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Angelos Odyssey

Page 37

by J. B. M. Patrick

  Tavon's eyes grew wide. “No. Why would…”

  “What's wrong?”

  Tavon stood up. “Can we go?”

  “Yeah.” Aaliyah dusted her clothes. “I lied to Kaust; the Lieutenant was a little preoccupied, so I guess I gave the orders this time.”

  “Let's just get out of here.”

  Tavon started to head toward the door, but Aaliyah sighed and said. “Wait. I think there's something we need to do…”

  “And that is?”

  “Lieutenant Shraeu is on some other shit today, and I gotta make sure he doesn't hurt someone.”


  Simply Falling




  I REMEMBER SITTING WITH EZE, who was in his best wool blazer before the Khalil Center Headmaster in his private office. It was the first time I’d ever tried to dress up for anything, and I looked rough with a button up short-sleeve shirt that was far too big for my size and a set of tan slacks barely fitting unless I used the very last notch on an old belt—all of which was handed down to me by Eze himself. The Headmaster was an older, condescending man whom no one seemed capable of pleasing.

  “The Administration has reviewed your documents for the fourth time, Mr. Jerik Sandeze, and at this point I can admit, truthfully, that I see you more often now than I see my own wife,” he shrugged, “she's a traveling real estate agent. We've continually rejected your applications to enroll Tavon here. The Dawn Federation doesn't necessarily enforce every kid to join an institution of learning, and so most schools can be very selective in who they actually allow to pursue a diploma. The Khalil Center in particular can be even more selective at times. Now, Mr. Sandeze, we’re run as a religious organization under the guidance of Avva the Saint; thus, it's often the Head Chaplain's decision on troublesome cases such as this. Also, there's the concerns about the proper parentage of Tavon himself…”

  “What do you mean, sir?” Eze asked.

  The principal sighed and adjusted his glasses. “Well, to be blunt with you, Mr. Sandeze, you don't appear to be in the best condition to raise anyone. It's difficult to believe that Tavon is your son without the results of a paternity test, and then we’d have to have a social worker inspect your living conditions and see written approval that you're even qualified to have custody of Tavon.”

  “But Tavon's been mine for years!” Eze lied. “He has potential that far outweighs any of your other students!”

  “Is that so?” pondered a voice.

  Everyone in the room turned to see a man garbed in a white, silk suit and who sported a different ring on each finger. The appearance of Chaplains had altered over the years to fit with the current society.

  “Good morning, Father.” Everyone said in unison.

  Head Chaplain Louis Berlusca III put a reassuring hand on Eze's shoulder. “After seeing Tavon's applications numerous times, I believe it’s only fair that Mr. Sandeze be awarded for his persistence.”

  “I’ll follow your lead on this, Father.” The Head Master bowed in deference.

  “I’ve decided that if Tavon can pass our entrance exams, then he's more than welcome to enroll. The only issue would likely be the costs involved, good sir—”

  “I can pay—”

  “And I'm offering you a way to cover them.”

  “How so?” Hope returned to Eze’s demeanor.

  The Head Chaplain grinned magnanimously. “If Tavon can find it within himself to excel in our exams and move on to help prevent our falling test scores, then I don't see why you should have to pay for someone who could benefit us greatly. That is, if he really is as intelligent as you insist.”


  The Chaplain took personal responsibility in administering the school's entrance exams outside of their normal schedule, as he really believed that there was something worth salvaging in me.

  The exam consisted of eight different subjects: Grammar and Word Composition, Statistical Analysis, General Mathematics, Basic Chemistry, Life Sciences, Dawn Federation History, Geology, and Avva's “valiant” history as a hero—and later Saint—worshipped by many in the nation.

  Chemistry and History were the first tests I rushed through, and I completely bombed them. I was seated in front of a miniature computer modem that generated a holographic interface asking me a series of questions using formulas and wording I didn't quite understand. But they still felt so familiar to me, like it was all something I'd done before. After failing those two portions, they moved me into a different room—I don't know why—and issued me two written exams over those exact same subjects. And so, I retested and did better… I think, and the following exams were given in much the same fashion.

