Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
Page 48
A function call to ImageColor.getcolor('CornflowerBlue', 'RGBA') will return (100, 149, 237, 255), the RGBA value for that color.
A box tuple is a tuple value of four integers: the left edge x-coordinate, the top edge y-coordinate, the width, and the height, respectively.'zophie.png')
imageObj.size is a tuple of two integers, the width and the height.
imageObj.crop((0, 50, 50, 50)). Notice that you are passing a box tuple to crop(), not four separate integer arguments.
Call the'new_filename.png') method of the Image object.
The ImageDraw module contains code to draw on images.
ImageDraw objects have shape-drawing methods such as point(), line(), or rectangle(). They are returned by passing the Image object to the ImageDraw.Draw() function.
Chapter 18
Move the mouse to the top-left corner of the screen, that is, the (0, 0) coordinates.
pyautogui.size() returns a tuple with two integers for the width and height of the screen.
pyautogui.position() returns a tuple with two integers for the x- and y-coordinates of the mouse cursor.
The moveTo() function moves the mouse to absolute coordinates on the screen, while the moveRel() function moves the mouse relative to the mouse’s current position.
pyautogui.dragTo() and pyautogui.dragRel()
pyautogui.typewrite('Hello world!')
Either pass a list of keyboard key strings to pyautogui.typewrite() (such as 'left') or pass a single keyboard key string to
pyautogui.PAUSE = 2
Appendix D. Resources
Visit for resources, errata, and more information.
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A note on the digital index
A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.
= (assignment) operator, String Concatenation and Replication, Comparison Operators
$ (dollar sign), Character Classes, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
. (dot character), The Caret and Dollar Sign Characters, The Caret and Dollar Sign Characters, The Current Working Directory
using in paths, The Current Working Directory
wildcard matches, The Caret and Dollar Sign Characters
" (double quotes), String Literals
** (exponent) operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell
== (equal to) operator, Boolean Values, Comparison Operators
/ (forward slash), Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Multiple Assignment Trick, Files and File Paths
division operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Multiple Assignment Trick
(backslash), Example Program: Magic 8 Ball with a List, String Literals, Creating Regex Objects, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character, Files and File Paths
line continuation character, Example Program: Magic 8 Ball with a List
> (greater than) operator, Boolean Values
>= (greater than or equal to) operator, Boolean Values
# (hash character), Multiline Strings with Triple Quotes
// (integer division/floored quotient) operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell
< (less than) operator, Boolean Values
<= (less than or equal to) operator, Boolean Values
% (modulus/remainder) operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Multiple Assignment Trick
* (multiplication) operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, Getting a List’s Length with len(), The Multiple Assignment Trick
!= (not equal to) operator, Boolean Values
() (parentheses), Mutable and Immutable Data Types, Review of Regular Expression Matching
| (pipe character), Grouping with Parentheses, Managing Complex Regexes
+ (plus sign), Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types, Getting a List’s Length with len(), The Multiple Assignment Trick, Optional Matching with the Question Mark, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
addition operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types, Getting a List’s Length with len(), The Multiple Assignment Trick
? (question mark), Matching Multiple Groups with the Pipe, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
' (single quote), String Literals
[] (square brackets), The List Data Type, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
* (star), Optional Matching with the Question Mark, The Wildcard Character, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
using with wildcard character, The Wildcard Character
zero or more matches with, Optional Matching with the Question Mark
- (subtraction) operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Multiple Assignment Trick
^ (caret symbol), Character Classes, Character Classes, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
matching beginning of string, Character Classes
negative character classes, Character Classes
''' (triple quotes), Escape Characters, Managing Complex Regexes
_ (underscore), Variable Names
: (colon), Blocks of Code, while Loop Statements, for Loops and the range() Function, Negative Indexes, Indexing and Slicing Strings
{} (curly brackets), Dictionaries and Structuring Data, Matching One or More with the Plus, Matching One or More with the Plus, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
greedy vs. nongreedy matching, Matching One or More with the Plus
matching specific repetitions with, Matching One or More with the Plus
%A directive, Pausing Until a Specific Date
%a directive, Pausing Until a Specific Date
absolute paths, The Current Working Directory
abspath() function, The os.path Module
addition (+) operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types, Getting a List’s Length with len(), The Multiple Assignment Trick
additive color model, Colors and RGBA Values
add_heading() method, Writing
Word Documents
addPage() method, Creating PDFs
add_paragraph() method, Writing Word Documents
add_picture() method, Adding Headings
add_run() method, Writing Word Documents
algebraic chess notation, Pretty Printing
all_caps attribute, Run Attributes
ALL search key, Selecting a Folder
alpha, defined, Computer Image Fundamentals
and operator, Comparison Operators
ANSWERED search key, Performing the Search
API (application programming interface), Step 3: Write Out the CSV File Without the First Row
append() method, Methods
application-specific passwords, Logging in to the SMTP Server
args keyword, Passing Arguments to the Thread’s Target Function
arguments, function, Comments, def Statements with Parameters, Return Values and return Statements, Multithreading, Launching Other Programs from Python
keyword arguments, Return Values and return Statements
passing to processes, Launching Other Programs from Python
passing to threads, Multithreading
assertions, Assertions, Running Python Programs on OS X and Linux
disabling, Running Python Programs on OS X and Linux
assignment (=) operator, String Concatenation and Replication, Comparison Operators
AT&T mail, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Retrieving and Deleting Emails with IMAP
