Penny & Squirt: A Love Story

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Penny & Squirt: A Love Story Page 21

by T. M. Haught

  Penny flashed a grateful smile at Rebecca and gave a grudging nod. “True. I was trying not to think about the trial, but I know in the back of my mind I was worried about it.”

  Rebecca watched. No one was starting to eat yet, so she pushed the container of potato salad a little closer to Penny and the coleslaw closer to Jonah. “Come on, guys. Eat something? You too, Robert. Do I have to start telling jokes or something? You know I’m terrible at it.”

  Everyone cracked a smile, and they finally started dishing up the rest of the food on their plates. They relaxed a bit and ate silently for several moments, then Robert posed a question.

  “How’s the homework situation?” he asked. “Are you both ready with that?”

  “Mine’s all done,” said Penny.

  Jonah shrugged. “Mine’s almost all done. I only need about fifteen or twenty minutes to finish the last part.”

  “Great,” said Robert. “So maybe after dinner we can all watch a little television, or a movie on DVD?”

  “Sounds good,” said Rebecca, watching as Penny and Jonah nodded in agreement. But beneath her smile there still lurked a trace of concern.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  By 11:00 p.m., an hour after everyone had officially turned in, Penny and Jonah were together in her room, with their doors to the hall locked and the partition between their closets and their closet doors left open. They were both on the big brass bed, but sitting at opposite ends, Penny at the head of the bed and Jonah at the foot, with their legs stretched out toward each other. Jonah was giving Penny a foot rub, and Penny was doing the same for him.

  “Hmmm,” said Penny. “This is almost better than sex.”

  Jonah simply smiled.

  “I did say almost,” Penny added.

  “I won’t disagree,” Jonah said. “I think this is the first foot rub I’ve had… ever. It feels great.”

  Penny grinned. “I’m really glad I was your first. Again.”

  “Me too,” said Jonah. “And as far as I’m concerned, you can be my first, last and only.”

  “Aww,” said Penny. “You’re the only one I want, too. I hope you don’t think I’m being selfish. You’ve never had a chance to play the field. Maybe… maybe there’s some other girl out there you’d like better than me.”

  Jonah made a face. “Impossible. I know we haven’t been together for very long, but after all we’ve been through, and knowing you as well as I do, I don’t want to even think about other girls. I can’t imagine anybody I’d like better than you.”

  “That’s so sweet.”

  “I think I promised you a back rub,” Jonah reminded her. “Are you ready for that now?”

  “Sure.” Penny gave Jonah’s foot a final rub and a pat, then she peeled off her T-shirt and placed it on the side of the bed. She turned over and got comfortable with her head turned sideways and her arms up around her pillow.

  Jonah got off the bed and stood beside her, bending slightly. He lifted the long strands of her blonde hair off her shoulders and back and moved them to the pillow where they would be out of the way. He glided both hands up along her back from her waist to her shoulders, then back down again. He repeated that several times, then did counter rotating circles on her back and shoulders. After that he used his thumbs to massage her spine as she had done when she had given him his back rub earlier.

  “Hmmmm…” she said.

  Jonah worked on her shoulders next, kneading and massaging them, gently but firmly enough to relax the muscles that at first seemed tight with tension. Then he used his palms and thumbs to make sweeping motions down her back, moving repeatedly toward her hips and away again. After he had done that several times in a row, he noticed Penny turn her head a bit toward him and the familiar quirky grin twist the corner of her lips.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Mister,” she said.

  “I bet you don’t,” Jonah replied.

  She turned her head a bit more. “You mean, with me lying here like this on my tummy, you’re not thinking of humping my butt?”

  “No,” he said in surprise. “At least, I wasn’t until you mentioned it. Now it’s going to be hard not to think about.”

  “Ooops!” Penny said. “Forget I said anything.”

  “Okay,” said Jonah agreeably, if not convincingly. “You do have a cute butt, though.”

  “Uh… thanks. So what were you thinking?”