  I recall arriving at the testing center in the morning and working late into the night to finish the final exam over Grammar and Word Composition. One of the questions implored me to write about my feelings toward the government's “current effort” to help and sustain the lower classes. I wrote something long enough to require multiple pages handed to me by the Head Chaplain, who'd remained stoic during the entire process. And after I had written that one final essay, I was led back into a lobby to wait with Eze for what seemed like several hours. We were eventually called in to discuss my results after having patiently stood by, and the Head Chaplain's expression appeared grave when we entered his office.

  A grave look which quickly switched over to a genuinely warm smile. “My, my, my, Mr. Sandeze, if you would've told us you were hiding a genius from the world, then Tavon would've been walking the halls of this school months ago!”

  “Yeah? S-So my boy came through?” Eze started laughing and patting me on the back as his excitement overtook his composure.

  “Well… I wouldn't say that.” Head Chaplain Louis Berlusca III scratched his head. “In some ways, you could say he failed miserably.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “—IF we're going by what a computer says. Instead, we simply had him write the best possible answer for every pertinent question for each subject. It’s… a new method we’ve been trying out. Although he often didn't have the exact right answers we were looking for, Tavon demonstrates a type of fluid intelligence we rarely see at this institution. He comprehends what the question asks of him and demonstrates critical thinking while working with no previous knowledge of the subjects. Furthermore, he seemed to get better and developed more accurate answers the later we moved into the day… like he suddenly remembered how smart he was.” The Chaplain laughed.

  “So, uh, what does that mean for him, Father?”

  “Ah…” He clasped his hands together and offered a comforting glance. “You have nothing to worry about, Mr. Sandeze. I believe that Tavon here would be a fantastic addition to this institution—that is, as long as he catches up and, as mentioned before, helps our test scores. As long as he can do that, I really don't care about who's taking care of him because, to be perfectly honest with you, Mr. Sandeze… I can’t think of any other suitable options for your son considering the Federation hasn’t formalized a foster care program. Tavon at least deserves someone who will actively look after his interests. I mean, at least you're not beating the boy to death, and he's much more well-mannered than most of our applicants, believe it or not.”

  I’d never seen Eze so happy. To him, this was a miracle.

  However, life had other plans in store for me…




  Tavon and Aaliyah followed the Lieutenant, who’d taken Zola along for the ride as he drove toward a mansion owned by one of the biggest CEO's in the Citadel. Detective Aaliyah had taken a private company cruiser that she could pilot herself in order to ensure that they didn't lose Shraeu.

  “Are you sure it wouldn't have been better to just report this one in?”

  “Everybody's giving in their share to help with the bombing incident AND the attacks on our own people; it's been a long night for the Bureau.”

  “And you're sure
Shraeu said he was going to ‘kill’ this guy?”

  “Tavon, when the fuck have I ever lied to you? Don't start this shit with me right now. Zola is my friend, and I can't believe she'd even think about turning on her husband!”

  Tavon sneered. “Maybe she just got tired of him. Decided he wasn't enough.”

  “But Zola loves her husband, Tavon! She's always telling me about their relationship, and… sometimes I envy them…”

  “For what?”

  “For what they have.” Aaliyah glanced at Tavon before returning her gaze to the road.

  He smiled in response. “What are you trying to say?”

  “Look,” she sighed, “I keep protecting you from people like Kaust, and I don’t understand why I'm doing all this… risking my career for someone who—someone who just…”

  “Just what? Tracks down other criminals? Smokes too much?”

  “You smoke?!”

  “That's beside the point.”

  She sneered. “But see, I didn't even know that about you. The more you tell me, the more I feel like you're a stranger, and sometimes I… I want you to be there.”

  “When haven't I been there, Aaliyah? We've been together throughout this whole night; why are you trippin' right now?”

