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The Rider's Dangerous Embrace (An Interracial Bad Boy Romance Story)

Page 12

by Nicole Jordan

He would understand later.

  “Took you long enough,” Mary sighed, “your coffee is cold, get in here.”

  Mary held a stack of papers and a coffee as she stood to greet Jayda. Her office was a mess, papers everywhere, a laptop on top of them all, and Mary who looked like she hadn’t slept all night.

  “Sorry, had to drive from Loredo. What time did you come in?” She pulled her coat off and hung it up, looking over at Mary. It was the first time she had ever seen the woman without a smile on her face.

  “Loredo?” Mary dodged a question with a question and handed her the cool coffee. She took a sip anyway. “I thought you had a house here.”

  “Hotel room,” She felt herself blush as she remembered last night’s events. Remembered Luke touching her body. She tried to hide her face but it was too late.

  “You were with somebody! Who? Dustin? Not Samson?” She sucked in a breath, her eyes ultra wide.

  “No, not Samson,” Jayda assured, and Mary’s eyes returned to their normal, wide-eyed look. Hell, might as well tell her. If her dad trusted Mary, so could she. Jayda swallowed, “Luke Daniels.”

  “Ah, the partner in the making. The one you wanted to find out about. Who pissed you the hell off the other day.” Mary nodded like it made sense. “Can’t deny that the way he infuriates you made me suspicious. Plus, he’s hot.”

  “You know him?”

  “Everyone knows him, your father was trying to persuade him to sign with the agency, so he was in and out a dozen times. I should have put two and two together about the names, same as one of your partner’s. I just, I didn’t think about it because John never talked about it.” It was the first time she said his name, since Jayda started working there. It shocked her to see the sadness fill Mary after she said it. But the young woman cleared her throat and carried on. “I wrote countless emails to him for your father. When your dad saw something special in a person, he just didn’t let that go. He really valued talent.”

  Jayda knew her father was invested in his business, and she shouldn’t have been surprised but all it did was remind her of how she was less important than the company. She tried to bite back the irritation, the vulnerability that lingered there. Not the easiest thing to accomplish. In fact there were so many things she didn’t know about him. He came home every day and was the father she knew him to be. Sure, she knew he worked hard but she just didn’t realize how much effort he put into his business.

  “Anyway, I didn’t call you in on a Saturday to chat. I found what you were asking about. Here, look at these.” Mary pushed a stack of papers towards Jayda.

  She studied the reports. Printouts of phone records.

  “Company cell phone records. They use them for business. We get a copy. Look.” She pointed to the papers. “Samson keeps calling this number. Even at 2 A M.”

  Jayda looked at it and then up again at Mary. So what? It was just a number.

  “Don’t you know whose number that is? It’s Alice Wheaton’s.”

  Still nothing.

  “Thomas’s secretary, Alice. The person who would directly link you to Samson, who delivers your documents to him. Documents like cuts in pay, salary increases for individuals? The perfect contact. And at 2 A.M. through company phones? Something has to be fishy there. So I dug a little deeper into the records, using administrative privilege, and look at this.” Mary presented another set of documents.

  Damn, this girl has really done her homework.

  Emails. Jayda read the top one on the stack.


  Subject: Work Meeting

  Are you all set for tonight? I reserved a space where we could discuss… details. Gilmore at 7?

  I’ll be waiting,


  The Gilmore Inn was a local landmark that would be the perfect place for meeting to talk about untoward things. It was known as the meeting place for those who wanted a little extramarital action, but it was certainly someplace where a couple of people could get together and scheme. And no one would notice, just think they were like everyone else. Looking for some discretion as they broke their vows. She knew, because her mother had ranted and raved about that place more than once. John Rivers was no saint.

  Mary smiled at herself and grabbed her own cup of coffee, taking a deep sip and sighing.

  “You are a genius!” She gathered up the records and turned away from Mary. She was just about to go for her coat when Mary grabbed her by the shoulder.

  “Wait, what are you doing?”

  “It is Saturday, Samson works Saturdays,” She checked her watch. 8:45 A.M. “He should be there by now. It is one the biggest training days. I’m going to confront him.”

  “Do you really think that is a good idea? I mean, in front of all the men? It isn’t what your father would do.” Mary bit her lip and looked at Jayda. She was concerned for her. In that very moment Jayda knew she had done the right thing by placing her trust in Mary.

  But she also knew what she had to do. And it wasn’t sit in the office and present the material to someone else. She was in charge of her father’s business, and she needed to run it like the strong woman she knew she was.

  She turned and looked Mary directly in the eye.

  “Well, it’s a good thing I am not my father.”


  The office building was an exact replica of the one built at the Bull Riding facility, just as new. With the same exact landscaping. She had expected the Bronco Riding facility to have a smaller office. Or maybe an older setup. But when her father did something, he did it right, and everyone was treated equally. Jayda approached the building, her nerves on edge.

  This is my company. I write the checks for these workers. Me.

  She opened the door and walked into the office to find Samson sitting at his desk, filling out paperwork. He looked up sourly, his mood only darkening when he recognized her grimace.

