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Forced Move (Michael Cailen Book 2)

Page 7

by Mel LeBrun

  The remaining healthy man looked at her. Putting away his weapon, he started advancing towards her. That gave her the push she needed to get moving again. She ran down the hall and into the stairwell. As she ran down the stairs she heard a door floors below her open and someone running upstairs. She leaned over the railing to see who it was and saw another man, holding a gun, coming up the stairs. She now had someone above and below her in the stairwell. She had no choice but to exit onto another floor and try to escape another way.

  JOSH ARRIVED at the hotel as people were running out of it. He knew it had already started and was concerned he may have arrived too late. He got to the floor Jessica's room was on and saw a man lying lifeless in the hall. His leg was bloody from a gunshot wound and a large gash on the side of his head didn't look too good either. Josh walked quickly to him and checked for a pulse with one hand as he searched for an ID with the other. He quickly found an FBI badge along with a strong pulse. The man was alive, just unconscious. He slowly came around with Josh urgently trying to wake him.

  “What happened?” he moaned.

  “Where's Jessica?” Josh asked pressingly.

  “I'm not telling you anything,” Preston replied defiantly, not realizing Josh was a friend.

  “I'm not with them. Did they get her?”

  He looked Josh in the eye and saw the genuine concern on Josh's face. “I don't know,” he replied.

  “Do you have a phone?” Josh asked.


  “Call it in.” He got up and left to search for Jessica.

  JESSICA RAN to a set of elevators, desperately punching the buttons. The men chasing her came out of the stairwell, where they must have met up. They ran down the hall towards her. She was tapping the call buttons, trying in vain to get them to come quicker. The men were almost on top of her and she knew she had to make a move. She turned to face her pursuers. The man she had seen earlier in the hallway was in front. When he got to her, he reached out to grab her. That's when she ducked down and lunged into his legs. The move was a complete surprise to the man who lost his balance and fell on top of her back. She kept her momentum going and rolled the man off her back and onto the other man behind him. He too lost his balance and tumbled to the floor. Jessica kept going past them as they tried to get back to their feet.

  She ran into the stairwell again and heard footsteps above her. Someone was coming down the stairs. She didn't want to wait to find out who it was. She started down a few steps when she heard Josh's voice calling her name. She looked up over the railing. There was Josh, looking down at her.

  “Josh!” she cried out in relief.

  He ran down the stairs to her. The two men chasing her burst through the door behind him. He quickly drew his weapon and aimed it at them. They weren't prepared for more resistance and retreated back into the hallway. Josh fired a few shots at the door while telling Jessica to run. They made it down two more floors before someone else entered the stairwell at ground level. Josh wasn't going to take any chances and ducked down another hallway. He cursed out loud and pulled his phone from his pocket to call Michael, while they kept moving.

  “Tell me you have her,” Michael answered.

  “I have her. Keeping her will be the hard part. Where are you?”

  “Not far. A few minutes out.”

  Josh heard sirens in the background. “Why do I hear sirens?”

  “I'm racing a stolen car through town. That tends to attract attention.”

  “The more the merrier, I guess. I'm getting pinned down,” Josh said.

  “Where are you?” Michael asked.

  “Third floor. They're above and below me. I don't know how many.”

  “Hang tight.”

  Josh hung up the phone. He either had to find a place to bunker down or he had to get out of the building. The hallways offered no cover. The stairwell door opened and now three men emerged. Josh put Jessica behind him and took aim at them. They raised their guns in return and were about to fire when Jessica threw herself in front of Josh. The man in front lowered his weapon and pushed the others down. Josh began firing on them. The apparent leader shot out the lock on a nearby door and kicked it open. He ducked into the room for cover. The others followed him, a bullet grazing one on the leg.

  “How did you know they would do that?” Josh asked as he grabbed her arm and continued running down the hall.

  “They put their guns away after they killed the agent guarding me.”