  “Because my best friend is going with my boss's boss to murder a man whose only crime was marrying the wrong person!”

  The light went out in Tavon's mind.

  He could only see a formless darkness in front of him, but he couldn't comprehend what it was. A burning sensation spread across his body, and he opened his eyes to the wind blasting against his vision.

  They'd been hit.

  One of Tavon’s legs was stuck underneath the passenger seat, but he was unable to focus on it after watching Aaliyah's body fly toward the door. He rapidly grabbed her arm and freed himself before jumping out of the flaming cruiser! With what energy he had left, Tavon concentrated his strength into his thighs—expanding them far beyond his normal capabilities—and absorbed a fall which brought him and the detective onto the streets of the First Quadrant.

  The assassin quickly fell to his knees and started coughing violently just as the police cruiser crashed into a nearby building overhead and exploded, sending a piece of stray shrapnel in their direction to graze Tavon's shoulder. He looked down at Aaliyah, who was laid unconscious in his arms and covered in cuts, bruises, and burn marks. Tavon began coughing again and clutched his chest to keep himself from dry heaving on the spot.

  “Aaliyah!” He shouted.

  Tavon put his index and middle finger together and felt the detective's carotid artery; it produced a faint pulse. She was still alive.

  He sighed and groaned as he felt new wounds across his body. And then he ducked as a sharp, metal star came whirring past his head! Tavon grunted before pivoting on his heel to turn and—!

  He narrowly managed to move to the side as the edge of a short sword was thrusted directly at his head! Tavon darted forward and right into a kick delivered by an unknown assailant. And while most men would've succumbed to just that move and thrown the fight, he pressed on to grasp at what was an over-sized hoodie before nearly collapsing as the figure evaded him. He almost tripped while staggering to his feet but once more was forced into action and dodged the blade of another sword wielded by the previous attacker.

  His opponent launched forward with both weapons extended out toward him, and Tavon responded by running in the same direction but rapidly leapt over the stranger! He then exclaimed upon feeling something cold and sharp cut deep across the side of his right leg! Tavon prepared to hit the ground running, but all of his focus was suddenly lost when he felt a strange pain course through his body.

  I'm still hurting from the wreck. Shit. I can’t stop here!

  He had little time to react as the attacker plunged one of his swords toward his neck. Tavon drew close and reached in to bat away the arm holding the weapon but ultimately stumbled back and howled in pain; the stranger's arms were comparable to two slabs of concrete. Soon, Tavon came to realize that the assailant's whole body happened to be composed in the same manner as he threw a punch into the stranger's abdomen and flinched in pain upon feeling no resistance.

  The assailant spun around and brought his first sword down at Tavon, who stepped back and then stooped forward to avoid the second one coming his way! He then closed the distance between them while focusing all his available energy into his arms, empowering them, and launched an uppercut into the attacker's jaw!

  —But he missed…

  The stranger was already over his head and dug a blade hidden under his shoe deep into Tavon's upper shoulder before forcing his prey’s body onto the ground.

  “Do not resist. Accept your inadequacy.”

  Tavon pressed his palms against the ground, roared as they shuddered from forearms doubling in size, and ripped the blade through his shoulder before coming up in an attempt to grapple his enemy into a head lock. However, as soon as his arm came around the assailant's neck, Tavon watched as the metal ends of one of the swords pierced the flesh at the bottom portion of his extremity. At the same time, Tavon's body was suddenly penetrated with what he thought were hundreds of elongated, sharp needles. He pulled away and increased his distance while feeling thin spikes fall away from his skin.

  What the fuck!? What is this thing?

  In an instant, Tavon felt the end of someone's elbow collide into the side of his skull. With his vision blurred and his limbs rendered unresponsive, he collapsed onto the concrete for a moment before lazily standing up to face the new challenger. The attacker threw a haymaker that Tavon could see but couldn't react to in time as it landed on the same side of his head. He stumbled and tripped over to fall on his back and looked up to notice a glock pointed at his head—a glock held by a man whose own features were obscured by some kind of darkened cloud.

