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Thaumatology 07 - Eagle's Shadow

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by Teasdale, Niall

  Eagle’s Shadow

  The seventh novel in the Thaumatology series

  By Niall Teasdale

  Copyright 2012 Niall Teasdale

  Amazon Kindle Edition

  Dedication: For Ellen, without whom this book would be called “Title.”


  Part One: The Dragon Dance

  Part Two: Intelligence

  Part Three: The Pit

  Part Four: Black Crows

  Part Five: Taking on the World

  Part Six: The Politics of Cataclysm

  Part Seven: Peace

  About the Author

  Part One: The Dragon Dance

  Marylebone, London, January 23rd, 2012

  A black Rolls Royce drew up outside the Chinese Embassy, one of a long line of cars waiting to disgorge their passengers. The door opened and two women climbed out followed by a man, the women in exquisite evening gowns, the man in an immaculate tuxedo. He took his place between his companions and together they walked the gauntlet of TV and press cameras on the way into the building.

  Their car pulled away and another took its place, depositing an American film star and her current boyfriend. She was nice to the press and stopped for a few words which meant she was passed by the industrialist and his wife from the car behind. The great, the good, but most of all the rich and the influential were streaming in for a night of carousal with their own kind.

  Which made the occupants of one of the later cars all the more out of place. Carter had supplied a Rolls for them so that Ceri and Lily would not feel too out of place, but Lily rarely, if ever, felt out of place, and Ceri felt strangely at home. It helped some that there were possibly more flashes of light as the two women stepped out of the car than there had been for the actress.

  Arm in arm they walked down the red carpet until they heard their names being called. ‘Ceri! Lily! It’s Karen. Could we get an interview?’

  Ceri turned her head and spotted the pretty brunette standing beside a cameraman at the edge of the walkway. They walked over. ‘Karen,’ Ceri said, ‘I wasn’t expecting to see you back on the job so soon.’ Ceri, Lily, and the Battersea pack had cremated her boyfriend just after the New Year, after he had been killed in an attack which had almost killed her.

  ‘To be honest,’ Karen said, ‘it’s easier to stay busy. Otherwise I just sit around at home and mope.’

  ‘I know the feeling,’ Ceri replied. ‘You really want an interview with us?’

  Karen grinned. ‘Are you kidding? I know you, you give good interviews, and those dresses…’

  Ceri grinned and nodded, and Karen made a “roll it” gesture to the cameraman. She waited for a thumbs-up, the camera pointed at the girls, before speaking. ‘Ceridwyn Brent and Lily Carpenter, what brings you to the Chinese Embassy tonight?’

  ‘Ambassador Long invited us,’ Ceri replied. ‘An old school friend of mine works as her personal translator, and the ambassador consulted me on some academic matters last year. Right after you last interviewed me at Stonehenge, actually.’

  ‘You’re really moving in high-powered circles for a simple researcher,’ Karen said.

  ‘Oh, but she’s not a simple researcher,’ Lily replied. ‘She’s an amazing researcher.’

  Karen laughed, as did Ceri. ‘I think they really wanted some eye candy for the New Year Ball,’ Ceri said, ‘and Lily is really great eye candy.’

  ‘You both look great,’ Karen said. ‘Those are really quite amazing dresses.’

  They were amazing dresses. Catherine of the Royal pack ran a small boutique off Oxford Street and she had supplied their gowns. She had been very keen to, in fact. ‘I’ve got just the thing,’ she had said, ‘and you can have them at cost as long as you get them on TV and mention me.’ The dresses were made from a magically reactive fabric. Ceri’s was a strapless gown, Lily’s was halter-necked, both hugged their figures tightly to the ankle because skin contact was needed for the fabric to work. When dormant, with nothing to react to, the garments were plain white. Currently Lily’s dress was black, but showing animated flames up her legs, around her hips, and dancing up to her expansive chest. Ceri’s was still white, but black shadows of dragons were curling around her, swirling up and down her body from her ankles to her waist. Neither of them had picked the patterns, the fabric reacted to the magic within them, somewhat to Ceri’s surprise.

