meet him.

  Alex shook his head, gently pushing her back to the mattress and untangling her legs from his waist. He feathered kisses down her chest and stomach, pressing a firm kiss to her lower abdomen. Bianca pushed back the tears that came to her eyes at the gesture and tried to stay in the moment. She quickly forgot all about it, however, when Alex spread her legs wide and pressed a firm kiss to her center. Whimpering with need, Bianca was unable to control the thrust of her hips. Alex growled at her impatience and dipped his head again, running his tongue up the seam of her pussy and stopping at her clit.

  He pulled back. “Damn, Bianca, you’re so wet,” he growled, dipping his head again.

  This time he began to devour her as if he couldn’t get enough; licking and sucking until Bianca was panting with the need to come. His tongue moved in and out of her pussy, lapping up every last bit of her arousal. The pleasure built and Bianca felt as if she would fly to pieces as the orgasm hit her. Her muscles clenched around his invading tongue but Alex didn’t stop.

  “Alex, please,” She pleaded again as he pushed his tongue in and out, stopping every few seconds to lick a path up to her clit.

  The pleasure was too much and the second orgasm tore through her with a force she had never felt before. Bianca screamed Alex’s name and collapsed on the bed. Before she could recover he was on top of her, the thick length of his erection pushing at the seam of her pussy. She wanted to wrap her legs around him and guide him in, but she was too spent from the back to back orgasms to move. As if reading her mind, Alex grabbed Bianca’s legs and hitched them up to his waist just before he plunged into her. Bianca cried out again, the mix of pleasure and pain taking her by surprise. God, it felt so good. Alex plunged into her again and again, hitting her g-spot with just the right amount of pressure while Bianca brought her hips up to meet him, thrust for thrust. Soon they found a rhythm and Bianca’s orgasm began to build again while her breathing increased in pace as she anticipated the release. Without warning the orgasm hit, better than the first two and Bianca cried out again, this time it was unintelligible, and she saw stars burst behind her eyes. Bianca sighed, sated, trying to find her breath. Seconds later, Alex picked up the pace, and she felt his dick lengthen. He cried out her name as he found his release and his body collapsed on top of hers.

  They were both exhausted and unable to move for several minutes. Alex pressed gentle kisses all along Bianca’s face and neck until they both recovered enough for him to roll off of her. Alex gathered her in his arms, spoon style, still kissing her along her back and neck. Bianca shivered with contentment, his touch always making her want more.

  “You better stop that or we may have to have another round,” Bianca said, turning to meet his gaze.

  Alex laughed, pressing a chaste peck to her nose. “I wouldn’t mind but I think you need some rest now,” he laid a protective hand on her lower abdomen and rubbed slow circles around it.

  Bianca began to tear up again. Damn hormones! Wiping a rogue tear from her cheek she snuggled into Alex. It was all going to be okay, the tension between them that she felt earlier was just her overactive imagination. Several minutes later, Bianca began to drift off to sleep, a smile of happiness on her lips.


  Alex woke up the next morning covered in a cold sweat. The nightmare he was just having began to fade into the background; it was just a dream. In the nightmare he had lost Bianca and the baby, they were gone and he couldn’t find them anywhere no matter how much he searched. He didn’t need a PhD in psychology to decipher that one; he was afraid of losing them. Finding an investor for his business was proving to be more difficult than he thought and he was beginning to get discouraged. Running a hand through his shaggy dirty blond hair, Alex climbed from the bed. He had one more option to consider for his business and then he would have to face the facts and look for another civilian job. Sighing with frustration, Alex stepped into the shower. He turned his face up to the spray, praying his new plan would work. If only he could find one other guy to go in on the business with him he knew it would work. Alex jumped as Bianca’s arms suddenly embraced him from behind, he was so lost in his thoughts he didn’t hear her enter the shower.

  “Whatever you’re thinking about that put that look on your face, we’ll get through it together, baby,” Bianca whispered, kissing his back.

  He turned, pulling her into his chest. God, she was beautiful and kind and loving. Did he deserve her? Alex didn’t know but he would do everything in his power to prove that he did.


  A couple weeks passed and Bianca was getting used to the routine of spending time with Alex, work and school. She was excited about her upcoming doctor’s appointment and ultrasound; the first one. She and Alex spent hours at night talking about baby names, baby gear and if he should move into her house. He was currently living in a one bedroom apartment that he kept for in between his deployments, it wasn’t like they could all live there, so her place made more sense. Smiling uncontrollably for the fifth time that day, Bianca rounded up fifteen tiny little people into some semblance of a line. It was time for lunch and then recess, their favorite part of the day, and the kindergarten class was restless.

  “Tommy, get back behind Melinda,” Bianca ordered, guiding him with a gentle hand on his back. “You know that it’s her turn as line leader.”

  Tommy scowled at her but did as he was told. Bianca held back a laugh and turned to Mrs. Jensen. She had the same look on her face. Five-year-olds were hilarious.

  “How are you feeling, dear?” Mrs. Jensen asked Bianca as they walked the class to the cafeteria.

