by Al Sweigart
concurrency issues, Passing Arguments to the Thread’s Target Function
conditions, defined, Mixing Boolean and Comparison Operators
continue statements, continue Statements, for Loops and the range() Function
overview, continue Statements
using in for loop, for Loops and the range() Function
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), The time Module
coordinates, Colors and RGBA Values, Pauses and Fail-Safes
of computer screen, Pauses and Fail-Safes
of an image, Colors and RGBA Values
copy() function, Passing References, Removing Whitespace with strip(), rstrip(), and lstrip(), Organizing Files, Copying and Pasting Images onto Other Images
copytree() function, Organizing Files
countdown project, Project: Simple Countdown Program, Project: Simple Countdown Program, Project: Simple Countdown Program, Project: Simple Countdown Program
counting down, Project: Simple Countdown Program
overview, Project: Simple Countdown Program
playing sound file, Project: Simple Countdown Program function, The time.time() Function
crashes, program, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell
create_sheet() method, Creating and Removing Sheets
CRITICAL level, Logging Levels
cron, Launching Other Programs from Python
cropping images, Working with the Image Data Type
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), Creating a BeautifulSoup Object from HTML, Finding Elements on the Page
matching with selenium module, Finding Elements on the Page
selectors, Creating a BeautifulSoup Object from HTML
CSV files, Working with CSV Files and JSON Data, Working with CSV Files and JSON Data, Reader Objects, Reading Data from Reader Objects in a for Loop, Reading Data from Reader Objects in a for Loop, The delimiter and lineterminator Keyword Arguments, The delimiter and lineterminator Keyword Arguments, The delimiter and lineterminator Keyword Arguments, The delimiter and lineterminator Keyword Arguments, Project: Removing the Header from CSV Files, Project: Removing the Header from CSV Files, Step 2: Read in the CSV File
defined, Working with CSV Files and JSON Data
delimeter for, The delimiter and lineterminator Keyword Arguments
format overview, Working with CSV Files and JSON Data
line terminator for, The delimiter and lineterminator Keyword Arguments
Reader objects, Reader Objects
reading data in loop, Reading Data from Reader Objects in a for Loop
removing header from, The delimiter and lineterminator Keyword Arguments, The delimiter and lineterminator Keyword Arguments, Project: Removing the Header from CSV Files, Project: Removing the Header from CSV Files, Step 2: Read in the CSV File
looping through CSV files, Project: Removing the Header from CSV Files
overview, The delimiter and lineterminator Keyword Arguments
reading in CSV file, Project: Removing the Header from CSV Files
writing out CSV file, Step 2: Read in the CSV File
Writer objects, Reading Data from Reader Objects in a for Loop
curly brackets ({}), Dictionaries and Structuring Data, Matching One or More with the Plus, Matching One or More with the Plus, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
greedy vs. nongreedy matching, Matching One or More with the Plus
matching specific repetitions with, Matching One or More with the Plus
current working directory, The Current Working Directory
D character class, The findall() Method
d character class, The findall() Method
%d directive, Pausing Until a Specific Date
data structures, Pretty Printing, Using Data Structures to Model Real-World Things
algebraic chess notation, Pretty Printing
tic-tac-toe board, Using Data Structures to Model Real-World Things
data types, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types, Flow Control, Return Values and return Statements, The List Data Type, List-like Types: Strings and Tuples, Mutable and Immutable Data Types, The Tuple Data Type, The Tuple Data Type, Dictionaries and Structuring Data
Booleans, Flow Control
defined, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell
dictionaries, Dictionaries and Structuring Data
floating-point numbers, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types
integers, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types
list() function, The Tuple Data Type
lists, The List Data Type
mutable vs. immutable, List-like Types: Strings and Tuples
None value, Return Values and return Statements
strings, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types
tuple() function, The Tuple Data Type
tuples, Mutable and Immutable Data Types
datetime module, The datetime Module, The datetime Module, The datetime Module, The datetime Module, The datetime Module, The timedelta Data Type, Pausing Until a Specific Date, Pausing Until a Specific Date, Converting datetime Objects into Strings, Review of Python’s Time Functions
arithmetic using, The timedelta Data Type
converting objects to strings, Pausing Until a Specific Date
converting strings to objects, Converting datetime Objects into Strings
fromtimestamp() function, The datetime Module
now() function, The datetime Module
overview, The datetime Module, Review of Python’s Time Functions
pausing program until time, Pausing Until a Specific Date
timedelta data type, The datetime Module
total_seconds() method, The datetime Module
datetime objects, The datetime Module, Pausing Until a Specific Date, Converting datetime Objects into Strings
converting to strings, Pausing Until a Specific Date
converting from strings to, Converting datetime Objects into Strings
debug() function, Using the logging Module
debugging, What Is Python?, Debugging, Raising Exceptions, Assertions, Using an Assertion in a Traffic Light Simulation, Using the logging Module, Using the logging Module, Logging Levels, Disabling Logging, Disabling Logging, Over, Debugging a Number Adding Program
assertions, Assertions
defined, What Is Python?
