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Scandalous Motives

Page 6

by Red Snapper

  Finally, the phone stopped ringing. She picked up the phone and called Waynell. Waynell’s phone rang and rang finally she answered.


  “Hello, Waynell what are you doing?”

  “I was just about to find somewhere to eat lunch.”

  “Can you meet me downtown?” “I really need to talk to you.”

  “Sure…you sound a little strange are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, please Waynell come quickly!” “It is extremely important that I see you now!”

  “I’m coming right now!” “Where are you?”

  Shareefah explained where she was and then Shareefah ended the call. She put her head down on the table for just a minute when she raised her head back up, standing over her was Regina. Shareefah was traumatized to see her. All she could do was stare at her demented face. Regina sat down next to her on the couch. She turned her head slowly at her as she began to speak,

  “Shareefah, why are you doing this to me?” “All I wanted to do was love you!” “I just don’t understand why you don’t want me.”

  Shareefah continued to take a drag of her cigarette and replied, “It’s not that I don’t want you…look I really care about you and our relationship, but I am not ready to commit to someone.” “I was just experimenting with something that I had never tried and you were very gently with me.” “I have come to the realization that I like having sex with you.” “But I want to be with men. “ I enjoy the feeling of having an erect penis in my pussy pulsating inside me.” “I enjoy my pussy eaten too, but I really miss having a man okay!”

  Regina looked at her extremely heated. She glanced at Shareefah’s hand and suddenly grabbed it gently.

  “I am in love with you, don’t you understand?” “I can give you whatever you want.”

  Shareefah glared at her angrily and said, “I can get whatever I want myself, remember, I am a lawyer just like you Regina!”

  Regina sighed as she explained, “I am telling you this one more time.” “I am not giving you up so stop saying that you don’t want me and tell me you love me too!” Shareefah turned to her, gazed into her eyes and said,

  “I am not going to see you anymore Regina…it is over.” She stood up and began to leave when Regina jumped in front of her to stop her. As she did this, Waynell walked in and seen them in the mist of their fight. Regina was about to strike Shareefah, Waynell ran up quickly and stopped her fist from connecting to Shareefah’s face.

  “What is going on over her?” said Waynell “Shareefah are you okay?”

  “Yes, I am fine!” “Regina was about to leave.” Regina looked at Waynell and then looked back at Shareefah.

  “This shit is not over bitch.” “I don’t just go away, Trust and believe it!” She stormed out of the lounge, knocking down chairs as she went out.

  Waynell sat down with Shareefah on the couch.

  “Shareefah what was all that about?” “What is really going on?”

  “Waynell…..have been involved with her.”

  “Involved?” “What do you mean involved?”

  “She was my lover….she has been for the last six months.” “We got into an argument because she said she was in love and she wanted our relationship to come out and I didn’t want to go that far.” Waynell looked at Shareefah and then hugged her and said.

  “It’s alright but you know she works at the firm.” “How will you keep this from leaking out in the office gossip?”

  “I don’t know please don’t tell anyone!”

  “Girl, I will not tell anyone, but you know I am a partner with this firm so, If this gets out and the board finds out I will not be able to help you.” “You know that she knows that I am on the board.” “Don’t worry Shareefah; let’s try to keep this from coming out okay?”

  Shareefah looked at Waynell, hugged her tight, and said, “How did I get here?”

  Waynell replied, “Don’t worry we will try to work this out!”

  They both left the lounge going back to their cars. As they got into their vehicles, across the street stood Regina, glaring at Shareefah and Waynell. She thought, “This shit is truly not over bitch!”

  Chapter 10

  It was several hours before he found the answer. However, with much research and several favors, he found out who was the owner of that luxurious mansion in Olathe. As Walter read the property owners file, what he found it very intriguing:

  Andrew Phillip Laurie, a self made billionaire textile mogul and founder of Laurie Industries was a man who has been a great pillar and socialite in the Kansas City area, as well as the United States and abroad. He gave to many organizations and was instrumental in starting many charities in the local as well the national stage. Laurie is survived by his only child, his daughter, Ms. Tangie Laurie, who was the sole aired to his multi-billion dollar fortune. She inherited all of his assets and has control over seventy-five percent of the company’s stock. She is currently Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer of the corporation.

  Walter was intrigued with the information that he found on the Laurie family but wanted to know more about this Tangie Laurie.

  “I believe I’ve seen this woman before.” “I don’t thing I even meet her but I remember her name.” “Wait….It was the benefit!” “That’s where I remember her name!”

  Walter called Tiberius into his office.

  “Hey Tye I got a stake out for you to do.”

  “When and where?”

  “I need you to go to 124312 West 195 Terrace.”


  “Yeah…you got a problem with that?”

  “No, I just know that this address is in Laurie Commons.” “Hey wait that address is the Laurie Mansion.”

  “I need you to stake out the place and see if you see anything suspicious or peculiar going on over there.”

  “How long do you want me to do that?”

  “It’s just for a couple of days.”

