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Scandalous Motives

Page 18

by Red Snapper

  “Did you call him and set it up?”

  “Yes, I called Brian and told him that I needed to see him!”

  “Did he sound like he would come?”

  “Oh yes!” “He will come because he wants this punany!” “I got him pussy whipped!”

  “Just get him over to the hotel, fuck him if you want then we will take it from there!’

  “That’s what’s up,” said Tianna.

  “I will ensure you get your disbursement after you finish the mission.”

  “No problem I will contact you soon.”

  The mysterious person ended the call. Tianna got up and grabbed her drink from the table as she walked over to her large fish tank, filled with several types of fish. As she stared at the tank, she thought to herself, “$250,000 dollars is a lot of money!” She smiled and continued to drink her liquor.

  Waynell, Vikki, and Shareefah were sitting in the local downtown restaurant when Fredericka came in to join them. She greeted everyone with hugs and then she sat down. Vikki looked at her and said, “Well Fredericka, you look stunning today!” Fredericka replied, “I just feel great now that I have taken care of some loose ends.” “I must say that you all look ravishing today.” Vikki smiled and looked at Fredericka as she looked back at her and nodded her head. Vikki nodded back and then proposed a toast, “To friendship, may it last between us forever!” Everyone replied “Hear, Hear!” and drunk they beverages.

  Shareefah said, “I am so thrilled that we have been friends for such a long time.”

  Waynell said, “No matter what goes on in our lives, we have each other and nobody can change that!”

  Fredericka said, “Through thick and thin!” “So are we going out this Friday? Javon will be tied up at work so I’m free!”

  Shareefah said, “Sure, I will be out after I take care of some personal business!”

  Fredericka said, “What business you got?”

  Vikki grabbed Fredericka’s arm, looked at her and smiled. Fredericka looked at Shareefah and said,

  “Oh, why don’t you ask your friend if they want to join us?”

  Shareefah looked at everyone and said, “I guess I could ask if they wanted to come along.”

  Vikki said, “Your friend is welcome to join us if they want too!”

  Shareefah smiled and said, “Okay, I will ask but if they don’t want to come, then I will meet you guys later okay!”

  The women all agreed. Shareefah asked Waynell was she coming out. Waynell looked at Vikki and said, “I will be there later.” “I have another engagement that I must attend first, if it is not too late, “I will join you.” Vikki looked at everyone and said, “Likewise!” “We will hook up!” “Now, let’s enjoy our fabulous lunch!” “My porterhouse steak looks delightful," “How about you dish?” As the women continued to discuss their meals, Waynell was full of anticipation about finally making it to the mysterious engagement on the invitation.

  She looked at Vikki and smiled. Vikki winked at her and smiled back.

  Later that night, Javon was hesitating to walk into the house. All day he kept wondering who this woman was he was married too. He finally walked in and Fredericka was in the dining room setting the table. He looked at her and said,

  “Are you fucking crazy?” “Whose cockamamie shit idea was this?” “First, you lied to me about being able to have children, and then you set me up with one of my colleagues, having her seduce me and then paid her to get pregnant!” “Then, you expect to raise this child as if everything was okay?”

  She looked at him with a demented expression on her face and said, “You are the one who is fucked up!” “You are the one who was obsessed with having a baby!” “You are the one who cheated on me with Ratasha, and you are the one who wanted to get her pregnant and have a secret child behind my back!” “YOU DID THAT!”

  He looked at her shocked as he tried to grab her. She picked up a large Butcher Knife from the table and said, “Javon, don’t fuck up a good thing baby!” “No, you are doing what you wanted, a child so stop bitching and accept it!” He looked at her as he stepped back from her; accept what that you need to be admitted into an institution?” She looked at him,

  “Oh, I am not mental Javon; I just don’t want you to treat me like a fool!” “It was alright when you were doing your secret rendezvous with Ratasha behind my back!” “But, when it came to light, you now want to call me crazy?” “I set this shit up because I know that you will do whatever to have a child!” “I knew you were going to cheat, so I picked the bitch out for you to cheat with and your dumb ass fell for it!”

