Penny & Squirt: A Love Story

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Penny & Squirt: A Love Story Page 22

by T. M. Haught

  “I thought we all could stand some protein as well as carbs this morning, so I fixed turkey sausage on biscuits,” said Rebecca. “It should be quicker to eat, too. I don’t want anybody running out of here without eating all of their breakfast. Understood?”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” said Penny.

  “Yes, Mom,” said Jonah.

  Robert smiled wryly. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Rebecca poured the coffee from the pot and got the pitcher of orange juice from the refrigerator and filled four small tumblers. The water glasses were already on the table. She took a quick glance to be sure she had missed nothing, than she sat down at her place at the table.

  “Remember,” Rebecca said, “I don’t have any temp assignments today, so I’ll be home all day… probably bored out of my mind… which is another reason I want you to call me. If I do need to go anywhere, I’ll have my cell phone with me.”

  They were all silent for awhile as they ate, consuming their breakfast only slightly faster than normal, and each of them occasionally glancing at the wall clock to check the time. Robert finished first and wiped his hands on his napkin.

  “Speaking of cell phones, you’ll have to try out that app Jonah created for you, Penny,” he said.

  Penny nodded. “Yes, definitely.” She looked to Jonah with a sudden question occurring to her. “Will that work both ways? If I’m hitting the panic button to call you or if you’re using it to call me?”

  “Sure,” said Jonah. “At least, I designed it that way. We can test it once we’re at school.”

  Robert arched an eyebrow and smiled. “Both ways, huh? So you think Penny might need to rescue you, Jonah?”

  Jonah grinned a bit, thinking of his conversation with Penny the day before. “You never know.”

  Rebecca sighed. “Well, I hope neither of you needs to be rescued,” she said.

  “But it’s good to know that you both have a panic button if you need it.”

  They continued to eat, and by the time they had all finished it was nearly 7:00 o’clock. Robert took a moment to study his daughter, then glanced at Jonah, too, before pushing his plate back and putting his napkin on the table. He pushed his chair back and stood up.

  “Well, I guess it’s time to go, if everyone’s ready,” he said. “That was a delicious breakfast, Rebecca.”

  “Yes,” said Penny as she got to her feet as well. “And I ate all of mine. I’m fully loaded with protein and carbs. Orange juice, too.”

  “Same here,” echoed Jonah.

  Rebecca flashed a bit of a wry smile as she rose from the table herself. “Thanks, everyone.” She approached Jonah, gave him a hug and tousled his hair. “You be good, and be careful. And watch out for Penny.”

  “Yes, Mom,” he said.

  Rebecca went next to Penny and gave her a hug, too. “It’ll be all right. Don’t worry. I have a good feeling about this. And I know you’re stronger than you realize. We all are.”

  “Thank you.” Penny hugged her back, then went to her backpack and picked it up.

  Jonah got his backpack, too. They all hesitated a moment more, steeling themselves for whatever lay ahead.

  Robert asked, “You’re sure you both have all your books and things? Now’s the time, if you forgot anything.”

  At mention of the word “time” Penny’s face went blank. She glanced at Jonah, then quickly smiled as best she could and said, “No, I’m sure I got everything. No need for alarm.”

  Jonah’s eyes widened slightly, and then he went into safe mode and followed her and Robert out of the kitchen. They headed for the living room and the front door.

  “Be careful,” Rebecca called after them.

  As they crossed the living room Penny and Jonah were a good ten feet behind Robert as he reached the front door and unlocked it. Jonah leaned close to Penny with a quickly whispered comment.

  “We left my alarm clock sitting on your nightstand, didn’t we.”

  Penny made a face. “’Fraid so. Shhh!”

  Robert opened the door and let the two teenagers go out first. “The SUV’s big enough that we can all sit in the front seat.”

  “Sounds good,” said Penny.

