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The Rider's Dangerous Embrace (An Interracial Bad Boy Romance Story)

Page 6

by Nicole Jordan

  Wow he gets more grating by the moment. Still can’t stop staring at his biceps…

  She cleared her throat and interrupted him. “I’m here because I own the place.”

  “You what?” He stopped and squinted at her.

  “Own it. I’m Jayda Rivers.” She stood up straight and looked him right in the eye. “John’s daughter.”

  “I didn’t know…”

  “Surely you knew he had a daughter. I’m guessing you didn’t know she was a sister?” All the snark loaded into one comment, but if he was offended, he didn’t let it show.

  She had to fight the urge to giggle when she saw his face. He knew exactly who she was and what she meant. And he had put his foot in it. To his credit, he recovered quickly. He put a hand out for her to shake.

  “Dustin, Dustin Snow. I’m a friend of your dad’s.” He waited just a tad longer, so she shook his hand. It was strong. Firm. Another set of strong hands she wondered about. She tried to shake the thought but it was too late. Her lips got a bit of color and her face felt hot, she didn’t blush the way a white woman did, but she was light enough that some red flushed her face and her ears.

  Hope no one notices.

  She shot a sideways glance in Luke’s direction.


  He definitely noticed. His jaw was clenched and he was looking at Dustin with the same intensity he had on his face when he was about to jump out of the gate on a bull. With no mercy. The tension emanating from him sent shivers down her spine.

  “I apologize, a woman causes distractions. A man trying to show off. It could cost a life.” He didn’t back down. Dustin was strong, and also a natural leader. She liked that in a man.

  Luke fidgeted next to her but didn’t say anything.

  “Sounds like your men need to control themselves a little better. I’m not in the business of slut-shaming, Mr. Snow.” She set her shoulders and met him toe to toe.

  “I don’t disagree, but that doesn’t make it a reality. I don’t blame the women, I blame the men and their foolishness. Business is business, Ms. Rivers. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to sign that insurance report.”

  “You have me there. We can discuss gender politics another time. I just want to see my operation.” She smiled at him, turning off her calculated businesswoman approach and moving into a more relaxed gear.

  “That’s fine, let’s just get you into the office so that we can get you into something a little safer, if you are going to be around the bulls.” He kept his jaw hard but there was a twinkle in his eye as he walked towards the office.

  Just as she started to follow Luke grabbed her arm.

  “Give us a minute, will ya, Dustin?” Luke asked, pulling her aside.

  She humored him, trying to keep calm while his hand was on her. Being directed and controlled, it wasn’t something that would win Luke points. At least, not in this way.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?” Luke growled as he jerked her towards him and then let her go.

  “What do you mean?” She feigned innocence as she looked until into his eyes.

  “Can’t you see that I am standing right next to you while you throw yourself at my boss?”

  “I am your boss.” She crossed her arms and looked at him.

  “Yeah, right. Besides, Dustin is like fifteen years older than you.” He was dismissive but the clouds in his eyes continued with their storm.

  She couldn’t help it, she had to bait him. “Who says I’m interested?”

  “Your whole body is saying it,” He growled. He wasn’t disgusted, she realized. He was worried. Jealous.

  “Look, I don’t know what you are trying to prove, that you are protective, or something. I dunno, some white knight? Let me explain something. I’m my own person, Luke. I make my own decisions. Live my own life. You don’t own me.”

  Luke grabbed her by the shoulders, swooping down and taking her lips hostage. His kiss was strong, his lips hard against her own, possessive. So different from the one last night. The one that left her wanting more.

  He didn’t stop there, though. He forced her lips open and slid his tongue past her teeth. Damn, he felt good. She let herself get swept up in him, wrapping her own arms around his neck and leaning into his kiss.

  He pushed her away just as abruptly.

  He stormed away from her and into the office. She couldn’t help but watch his ass sway as he walked. Angry or not, the man was sexy. Luke was autumn to Dustin’s winter.


  Jayda followed him into that office. It was just Luke and her standing in the main room. It was clean and organized, a file cabinet next to the desk, a row of jackets. She peeked into the adjoining room at a set of lockers that she assumed was filled with equipment. So Salt and Pepper was a neat freak. Contrary to what she thought, all men didn’t have the organization of her father.

  “Okay, so you need to wear a vest and a helmet if you are going to get within 50 feet of the practice bulls,” Dustin’s voice echoed, “Insurance and whatnot, but you know this already, I am sure.”

  Where is he? Her mind was anywhere else, and she knew it was dangerous.

  Craning her neck, Jayda peaked around into that room with the lockers. She couldn’t see him before but now she got a good look of his ass as he was bent over, head first between those metal walls reaching into the locker. The jean fabric was tight as he bent down, those cowboy jeans fitting just right.

  “You think you could sign a few documents for me while you’re here?” He asked, as he popped back up with a helmet and a safety vest. “I was going to send them over, but since you’re here. I figure, it might be a good time to get it out of the way.”

  He may have aged out of riding condition, but damn was he still in shape. She bit her lip as she watched that tight ass bob around while he was digging for equipment. God almighty, he’s fine.