  “He's not dead,” Josh corrected her.

  “How do you know?”

  “I talked with him. Name was Preston right?”

  “Oh thank God,” she exclaimed in relief.

  “So they want you alive,” Josh remarked.


  THE STOLEN Camry came to a screeching halt a foot from the front door of the hotel. Michael bolted from the vehicle and ran in the building. Corvo leaped out flashing his badge, trying to hold back the police. He wanted to explain the situation to them and enlist their help to ensure Jessica's safety.

  Michael called Josh as he ran through the chaotic lobby. Some people were wandering around confused, wondering what was happening while others were trying to exit as quickly as possible.

  “I'm here,” Michael announced when Josh answered.

  “I can hear that. How quickly can you get to the laundry room in the basement?”

  “One minute. Why?”

  “I have an idea.”

  Josh broke into the maid's closet. He looked down the laundry chute and called Michael to make sure he was in position. He peeked out into the hallway. He saw the three men cautiously advancing. He told Jessica it was time and she climbed into the chute and let herself drop. She kept her feet pressed slightly against the sides to slow her descent, but she was still moving at a considerable speed. Josh had instructed her to tuck her legs in when she neared the end of the chute. She did and landed in a giant bin of towels. Michael made sure he put a full one under the chute so she wouldn't get hurt. Once she was safely down, he removed, it leaving nothing but bare concrete.

  Josh stepped out in the hall as if he didn't see the men and closed the door behind him. He took off running when the men spotted him and began firing in his direction. They ran to the closet figuring Jessica had escaped down the laundry chute. Two of the men were small enough to fit and decided to go down after her, thinking she was now alone and helpless. The last man, who was too big, headed for the stairs.

  If the men had any idea what awaited them in the basement, they would have just packed up and gone home. As it was, they didn't. So instead they fell, quite literally, into a trap. The first man didn't realize there was nothing to break his fall when the chute ended. He fell hard and fast onto the cement floor and cried out in pain as his leg crunched on impact. The second man had a little more advance warning and managed to slow his fall enough so that his landing wasn't as hard. The first man was too busy writhing in pain over his broken leg to notice Michael. The second man didn't see him until it was too late.

  The third man cautiously approached the laundry room. He knew Josh had ran ahead of him and wasn't sure if he was also in the basement. He reached the door and swung it open, aiming his gun inside. He saw his partners on the floor, their hands tied behind their backs. Michael had used drawstrings from some laundry bags to tie them up. He was facing the men, his hands on his hips and his gun tucked into his back waistband. The man held his gun on him, ordering him to step away.

  Michael didn't comply, rather he looked over and smiled at him. It was at that moment the man felt the barrel of a gun press against his neck. His body stiffened and he put his hands up. Josh relieved him of his weapon and nudged him forward with his gun. Michael pulled another drawstring that he had retrieved in anticipation of the last man's appearance. The third man was promptly restrained and put on the floor with the others. Jessica nervously emerged from behind a laundry bin.

  “He's the leader.” Josh pointed to the
man on the right.

  Michael looked down at him and broke into a huge grin. “Ben,” he said with a tone of pleasant surprise. “We meet again.” It was the first time he had really looked at the men's faces.

  “Ben?” Jessica walked over to him. He had bleached and cut his hair, altering his appearance so much she didn't even recognize him when he attacked her in the hallway.

  Michael put his arm around her. “Look honey, it's Ben.” He gestured toward him, looking rather amused.

  Jessica gritted her teeth. Her hand tightened into a fist. She took a swing at Ben, hitting him as hard as she could.

  “Baby, don't do that!” Michael pulled her away from him. “You'll hurt yourself.”

  She looked at him with her jaw clenched, perturbed that he was reprimanding her. Her hands trembled as angry tears fell down her cheeks. She wanted to do more than just punch Ben.

  He stroked her hair and gently smiled at her. “Next time, kick. It will hurt him more than you.”