  Jonah hesitated, frowning slightly. “I was just wondering if we need a game plan, for when we go back to school tomorrow.”

  Penny frowned. “Game plan? How do you mean? My dad said he’s going to drive us, so we don’t have to take the bus. Not until we see how things are.”

  “And that’s a great idea,” said Jonah, continuing to massage her back. “I’m talking about other things. Like, for one thing, what are we going to wear?”

  “More than we are now, I hope!”

  “Funny.” Jonah rubbed her shoulders and neck muscles again. “I’m serious. Should we wear something different… something low key? Or just wear what we usually do?”

  “Jonah, and I’m not sayin’ this to tease you, what you usually wear is about as low key as you can get,” Penny said. “But I get what you mean. You’re thinking that we shouldn’t wear anything too flashy and attract attention, which does make sense, but if we wear something different, won’t that attract attention, too?”

  Jonah sighed. “Probably. I guess there’s no way we can avoid that entirely.”

  “Well,” said Penny, “how about if you wear what you usually do and I wear pretty much what I usually do, but I avoid bright colors and anything that shows too much skin?”

  “That’s probably as good as we can do.”

  “You said, for one thing,” Penny said. “What else?”

  “Well, I know our teachers already know everything because the principal has briefed them, but what if the other students ask us anything?”

  Penny thought a moment. “My friend Isabel knows what’s going on, except not about the plea bargain. I guess we’ll tell them what my dad told us—that the judge in the case has put a gag order on everyone involved and we can’t talk about it.”

  “Makes sense. And it’s the truth.”

  “Is there anything else?” Penny asked.

  Jonah hesitated. He stopped rubbing her back. “Well, just that I’m worried about you. Are you going to be okay?”

  Penny rolled over and sat up. Her expression serious, she patted the edge of the bed and waited as Jonah sat down beside her. “I… I guess so. I’m a little nervous.”

  “I’d be surprised if you weren’t.” Jonah reached out a hand to caress her face, and as a tear crept out of the corner of her eye he used his thumb to gently wipe it from her cheek. “I know we’ve both put it out of our minds during the past week, which has been great, but after what happened to you there… and what almost happened… I’m a little nervous about going back there. I can only imagine how you must feel.”

  “Yeah,” she said. Penny put her arms around him and snuggled her head against his neck. “You’re really good at reading me, Jonah… my mind and my heart. Try not to worry about me. We only share two classes, but I know you’ll be nearby if I need you. We’ll get through this.”

  “Yes,” Jonah said, hugging her in a comforting embrace. “We will. Then everything will settle down and it will get easier.”

  Penny continued to hold him for a long while, then she sighed and said, “I guess we should probably turn in and get some rest. We’ll need it for tomorrow.”

  “I think you’re right about that.” Jonah let go of her as she unwrapped her arms from him. He looked at the moisture in her eyes and gave her a kiss on the cheek, then reached across her and picked up her T-shirt and offered it to her. “Maybe you should put this back on?”

  She took it from him and considered it a moment, then tossed it on the chair nearby. “That’s okay. I like the feel of your skin against mine, even when we’re not having sex.
Why don’t you go turn out the light and come back to bed. We can pull the covers up and you can hold me and make me feel safe.”

  “Okay.” Jonah got up and crossed the room. He reached the switch by the door to the hall and turned off the lights, then returned to the bed and Penny’s waiting arms. He noticed her smile as she watched him approach. “What…?”

  “You know,” she told him, “I think I’m actually starting to like those boxers on you.”

  “Thought they might grow on you,” said Jonah. “So you’re not telling me to lose’em?”

  “Not at the moment,” Penny said coyly. “Lose them or wear them, it’s okay either way. Just c’mere.”

  Jonah slipped into the bed beside her and pulled the covers up to their necks. He slipped his arm around her shoulders and felt her nestle against him. At least for now, in the cozy warmth of the covers and each other’s arms, the dangers of the outside world seemed very remote….


