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Their Tempting Bride (Bridgewater Brides)

Page 6

by Lacey Davis

  She gazed up at him. “I just never expected to like it so much.”

  A grin spread across his face. “Come on, let’s go down and I’ll help you fix your first dinner.”

  They walked downstairs and she watched him warily. “How did you hurt your leg?”

  “In the war. Daniel and I were in the Mohamir army along with other men from Bridgewater. I took a nasty bullet to my leg. It almost cost me my life.”

  She glanced down at his pants that the stump covered. “You know it will not bother me to see it.”

  He sighed. Only one person beside the doctors had ever seen his stump and that was Daniel. He wasn’t ready to share the ugly scar with his bride. He wanted her to think of him as a whole man, not a cripple.

  “In time,” he said. “It’s hard for a man not to be considered whole. I can do just as much work as a regular man, but most people don’t see it that way.”

  She ran her hand down his face, caressing him. “You’re very much a whole man to me. I know what you can do.”

  In her naked state, he grabbed her face and brought her lips to his. This woman didn’t have any idea what her words meant to him. How much he needed to hear her say that she thought him whole. His lips consumed hers and he demanded she surrender to him.

  She was theirs and he had to have her now.

  Taking her arm, he walked her to the table and laid her over the wooden flat surface.


  Then he yanked down his pants and pulled out his cock. With her lying on her stomach, he struck her ass not once, but twice, in rapid succession.

  “Oh,” she cried as he put his cock at the entrance to her pussy and slammed into her, hitting the back wall of her womb.

  “Oh, Martin,” she cried.

  He lifted her hips to meet his cock as he pounded into her cunt, over and over. With his thumb, he thumped the wooden dowel in her ass and she screamed out with pleasure.

  “Fuck me, Martin,” she cried.

  “With pleasure,” he said as he knocked the wooden dowel again. “I’m going to come. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, oh, yes,” she said, squeezing his cock.

  That was all it took to send him over the edge as he slammed into her hard, spilling his seed deep inside her.

  She screamed out his name. “Martin.”

  And it felt like she grabbed his heart and claimed it as his own. Breathing hard, he slumped over the table with her beneath him.

  “Woman, you are making me crazy with want for you,” he said as they half lay there, bodies rising and falling.

  A giggle escaped from her. “It’s only been twenty-four hours and yet you and Daniel are mine. You’re my men. My husbands and I’m so glad.”

  A feeling unlike anything Martin had ever felt overcame him and he knew no matter what happened, he would die trying to protect her. No one was going to come between the three of them.

  And then he remembered that soon Daniel’s father would be arriving. If anyone could cause problems, it would be him. But until then, he would protect Georgia with his very life.

  “Get cleaned up. We need to cook dinner,” he told her, rising from her and giving her a slap on the ass.

  “Not if you spank me like that again,” she said, sitting up and grinning at him.

  “You can be a saucy wench,” he told her with another swat on the ass.


  Daniel hated being gone from their home today. If not for his father visiting soon, he’d sell the damn business and just work his cattle. When they had children, he would not be working in town any longer, even though he made money buying and selling minerals.

  All day at the office and especially now, he felt like he had been followed. A cowboy followed him to the office. He kept looking around, but so far, he had not seen him again. On the way home, he kept looking around, but he’d seen nothing. But an eerie feeling bothered him and he was anxious to get home to his new wife.

  Last night could not have gone any better. Georgia was everything he’d hoped for in a wife and her willingness to accept and try new ways pleased him.

  Yes, the woman had a stubborn streak, but that only provided more pleasure for them all. And Daniel was not one to hesitate in punishing her.

  As he rode into Bridgewater, one of the town’s men, Whitmore, waved to him. “Daniel, I hear congratulations are in order.”

  A grin spread across his face. “Yes, Martin and I married Georgia Carroll from Butte.”

  The man’s brows drew together. “Not the daughter of Henry Carroll? The man who works for old man Bartlett? Heard Bartlett was engaged to his daughter.”

  A scurry of unease trickled down Daniel’s spine. “Yes.”

  “Old man Bartlett is a mean son of a bitch,” he said. “Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t try to retaliate. I’ll put the men on notice that we may have trouble.”

  Fear had bothered Daniel all day, but he really hoped the old man would just accept the marriage and move on. Buying Georgia’s father’s gambling debts had been bad enough, but having to deal with Mr. Bartlett would be even worse, especially with his father due to arrive any time.

  “Thank you, Whitmore. I’m hoping he’s smart enough to let it go since we’re legally married.”

  “Men like Bartlett don’t care about legal pieces of paper. It means nothing to him.”

  That was probably true. They would need to be prepared in case the man decided to cause trouble.

  “I’ll let you go. Congratulations, on your marriage. The women are all dying to meet her,” he said as he walked away.

  “Thanks,” Daniel called as he hurried on through town toward their home. He couldn’t wait to see Georgia again.

  Thirty minutes later when he walked into the house, he loved the smell of home cooking. She ran to him in her nakedness. “You’re home. We didn’t think you’d be here for several more hours.”

  “How could I stay away from my new wife. Besides, I wanted to get home so we could fuck again,” he said.

