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Forced Move (Michael Cailen Book 2)

Page 17

by Mel LeBrun

  Michael cursed loudly. “Jess and Jeff, you're with me,” he said as he opened his door.

  “What are we supposed to do?” Jessica asked.

  “Just come with me,” Michael replied.

  He shut his door and walked quickly into the theater with Jeff and Jessica right behind him. Josh already knew what Michael wanted him to do. He was to go around back and watch the other exits.

  Michael called Josh while he walked inside, keeping the line open even though they weren't talking.

  The courier was waiting in line to buy a ticket. Getting in line as well, Michael turned to Jessica and Jeff and briefly explained what was happening.

  “He's going to try and lose us in the theater. We may need to split up to find which theater he goes into. We're going to buy tickets and try to stay on him but timing is critical. We can't let him get away.” Michael put the phone to his ear as he watched the courier purchase his ticket. The courier glanced at him but pretended not to notice him. “You got the exits in view?” he asked Josh.

  “Most of them,” Josh answered. “There are a few around the corner. You'll have to let me know as soon as you can where he's headed.”

  “I'm working on it.”

  Michael bought three tickets and they walked quickly in the direction the courier went. They rounded the corner into the hallway and he was nowhere in sight.

  “Let's split up,” Michael said as he sprinted to one of the theaters.

  Jessica and Jeff took two others.

  Just as Jessica opened the theater door, something hit it. She realized it was a string of bullets and quickly let it shut. “Michael!”

  Michael and Jeff came running to her. “He went in there!” She pointed to the door. “He's got a gun!” she warned.

  Hearing the word “gun”, Jeff wasn't about to go any further. In stark contrast, Michael took off into the theater, showing little regard for his own safety.

  Jeff quickly glanced around, checking if anyone noticed what was happening. No one seemed to. Then he heard something he had thought he would never hear again.


  There was something in the way she said it that sent chills down his spine. He turned to Jessica and saw a look of sheer terror on her face. His eyes then fell to her hand, clutching her blood-soaked shirt. The sight of it took his breath away.

  Putting his arm around her, he rushed her out of the theater. He took her phone from her and dialed Michael's number.

  MICHAEL AND Josh were in the middle of subduing the courier when Michael's phone rang. Preoccupied at the moment he didn't answer. It rang again immediately after. It rang a third time as they were loading the unconscious courier in the back of the truck. Michael saw it was Jessica and grew irritated thinking she should have known he was busy.

  “What?” he answered, annoyed.

  “Get over here now!” Jeff shouted.

  “What's going on?” Michael asked, surprised to hear Jeff on the other end.

  “We're around the corner. Jess has been shot.”

  Michael felt like all the blood just rushed from his head. Everything seemed to slow and he felt like he was moving in quicksand as he yelled to Josh to get in the truck and drive.

  JEFF HUNG up the phone and looked down at Jessica. Barely visible by a nearby streetlight, she sat on the ground propped up against the building. Her whole body shook. The darkness hiding the fact that almost the entire front of her shirt was now soaked with blood. Feeling weak himself, Jeff knelt down in front of her and stroked her hair.

  “Daddy, I don't want to die,” she cried.

  He took her in his arms and held her head tight against his chest as his eyes filled with tears. “You're not gonna die, sweetie. Michael is coming. Just hang on.”

  Seconds later, the truck came to a screeching halt next to them and Michael leaped out. He and Jeff helped her into the back. Jeff then climbed in front while Michael got in back with Jessica. Josh tore out of the parking lot as Michael worked to get a look at the wound.

  Jeff held a flashlight so Michael could see. Using his knife, Michael removed her shirt. He took one look at the wound and handed his phone to Josh, telling him to call Gatti.

  The initial shock now wearing off, Jessica began to feel the excruciating pain caused by the wound and the bullet still lodged in her. She screamed in agony as Michael pressed down on her stomach, trying to stop the bleeding.