  Back to school

  The alarm clock rang with its usual nerve-jangling intensity. Penny tried to hide under the covers at first, but finally gave in with a sigh and reached out to grab the clock and silence it. She sat it back on the nightstand.

  “What time is it?” said Jonah, his eyes still closed.

  “Five o’clock,” said Penny. “I set it a bit early again.”

  “Please tell me we’re not on the roof.”

  “We’re not. No midnight adventures last night.”

  “Good,” said Jonah. “I suppose I should get up.”

  She snuggled closer. “Yes. Please do.”

  Something about the way that she said it made him open his eyes and gaze into hers. Even in the dim light of the room her eyes were clearly visible, and in them vulnerability mingled with longing. Jonah said, “Why did you set the alarm a bit early, if I may ask?”

  She smiled. “Why do you think?”

  “Oh. I guess it’s time I lost the boxers?”

  “Oh, yes. Please do.”

  She waited as he quickly slipped out of them and tossed them on the chair where her T-shirt reposed, the two garments now happily sharing space just as their owners were already. Then she pulled Jonah over on top of her and spread her legs for him.

  “Are you sure?” he asked her. “Do we have time? Should we…?”

  “Hush,” she told him, putting her fingers gently across his lips. Then she took them away and kissed him fiercely, with a passion born of need as much as desire. “Just make love to me, Jonah. If we’re going to get through today, I need this. I need you.”

  “Hey, you called me Jonah this time instead of Squirt,” he said.

  She gave him a wry look. “I’m gonna call you something else if you don’t shut up.”

  “Got it,” he said.

  “Not yet,” Penny told him. “But you will. Go, go, go…”

  Jonah took care to position himself properly, enjoying being there within Penny’s embrace. Her breasts, belly and thighs were deliciously warm and soft against his skin, and the scent of her hair and the faint perfume on her face were wonderful. He felt her nipples harden against his chest and her private parts moistening. His manhood was already hard and this time he didn’t need help entering her.

  He pushed in slowly, making sure there was enough natural lubrication to avoid hurting her. He wasn’t trying to hit her G-spot or do anything fancy, not this time. He just wanted to make love to her, as sweetly and tenderly as possible.

  Penny’s eyes were closed, her lips slightly parted, and her hands delicately caressed the back of his neck and his right shoulder blade as they slowly made love. Her breathing quickened slightly, a warm whisper in his ear and against the side of his face.

  Jonah was sure he could feel her heartbeat and briefly wondered if she could feel his as well. He kissed the side of her face, and her neck, and nuzzled his cheek against her ear. He kept making love to her, not rushing it, taking his time, and slowly raining tender kisses upon her lips, her eyebrows, the bridge of her nose and the side of her neck just below her ear. Part of his mind was trying to tell him he should check the clock, but he ignored it… tuned it out… so lost in the moment… so lost in her and everything that she meant to him.

  Penny was reveling in the feelings that flooded her senses, and as she kissed him on the lips she ran her delicate fingers through his hair. Her hands glided down the back of his neck and along the muscles in his back, then slowly explored his shoulders and upper arms before simply overlapping on his back as she embraced him again.

  Jonah kissed her again, and again, and then whispered in her ear, “I love you, Penny Matthews.”

  She opened her eyes briefly and gazed into his, smiling. “I love you, Jonah Nash.”

  They both had their eyes closed as they continuing making love, oblivious to everything around them. And then when at last they climaxed it wasn’t the explosive kind of orgasm they had shared before. It was more of a soft release… a gentle wave that washed over them and through them, with only a faint gasp of sheer ecstasy escaping Penny’s lips and the softest of moans coming from Jonah’s mouth.

  Then they simply lay motionless in each other’s arms for several minutes, the covers still over them, warm and cozy. It was the most perfect of moments. The most blissful of shared feelings.

  An alarm clock rang, slightly different in pitch than the one before. Its tone was no less nerve-jangling, though.