  Robert followed them outside and closed the front door and locked it, then opened the passenger door of the SUV to let Penny and Jonah in. He went to the driver’s side and got in. He fastened his seat belt and made sure his passengers did as well. He waved toward the house and they all saw Rebecca looking out the front window and waving back. Then he started the engine and carefully left the driveway…

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Traffic near Palmvista High School was as bad as usual. Less than half of the students had cars and even some who did avoided driving there since the parking lot didn’t have enough spaces for everyone. Parents driving their children to school jockeyed for position with the school buses trying to reach the front walk to disembark passengers.

  As the SUV approached the drop off point on the street in front of the school, Jonah, who was sitting by the window, pulled out his cell phone and motioned for Penny to get hers out, too. She did.

  “We can test it inside the school later,” Jonah said, “but I want your dad to see if the app works.”

  “Sure,” said Penny. “Here goes.” She touched the icon on her screen that read Panic Button.

  In no more than two seconds, Jonah’s cell phone cut loose with a sound like an alarm klaxon at a volume level lightly higher than a ring tone. He held the phone toward Robert so he could see the screen.

  A simple line diagram of the school hallways and the immediate grounds was displayed on the screen. There on the street in front of the school were two glowing dots, one bright red and the other vivid green, so close together that they were almost superimposed one upon the other.

  Robert nodded approvingly. “I’m impressed. You can let me know later how it does when you’re in different parts of the school.”

  “Yes, sir,” said Jonah. He turned off the app screen and watched as Penny did the same, then he put his phone away.

  Robert pulled to a stop along the sidewalk, a little past the center point so there was room for other cars behind him, then pressed the button to unlock the right front passenger door. “Be careful, you two. I’ll wait for a minute, to be sure everything is all right before I leave.”

  Penny sighed. “Thanks. Bye, Daddy. I’ll call you.”

  Jonah opened the door and got out, slinging his backpack over one shoulder and reaching back to help Penny step down to the ground. They both looked around cautiously, looking to see if they were noticed by the large number of students standing or moving about in front of the school. He closed the door to the SUV.

  “Here we go…” Penny said under her breath. “I think I can, I think I can…”

  “We can,” Jonah told her. “Never forget that. We can.”

  The other students definitely noticed their arrival. Heads turned. Fingers pointed. The noisy chatter of dozens of conversations quieted as everyone’s attention became riveted on Penny and Jonah as they started moving along the sidewalk. There were a few boo’s and rude remarks from the Mean Girl contingent of the cheerleader squad, but other members of the squad and even some of the jocks on the football team actually applauded. The applause was quickly taken up by many other students, especially Penny’s friend, Isabel, and Jonah’s friend, Freddy, who were clearly waiting for them as they walked side by side toward the main path leading up to the school.

  Someone else was waiting for them as well, which now became apparent as doors flew open on a dark unmarked van parked across the street from the school. The woman reporter from the local television station sprinted through the traffic toward them, microphone in hand, followed by a man who already held a camera on his shoulder and was starting to videotape the scene ahead.

  “Oh no,” said Penny as she glanced around. “Here comes trouble!”

  Jonah looked in the direction of her worried gaze and frowned. “Swell.”

/>   There was a sharp whistle and they both looked back to see Freddy with his fingers to his lips, having just made the sound. Both he and Isabel were hurrying to reach Penny and Jonah, and a few dozen other students of both genders were also rushing toward them. Within seconds Jonah and Penny were surrounded by a wall of teenagers that now moved with them up the path to the building, blocking them from the view of the reporter and cameraman.

  Isabel reached out and gave Penny a reassuring pat on the arm, and winked at Jonah. Freddy gave his friend the thumbs up sign.

  “Thought this might happen,” said Freddy. “I activated the nerd brigade, just in case. We’ll get you inside!”

  “You guys are the best, Freddy,” said Jonah.

  They could see the school’s security guard standing to one side of the walkway, watching them and the approaching TV crew. On the top steps of the front entrance to the school stood the principal, also watching the little drama playing out. The security guard waited a moment longer, waited until the television reporter and her cameraman were fully past the sidewalk and were officially on school property, then he threw a glance to the principal. The principal nodded, and the security guard raised a hand in a silent signal.