  “To what do I owe this pleasure?” He asked, grabbing his mug and taking a sip of what she guessed was coffee.

  Jayda threw the paperwork down on his desk and looked him in the eyes.

  “I want the truth. And I want it now.”

  He looked through the stack of papers and then back up to her. “I was engaged in several business meetings with Ms. Wheaton at the bequest of Thomas. Why?” He cleared his throat, his words catching a Ms. Wheaton. He was obviously lying, even he knew he was caught. But there was nothing he could do about is so he looked back down at the papers.

  “I want the truth, Samson. I think we all deserve to know why you did it.”

  “It’s personal.”

  If he had hackles she would have seen them ruffle. He was finished answering questions. But she just couldn’t help herself. She had to know why he betrayed the company. Why he had betrayed her father.

  “Not when you do it to my company. To my father’s legacy.”

  “Look, what I do on my own time is none of the company’s damn business. If I want to screw the whole world, I have the right to.” He stood, his jaw clenched and his nostrils flared. “I don’t see what fuckin’ Alice has to do with the company.”

  She assessed him for the first time. He clearly had no idea what she was talking about. She backed down a bit. Whatever scheme he ran wasn’t meant to screw the company. Just one of the employees.

  Damn it.

  “You used company phones and company email inappropriately. Are you sure all you are hiding is an affair?”

  “This isn’t about the affair? What is it about? What did you think I did?” “It’s a company matter.”

  He was having none of her tight lipped answer. “If this concerns something about my boys I need to know, Jayda. I might think you are a bit too green to be doing this job, but I have to protect my men. Just the same as you have to protect your company.” His tone changed, and his face softened.

  She sighed. So much for keeping it quiet.

  “Someone is passing through mandates. Company poli
cy on my behalf. But it isn’t me,” she admitted. “y'all hate me for stuff I’m not doing, and I can’t find who is.”

  “This is about the pay cuts, isn’t it? And the lack of repairs?”

  “What do you know about it?” She didn’t want to ask for help, but he knew the issues. If he wasn’t the one responsible—and his bristled voice wasn’t the mark of a guilty man—then she needed any information she could get.

  “Alice told me they came straight from your desk. But Thomas seemed confused about it all. He told me about the cuts, but that he was sure you would get your head on straight. Except it hasn’t been you. This whole time.” She fought the urge to run, Samson’s clenched eyebrows and read face making her fear his response.

  The man was like a caged bull, ready to get out of the pen and do some damage.

  “I’m sorry. I really thought you were a bitch. Now I’m pissed that someone is fuckin’ around with my employees.” He seethed. Actually seethed. “I knew he was low, but I never thought it would stoop to his.”


  “Isn’t it obvious? Luke Daniels. He has always tried to sabotage this company. Refused to ride for them, even when his mom was a partner. Never really cared about us. Just another asshole who will run something he can’t have into the ground.”

  His ramblings made almost no sense.

  “Wait, slow down. What do you mean Luke Daniels was behind this?”

  “His mom doesn’t own the whole company, only a partial share. And now, with John gone, if it can lose momentum and credibility, he can scoop it up. Bring it back to what a “real” rodeo facility should look like. Your dad was soft, you are soft. Things are not like they used to be. Not the way that I remember them. Not that way that Luke remembers them. This all makes perfect sense.” Vitriol fueled his accusations as he hissed them out, angry.

  It seemed like a leap. “Why do you think that?”

  “He has always been out for the win. You’ve seen him ride, haven’t you? Doesn’t care about anyone else. Just wants to get his.”

  Pieces started to connect. Jayda’s stomach turned.

  How else would he know about these problems before anyone else?

  Why would he bring them to her attention?

  Maybe he wanted to demoralize her, get her to realize that she was a part of the problem.

  What kind of twisted game was he playing?

  If it was true, it would change everything. “How sure are you about this?” She asked as she looked into Samson’s eyes. “I would bet my boots on it.”


  She was tired of suspecting everyone. Tired of suspecting the people she most cared about. But she had to know who was behind this. She took it personally. Jayda gripped the steering wheel a little bit harder as she pushed her foot down on the gas. Her little car tore up the gravel on the road as she barreled down it. She was tired. And she missed her father. He would never have had these kinds of problems. He would have known what to do. He would have fixed it.

  Instead she was alone.

  The tears started falling before she even felt them build up, clouding her vision and leaving her to navigate the roads with blurry eyes. She blinked, trying to get them out of the way but they just kept coming, in heaving sobs. There was no way she could keep driving like this. She pulled off the road abruptly and parked. Someone honked at her, but Jayda didn’t care. At least she wasn’t in a position to run into anyone.

  The tears flowed, uninhibited, followed by screams of pain as she let it consume her. They weren’t little yells, they were the kind that made any passerby think she was dying or in severe pain. The wails of a broken woman. Around her 9th or 10th scream she was startled by a knock on her window. She flicked the button down and cracked the window.

  “Mrs. Rivers? That you?” Dustin was staring back at her, concern fresh on his face.

  She looked around. Dammit, I’m not even off the facility road.