  She giggled and kissed him on the lips. “I missed you today.”

  A groan escaped him as he lifted her in his arms. “And I, you, wife. Greet me like this every day.”

  “Yes, sir,” she whispered against his lips.

  He carried her to the couch where he laid her down and spread her legs. In a matter of seconds, his pants were unbuttoned, his cock sprang free as he pushed her legs back and slammed his cock into wet, willing pussy.

  “Ahh, this is what I thought about all day long. My wife’s sweet, tight, cunt and how I couldn’t wait to get home and sink into her.”

  She reached up and stroked his face. “I’m yours and I’ve been waiting for you all day.”

  Martin walked into the room and laughed. “Now that’s not a sight I thought I would see today, but I think I will join in.”

  Georgia held out her arms for him. “Yes, please. I need you, Martin, just like I want Daniel.”

  Their wife had taken to their way of life and Daniel was pleased as he plunged into her over and over. “Squeeze me.”

  She did as he asked and then he saw her sweet white ass and he laid his hand on it rubbing it slowly, building the anticipation before he smacked her hard.

  “Oh, Daniel, do it again,” she cried, her hips bucking to meet him as he took her.


  A groan escaped from her and she stared into his eyes. “You know I’m yours. You know what I like and how you make me crazy for you.”

  Reaching down, he twisted her clit as he slammed into her again. “Yes, and this is not the only fucking you’re going to receive tonight.”

  It was something new for her to learn and he could see her mind whirling trying to understand what that meant exactly. Then he slapped her ass once again. “Focus on me.”

  A smile spread across her face. “I’m all yours.”

  With that, he felt himself coming. “You may come,” he gasped as her pussy gripped him once again and he exploded inside
her, pummeling her again and again.

  “Daniel,” she cried as she came all over his cock. And he loved it.

  They were one. They were three. They were everything he ever dreamed of having with Martin.

  Just then a loud voice yelled out,” Daniel Hamilton get out here now. I want Georgia.”

  Her eyes widened and she rolled into a ball. “No, I’m not going with him. No.”

  Martin was already grabbing the nearby rifle and headed to the door.

  “Honey, stay inside. He’s not taking you,” Daniel said, rising and pulling up his pants. The man really knew how to ruin a good afternoon. “I’ve got to help Martin. Stay here.”

  Her emerald eyes were filled with fear. “Be careful. Both of you. I don’t want to lose either of you.”

  A grin spread across his face. She worried about them and that meant she cared. But how would she feel if she ever learned that he paid her father’s gambling debts? And how would she accept his father?


  Terror gripped Martin as he hurried out the door needing to face his fear that he couldn’t protect those he loved. When he stepped outside, he saw Mr. Bartlett and five hired guns waiting.

  “Where is she? We were engaged. No one makes Virgil Bartlett look like a fool,” the man sneered

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Bartlett. I don’t think she wanted to marry you.”

  “She had no choice,” he spat.

  Hiding his nerves, he calmly spoke to the sinister man. How could any father engage his daughter to someone like this? What was wrong with the man?

  “Last time I checked, we were still a free country.”

  Just then Daniel walked out the door with a rifle in his hand. “Mr. Bartlett. What brings you to Bridgewater?”

  The man all but growled. “Bring out my woman.”

  “No, she’s my wife. She’s not going anywhere.”

  “You did this on purpose. Maybe I should make her a widow.”

  At the same time, their rifles rose and they pointed them at the man to counter his threats. In the distance, a bell toiled on the wind. Someone had sounded the alarm. Though they lived on the edge of Bridgewater, men with rifles rode up to them. Now Virgil and his band of ruffians were outnumbered.

  “Trouble, Daniel?” Whitmore asked. “We saw these men ride through town and thought we’d see where they were headed.”

  “No, I think Mr. Bartlett just needed to see for himself that I will defend and protect my wife. That she’s not going anywhere.”

  The man gazed at the mine owner. “In Bridgewater, we will defend and protect our families to the death.”

  The older man all but snarled as he realized he was outgunned. “This is not done. I want her. You tell her I’ll soon be back for her.”

  Daniel growled. “You need to accept she’s my wife now. She’s not going anywhere.”

  The older man abruptly turned his horse and the others followed him as they rode away. The men watched them disappear over the horizon.

  “You were right,” Daniel said to Whitmore. “He came after her.”

  For a moment, Martin wished he would have shot and killed Virgil Bartlett. He still worried that he could protect Georgia and their family.

  “We’ll set up extra watchmen out here, and if he returns, we’ll be prepared.”

  “Thank you,” Daniel said

  Martin felt a tremor of anxiety go through him. Men like Virgil Bartlett did not give up once they set their eyes on something they wanted. And he wanted Georgia.


  A week later, Georgia was beginning to settle into her new life as their wife. Martin was busy teaching her to cook and Daniel worked a lot in Butte at his business. Every night they spent time upstairs with her begging them to let her come.

  And while this was not how she imagined her married life, she was coming to accept her men.

  A knock on the door shocked her and she was glad they were letting her wear a dress, though she had nothing on beneath it. Martin had ridden out to take care of some cattle and it was one of the few times they let her stay in the house alone.