attributes, HTML, A Quick Refresher, Getting Data from an Element’s Attributes
augmented assignment operators, The Multiple Assignment Trick
b backspace escape character, Step 3: Get and Print the Mouse Coordinates
%B directive, Pausing Until a Specific Date
%b directive, Pausing Until a Specific Date
back() method, Sending Special Keys
backslash (), String Literals, Creating Regex Objects, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character, Files and File Paths
BarChart() function, Charts
basename() function, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths
BCC search key, Performing the Search
Beautiful Soup, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module
(see also bs4 module)
BeautifulSoup objects, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module
BEFORE search key, Selecting a Folder
binary files, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents, Writing to Files
binary operators, Comparison Operators
bitwise or operator, Managing Complex Regexes
blank strings, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types
blocking execution, The time.time() Function
blocks of code, Mixing Boolean and Comparison Operators
BODY search key, Selecting a Folder
bold attribute, Run Attributes
Boolean data type, Flow Control, Comparison Operators, Binary Boolean Operators, continue Statements, The in and not in Operators, The in and not in Operators
binary operators, Comparison Operators
flow control and, Flow Control
in operator, The in and not in Operators
not in operator, The in and not in Operators
“truthy” and “falsey” values, continue Statements
using binary and comparison operators together, Binary Boolean Operators
box tuples, Coordinates and Box Tuples
breakpoints, debugging using, Debugging a Number Adding Program
break statements, An Annoying while Loop, for Loops and the range() Function
overview, An Annoying while Loop
using in for loop, for Loops and the range() Function
browser, opening using webbrowser module, Web Scraping
bs4 module, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module, Creating a BeautifulSoup Object from HTML, Getting Data from an Element’s Attributes
creating object from HTML, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module
finding element with select() method, Creating a BeautifulSoup Object from HTML
getting attribute, Getting Data from an Element’s Attributes
overview, Parsing HTML with the BeautifulSoup Module
built-in functions, Importing Modules
bulleted list, creating in Wiki markup, Project: Adding Bullets to Wiki Markup, Project: Adding Bullets to Wiki Markup, Project: Adding Bullets to Wiki Markup, Step 1: Copy and Paste from the Clipboard, Step 3: Join the Modified Lines
copying and pasting clipboard, Project: Adding Bullets to Wiki Markup
joining modified lines, Step 3: Join the Modified Lines
overview, Project: Adding Bullets to Wiki Markup
separating lines of text, Step 1: Copy and Paste from the Clipboard
calling functions, Comments
call stack, defined, Raising Exceptions
camelcase, Variable Names
caret symbol (^), Character Classes, Character Classes, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
matching beginning of string, Character Classes
negative character classes, Character Classes
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Creating a BeautifulSoup Object from HTML, Finding Elements on the Page
matching with selenium module, Finding Elements on the Page
selectors, Creating a BeautifulSoup Object from HTML
case sensitivity, Variable Names, Case-Insensitive Matching
CC search key, Performing the Search
Cell objects, Getting Sheets from the Workbook
cells, in Excel spreadsheets, Working with Excel Spreadsheets, Getting Sheets from the Workbook, Creating and Removing Sheets, Setting Row Height and Column Width
accessing Cell object by its name, Getting Sheets from the Workbook
merging and unmerging, Setting Row Height and Column Width
writing values to, Creating and Removing Sheets
center() method, The join() and split() String Methods, Image Recognition
chaining method calls, Rotating and Flipping Images
character classes, The findall() Method, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
character styles, Styling Paragraph and Run Objects
charts, Excel, Freeze Panes
chdir() function, The Current Working Directory
Chrome, developer tools in, Viewing the Source HTML of a Web Page
clear() method, Finding Elements on the Page
click() function, Clicking the Mouse, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions, Project: Automatic Form Filler
clicking mouse, Clicking the Mouse
click() method, Finding Elements on the Page
clipboard, using string from, Step 3: Handle the Clipboard Content and Launch the Browser
CMYK color model, Colors and RGBA Values
colon (:), Blocks of Code, while Loop Statements, for Loops and the range() Function, Negative Indexes, Indexing and Slicing Strings
color values, Computer Image Fundamentals, Colors and RGBA Values
CMYK vs. RGB color models, Colors and RGBA Values
RGBA values, Computer Image Fundamentals
column_index_from_string() function, Converting Between Column Letters and Numbers
columns, in Excel spreadsheets, Converting Between Column Letters and Numbers, Formulas
setting height and width of, Formulas
slicing Worksheet objects to get Cell objects in, Converting Between Column Letters and Numbers
Comcast mail, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Retrieving and Deleting Emails with IMAP
comma-delimited items, The List Data Type
command line arguments, Step 1: Figure Out the URL
commentAfterDelay() function, Pressing and Releasing the Keyboard
comments, Comments, Multiline Strings with Triple Quotes
multiline, Multiline Strings with Triple Quotes
rview, Comments
comparison operators, Boolean Values, Binary Boolean Operators
overview, Boolean Values
using binary operators with, Binary Boolean Operators
compile() function, Creating Regex Objects, Review of Regular Expression Matching, Managing Complex Regexes
compressed files, Walking a Directory Tree, Compressing Files with the zipfile Module, Extracting from ZIP Files, Extracting from ZIP Files, Step 3: Form the New Filename and Rename the Files
backing up folder into, Step 3: Form the New Filename and Rename the Files
creating ZIP files, Extracting from ZIP Files
extracting ZIP files, Extracting from ZIP Files
overview, Walking a Directory Tree
reading ZIP files, Compressing Files with the zipfile Module
computer screen, Pauses and Fail-Safes, Controlling Mouse Movement
coordinates of, Pauses and Fail-Safes
resolution of, Controlling Mouse Movement
concatenation, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types, Getting a List’s Length with len()
of lists, Getting a List’s Length with len()
string, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types