  He was furious now but he kept his distance.

  “Fredericka, this is some scandalous shit!”

  “Oh, Javon, if you try to divorce me, I will take everything you got because you committed adultery.” “No, judge will side with you playing around on your wife, just because she could not give you a child.” “You should have thought about adoption or doing what I did, paid a surrogate, which Ratasha has agreed to be!”

  Javon stormed out of the dining room, went up stairs, and started packing a bag. Fredericka walked into the room and saw what he was doing. She walked over to him and he pushed her away from him. He looked at her, “I am moving out of this house, I don’t want any part of this shit!” She looked at him and said, “Look, Javon, you may move out, but I will NEVER DIVORCE YOU!”

  He continued to pack his bag as she sat on the bed watching him. He looked at her as she was crying. He was so furious that he didn’t care. He finished packing and said, “I will get the rest of my things later and started to walk out the bedroom door. She jumped up and grabbed his arm. He stopped and looked at her, “I don’t know who you are anymore!”

  He walked down the stairs and went to his car. He opened the trunk and placed his bag in it. When he closed the trunk, Fredericka was standing their next to the car. She looked at him as he walked around to the driver’s side of the car and opened the door. He got in the car and started the engine. As he backed out of the driveway, Fredericka was running alongside the car begging him to stop. He completely ignored her as he speeded away. She fell to the ground and cried as his car tail lights faded away. Fredericka’s plan did not work as well as she thought it would as she got up off the ground and walked into the house. She reached for her phone and called Ratasha. Her phone rang and she answered.

  “Hey Ratasha!” “Call Javon, “He just left me!” “ Maybe you can convince him to stay with you.”

  “He is just upset right now!” “Let him soak it in for a couple of days.” “Then, I will talk to him.” “You will have your man and the baby.” “By the way, I administer a pregnancy test this afternoon and guess what, it was positive!”

  “Fredericka was thrilled as she heard the news, “When Javon hears this news, he will come around, I am sure of it!” “A baby, finally he will be happy!”

  Chapter 27

  Friday morning when he boarded the plane at La Guardia, Brian was certain he had made a mistake in allowing Waynell to have her freedom. An uneasy premonition of failure was still with him when they touched down at Chicago's O'Hare Airport, but as they left Chicago the air turbulence seemed somehow to jolt him out of the downbeat, portentous mood that had clung to him. When he walked down the ramp in Kansas City International, he was buoyant and confident, and he knew his decision to get some type of dirt on his wife was a wise one, so he thought. Brian still has not realized that a mysterious individual was observing all of his actions and whereabouts. Someone that he crossed on his way to the top or an important person that he pissed off recently. Whoever this person is, they are gathering a strong case on him. The drive to his house from the airport was about an hour. As he drove up in the driveway, He noticed that Waynell’s Mercedes was parked in her garage. He parked his Bentley in his garage and took out his bags. As he walked into the house, he heard Waynell in her office. He put his bags down and walked into her office. She looked up at him, greeted him, and continued to w
ork on her computer. He walked over to her, looked down at her and said,

  “Are you glad to see me?”

  She stopped typing, looked at him, and said, “Brian, it’s good to see you!”

  She started typing again and he looked at her puzzled and said, “Okay Waynell, I am getting tired of you playing these games with me!” “Now, I am your husband and you need to acknowledge that!” “You need to come upstairs and give me my proper greeting!”

  She looked up at him and said, “What proper greeting is that supposed to be Brian?”

  “He looked into her face and said, “You are supposed to give me some fucking trim!” “That is your duty...Until death do us part!”

  She looked at him, smiled and said, “Is that all you think about is having sex?” “Is that all I am supposed to do is wait on you so when you are ready to fuck I am supposed to open my fucking legs and give it to you?”