  “Baby. Look at me.” Michael tried to get her to focus. “You're going to be fine. Just try to calm down.”

  “I'm scared Michael. I don't want to die.”

  “You're not going to die. Just calm down. Focus on your breathing.”

  She nodded and tried hard to do as he said.

  “I got Tim!” Josh announced.

  Michael then spoke to Josh in Arabic so Jessica couldn't understand. “We need someplace now. She is going to bleed out in ten minutes if we don't get help.”

  “Why are you doing that?” Jessica asked frantically.

  “Everything's fine, Jess. I'm just talking to Josh,” Michael assured her.

  “Why won't you say it in English? Why don't you want me to know?”

  Her stress level rising was just what Michael was trying to prevent. He needed her to remain calm. Her getting worked up would only shorten the amount of time they had. He tried to quiet her fears, but hearing Josh talking to Gatti in Arabic and feeling they were keeping the truth from her, she just couldn't quell her anxiety.

  Comprehending what was happening, Jeff tried to pacify her. “It's something they don't want me to hear,” he said.

  She looked to Michael to see if it was true. He looked right back at her, calm and collected. “You're going to be fine,” he said.

  If he was lying, he was very convincing, she thought.

  “We're going to the hospital,” Josh informed them. “We're to register her under the name Jessica Schmidt and Tim will take care of the rest.”

  “See. Everything is going to be fine Jessica.” Michael gave her a reassuring smile, never once betraying what he really knew. She was on her way out.

  “I feel cold,” she said.

  “That's normal,” he told her.

  She grew weaker as her body began to go into shock. Michael could see her fading away.

  “How much longer?!” he called out to Josh.

  Jessica opened her eyes and in the light of a passing street lamp, caught a glimpse of the panic on Michael's face. She then knew it was much more serious than he was leading her to believe. Now too weak to panic, she struggled just to stay awake.

  “Almost there, Michael.”

  “Jess, baby. You need to fight now,” Michael said to her.

  “I love you,” she said.

  “No. Jess, I can't lose you. Don't leave me like this.”

  Josh stopped the truck just outside the emergency room doors. Ordering Jeff to remain in the vehicle, Michael pulled Jessica from the truck and carried her quickly into the hospital. Gatti had called ahead and a team was waiting to rush her into surgery.

  As they took her limp body from his arms, he felt as though his whole world was crashing down around him.

  Chapter 22

  After parking the truck, Josh had to physically restrain Jeff from going into the hospital. In his attempt to get past Josh, Jeff made the mistake of taking a swing at him. Josh blocked and countered, sending Jeff to the ground.

  “She's my daughter!” Jeff growled.

  “Then you should know it's dangerous for you to be seen with us,” Josh said angrily.

  “I don't care what happens to me,” Jeff replied.

  “Neither do I. I care what happens to Jessica. If Meier finds out you're helping us and discovers who Jessica is, what do you think he'll do?”

  Still on the ground Jeff huffed. After a moment of silence he responded. “Will you please find out how she's doing?”

  “Yes. Stay with the courier. I don't want him escaping.”

  Jeff nodded and slowl
y stood back on his feet as Josh walked away.

  Josh found Michael in the waiting room, bent over, holding his head in his hands. Though he had washed the blood off his hands, his clothes were still covered in it.

  Josh sat next to him. “Have they told you anything?”

  Michael shook his head no. “She was unconscious when I brought her in.”

  Josh cursed under his breath, knowing how bad that was. “They must still be working on her if you haven't heard anything. Which means she's still alive.” Josh tried to comfort him.

  Michael took a deep breath and leaned back in his seat. He looked broken. “Yeah. Sure.”

  Josh didn't know what else to say. Michael wouldn't be okay until he saw her for himself.

  “I'm going to let Jeff know she's still in surgery. He's pretty upset,” Josh said. “I had to threaten to beat him to death to keep him outside.”

  Michael made no response to his words. He just sat staring off at something. Josh wasn't even sure he heard him.

  “Do you need anything?” Josh asked.