  ‘A friend of ours arranged for us to get these,’ Ceri said. ‘Thaumically reactive fabric. As a thaumatologist, I couldn’t resist. Catherine, Alpha of the Royal pack. These are part of a new line she’s just got into her boutique on Poland Street. The dress picks up magical resonance from the wearer and displays it. Lily’s part demon and all hot stuff, so she’s got flames.’ She looked down at her own dress and a dragon curled up her stomach to look back. ‘I… well, we are guests of the Dragon Empire tonight.’

  ‘Indeed. I hope you have a good evening. Thank you,’ Karen said.

  ‘Thank you, Karen,’ Ceri said, and they turned and headed for the door.

  ‘Catherine’ll be happy,’ Lily said under her breath.

  ‘I can hear her squealing from here.’

  Lily giggled as they walked into the lobby and showed their gold-embossed invitation card to a smiling Chinese official. Then they joined the line of people waiting to enter the grand ballroom off to the left of the large entrance hall.

  ‘This is a bit crazy,’ Lily said as they edged forward between a man Ceri thought she recognised as a minor minister and his wife, and some business figure who was accompanied by a woman at least twenty years his junior. ‘You’re an academic, I’m an ex-hooker, and we’re standing in a line waiting to meet the Chinese Ambassador. How’d that happen?’ The minister’s wife turned slowly and looked down her nose at Lily. Lily looked back. ‘I said ex-hooker, hun. I haven’t hired out in years so there’s no point in asking.’

  Ceri suppressed a giggle as the affronted woman turned away again. ‘We’ve done stuff,’ Ceri said. ‘I’ve got the power generation project coming up in the spring. I bet the Chinese are interested in that technology if it works. And we have both… done stuff we’re not allowed to talk about. Pretty sure that’s appreciated.’ She looked down the line; at the far end of it she could make out the area where Mei Long, the ambassador, was greeting people, though the Chinese woman was not tall enough to be seen above the crowd. One of her companions was, however; a tall man Ceri had seen arriving at City Airport on the TV news to considerable fanfare. ‘I also suspect Mei wanted me to meet another one of her guests,’ Ceri said.

  Lily followed her gaze down the line. ‘Could be. You think Jenny is there with them?’

  ‘Possibly. Kind of hard to tell seeing as she’s no taller than Mei.’ Jenny Li was Mei’s translator, a local girl who had always had a talent for languages. She had been really pleased that Ceri and Lily were going to be there because the last embassy ball she had attended had been so boring it was unbearable. At least this time she would have someone her own age there.

  They shuffled forward a few feet and the woman behind them, who was currently being ignored by her husband in favour of the couple behind, spoke up. ‘Excuse me, I couldn’t help overhearing… You know Ambassador Long?’

  Ceri turned and smiled at her. She had the trophy wife look; tall, attractive, blonde, above average cup size. ‘We’ve met a couple of times,’ Ceri said. ‘She’s a nice woman.’

  ‘Beautiful,’ the woman said, ‘so elegant. It’s almost like she isn’t human.’

  Of course, neither Mei Long nor her tall companion at the end of the queue were actually human. Pretty much everyone knew about him, but Mei was another matter and showed no sign of wantin
g her real nature revealed. ‘Training and practice,’ Ceri said. ‘I’ve got a lot more poised since I started waitressing.’

  ‘You’re a waitress?’ the woman asked, her eyes widening. Ceri nodded. ‘And you were saying you’re an ex-hooker?’ the woman said to Lily.

  ‘Uh-huh. Now I’m a waitress.’

  ‘So… how did you two end up here?’

  Ceri opened her mouth, but Lily drew her attention back toward the front of the queue. They stepped forward and handed their invitation card over to a tall, clearly British, man in an elaborate liveried suit. He examined the card, nodded, checked that the minister and his wife were about to be clear of the hosts, and lifted his chin.

  ‘Doctor Ceridwyn Brent and Miss Lily Carpenter,’ the Master of Ceremonies intoned. Ceri almost flinched; it was only the second time she had heard her full title used in any official circumstance. She felt the pride swelling in Lily through the link they shared and lead off toward the small group of hosts awaiting them.