  He looked at her and said, “You damn right!” “You are supposed to wait on me hand and foot and give me pussy when I want it. Not run around with those bitch friends of yours doing whatever you want.” “I don’t how you got mixed up with that Laurie woman but you will never be like her!”

  She looked at him angrily and said, “How do you know about Tangie?” “Have you been spying on me?” “Have you been watching me?”

  He looked at her with a ridiculous look on his face as she walked out of her office. He followed her as she was going up the stairs. He stopped as she continued to walk up the stairs.

  “I know you been out at her house and I know you are up to something.” “I went out to her house to visit her. She stopped and turned around and looked at him and said,

  “You went to her house and spoke with her?”

  “Yes, I did!” She is an interesting woman.” She told me some bullshit about you controlling your own life, fuck that!” “You are my wife!” “Your allegiance is to me!” “Not any Rich bitch!”

  He began to walk up the stairs toward her saying, “Now, you just need to come on and let me have my pussy so I can get some sleep!” She looked at him as he walked up to her. He grabbed her arms and tried to push her into the bedroom. As hard as she could, she kicked him in his crotch, into his nut sack. He released her arms and folded over in complete pain and agony holding his now damage nuts. He fell to the floor cussing and calling her names. She walked into her bedroom, picked up her purse and walked back out into the hall. Brian was still lying on the floor in deep pain as she stepped over him and ran down the stairs. She got into her car, started the engine, and backed out of the garage. She then drove out of the driveway and down the street. As she got about two blocks away, her phone began to ring. She looked at the caller id. It was Brian calling her. She answered the phone and he said, “Waynell, I am getting tired of you playing these childish games now come on back home so we can go to bed okay!”

  She hung up the phone and continued to drive. He called her again and she let the phone ring and ring. Finally, he gave up. She drove and drove not knowing where she was going or what she was going to do next. All she could think about was how she wanted to leave him.

  She found herself pulling into Vikki’s driveway. She stopped the car just in front of her house. She continued to grip the steering wheel as she looked down. The tears were running down her face as Vikki opened her front door. She ran out to the car and opened Waynell’s car door.

  “Waynell, what is wrong baby!” “Come on, let’s go into the house!” She helped Waynell get out of the car and they both walked into the house. Vikki had Waynell sit down in the den as she retrieved a box of tissues and set them on the table in front of her.

  “Waynell, “What happen?”

  Waynell took some tissue from the box and said, “Its Brian,” “He is such an asshole!” “I don’t know why I ever married him.” “All he wants from me is to wait on him like a slave.” “He always expects me to have sex with him, because he does not know how to make love!” “He is just horrible and I am tired of it!” “I don’t know why my parents wanted me to marry him!” “Vikki,” “I tried to love him but he is just impossible!”

  Vikki moved closer to her and hugged her, “It’s going to be alright now!” “You just stay over here for now, besides we have our engagement tonight we can make a day of it okay?” Waynell looked at Vikki and smiled, “I don’t know what I would do without you being my friend!” Vikki kissed her on the cheek and hugged her. Waynell lie down on the couch and fell asleep. Vikki went into her office and called Tangie on her private line. Tangie answered, “What’s up?”

  “Brian is at it again,” “She is over here now!”

  “I will set it in motion now!”

  She hung up the phone. Vikki went back into the den and looked at Waynell.

  Back at Waynell’s house, Brian was pacing the floor, trying to figure out where she could have gone. He was about to get in his car when his phone rang. It was Tianna.

  “Can you talk?

  “Yeah, I can always talk!” “How are you doing?”

  “I am downtown in this plush hotel and I am in need of some company, so I thought if you were not busy, you could come over and have a drink with me.”

  “Its 12:00 noon, you drinking this early in the day?

  “Well, I was just thinking of you and wanted to see you!”

  “What hotel are you in and what room number?”

  “I’m in the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Room 850.”

  “Will you be there all night?”

  “For you, I can be!”