getting traceback as string, Raising Exceptions
in IDLE, Disabling Logging, Over, Debugging a Number Adding Program
overview, Disabling Logging
stepping through program, Over
using breakpoints, Debugging a Number Adding Program
logging, Using an Assertion in a Traffic Light Simulation, Using the logging Module, Using the logging Module, Logging Levels, Disabling Logging
disabling, Logging Levels
to file, Disabling Logging
levels of, Using the logging Module
logging module, Using an Assertion in a Traffic Light Simulation
print() function and, Using the logging Module
raising exceptions, Debugging
DEBUG level, Using the logging Module
decimal numbers, The str(), int(), and float() Functions (see floating-point numbers)
decode() method, Getting Email Addresses from a Raw Message
decryption, of PDF files, Extracting Text from PDFs
deduplicating code, Functions
deepcopy() function, Passing References
def statements, Functions, def Statements with Parameters
with parameters, def Statements with Parameters
DELETED search key, Performing the Search
delete_messages() method, Getting the Body from a Raw Message
deleting files
/folders, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders, Permanently Deleting Files and Folders
permanently, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders
using send2trash module, Permanently Deleting Files and Folders
del statements, Removing Values from Lists with del Statements
dictionaries, Passing References, Passing References, Dictionaries and Structuring Data, The Dictionary Data Type, Dictionaries vs. Lists, Dictionaries vs. Lists, Dictionaries vs. Lists, Checking Whether a Key or Value Exists in a Dictionary, Checking Whether a Key or Value Exists in a Dictionary, Checking Whether a Key or Value Exists in a Dictionary, The setdefault() Method, A Tic-Tac-Toe Board
copy() function, Passing References
deepcopy() function, Passing References
get() method, Checking Whether a Key or Value Exists in a Dictionary
in operator, Checking Whether a Key or Value Exists in a Dictionary
items() method, Dictionaries vs. Lists
keys() method, Dictionaries vs. Lists
lists vs., The Dictionary Data Type
nesting, A Tic-Tac-Toe Board
not in operator, Checking Whether a Key or Value Exists in a Dictionary
overview, Dictionaries and Structuring Data
setdefault() method, The setdefault() Method
values() method, Dictionaries vs. Lists
directories, Reading and Writing Files, Files and File Paths, The Current Working Directory, The Current Working Directory, Absolute vs. Relative Paths, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents, Organizing Files, Copying Files and Folders, Copying Files and Folders, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders, Permanently Deleting Files and Folders, Safe Deletes with the send2trash Module
absolute vs. relative paths, The Current Working Directory
backslash vs. forward slash, Files and File Paths
copying, Organizing Files
creating, Absolute vs. Relative Paths
current working directory, The Current Working Directory
defined, Reading and Writing Files
deleting permanently, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders
deleting using send2trash module, Permanently Deleting Files and Folders
moving, Copying Files and Folders
os.path module, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents
absolute paths in, The os.path Module
file sizes, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths
folder contents, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths
overview, The os.path Module
path validity, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents
relative paths in, The os.path Module
renaming, Copying Files and Folders
walking, Safe Deletes with the send2trash Module
dirname() function, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths
disable() function, Logging Levels
division (/) operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, The Multiple Assignment Trick
Document objects, Word Documents
dollar sign ($), Character Classes, Matching Newlines with the Dot Character
dot character (.), The Caret and Dollar Sign Characters, The Caret and Dollar Sign Characters, The Current Working Directory