  Tavon stood up again and felt his rage building inside of him. He clenched his fists and shouted, “I won’t go down here!”

  I won’t let them touch her!

  He lunged forward to grab the top of the barrel of the gun and slid it back to stop the weapon from firing, as he’d done in the past, and was able to retrieve the firearm almost too easily. But in that same moment, he barely had time to move his head back as one of the swords came sailing down an inch before the tip of his septum. Just as his now unarmed opponent proceeded to kick the gun from his grasp, Tavon crouched and swung his body into a punch to the swordsman's side; a strike that seemed to do almost nothing! He jolted to the right and threw his fist into a wide arc!

  —Directly into shards of bone that sprang out from the swordsman’s body and dug themselves deep into Tavon's right hand. Jets of blood spurted out from torn flesh, and Tavon cried out before expanding his left arm, while also summoning a dark aura around it, and sweeping around to apply pressure to the shards still trapping his other extremity! Within seconds, his opponent’s bones broke away to the agony of the assailant, and Tavon retreated to quickly rip out the remaining fragments buried in his hand. But the swordsman was relentless and was upon him in an instant with his blades dominating the space between the two of them.

  Tavon crouched under one of the swords and deftly batted it away while moving outside of a thrust that came aimed at his stomach. The swordsman then delivered a rapid slash, cutting a gash into the top of Tavon’s scalp as he failed to back away speedily enough. The attacker rushed and thrust both of his weapons forward a second time, and Tavon leaped in the opposite direction before dashing forward when spotting an opening. He rolled under another one of the sword's arcs and stabilized his body on the ground while delivering a devastating kick!

  A strike that would've been powerful if not for the intervention once again of the other assailant, who struck Tavon hard enough to interrupt his attack altogether. The swordsman began another assault, but Tavon tucked and dodged as he came to his feet—Just as one of the swords also dug its way deep into the flesh underneath his clavicle.
The assassin pulled away from the weapon but not in time to miss another slash that tore across his stomach! Tavon winced and prepared himself to go again but soon noticed that the swordsman in the hoodie had backed away and allowed the other attacker to step forward. He inspected his new combatant and gasped upon noticing that this couldn't be a normal man, that it couldn’t even be considered human.

  Two shadowed craters for its eyes… immense pits giving way to what looked like portals disturbing the wind and obscuring most of the stranger's face. Those two voids kept growing larger, it seemed, and the creature stared at Tavon with its hands resting calmly at its sides.

  … Darkness. Peace. Emptiness…

  Tavon’s body started to lose feeling, and his sight became burdened. The creature stepped closer, and as it did those Eyes… they continued to increase in their own vastness. Tavon tried to work up the energy to move, but exhaustion had overtaken him, weakening the assassin to thoughts of slumber in an endless abyss.

  “God is looking at you.” He heard Eze’s voice in his head.

  His mind departed.



  THE WANRE UNIT, after having captured Doctor Rustam, ended up enlisting his services as a field medic. Amour was also given a similar position but under a different battalion located days away from where his foster father was stationed. The boy was treated as a slave for some time before he managed to escape one night and move far enough to lose his keepers. Amour decided from then on that he would do whatever it took to avenge himself on the one who’d raped him and rescue his father from the Wanre army. And so, he did something most would consider taboo as well as suicidal.

  Following the events of humanity’s last global war, demons inhabited the same world as humans while maintaining a generally hostile relationship. For good reason, cartographers began illustrating more dead zones on newly drafted maps to indicate areas known as the Dusk, and the Dusk consisted of regions on Earth turned to barren landscapes rotted away by collective presence of certain demons. They were twisted places, areas made up of the things belonging to a horrific mythology. It was a realm designated for the mad, and Amour was steadily losing his mind after having sustained far too much trauma.


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