  “What is this all about?”

  “Do this for me please?” “I will pay for your food and stuff!”

  “Okay….I hope this ain’t got anything to do with Waynell!”

  Walter looked at Tiberius and smiled. Tiberius looked back at him disgusted and then walked out the door. Of course, Walter calls Brian to inform him what he had found out. Walter picks up the phone and dials Brian’s number at his hotel in New York. The phone rang and rang then he finally answered.

  “Talk to me!”

  “I have a lead on who owns the property on 195 Terrace.

  “Who owns it?”

  “It is owned by Laurie Industries, you know the billionaire A. Phillip Laurie.” “He passed away about nine years ago and his daughter, the Chairperson and CEO of Laurie Industries is the owner of his estate.”

  “Yeah, I remember reading about that in the newspaper but what business do Waynell and Vikki have with Laurie’s daughter?” “How does she know her?” “I want you to continue to dig until you find something, something big!” “There is a bonus in it for you!”

  “I will get it done Brian!”

  Brian hangs up the phone. It is raining outside in Manhattan as Brian was in bed with Angelina. She turned to him and asked him who were he talking to and what that was all about. He turns to look at her and said, “It is nothing for you to worry about.” He gazes at her lovely face and then moves his way down to her nipples. She closes her eyes and moans slightly. He puts his dick into her already-wet pussy and starts to stroke her with brute force. The rhythm of their fucking begins to get faster as he moves her around into the doggy style position. He stroked her pussy with full intensity as she moaned with pure delight! “Fuck me Brian, Fuck me harder” as he granted her request. He pulled her hair rigorously as he pumped her pussy, as if it was going out of style. “Yeah bitch, this is good ain’t it! He shouted as he continued his act!

  Angelina shouted, “Let me suck your dick…let me suck it now!”

  She turned around and grabbed
his throbbing hard dick and sucked it down her throat as deep as she could gasping for air, she let it out and continued to suck him off. Brian was in pure ecstasy as she served him taking every inch of his dick in her mouth. Brian began to shout, “I want to cum in your ass!”

  She smiled and turns around so fast that it was like a blur. He stuck his dick in her asshole and she moaned in pure satisfaction. “YES…OH YES BRIAN FUCK MY ASS!” “GET THAT ASS!” she shouted as Brian continued to fuck her into a sexual bliss!

  Suddenly her eyes began to roll back in her head as she went into a series of severe orgasms as she let off a very loud moan…...OOOOOOOOHHHH YEAH!

  Her body was quivering and shaking as he continued to fuck her. He then pulled his dick out of her ass and shot his load all over her pearly white ass. They both feel down on the bed, exhausted from their activity. They both immediately fell asleep with him on top of her back. Hours later, they woke up. It was around 7:00 P.M. and it was still raining outside. She woke up and went to the bathroom taking her purse with her. While she was in the bathroom, she pulled out a bag of cocaine and put some on bathroom counter. She took out a straw-snorted two lines of coke in each nostril. She put the bag back in her purse and then went back into the bedroom. She kissed Brian very passionately and then asked if she could borrow another $20,000 dollars. Brian answered.

  “What!” ”You want to borrow another $20,000 dollars?” He gets out of the bed and puts on his pajama pants He walked over to her, looking down at her coke up ass.“ Honey, I just need to take care of some things and I will pay you back!”

  Brian looked at his little mistress, wondering why he was with this bitch in the first place.

  “How are you going to pay me Angelina?” “I did some checking, you haven’t been at your modeling firm in over two months.” “Your fucking agent has been trying to get a hold of you as well and you haven’t returned any of his calls.” “You know why because you are always fucking high on this shit!” He pulls out her supply of cocaine from her purse!”

  “Honey…now please put that down okay I need you to just put it back in my purse okay.” “Alright…I’m fine I just need to be with you!” “Okay Baby!”

  Brian takes the bag of cocaine into the bathroom and Angelina runs after him. “Brian what are you doing?” “GIVE ME BACK MY SHIT!” “DON’T PUT MY SHIT DOWN THE TOLIET BRIAN!” Brian pushed her down on the floor in the bedroom, poured all of the contents into the toilet, and flushed it.

  “Pack your shit Bitch and get the fuck out of my suite!”

  “Brian, why are you doing this to me?” “I love you….please help me Brian help me!” Brian grabs her belongings and puts them into her bag. He opens the door and tells her to get out. She looks at him crying and says, “I have no place to go!”

  Brian looks at her and says, “You should have thought about that shit before you became a junkie bitch!”

  She looked at him and then she took her bag from him. She had nothing but a large towel wrapped around her as he slammed the down behind her. She walked a couple of feet down the hall and then stopped. She leaned on a wall in the hall and then slid down the wall crying out of control. She took the elevator down to the main entrance to get a cab to her apartment. Everyone in the area was staring at her as she finally got a cab and drove away.