  She wasn't expecting him to say that and it made her laugh. He pulled her to his chest and kissed the top of her head while he hugged her. He kept one arm around her as he pulled out his cell phone and called Corvo.

  “Michael. Where are you?” Corvo asked.

  “I have three in custody. You can have two, but I'm taking one out the back. I'd like you to clear it for me,” Michael replied.

  “Where are you?” he asked again.

  “Basement. In the laundry room. I think it's better you don't come around though, if you know what I mean.”

  What he meant was that since Corvo was FBI, it would be hard for him to explain why he let Michael leave with a suspect. So for his own protection, he shouldn't get involved. All Michael needed was for him to clear an exit.

  “If you head out the back service door there is a black Dodge Charger parked there. You can put him in the trunk. I'll pull the guys off the back door and send them to the laundry room. It's your job to get past them. When he's secure, meet me back inside.”

  “Fair enough.” Michael hung up and slipped the phone back into his pocket. He looked at Ben. “I heard you wanted me to come after you. Still feel that way?”

  Ben gritted his teeth and looked away. Michael grinned. He grabbed a hand towel and stuffed it in Ben's mouth to muffle any sound he might try to utter. He led him out of the room, leaving Josh and Jessica. A few minutes later two police officers arrived. Corvo wasn't far behind. Corvo and the police traded the drawstrings for handcuffs and took the two men into custody. Jessica and Josh followed Corvo and the captives up into the lobby where Michael was waiting for them. He spotted Jessica and ran to her. He swept her up in his arms and acted like he hadn't just seen her a few minutes ago.

  A couple of FBI agents led the two goons out of the hotel. Corvo stayed behind to talk with Michael.

  “We found a fourth man bleeding to death out back,” Corvo said. “He's been taken to the hospital but it doesn't look like he's going to make it.”

  “Do we have any idea how they found her?” Michael asked.

  “I haven't had a chance to talk to Preston. He made the arrangements, but I trust him. I don't think it was anything he did.”

  “Well where is he?”

  “He was taken to the hospital,” Corvo informed him. “Vest saved his life, but he got shot in the leg and took a pretty bad blow to the head.”

  Michael took a deep breath and looked over at Jessica. His eyes fell on her purse. “You got your purse back?” He looked warily at it. During all the commotion, he hadn't noticed that she had it with her.

  “Yeah, you were right. He ditched it only a mile down the road.”

  Michael now knew how they found her. Ben planted a tracking device in her purse before he dumped it. He looked at Corvo angry and disgusted, wondering how he could have missed that.

  “What kind of agent are you?” Michael asked angrily.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “It didn't occur to you that he could have planted a tracking device in her purse?” Michael made no attempt to hide his irritation.

  “And why would I even think that?” Corvo retorted defensively.

  “He had her purse, he ditched it on the side of the road so it would be found and returned to her. That didn't raise any red flags?”

  “I didn't know anything about that! She never told me!” Corvo replied.

  They both turned and looked at her.

  “How was I supposed to know that?” She looked like she was about to be sick. Her hands shook.

  Michael sighed. “You wouldn't,” he said calmly. He reached forward taking her purse. He pulled the cell phone out of it and then held the purse out to Corvo. “You feel like handling it?” he asked.

  He knew if he gave it to Corvo, it would mean having the CIA look at it, which would be better than anything he could do.

  “Sure.” Corvo took it from him. “Where are you going to go?”

  “Not sure yet. Gonna call a friend and see if I can get a safe house that's quiet and discreet.” He turned to Jessica. “You coming with me?”

  “Are you kidding?” She grabbed his arm, clinging to his side. He looked expectantly over at Josh.

  “As long as I don't have to hold your hand, I'm with you.” Josh grinned.

  “Part of the deal is you tell me where you are. I'll meet up with you in an hour. Don't make me hunt for you.” Corvo held out the keys to the Charger.