  Luke brought her back into the real world with a quick clear of the throat and a hand on the small of her back. Tendrils of pleasure and warmth spread out from his fingers, taking root in her body. A subtle reminder that he was there, and that he wanted her. Even if just for a bit a fun. The sexual charge was enough for her to forget where she was and beg him to take her to bed. She sidestepped him, hoping that the break in contact would bring her back to her senses.

  “Ah, here we are,” Dustin emerged from the lockers and walked towards her with a vest and helmet that were clearly new. “Your father had them made for you about 10 months ago, when he figured you would be taking over soon.”

  Dustin cleared his throat and looked at her. There was no pity in his eyes. Only admiration. She inspected the equipment. They were custom fit to her, black with pink writing. Tacky, not really her style, like a ditsy buckle bunny. A private joke between her and her father. She bit back the tears that were threatening to make their way out of her and down her face.

  “Thanks, Dustin.” She said, shrugging them off with a laugh.

  “Anything I can do for ya, ma’am. Anything at all.” His gaze lingered over her, just a moment too long.

  Luke shot him a look. Dustin just winked at him. And stepped a little closer to her.

  She liked the attention, truth be told. Something about testosterone filled men staring each other down over her thrilled her. Even if it was outdated and a bit backwards.

  “I get you.” Was all that he said to Luke, nodding. He hovered close to her for a moment before moving over to his desk, sitting down and looking up at the two of them. Dustin’s tone shifted, his mouth turning down. He had capitulated.

  “I suppose you can take her around, huh, Luke? I got work to do and you seem keen on hanging tight to her. So show her the place.” Dustin opened up a book right on his desk and got to work, not even bothering to look up at the two of them.

  Jayda couldn’t help it. She pouted.

  “Come on, Jayda. Let’s go.” Luke placed his hand back on the small of her back and his grip strengthened as he guided her away from Dustin and thro
ugh the door.

  “If you’re trying to make me jealous, it worked.” He whispered in her ear once they were out.

  “Why would you assume such a thing?” A smile played on her lips as she walked past him, breaking contact once again. She walked up to the practice corrals just as a man let out of the gate. He only lasted for a couple of seconds before he flew off, his ass hitting the ground. He was up like a shot and out of the arena before she could even get worried. Hands were there, corralling the bull back through the intricate fencing that led to his pen.

  One by one Jayda watched different men ride bulls, following the same routine. They got up, rode, spoke to a coach, rested and went again. All training and looking at the bulls, trying to figure out how to read them and adjust to them. It reminded her of her father’s life. Of a life that she once wished she could have. Until she realized the grueling pace and the likelihood that she would end up bankrupt.

  Despite wearing the least attractive outfit ever men were openly gawking at her, their eyes taking in everything but her own. Sometimes men could be so dense, it was like they didn’t think she would notice because as soon as she made eye contact with a face they quickly turned their gaze elsewhere. The open leering made her feel like she didn’t belong, more than ever. Judging from the look on Luke’s face, he also didn’t appreciate the way the men were looking at her.

  “So, what do you think of the facilities?” Luke shifted uneasily next to her. His hand hesitated on the small of her back but he put it down at his side.

  “I think they serve their purpose well. The men seem to appreciate the space, and they also seem to like the competition. Updates suggested?” Jayda tried to remain calm as she faced him, but then another man caught her eye as he suddenly turned away.

  “I’m just a farmhand and a rider, you might want to talk to Dustin about that.” The edge in his tone let her know that he was irritable, but not just about Dustin. He noticed it too.

  “I just might. But from a rider’s perspective…”

  He cut her off, “More corrals, more space. Maybe some new practice bulls. You know, might help bring in some clientele.” He ticked the major things off with his fingers.

  “I see. Anything else?” She pursed her lips and tried to hide a smile. He couldn’t help acting like he was in charge.

  “Updated safety measures. Maybe make the upgrades that the inspector always advocates for. Even if they aren’t mandatory.”

  She tried to take a mental note of what he was saying, but the feeling of eyes on her back was making her a little edgy. She turned back to watch another rider leap on a bull, getting lost in the motions, trying to ignore the curiosity that buzzed around her.

  “What other requests do you all have?” She asked to the general group, because if one person had an opinion they all were likely to.

  They swarmed her, several people speaking at once at her so quickly that she couldn’t tell who was talking when.

  “Hold on, let me get a seat, and my phone, I can take better notes that way.” Jayda grabbed a stool and pulled her phone out of her pocket, sliding the stylus out from the side.

  “Why you need one of those things for, won’t a pen and paper work better?” Someone asked, and the rest of the men chuckled.

  “Damn, that thing costs more than a months pay for me, I bet it does every damn thing.” Another voice echoed.

  Shit, hadn’t thought about that.

  “Damn, it isn’t working. You got a pen and a piece of paper?” She asked Dustin, who was quick to retrieve one. It was a lie, but seemed to cut some of the tension.

  She wasn’t expecting so many people talking all at once, but after a little organization, she was able to fully engage her riders, and Luke was right.

  She could see the respect in their eyes.

  It was late afternoon before she got finished writing down every single request that was made. Some of them unlikely, but others valid.