  The sense of dragon was almost overwhelming. There had to be more than just the two here. Smiling and already raising her hand to shake Ceri’s, Mei Long, Chinese Ambassador and dragon, was a picture of oriental perfection. Petite, slim, beautiful, her hair fell in a long, black wave down her back to her behind rather than being pulled up into a bun or some similar constraint. Her dress was a western-style evening gown rather than the more oriental garments Ceri had seen her in previously. Beside her, on her left, was the tall man. Very slim, very handsome in a slightly artificial way, like he had been carved out of very lifelike stone, or moulded ready for insertion into a movie as the hero. And on Mei’s other side was Jenny Li, the one person who looked out of place. Small, half-Chinese, fairly ordinary if pretty enough, and looking really pleased to see Ceri and Lily. Her hair was pulled up into a tight bun which made her look a little older than usual.

  Taking Ceri’s hand, Mei said, ‘I’m glad to see you here, Ceridwyn, and in such an… appropriate dress.’

  Ceri smiled back. ‘We had to make an effort, the Prime Minister is over there.’

  Mei shook Lily’s hand. ‘Would that it were easier to just have quiet meetings, over a glass or two of that rather fine whiskey.’

  ‘I’m sure Jenny would be happy to escort you again,’ Lily said, smiling her perfect smile. ‘I’m sure Carter would be happy to entertain you.’

  Mei gave a quick glance to her translator, who was going red around the cheeks. ‘I’m sure he would,’ Mei said, her lips twitching into a smirk. ‘However, let me introduce you to Huanglong.’

  Ceri turned to the tall Chinese gentleman standing beside Mei and he bowed, deeply, from the waist. ‘It is my great pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ceridwyn Brent.’ He had a moderately thick Chinese accent, but his English was impeccable. Ceri took in his slightly angular features. He had a long face, almost as though he was an average height man who had been stretched, but you could not deny his beauty, or his charm. ‘And surely no man alive could deny the beauty of your companion.’

  ‘One or two dead ones have also been quite complimentary,’ Ceri said.

  Lily was physically incapable of blushing, her half-demon physiology did not allow it, but she did lower her eyes and smile in the submissive way she used to demonstrate her acceptance of a compliment. When you got a compliment from the Chinese Imperial dragon, it was good to take it with a hint of humility.

  ‘I should let you get to your table,’ Huanglong said, ‘but I should like the opportunity to talk with you later this evening.’

  ‘Of course,’ Ceri replied. She had been expecting that ever since she had heard that he would be at this function

  ‘Why don’t you take Ceri and Lily to their table, Jenny?’ Mei said. ‘I don’t think there’s anyone else I’ll need you for.’

  Jenny gave a little bow to her boss. ‘Thank you, Ambassador,’ she said and waved for Ceri and Lily to follow her as the couple behind were announced to the hall. ‘We’re up here,’ Jenny said, indicating a table off on the right side of the huge ballroom. ‘Lee’s already there with Alexandra and Anita. Mei and Huanglong are on the table just beside ours along with the PM and the American president.’

  ‘We’re sitting right beside the bigwigs?!’ Ceri squeaked.

  ‘Well, Mei wanted me close in case I’m needed,’ Jenny said, which sounded reasonable, ‘but I happen to know she and Huanglong shuffled the seating to put us next to them. The Minister for Supernatural Affairs and his daughter are on the same table, and, uh, I’m not sure who the last one is. I’m guessing a man because we’re pretty girl-heavy.’

  ‘Malcolm and Petra are okay,’ Lily said.

  ‘You know them?’ Jenny looked a little surprised.

  ‘We’ve had dinner. Petra also likes dropping by the Dragon whenever her dad’s pissed her off.’

  Jenny frowned. ‘And that annoys her father?’

  ‘No,’ Ceri said, ‘but then she goes home with Carter and gets in the gossip columns. The first time I actually met Petra she was dressed in bra and knickers and lying on Carter’s sofa watching TV.’

  There were three people already seated at the table, but they rose from their seats to greet the newcomers and Ceri’s jaw dropped. Lee was looking uncomfortable in a tuxedo, which was to be expected really. Ceri had not fussed over Michael not having an invitation because she knew he would hate it; besides, someone had to sub for Anita as Guard Captain. Alexandra and Anita were the reason for the shock.

  Alexandra looked every bit the regal pack Alpha in a shimmering, white gown. It was long sleeved and went up to her throat, which nicely hid the imperfections that age tended to bring to one’s skin. It was also quite form-fitting, which she pulled off beautifully, despite being over a century old, and the colour set off her long, silver hair perfectly.