  Bianca had told Mrs. Jensen about her pregnancy, she was the only person at school so far, in case she had to run to the bathroom from morning sickness.

  “I’m feeling pretty good actually,” Bianca beamed as she talked, “I was slightly nauseous at the very beginning but it seems to have subsided.”

  “How far along are you again?” Mrs. Jensen asked.

  “Just about six weeks.” Bianca answered.

  Mrs. Jensen frowned but didn’t say anything. Bianca thought that was strange and just as she was about to ask why she looked like that they entered the lunchroom and the chaos of two hundred elementary aged children talking and laughing all at the same time. The rest of the day went by in a blur and Bianca was antsy for three o’clock to meet Alex at the doctor’s. The good part was that the class kept her so busy she didn’t hav
e too much time to think about the appointment. When the time finally came to leave, Bianca gathered her things and practically ran from the building. All the way to the doctor’s Bianca tried to imagine what her baby would look like at this stage. Her expectant mothers’ book said it would look like a bean. Butterflies of anticipation assaulted her stomach and when she finally arrived at the doctor’s office she was giddy with anticipation.

  Bianca drove around the lot searching for Alex’s car. He wasn’t there yet. Parking, she dug her cell phone from her purse to call him but there was already a missed call from him. Her head swimming with confusion, Bianca swiped her finger over the missed call icon to call Alex back.

  “Bianca?” Alex answered on the first ring.

  “What’s wrong?” She immediately asked, worried.

  “Nothing, but I’m going to be late for your appointment. I’ve just received a call about a job opportunity and if I don’t interview today then the position is going to be offered to someone else.” Alex said, his voice was filled with excitement.

  Knowing how hard he took it when his dream of the security company fizzled out, Bianca decided not to be too hard on him for missing the ultrasound, even though she was disappointed.

  “Okay,” she replied, unable to hide her disappointment.

  Alex sighed on the other end, “I’m sorry, baby. I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”

  They talked for another few minutes and then Bianca hung up, a frown of unhappiness lining her face. One glance at her dashboard clock and she realized she was already a few minutes late. Cursing under her breath, Bianca exited the car. A sudden cramping in her abdomen took her by surprise, but it wasn’t overly painful, just uncomfortable and she shook it off as growing pains. Halfway to the building Bianca noticed she forgot her purse. Worried that Alex would call and she would miss it, she trudged back to the car, parked all the way in the back of the lot, to retrieve it. Now almost ten minutes late, Bianca entered the doctor’s office just as another twinge gripped her belly. Doubling over, Bianca noticed this one was sharper and more painful than the first. Suddenly afraid for her baby, Bianca hurried up to the reception desk. After checking in she explained to the receptionist what had occurred.

  “I’m sorry, Bianca. Since you were ten minutes late you will have to wait a bit for the doctor to fit you in. Her four-thirty just arrived.” The receptionist explained.

  Bianca’s face dropped as another twinge of pain made her bend over. “But what about what’s happening to me?” She asked with fear in her voice.

  “Cramping and growing pains are common in the early months. If you’ve not had any spotting or bright red blood you should be alright. Please have a seat and the nurses will call you back as soon as they are able to.” The tone of the receptionist’s voice took on a condescending note and Bianca glared at her through the glass partition.

  Once she was seated, Bianca pulled out her phone to text Alex about her cramps. Maybe he could talk her down from the unsettling panic she was feeling.

  Bianca: I’m waiting to see the doctor. I was too late for my appointment. I’ve been having some cramping.

  Alex: Is it bad?

  Bianca: Not unbearable, but enough to double over.

  Alex: Round ligament pain?

  Bianca: Possibly. I hope she can see me soon.

  Alex: I’m walking into my interview now; I’ll text you when I’m on my way. It’s going to be okay, babe.

  Bianca sighed and shoved her phone back into her purse. Was she the only one worried about this? Maybe she was being irrational. Her hormones were all over the place right now. For the next hour Bianca watched the door to the exam rooms and checked her phone for Alex’s call, all while having minor to moderate cramping. Thinking that moving around may help ease it; Bianca stood and paced the room, rubbing her non-existent baby bump as she went. Just when Bianca was ready to complain to the receptionist a nurse opened the door and called her name. Sighing with relief, Bianca gathered her purse and followed the nurse down the hall to the exam room. Before entering they took her weight at a scale located outside of the room. Once she was seated on the exam table the nurse took her blood pressure and handed her a gown.

  “Everything off from the waist down and use this across your lap,” She said, handing Bianca a sheet and leaving the room.

  Bianca undressed with shaky hands, folding her clothes into a neat pile and setting it on the chair. She hopped onto the exam table and checked her phone for the tenth time to see if Alex had texted her.

  Alex: On my way, be there in a few.