  She wiped her tears away quickly, looking up at him. “I’m sorry. Just a little cathartic grief. I’m fine now. Really.” Her weak smile wasn’t going to convince anyone.

  If anything he looked more concerned. “I’m going to call Luke, just give me a minute.”

  “No, really. I don’t need anyone.” She bit her lip and looked at him, but he was already walking away, phone to his ear.

  After a minute she heard him walk back, the crunch of dirt under his boots alerting her to his presence.

  “He’s on his way, just hold tight, okay? Want me to stay?” His voice was so warm, she almost said yet. Almost.

  Jayda shook her head, and wished away the stubborn scarlet that was surely coloring her hot cheeks.

  Dustin gave her a weak smile before giving her a wave. He was as uncomfortable as she was.

  “Thanks,” She whispered meekly, completely embarrassed.

  The minutes ticked by one by one until she finally saw Luke’s truck park behind her little car. A scowl was clear on his face. Great. Not only was she embarrassed, but he was also mad at her. It shouldn’t matter to her what he felt like, if what Samson was suggesting was true, it would ruin everything. She couldn’t trust him, hell, she couldn't trust herself.

  Each step closer he came, the more worried she got. She could see the lines on his face, and they were not lines of a smile. What was he thinking?

  He opened the car’s passenger door and slid inside. His frustration was palpable.

  “Why the hell didn’t you call me, Jayda? That’s what I’m here for. Whenever you need me you call.” He blew out a breath as he looked her over, and it was enough to make her want to laugh.

  This was ridiculous. All of it.

  “But I don’t even know if I can trust you.” The tears were back and they were followed by the sobs. She couldn't take this, losing her father, and then his company. It was just too much.

  “What? Why wouldn’t you be able to trust me? Come here, honey. Let me hold you.” He grabbed her and pulled her to his chest. She breathed in his smell, letting him comfort her. It was working.

  Until she opened her mouth to explain. “Because you are the one trying to ruin my dad’s business. You want it all for yourself.” It sounded ridiculous, even to her.

  “What? Why would you even say that?”

  “Samson… he wasn’t the one.” She pressed on. “It only made sense that it was you. You said he was your friend, even he said it pointed to you.”

  “Samson is a douche bag. I said I drink with him, that we ‘get along’.”

  “Why would he lie about something like this. I mean, dammit, he was so fucking sure.” She wasn’t willing to let this drop, not yet.

  “ He hates me because I called him out for cheating on his wife. I’m not taking any money from the company, Jayda. Why would I even do that?” He looked at her, completely confused.

  “Because you want the company for yourself, you could end up with a majority of the shares, and god knows the men look up to you.”

  “Yeah, they do, why would I risk that?”

  “People do a lot of things for money.”

  “You aren’t that stupid, Jayda. You know better than that. Something like that, it would come out sooner or later.”

  “I…” She didn’t know what to think, her rage was too hard to contain. She was so raw all the time, her anger ruling her.

  “I haven’t done anything to ever jeopardize your company. Hell, I don’t even want to inherit the partnership. I have no need of it, I can make my own way. I thought you knew that about me, Jayda.”

  Her entire argument against him deconstructed at the seams, breaking down until she saw what a fool she was. She was spinning out of control and she needed an anchor. “You don’t?”

  He was that anchor.

  “Hell no. I want to earn what I get fair. If I wanted to, I could be in there right now. My mother has been asking me for years. But I need this. You might not be aware, but this is the last chance I have to make something of myself. I wanna do that wit
h a clear conscience. Anything that might mar that, I ain’t going to let them come into my world. I need my second chance at bull riding to pay off. I know it can. I have enough time.”

  She shouldn’t have doubted him, looking at him now, at the steely resolve in his eyes, she knew he was right.

  “I’m an idiot.” She shook her head and bit her lip.

  “No, you’re not. You’re angry.” He raised his hand to her face and caressed her cheek. Even when he was chiding her he did it in a way that made complete sense. “And you have a right to be.”

  Warmth radiated through her. He reached over and pulled the keys out of the ignition.

  “What did you mean?” She knew he was right before she even asked the question.

  “I’m not answering you until you get in my truck and come home with me. I don’t want you out here. We can call someone to get your car.”

  She nodded in assent and opened the car door, walking over to his truck and climbing inside. Once they were in and down the road she felt herself relax. She wasn’t as upset anymore.

  “You’re angry at whoever is doing this. Angry that you have to take all this on yourself. Angry at your father for leaving you.” His voice was strong as he pushed her anger onto her, not letting her back down from it.

  Everything he said brought her true feelings to the surface. How could he just leave her here, with all this shit to deal with? No one to really trust, or confide in. Not to mention her lack of actual experience. She fought back another round of tears, she had finally gotten herself under control.

  “I think I have been coping very well. I have stepped up when I could have walked away, Luke. I could have just sold out. Doesn’t that count for something?”

  Doesn’t it?

  "Of course, Jayda. But that doesn't erase that anger. That fear."

  "I just can't deal with it right now. I have to get through this. I have to find out who is doing this."

  "It won't bring him back." His firm admission took her aback.

  She wasn't used to anyone being this blunt.


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