  “I wouldn't dream of it.” Michael smiled as he took them.

  Chapter 8

  Michael drove slowly down a street in a neighborhood that left much to be desired. Nearly all the homes were run down and neglected. People were hanging out on their front porches smoking and drinking. He noticed a few drug deals going down as well. He finally came to the number he was looking for and pulled into the driveway. It was a two-story cottage on a hill. The garage was located in the basement. A set of stairs by the driveway led up to the front door. The garage door opened as he pulled in, revealing Martin standing inside.

  He parked and told Jessica to wait in the car while he and Josh got out. He didn't want her becoming a spectacle for the neighbors. She was gorgeous and he was concerned she might attract unwanted attention.

  “I'm sorry about the accommodations. I know it's not ideal, but it was all I could get,” Martin apologized.

  “It'll be fine. I don't plan on staying long,” Michael assured him. He glanced around at the other homes on the street. “We'll just have to make sure the neighbors know to stay away.”

  Josh placed his hand on Michael's shoulder and grinned wildly. “I have total confidence in you,” he declared jokingly. Everyone chuckled.

  “Well, lets get this show on the road.” Michael pulled the gun from his waistband, making no attempt to hide it. “Take Jess inside,” he instructed Josh as he walked to the trunk of the car.

  In full view of all the neighbors, Michael dragged Ben from the trunk, still bound and gagged. He pointed the gun at his head and marched him into the garage with nearly half the neighborhood watching. Josh quickly ushered Jessica inside. She couldn't believe Michael paraded Ben out in front of everyone on the street.

  “Are you nuts?!” she blurted out once they were all inside.

  “What do you mean?” Michael asked as he knocked Ben to his knees.

  “Everyone saw you bringing him inside. Someone's going to call the police!” she exclaimed.

  “One thing I'm not afraid of, is someone in this neighborhood calling the police,” he explained. “I'm more afraid of what they might try to do to us or, more accurately, to you. So I made it clear, we are not people they want to mess with.” He cavalierly took a picture of Ben with his cell phone.

  She stood there with her mouth open, not knowing how to respond.

  “Did you get the other things I asked for?” Michael turned his attention to Martin.

  “I was hoping I could get a ride to pick it up,” Martin said.

  “Josh will ta
ke you.” Michael tossed the keys to him.

  “I love being volunteered,” Josh remarked sarcastically.

  “I want some alone time with Ben,” Michael said.

  Josh and Martin smirked while Ben didn't look so happy about it. After they left, Michael suggested that Jessica go upstairs.

  “Can't I watch?” she asked.

  He looked at her like she had to be kidding. “You can't even watch me kill a spider.”

  “Fine.” She let out a disappointed sigh and then did as he asked.

  He pulled the towel from Ben's mouth and stared down at him. Ben clenched his jaw, staring at a corner of the room. He refused to meet Michael's gaze.

  Michael wrapped the towel around his knuckles and paused for a reaction. Often the anticipation of pain is worse than the pain itself. He was hoping to use that to his favor.

  Ben stiffened, preparing himself for what was coming next. “I won't talk,” he asserted.

  “Now is not about talking.”

  Ben smiled smugly. “This is about Jessica.”

  Michael stared down at him with no expression. He was resisting the urge to beat this punk within an inch of his life.

  Ben snickered. “She's pretty hot.”

  “Yeah, too bad you're not her type, huh?” Michael taunted him.

  “Oh, I don't know about that,” Ben said. “She seemed pretty into me.”

  Michael couldn't hold back anymore and punched him hard. The towel spared his knuckles but not so much Ben's face. The blow knocked him to the ground. Michael reached down and lifted him back up. He hit him again, knocking him back down. He wanted to keep going but restrained himself.

  A sinister laugh escaped Ben's mouth. “You know ...” He paused deliberately, looking up at Michael with a wicked grin. “I think I was the best she ever had.”


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