  Relaxing at the knowledge that Alex was on his way, Bianca sat back against the raised head of the exam table. The cramps seemed to have lessened for the moment and she was starting to feel a bit better about it only being some muscle stretching. Another twenty minutes passed and Bianca grew restless again. She had been waiting in the office for almost two hours now and she wanted to see the doctor to make sure her baby was okay. Finally a knock sounded on the door and it swung open. Expecting the doctor, Bianca stilled her fidgeting legs and sat upright. But it wasn’t the doctor, it was Alex.

  “I am so glad to see you,” Bianca said, almost forgetting that she was half naked and jumping from the exam table.

  Alex rushed to her side and embraced her. The gesture made Bianca’s heart calm and she knew that whatever happened they would get through it together.

  “How are you feeling?” He asked, resting his hand on her still flat abdomen.

  “I’m okay now, just a twinge here and there. I think it was just growing pains.”

  Alex nodded, his face still lined with worry. They sat side by side holding hands until the doctor arrived. As soon as Dr. Gabriel entered the room Bianca wanted to pounce, but she waited until she was seated and had pulled up her file on the computer to say anything.

  “So, are we excited to see your baby’s first pictures?” Dr. Gabriel asked before Bianca could tell her about the cramping.

  They both nodded. “Dr. Gabriel, I’ve been having some cramping off and on since I got here. I told the receptionist but she said it was normal.”

  The doctor frowned, “That’s not really her job. She should have told us right away.”

  Doctor Gabriel moved forward and motioned for Bianca to lay back. “I’m going to feel around for a moment and then I’ll get the ultrasound machine.”

  Bianca bobbed her head up and down in agreement and pulled her shirt up. Doctor Gabriel pressed on her lower abdomen a few times and Bianca winced.

  “Does that hurt?” Dr. Gabriel asked.

  “A little.” Bianca answered with alarm. What was happening?

  The doctor frowned again but didn’t say anything. Bianca glanced at Alex and he raised his eyebrows at her. She shrugged, hoping that everything was okay. Tears pressed at the backs of her eyelids but Bianca forced them back. Now was not the time to fall apart before she knew what was happening.

  “I’ll just run out and grab the ultrasound and be back in a minute,” Dr. Gabriel said, dashing from the room.

  Bianca looked at Alex with worry. “I hope everything is okay,” she said, gripping his hand tighter.

  “I’m sure it is,” he mumbled patting her hand. “I could always check it out for you.” Alex added, lifting her gown a bit.

  Bianca smiled and smacked his hand down. She loved him for trying to lighten the mood with a joke. That was the second time she admitted to herself that she loved Alex. But one look at him, holding her hand as she worried about their unborn child and she knew she loved him long before now, she was just afraid to admit it.

  Turning to Alex, Bianca was on the verge of professing to him what she had just been thinking when another cramp, this one worse than the rest, gripped her belly.

  “Oh no!” She exclaimed, doubling over on the table.

  “Bianca!” Alex yelled reaching for her.

  “It hurts so badly this time,” she said, her voice hitching on a sob.

  “I’ll get t
he doctor,” Alex said rushing towards the door.

  He didn’t make it far however before the doctor came bursting in with the ultrasound.

  “Here we are…” She began before seeing Bianca’s state. “What’s happened?” She asked, rushing to Bianca’s side.

  “I don’t know,” Bianca mumbled through gritted teeth, the pain feeling like it was ripping her in two. “The cramping is back and it’s so much worse this time.” She managed to say.

  “Let’s get you reclined and check on this baby,” Dr. Gabriel said, taking charge.

  Bianca laid back and the doctor began the ultrasound, wincing with pain as she moved the wand. Alex gripped her hand, his face a mask of concern. They both watched the doctor’s face for any sign of what was going on. She gave nothing away and that made Bianca even more nervous. After several agonizing moments, Dr. Gabriel turned to them, regret in her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” Bianca asked, her voice cracking.

  “I don’t see a heartbeat, Bianca,” the doctor started. “And it looks as if you’ve begun to bleed.”

  Bianca’s face crumbled and she began to sob silently into her hands. This wasn’t happening.

  “I don’t understand?” Alex said eyeing the doctor with incomprehension.

  Bianca turned to him, tears streaking down her face and a lump in her throat that made her feel as if she was going to gag. “I lost the baby, Alex. I’m sorry,” her voice breaking on a sob. In only a matter of two hours, Bianca’s bliss turned to mourning and she wished more than anything that she could make the pain go away.

  Chapter 8

  Bianca was rocking a baby, she wasn’t sure if it was a boy or a girl, but it was hers. She could feel it in her bones. The tiny face was covered by the soft yellow blanket, but even though she couldn’t see the baby’s face she could feel the love surrounding her. She felt so relaxed and calm and almost drifted off to sleep. Suddenly the fire alarm was blaring and the baby was gone from her arms. Coughing on the smoke filling the nursery, Bianca turned her head back and forth frantically looking for the baby. She couldn’t find it. The baby was crying loudly but was nowhere to be seen. Panic engulfed her as she searched all of the rooms in the smoke filled house looking for the baby. A voice beckoned her from outside but she couldn’t see who it was. But she recognized the voice. Alex!


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