  Within seconds a half dozen police officers piled out of their own unmarked cars in the front parking area and raced to intercept the reporter and cameraman. Over the hubbub of noise Penny couldn’t hear what was being said by either the cops or the news crew, but there was clearly a heated exchange of words. Apparently too heated on the part of the reporter, as in the next moment she was being spun around and having handcuffs put on her wrists. Another officer took the camcorder from the cameraman and both members of the news team were quickly escorted to one of the unmarked police cars.

  Penny breathed a sigh of relief as she headed up the steps of the school with Jonah and their friends. “I’m feeling a little better already.”

  Jonah gave her hand a squeeze. “Yeah. Me too.”

  As they reached the entrance with its wide double doors, the principal, Fay Gruenberg, smiled warmly at them. “Welcome back Miss Matthews, Mister Nash. Your teachers inform me that you both have kept up very well with your assignments. Very well indeed. I shall let you get along to class, but should you need anything, I’ll be in my office.”

  The security guard joined them as they entered the building. “I’m glad to see you two kids back,” he said. “How are you doing?”

  “Better now,” said Penny. “Thank you so much!”

  “Yes, thanks!” Jonah said.

  “My pleasure,” said the guard. “I never liked that reporter much anyhow. You both have different first period classes, don’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir,” said Jonah.

  “That’s what I thought,” said the guard. “Jonah, you go on to yours and I’ll escort Penny to her class. I’ll keep an eye on her, either in person or via the security cameras, so you don’t have to worry.”

  Jonah said sincerely, “I appreciate that. But I’ll probably worry a little anyway,” he added with a grin.

  The guard gave him a pat on the back. “I know. You’re a good man.”

  Penny gave Jonah’s hand a squeeze and was reluctant to let it go. “I’ll be okay. See you in History… and at lunch.”

  “Count on it,” said Jonah. “You can definitely count on it….”

  * * * * * * * * * *

  “Well, isn’t this cozy,” said Penny. She had her tray of food before her, seated at a table in the school cafeteria.

  Jonah, who was seated next to her, looked around. “I guess. Definitely not crowded.”

  The two seats on either side of them were empty, as were all six of the seats across from them. For the moment at least, they had the table all to themselves. Even the adjacent tables were empty, with the other students all clustered at the remaining tables filling the rest of the cafeteria, like a tumultuous sea not quite lapping at the shore of a desert island.

  “Now I know how a goldfish feels,” said Penny, but she still managed to arch an eyebrow wryly and smile. “At least there’s another fish in the bowl with me.”

  “I’m pretty sure things will settle down after today,” Jonah told her. “The first day back is bound to be a little weird for us and for everybody else. After lunch we only have a few more hours to go.”

  “Yeah.” Penny sighed. She leaned closer to Jonah and lowered her voice a bit. “I kinda miss our lunches at home.” She winked.

  “The food was better,” Jonah said with a grin.

  “So was the dessert,” said Penny impishly.

  Jonah sighed wistfully, remembering. “I do love dessert.” His grin faded slightly. “Do you think we have to worry about my alarm clock?”

  “Hope not.” Penny started eating. “I don’t think your mom is likely to go poking around my room. She doesn’t have to do the laundry or anything. We’ll just have to be careful in the future.”

  Jonah changed the angle of his gaze. “Speaking of which, be careful now. Here come Isabel and Freddy.”

  Penny looked up as her friend Isabel approached them carrying her tray of food and sat down across from her. Freddy was only a short distance behind Isabel and he arrived to take the seat next to her, across from Jonah. Isabel had short black hair and a slender figure. Freddy had light brown hair and was halfway between chubby and slender.

  “Hi,” said Isabel. “You doing okay?”

  “Sure,” Penny replied. “Aren’t you afraid to join the outcasts?”

  Isabel shook her head. “You guys aren’t outcasts. Everybody is just a little nervous and not sure what to say.”