  Beside her, Anita in heels towered over everyone. Her trim, muscled, Amazon-like body suited simple, but beautiful, clothes and the gown she was wearing was pale blue with spaghetti straps and made of a stretch fabric which clung to her body. Alpha and Captain looked stunning.

  Lily looked at them and immediately said, ‘Catherine?’

  Alexandra smiled. ‘Yes. She was very good about dressing us for the occasion. I haven’t worn a gown like this since the twenties.’

  ‘Well, you both look incredible,’ Ceri said.

  ‘As do you, dear,’ Alexandra replied, ‘even without an animated dress. With one…’

  Ceri blushed and checked the name cards to see where she was sitting.

  Jenny found her seat at the table and slipped into it with a little difficulty; Lee settling down beside her with Anita and then Alexandra beside him. Jenny’s sparkly, white dress was very tight around the legs, making manoeuvring difficult. It was also fairly low cut over the chest, but Jenny was not endowed with an extravagant décolletage. Ceri and then Lily were on her right.

  Lily leaned over to check the setting beside hers. ‘Edward Hoffman?’

  ‘Don’t know the name,’ Ceri said.

  ‘Me neither,’ Jenny said. ‘He may be one of the Americans. How did you two sit down so easily? I’m practically in bondage here.’

  Lily giggled. ‘Now you’re talking my language.’ Jenny went a delightful shade of pink.

  ‘Stretchy fabric,’ Ceri said, smirking. ‘Well, slightly morphic fabric actually. Really amazing stuff, but it’s only really much use if you’re some sort of supernatural.’

  ‘Indeed,’ a male voice said from behind her. She looked around and favoured Malcolm Charles with a smile. ‘It was developed for the military, but it has such restricted utility that the manufacturer has started selling it for more general purposes.’ He smiled. ‘It’s a pleasure to meet under more pleasant circumstances again, ladies.’ Malcolm was dressed in probably the best fitting suit Ceri had ever seen him in. It stretched a little around his expanding waistline, but it was properly fitted. His ruddy-cheeked face was looking rather pleased.

  Coming up behind him was his daughte
r, Petra, who was dressed in a black sheath dress with thin straps. The bodice was opaque, but below her bust it became semi-transparent and revealed the shadow of a black thong beneath. Petra was a pretty blonde with a reputation for wild behaviour and the dress matched her personality perfectly. She was, however, looking shocked, and red around the cheeks. Ceri suspected that might be the reason for Malcolm’s good humour.

  ‘You’re looking very pleased with yourself, Malcolm,’ Lily said.

  Malcolm’s smirk grew deeper as he held out a chair for his daughter and she sat down looking mortified. ‘Petra bought three dresses for the ball,’ he explained, ‘and then picked the most risqué one at the last moment because I annoyed her over something or other. Then one of the Americans thought I’d remarried a younger wife.’ Petra’s face was turning scarlet. Malcolm sat down between Petra and Ceri, beaming happily.

  ‘Well, you don’t look a lot alike,’ Ceri said, ‘and there are quite a few trophy wives around.’

  ‘Oh,’ Malcolm said, ‘Petra was lucky enough to get all her looks from her mother.’ He patted his daughter’s hand. ‘Don’t worry, dear, I’m sure not too many people will make that mistake. I, for one, don’t believe I could get so lucky as to catch a woman as beautiful as Clarice again.’ His face fell a little and it was Petra’s turn to reach out to cover her father’s hand. He looked up and directly at Ceri. ‘Since I’ve brought the mood down a little, I’ll get this out of the way before we lighten it again. How are you recovering after the Witch Hunter business?’

  Ceri smiled bleakly. ‘Better than I did after Stonehenge. Some nightmares, but I’ve had friends around me a lot.’ Her smile got a little brighter. ‘I’m not entirely sure it’s a good thing that I’m getting used to being tortured.’

  ‘You could try not being captured by the bad guys,’ Lily commented.

  ‘I believe we could all agree on that,’ Alexandra agreed.

  ‘I’ll give it a go, but I’m not promising anything.’ Ceri looked up as the last member of their small group arrived, raising an eyebrow; he did not look particularly like an Edward.


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