  Michael barely shook his head no as he continued gazing off into space.

  Josh left to update Jeff on the situation. He returned a few minutes later to wait with Michael for word on Jessica's condition. Time passed unbearably slowly. Josh was trying to hold it together for Michael's sake, but he too was in agony over Jessica. She was like a sister to him and he was just as much afraid of losing her as Michael was.

  Michael replayed events from the past two years that he and Jessica spent together. He remembered the good times they had. The intimate moments they shared. The week they spent in Italy. The time he made her laugh so hard Sprite came out her nose. He thought about the times they fought. The things he'd said that she forgave him for but he still regretted and wished he could take back.

  As his mind relentlessly played clips of their life together, Michael fell into complete despair at the thought of losing her. They should be home starting a family, he thought to himself. Not chasing down human traffickers and running sting operations. He buried his head in his hands as he tried desperately to repress the feelings welling inside him.

  Josh wasn't faring much better. He wiped away a few tears that managed to escape the emotional dam he had created to keep them back. He was equally worried about Michael as he was Jessica. He didn't think Michael would be able to handle losing her. She was his life. If she died, Michael would be hell bent on revenge. It wouldn't be pretty.

  A nurse walked into the waiting room. “Schmidt?” She looked around and said it again.

  Josh tapped Michael's arm. He wasn't accustomed to answering to that name so he didn't even hear it.

  Michael jumped up. “Right here.” He quickly walked to her with Josh just a step behind.

  “We've stopped the bleeding. She's in intensive care. The next few hours will be critical.”

  Josh and Michael felt overwhelming relief at the news. She was still hanging on.

  “Can I see her?” Michael asked.

  “You can. Just don't expect much. She's pretty out of it.”

  “I understand,” Michael said.

  Michael stepped in quietly and walked to her side. Though covered in tubes, she was breathing on her own. His eyes welled at the sight of her. He reached out, gently caressing her hair. Her eyes half opened to look at who was touching her. She saw it was Michael and a weak smile crossed her lips. Her eyes closed again.

  Michael slid a chair next to her bed and sat down. He took her hand in his and spoke softly to her. “Jessica. If you can hear me, squeeze my hand.” He felt her hand ever so slightly squeeze his. “I love you Jessica. You still need to fight for me, okay baby?” He felt her squeeze again. “I need you.”

  With great difficulty she looked at him and tried to speak. He told her not to but she kept trying. Her voice so weak, he had to lean over her to hear what she was trying to say. The only word he could make out was “disk.”

  “We got him. Don't you worry about it. I'm going to take care of it,” he assured her.

  She closed her eyes again and seemed to relax.

  Michael remained by her side, holding her hand. Not more than a minute later, however, something was terribly wrong. Michael glanced at her heart monitor and noticed her heartbeat became irregular. When he stood to get the nurse, it stopped altogether. He frantically opened the door to flag down a doctor just as a team of medical personnel descended upon her room. He was ushered out as they raced to revive her. Michael became unglued as he paced in front of the door, listening to them inside the room. The doctor was shouting orders. Then he heard “Clear!”

  The shouting died down. Michael couldn't tell if that was a good sign or a bad one. He was losing his mind. One by one, everyone filed out of the room. One nurse remained and the doctor came out to talk to him. His heart pounded in his chest, terrified that she might be gone.

  “We were able to revive her,” the doctor said.

  Michael let out an immense sigh of relief. “Oh, thank God.” He braced himself against the wall as his eyes filled with tears. Michael was not a man to cry and he couldn't even remember the last time he had, but there was no holding back this time. His bond with Jessica was stronger than any other relationship in his life. The prospect of losing her was unbearable.

  “This is the second time we've had to resuscitate her,” the doctor told him. “She is one lucky woman. If you had gotten her here only a few minutes later, she would not have made it this far. If she can hold out a few more hours, her chances will improve.”

  Unable to speak, Michael simply nodded.

  “You can go back in and sit with her but she needs to rest.”