  She peeked out the window afraid that it was that grotesque Mr. Bartlett, but instead she saw four women. One held a baby in her arms and one was pregnant.

  Opening the door, she smiled. “Hello, ladies.”

  “Welcome to Bridgewater,” the pregnant lady said. “I brought you some homemade bread. I remember those first few weeks of marriage. We didn’t eat much.”

  The women laughed.

  “I’m Mattie Craghead,” she said and then rubbed her stomach. “And this is Baby Craghead.”

  Georgia felt such joy at seeing women who understood her new way of life. “Hello, Mattie and Baby Craghead.”

  “Hi, I’m Ann,” another woman said. “I brought you canned green beans so you would never go hungry.”

  A younger woman smiled. “I’m Rachel. I didn’t want to bring something practical. Here’s a cake for you and your husbands to share.”

  The woman with the baby in her arms, smiled. “I’m Emma and I brought you stew.”

  “Oh, please come in, ladies,” Georgia said. She took the stew from Emma’s arms, because she looked like she was about to drop it.

  “Have a seat. I’m so happy to meet and talk to another woman.”

  Emma smiled. “If your first few weeks of marriage are anything like mine, I’m sure you have been naked and having sex all hours of the day.”

  Georgia blushed and then took a seat across the way from the ladies. “Yes, I had no idea what I was getting into, but they’re great men. And wonderful husbands.”

  Ann almost acted offended. “Of course, they are. They’re Bridgewater men. All of our husbands are wonderful men who take good care of us.”

  Mattie, the pregnant one, rubbed her hand over her growing belly.

  “When is the baby due?”

  “In a matter of weeks. I’m ready,” she said.

  “Except that babies take time away from your men,” Rachel said.

  “Yes, they do,” Emma said, glancing down at the sleeping bundle in her arms. “What questions can we answer for you. I’m sure this life was nothing like you thought or expected.”

  “You can say that again,” Georgia said. “But I couldn’t live without either one of my men.”

  “Neither could I,” Ann replied.

  Rachel gave a little giggle. “Have they taken you at the same time?”

  Georgia went still. How had they known? Did their husbands take them in their ass? How did she respond that question?

  “Honey, it’s okay. All of us here are accustomed to speaking about our husbands. They spank us, punish us, love us, and after being trained, they both take me at the same time. And I love them for it,” Emma said.

  A sigh of relief escaped from Georgia and the other women smiled.

  “It’s okay,” Ann replied. “The hardest part is that damn butt plug shoved up your ass. Once that’s over with, I love having both of them in me at the same time.” Her voice dropped low. “And I especially love it when they spank me. Sometimes I’m bad just so I’ll be punished.”

  “Thank goodness, you told me. I thought something was wrong with me for wanting my husband to spank me. But the way he does it…” she didn’t know what to say. Should she admit how her husbands’ touch, both of them, made her so achy with desire and hot to the touch. Even now, just thinking about them, she could feel the desire swelling inside her.

  The women laughed.

  “It’s okay. That’s why we always come to visit the new brides. To let them know what they’re feeling is normal,” Emma said. “Our community is small, but we all look out for one another.”

  The women smiled at each other.

  “And when Baby Craghead is born, we will all be there to help with the delivery. Our children are our future and we’ll do whatever we can to help you settle in,” Ann said.

  Rachel glanced around at the house. “Your men did a great job building
this home.”

  “Yes,” Georgia said. “Now Martin is teaching me how to cook. I’ve never cooked before.”

  “Was that Virgil Bartlett in front of your house the other day screaming for you?” Rachel asked. “That man is pure evil.”

  With a sigh, Georgia shook her head. “My father arranged a marriage for me to him and my mother is the one who contacted Daniel and Martin. She knew about the ways of Bridgewater, but still believed I’d be happier here. And she was right.”

  The baby started to fuss and Emma stood. “Ladies, it’s getting late. I need to get home. But please, Georgia, come and visit us. We’d love to get to know you more.”

  The other ladies rose from the horsehair couch as she walked them to the door. “Thank you so much for stopping by. And for all the food. I’m so thrilled to be here and I can’t wait to get to know you better.”

  Rachel reached out and patted her on the arm. “It’s always great to have another woman here. Let’s get together over coffee soon.”

  “Yes,” Georgia said as the women settled in a one-horse cart and rode toward the main area of town.

  Just then a man rode up on horseback.

  “Is this the home of Daniel Hamilton?”

  “Yes,” she said, wishing that Martin would return. It was one thing for the women to be here, but she would not be alone in the house with a man she didn’t know.

  The women had halted on the road and were glancing back at her.

  “Who are you,” the man demanded.

  “I’m his wife,” she said.

  “You’re lying,” the man said. “My son is not married.”

  This was Daniel’s father. And already she didn’t like the man. He seemed arrogant and demanding. “We were married a week ago.”

  She turned and walked into the house, not bothering to welcome him in. She didn’t know if he was truly Daniel’s father or a stranger pretending to be. As she closed the door, she saw the women talking amongst themselves.


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