  “Cool, I will be over in about an hour!” “I need to talk care of something first, then I will be there!” “Keep it hot for my baby!”

  “I will, hurry!”

  She hung up the phone. He got into his car and started it. He backed out of the garage and drove off. As he drove off, he didn’t notice that a black BMW was parked two cars from his house. As he drove down the road, he passed the black BMW. The black BMW started up and began to pursuit him from a distance. Brian drove until he was downtown. He stopped at a bank ATM, withdrew some money, and then proceeded to the Crowne Plaza Hotel. By the time, he reached his destination an hour had passed. He parked his car in the hotel-parking garage, and walked into the one of the underground elevators. He took the elevator to the main lobby and then walked over to the hotel elevators. He pushed the button for the eighth floor and the elevator door opened. He stepped on the elevator and there were two men wearing sunglasses on the elevator. Brian looked at them and spoke to them. They got off the elevator at the sixth floor. Brian continued to ride the elevator until it reached his destination. He got off on the eighth floor and looked for the direction arrows pointing to Room 850. He walked down the hall until he found the room and knocked on the door. He waited for about two seconds and then the door opened. Tianna was standing at the door, wearing a very sheer teddy. She was sexy in every way possible as her body was build like an amazon. She ran her hands over her pixie-length, jet-black, relaxed tresses. Reminiscent of Halle Berry's legendary haircut, her short hair perfectly complimented her angular, but still soft features and deep golden bronze skin.

  Her thick nipples were hard, straining against the soft fabric of her teddy. Her thighs and sexy curvy legs were perfect as she stood there with her neatly pedicure feet. He could see the outline of her pussy, on the mound; she had a single strip of pubic hair from the top of her labia to the top of her mound.

  “Well, are you going to come in Mr. Deveraux” she asked

  He said, “Yes!” as he walked into the room.

  She closed the door and they walked into the room. She sat down on the couch and crossed her legs as he watched her. He sat down on the bed. “So you wanted to see me again huh?” “Do you need some more money?”

  “No, I need you!”

  She walked over to him and kissed his lips. He began to kiss her back and suddenly two men came out of the bathroom and grabbed him. He tried to resist them but they were too strong. Brian loo
ked at Tianna and said, “Bitch, you set me up!”

  One of the men slapped him and told him to shut up. Then Tangie walked into the room with two other men. She looked at him and greeted him as Tianna put on her clothes. One of the men gave her two envelopes and he left the room. Angelina walked into the room, Brian looked at her, and he looked at Tangie and said,

  “What is this shit?”

  Tangie replied, “This Mr. Deveraux is a request or a proposal for you!” “You see it has been brought to my attention that you are not cooperating. “ I thought from our last conversation that you were going to let Waynell control her own destiny!”

  “What!” “How dare you come and tell me how to run my married and try to run my house!” “You need to step off!”

  “Look, Brian you need to let Waynell go or I will just let her know how bad a boy you really are!”

  She looked at her assistant and he drops two large envelopes on the floor in front of him. Brian bends down and picked up the envelopes. He opened one of the envelopes and it was full of photos of him and Angelina.

  Angelina said, “See Brian you never know who’s watching you!”

  He looked at the photos and noticed that most of these photos had him in many sexual situations. He quickly opens the second envelope and took out the photos. These photos were of him and Tianna in many sexual situations. He looked up at Tangie with a ridiculous expression and said,

  “What do you want from me?” “Why are you doing this shit?”

  “Waynell is someone special and I will make sure that she has all she needs to be successful!” “You don’t have her best interest at heart and I will not let you destroy her!”

  He looked at the photos again and said, “What do I have to do?”

  “I want you to stop harassing Waynell and let her do whatever she wants!” “She is not your private sex doll that you fuck whenever you want!” “She is a woman who wants to be loved and nurtured!” “If you don’t stop treating her like shit, I will expose you to her and I will fuck you up so bad you will never do business here or anywhere again!”


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