  Another hour passed and Angelina finally made it back to her apartment. She walked into her living room and dropped down on the sofa. She was tired and had been in a cab riding naked. The whole time she was riding in the taxi she was thinking how she could get back at Brian for what he did to her. Suddenly, she remembered the conversation that Brian was having with Walter on the phone in the hotel. Although she did not get all the details, she knew enough to stir up some shit for Brian. She decided that she was going to do something to get even with him. She thought to herself, “I am going to get this bastard for kicking me out on the street like some whore!” The thought came to her. She picked up the phone and dialed #411.


  “What city and state?”

  “Kansas City, Missouri”

  “I need the number for a Mrs. Waynell Deveraux.” “It’s an emergency!”

  The operator gives her the number and she calls her. She waited with anticipation as the phone rang. All she wanted was to stir up some shit, not getting totally involved, but enough for questions. Waynell finally answered,

  “Hello Waynell!”

  “Yes, who is this?”

  “You don’t know me, but I have some news that you need to know.”

  “I am the bitch that has been fucking your husband for the last seven months!”

  “What! Who is this?”

  “Never mind that, listen to me, you muthafuckin husband has been putting private detectives on you to follow you around. I heard him telling one of them named Walter to follow you and something about a Ms. Tangie Laurie!” “Anyway I just wanted you to know!”

  She hung up the phone before Waynell could say anything else to her.

  Angelina smiled and began to laugh as she thought, “That will teach you to fuck me and kick me out pussy nigga!”

  Waynell tried to trace the call but it was restricted. She thought to herself, “Who was that bitch calling me?” “You know what it makes perfect sense!” “Walter is watching me!” “In addition, I gave this nigga some fucking pussy!” “I knew it was something wrong with him, shit! She dialed Vikki on speed dial. Vikki answered the phone.

  “Vikki, I need to let you know something… were right….that dirty bastard has been cheating on me all along (tears falling from her eyes).”

  “How do you know this Waynell?”

  ”His fucking so called bitch just called me to tell me that she had been sleeping with him for over seven months.” “I guess he must have broken up with her…anyway she called, I don’t know how she got my cell number.” “She also said that he had Walter spying on us when we go out.” “He even knows about us going over to Tangie’s house.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I’m going keep this for a while until I can get to the bottom of this shit.”

  “Good…just play like you know nothin.” ” “We will find out what Brian is really up too.”

  After she calms down Waynell, she immediately calls Tangie on her private line. Her phone rang and she quickly answered.

  “Vikki darling what is on your mind?”

  Vikki explained what Waynell told her about Brian and how he had been spying on them. She also told her that he knew about her and had someone possible on stake out outside her house. Tangie immediately had her surveillance team check the grounds and the perimeter around the estate to see if there were any strange vehicles in the area. They reported that there was an unidentified van parked on the east side of the perimeter. She had them go out to investigate. She thanked Vikki and told her that she would handle the problem and ended the call.

  Chapter 11

  As the surveillance team when to do their job, Tangie walked into her secret chambers and went to the east side of the room. There hanging on the wall was a very beautiful portrait of a young woman. Under the painting was an inscription that read“: KYPRIS,” Our Aphrodite of Love, and Beauty.” Tangie looked at the portrait and said, “Déesse Sexuelle” (interpretation: Sex Goddess). The woman on the portrait, who was the founder of the Guild, was a splitting likeness of WAYNELL! They could be twins.


  Walter was coming up to his loft when he saw an image of a woman sitting next to his door. He recognized that it was Coco and he walked up to her. They spoke to each other.



  “What are you doing here?”

  “Can we talk?” “I need to talk to you!”

  “Okay, let’s talk inside (as he opens the door to the loft and they walk in and shut the door behind them).”

  Coco sits down on the sofa and Walter sits on the love seat acro
ss from her. Coco looks at him and she starts to cry.

  “Walter…. I have been thinking about you and that Rich girl and I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  He tries to interrupt her but she says, “Let me finish!” “I know I can’t give you what she may give you materially, but I know that deep down in my soul that I love you!” “I have always and will love you!” “You hurt me so many times…..why don’t you see that I am yours?” “You are my reason for breathing everyday…you and our child is why I live!”

  Walter looked at her. He got up, walked over to her, and sat next to her.

  “I don’t want anything materially from you or anyone.” “I know what I did was a mistake.” “I just need to get this whole thing out of my system.” “One thing I know is that I love you and I should have married you years ago.” “I am sorry that I slept with Waynell!” “Please let me just fix this thing.” “I really want us to try again.”

  Coco looked into his eyes and hugged him. She looked at him again and said, “If you are serious (holding up her hand) then put a ring on it!”

  They laughed and hugged as they went into the bedroom. He thought to himself as she began to undress, “I really need to get Waynell off my mind soon, but for now I am going to enjoy this!”

  The sun was going down on the city and the summer heat was beginning to cool. Fredericka was coming in from the office and Javon was in the den watching the big screen. Fredericka walked in and sat next to Javon and she told him she wanted to talk. He turned off the television and looked at her.


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