  Freddy chuckled. “Especially after the cops arrested that reporter. That was so funny.”

  Isabel frowned and gave him a light punch in the arm. Continuing to address Penny, she stated, “Like I said, you aren’t really outcasts. A couple of the girls on the cheer squad were pals with Tiffany, but most of them think she went way too far, and they can imagine what you went through. They can identify with that. It may take them a few days, but I think you’re going to pick up some new friends.”

  Freddy rubbed his arm and threw a glance toward Isabel before saying to Jonah and Penny, “Yeah, and from what I hear, even the jocks on the football team aren’t mad at you two. Most of the guys didn’t like Travis. He was arrogant and bragged a lot about being the only reason the team was any good. The guy who’s taking his place as quarterback is really pleased to see him go.”

  Penny’s features clouded. “Not as glad as me.”

  Isabel patted her hand understandingly. “He’s gone, and you have your ‘Ninja Nerd’ watching over you, so don’t worry.”

  Jonah blushed a bit, but he fought to hide the trace of a grin that tried to form on his lips. “Right, I am. And I’m not alone. Right, guys?”

  “Right!” affirmed Freddy.

  “Right,” said Isabel. “We’re all behind you and are going to be keeping an eye on things.” She impulsively reached out and took hold of Penny’s hand and Freddy’s hand beside her.

  Freddy briefly looked surprised but quickly understood and took hold of Jonah’s hand, who in turn took hold of Penny’s other hand, forming a circle. The four of them smiled.

  “All for one and one for all,” said Jonah.

  They held that pose, grinning at each other for a moment, then all of them began eating their lunches. Even with occasionally chatting about their teachers and the newest homework assignments, it still didn’t take long for them to finish their food. Isabel glanced at Penny and Jonah as if thinking, then she pushed back her chair and picked up her tray.

  “Well, if you need us, we’ll be around,” said Isabel. “But we’re going now. Right, Freddy?”

  He looked up. “We are?” Then he flinched as Isabel gave the side of his shoe a little kick. “Uh, yes, right. We are. See you later.”

  Freddy got to his feet and picked up his tray, then followed Isabel away from the table heading for the far side of the cafeteria where the windo
w for placing the trays and dirty dishes was located. Penny watched their departure with an amused grin.

  “You know,” she said, “looking at the two of them, it kinda reminds me of the two of us, not so long ago.”

  Jonah studied their two friends with a skeptical expression. “Really? Freddy and Isabel?”

  “Yeah,” said Penny. “I wouldn’t have thought so before, but I see all the signs now. Isabel is a force to be reckoned with. Poor Freddy.”

  “Hmmm… no,” said Jonah thoughtfully, a smile spreading across his face. “If they’re anything like us, even a little… lucky Freddy!”

  “Hah!” said Penny. “I agree.”

  Her cell phone rang at that moment and Penny retrieved it from her purse, which she was now keeping zipped closed all the time. She looked at the screen and read the message about the incoming call.

  Jonah glanced at her. “Is it your dad?”

  “No,” Penny replied. “But I do need to call him. It’s your mom.” She touched the screen to answer the call. “Hi,” she said.

  “Hello, Penny,” Rebecca’s voice said from the phone. “Is this a good time?”

  “It’s perfect,” said Penny. “We just finished lunch, and I was thinking about calling my dad.”

  “Make sure you do,” said Rebecca. “He needs to be reassured, too. How are you doing?”

  “Better than I thought I would,” Penny told her. “Lots of people are looking out for us, and Jonah’s here, of course.”

  “Hi, Mom,” he said leaning close to Penny’s phone.

  “Hi, dear,” Rebecca said. “I won’t keep you long, but I just wanted to check with you because I was noticing the time.”

  Penny and Jonah exchanged nervous glances. Penny replied, “The time?”

  “Yes,” said Rebecca. “School lets out about three-thirty, and of course Robert doesn’t get off work until five, so I was wondering if you’d like me to come over and pick you two up?”


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