  Penny sighed and reached out from under the covers to the back of the nightstand beside her bed. She grabbed that clock and fumbled for the button to turn off the alarm, then found it and silenced the thing. She tugged at the covers to throw them back, hampered a bit by Jonah still being on top of her.

  Jonah sighed, too, and helped her with the covers as he rolled over beside her, fully disengaging from their embrace. “I wondered why you asked me to bring my clock in here too last night.”

  “Back-up,” said Penny. “In case we fell asleep again after the sex. I almost did.”

  “What time is it now?”

  She squinted at the clock face, yawning. “Five twenty-five. Almost the normal time to get up.”

  “So,” said Jonah, “we made love for about twenty minutes.”

  “We sure did.” Penny leaned over and kissed him. “We sure did. Thank you, Jonah, for that and for getting me through the night okay.” She sighed faintly. “I guess we’d better hustle now and take our showers and get dressed. We’ll have to get down there for breakfast, and then leave for school. Our big day has arrived.”

  As they sat up Jonah cradled her face in his hands, studying the slightly haunted look in her eyes. “And we’ll get through it okay. I promise.”

  She took hold of his hands. “I know.” She looked into his eyes for another few moments, then impulsively kissed him again. She got up from the bed. “Now go! Get ready, and let me get ready too. Separate showers. You know the drill. We don’t want to go down there looking like we just did what we just did. Hurry up, before I change my mind and jump back in bed with you. I’m teetering on the edge.”

  “I know the feeling,” said Jonah. He got out of bed on his side and headed for the closet door and the path back to his own room. “Meet you in the hall.”

  “Hey—wait!” Penny said, running after him. “You forgot your shorts.” She handed them to him, then started for the door to her bathroom and the shower.

  Jonah looked at his boxers. “Yeah, that would have been hard to explain.” He disappeared into her closet, closing that door behind him and the sliding panel and his own closet door as he went.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  They both entered the kitchen one after the other, carrying their backpacks and leaving them in the corner, side by side. Robert was already seated at the kitchen table, which was set, and Rebecca turned from the stove to smile at their arrival.

  “Well, right on time,” said Rebecca. “I’m glad to see that you’re both off to a good start. Did everyone sleep okay?”
br />   Jonah shrugged. “Pretty much.”

  “I had a little trouble going to sleep last night,” Penny replied. “I was a little nervous about today.” She paused to give her father a kiss on the cheek as she headed for her usual chair at the table. “Morning, Dad.”

  “Morning, Pumpkin,” said Robert.


  Robert flinched a bit. “Sorry. Jonah’s heard me call you that already.”

  Jonah gave a dismissive wave and a shrug. “No big deal.”

  “So,” Robert continued with a serious look at his daughter, “are you going to be okay? Do you want me to call the principal and ask her if you can delay another day?”

  Penny shook her head. “No. It won’t be any easier tomorrow than today. Maybe harder. The longer I wait… you know.”

  “That’s true.” Robert gave her a pat on the arm as she sat down. “And Jonah will be there, too. That makes me feel a lot better. And I’m just a phone call away if you need me. So is Rebecca for that matter.”

  Rebecca nodded in earnest. “Yes, so don’t forget to give both of us a call when you can during the day. You, too, Jonah. Even if everything is fine, I’ll feel better if I hear your voices. Maybe you will, too, hearing ours.”

  Penny smiled. “Okay, Mrs. Nash.”

  “You can call me Rebecca, you know,” she told Penny. “Whenever you’re comfortable with that.”

  “I’m working on it,” Penny said.

  Rebecca turned back to the stove and opened the oven door. She took out a baking tin of biscuits and placed it on the side of stove top where the burners weren’t turned on, then quickly split each one with a knife and flipped the top half over. From the skillet she picked up each of the eight patties cooking there with an egg turner and placed them on the biscuit bottoms, then covered those with the tops. She turned off the stove and oven and put two of the little sandwiches on each of their plates, then put those on the table before them. She indicated the butter that was already on the table.


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