  It was a lot to take in, and when she finally stood up, she felt her anxiety grip hold of her, making her stagger.

  Luke was there in a moment, rescuing her from the panic that threatened to take over, pulling her away from the group, and walked her back behind the barn, away from prying eyes.

  He was different, the businessman in him gone, replaced by a protective man who was full of emotion. Red hot, deep, soulful emotion. It lit something in her, a spark that had been doused too many times before.

  She didn’t expect him to care.

  “You okay, Jayda?” He asked, pulling her into him, examining her face, both hands on her cheeks, his eyes searching hers.

  She didn’t think, she just leaned into one of those hands and breathed in his scent. Before she realized what she was doing she laid a kiss on that palm. Her body was quaking, her desire clear from the very stiff, attentive nipples that poked through her silky top. This was not going as planned.

  “Wanna go some place else?” He asked, before kissing her jawline. It was a gentle kiss but it fueled her body like gasoline to a fire.


  It was all she had to say, he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door. He wasn’t kind about the way he pushed through the crowd, not bothering to pardon himself. As soon as they recognized him their outrage went silent.

  Apparently the man had a reputation.

  The sea of bodies was enough to make Jayda feel claustrophobic. She could feel the tightness in her chest, squeezing at her as she barreled through the crowd with him.

  When they were finally out of the building and in the fresh air Jayda felt like she could breathe again, but he didn’t slow down. He just kept pulling her, his speed increasing. His long gate meant that she had to practically run to keep up. She was breathing heavily, her want only increasing as she looked over at him. He was on a mission and his determination was certainly sexy.

  “Are you sure about this, Jayda?”

  He was exactly what she wanted, so she looked into his eyes and gave him a quick nod before she changed her mind.

  “Then let’s go.”

  Jayda never did things like this, she never let herself go, but she was wound tight, and she was struggling to maintain her composure. Maybe it was because she was used to defending herself. Being one of the few black kids at her school, being accused of acting white in college, being told that she was just an affirmative action choice for her first job. She always had to make the calculated move. The right move. Her dad said that it was hard for a black woman, her mom said it a thousand times, she had to work harder to get half as far. But so far, so far it had paid off. Except now.

  Just a little slip wouldn’t hurt.

  They finally reached his old blue pickup truck after weaving through the parking lot. He walked over and threw open the door. It certainly wasn’t going to win any prizes. There was rust on the wheel well and a dent in the door.

  She turned and walked around the truck, throwing the door open and her body back into the seat. But she couldn’t help but grin.

  Jayda’s heart fluttered as he entered the cab, threw her things behind the seat and looked at her.

  “Get your ass over here, Rivers. I’m not going to have to slide you over here myself, am I?” His glare was positively wolf-like.

  “You just might.” She grinned and tried to dodge his grab but failed. His arm wrapped securely around her and pulled her to his side.

  “What was that?” He asked, his voice dark. Like the look in his eyes.

  “You may have caught me, but that doesn’t mean you can keep me.” She knew she was poking the bull, but she couldn’t help herself. Even if I want you to.

  “Climb on up,” he said, helping her up and into the truck cab. The inside was immaculately clean, not a bit of trash on the floor or the seat.

  “This beauty your pride and joy?” she asked, digging just a little, all she wanted was to get a reaction, something that got him going.

  It worked.

  “She’s a little rough, but s
he gets the job done,” he said as he walked around the truck and got in on his own side.

  “Where are we going anyways?”

  “I know a little place.” His smart ass smile returned.

  “Yeah, I am sure you do.”

  “Don’t challenge me, Jayda.” He gripped the wheel a little tighter.

  “It is what I do. I challenge.”

  “Then don’t be surprised when I meet those challenges.” He took off in a roar, his tires tearing up the gravel driveway as he headed straight for that dirt road.

  She wasn’t sure what it was about him, or his rusty old truck, but every time the two were combined she couldn’t help but gravitate towards them. She just needed to get him out of her system. Then she could finally get back to work. Back to running her dad’s business.

  No sooner was he in than he was pulling her over to his side. Her body curled around his almost instantly, the spark from the dance reignited inside of her and spread to a flame that consumed her entire body. Her nerves were on fire, dancing and playing with her as arousal licked at her skin.

  Luke inched his hand up her thigh, his rough, calloused fingers swirling and moving towards her at a slow but steady pace. It was enough to drive her crazy.

  Somehow the mere thought that she was turned on just sitting next to a man in his truck only served to worsen her condition. Sure enough her nipples poked out, standing at attention through the soft fabric of her blouse, harder and more swollen.

  “No, really, where are we going?” Jayda leaned closer and landed a kiss on his neck. His thick murmur of pleasure only empowered her and she reached over between his legs and rested her hand over his throbbing bulge. She wasn’t sure how big he was, but she could definitely feel his arousal. “I would actually like to know.”

  “Well, we can go back to my place. I have a solid bed and a warm house. Or,” He finally reached the area under her skirt, dancing around her panties, “If you can tolerate the crisp air we can park way out in this clearing in this grove that I know of. It isn’t too far. And the sky is gorgeous as night approaches this time of year.”


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