  Michael fought to keep his composure. “Her brother and father are here as well. Is it all right if they go in to see her?”

  “Sure. Just two at a time and make sure everyone knows not to upset her.”

  Michael nodded. He then walked to the waiting room to get Josh. Catching sight of Michael's bloodshot eyes, Josh feared that Jessica had passed. Michael never cried. The fact that he was now meant things were really bad. Josh held his breath as Michael began to speak to him.

  “You should go in and see her,” Michael said.

  “What's going on? What have they said?”

  “If she makes it through the next few hours, she might survive.” Michael barely got the words out.

  Josh covered his mouth and turned away in disbelief. He was hoping for better news than that.

  “She flatlined while I was in there,” he added, dispatching a few tears that escaped his eyes.

  They walked into her room together. Michael walked to her side and took her hand again while Josh stayed just behind him. Her eyes closed, she didn't respond to his touch.

  “Jess, baby. I don't know if you can hear me.” He took a deep breath and tried to fight back his emotions. He wiped the tears from his eyes. “I love you.” He squeezed her hand. “Josh is here.” He had no indication whether she even knew he was speaking to her. He bent down and kissed her on the forehead.

  Josh moved to the other side of the bed and as Michael had done before him, he held her hand and stroked her hair. Far more emotional than Michael, Josh had no hope of holding back the tears. His voice broke as he told her he loved her and begged her to hang on. He tenderly kissed her forehead.

  Michael had a rough time holding it together while Josh spoke to her. He sat in the chair and buried his face in the bed next to her. When Josh finished speaking, he felt a hand on the back of his head and looked up. It was Jessica. Her eyes opened for just a second before closing again. He grabbed her hand, kissing the back of it. She was unconscious again.

  Michael looked up at Josh. “Could you call Martin? Let him know what happened and ask him to bring me a change of clothes.”

  “Yeah.” Josh dried his eyes, trying to hold it together.

  “Jinx should probably also know.”

  Josh nodded.

  “I think we're going to need
to call Kevin too.”

  “You think that's smart?” Josh asked. “Putting Jessica's father in the same room as the man that's kept her hidden from him for fourteen years?”

  “I don't plan on putting them in the room together.”

  “You really think you can keep them completely isolated from each other?”

  Michael sighed. It would be impossible and he knew it. “I don't think it matters. Kevin deserves to know. She's like a daughter to him.”

  “More like younger sister,” Josh remarked, since Kevin wasn't much older than Michael.

  “Whatever. Besides that.” He took a deep breath. “If we're going to go forward with the plan, we need someone to hack the flash drive.”

  “We still going forward?”

  “She would want us to.” Michael held her hand and gazed at her beautiful face, marred by the presence of oxygen tubes.

  Josh nodded solemnly, then stepped from the room to make the calls. He called Martin first. Martin assured him he would leave immediately with a change of clothes for Michael. Josh then took a moment to choose his words before calling Jinx. Not having any real siblings of their own, Jinx and Jessica were like sisters. The news would be a blow to her.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” Josh greeted her.

  “Hey, how did it go?” she asked. “Did you find the courier?”

  “Yeah, we got him,” Josh answered. He was silent as he tried to think of how to break the news to her.

  “What is it?” she finally asked, sensing something was wrong.

  He sighed. “It's about Jess.”

  Hearing the seriousness in his tone, her heart began to race. “What's going on, Josh?”

  He paused, trying to prepare himself. “Jess is in the hospital. She's been shot.”

  “What?! Oh my God. When did this happen? I need to get down there. Is she okay?” Her hands shook and tears rolled down her cheeks as she anxiously paced her room.

  Josh wasn't sure he wanted to tell her how bad it was, but he figured he owed it to her.

  “She's in critical condition. Right now it could go either way.”

  Jinx slumped on her couch and began sobbing into the phone. Josh closed his eyes. He wished he was with her so he could hold her. He couldn't stand hearing her cry. He felt so helpless.


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