using in paths, The Current Working Directory
wildcard matches, The Caret and Dollar Sign Characters
dot-star character (.*), The Wildcard Character
doubleClick() function, Clicking the Mouse, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions
double quotes ("), String Literals
double_strike attribute, Run Attributes
downloading, Downloading Files from the Web with the requests Module, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive, Step 3: Open Web Browsers for Each Result, Project: Multithreaded XKCD Downloader
files from web, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive
web pages, Downloading Files from the Web with the requests Module
XKCD comics, Step 3: Open Web Browsers for Each Result, Project: Multithreaded XKCD Downloader
DRAFT search key, Performing the Search
dragging mouse, Clicking the Mouse
dragRel() function, Clicking the Mouse, Dragging the Mouse, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions
dragTo() function, Clicking the Mouse, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions
drawing on images, Ideas for Similar Programs, Ideas for Similar Programs, Ideas for Similar Programs, Lines, Lines, Lines, Lines, Drawing Example
ellipses, Lines
example program, Lines
ImageDraw module, Ideas for Similar Programs
lines, Ideas for Similar Programs
points, Ideas for Similar Programs
polygons, Lines
rectangles, Lines
text, Drawing Example
dumps() function, Reading JSON with the loads() Function
duration keyword arguments, Controlling Mouse Movement
ehlo() method, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Step 3: Send Customized Email Reminders
elements, HTML, Saving Downloaded Files to the Hard Drive
elif statements, else Statements
ellipse() method, Lines
else statements, if Statements
email addresses, extracting, Combining re.IGNORECASE, re.DOTALL, and re.VERBOSE, Combining re.IGNORECASE, re.DOTALL, and re.VERBOSE, Project: Phone Number and Email Address Extractor, Step 2: Create a Regex for Email Addresses, Step 3: Find All Matches in the Clipboard Text
creating regex, Project: Phone Number and Email Address Extractor
finding matches on clipboard, Step 2: Create a Regex for Email Addresses
joining matches into a string, Step 3: Find All Matches in the Clipboard Text
overview, Combining re.IGNORECASE, re.DOTALL, and re.VERBOSE
emails, SMTP, SMTP, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Logging in to the SMTP Server, Disconnecting from the SMTP Server, Disconnecting from the SMTP Server, Disconnecting from the SMTP Server, Connecting to an IMAP Server, Connecting to an IMAP Server, Connecting to an IMAP Server, Size Limits, Size Limits, Size Limits, Fetching an Email and Marking It As Read, Getting the Body from a Raw Message, Getting the Body from a Raw Message, Disconnecting from the IMAP Server
deleting, Getting the Body from a Raw Message
disconnecting from server, Getting the Body from a Raw Message
fetching, Disconnecting from the SMTP Server, Connecting to an IMAP Server, Connecting to an IMAP Server, Size Limits, Fetching an Email and Marking It As Read
folders, Connecting to an IMAP Server
getting message content, Size Limits
logging into server, Connecting to an IMAP Server
overview, Disconnecting from the SMTP Server
raw messages, Fetching an Email and Marking It As Read
gmail_search() method, Size Limits
IMAP, Disconnecting from the SMTP Server
marking message as read, Size Limits
searching, Connecting to an IMAP Server
sending, SMTP, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Logging in to the SMTP Server, Disconnecting from the SMTP Server, Disconnecting from the IMAP Server
connecting to SMTP server, Connecting to an SMTP Server
disconnecting from server, Disconnecting from the SMTP Server
logging into server, Connecting to an SMTP Server
overview, SMTP
reminder, Disconnecting from the IMAP Server
sending “hello” message, Connecting to an SMTP Server
sending message, Logging in to the SMTP Server
/> TLS encryption, Connecting to an SMTP Server
emboss attribute, Run Attributes
encryption, of PDF files, Overlaying Pages
endswith() method, The isX String Methods
epoch timestamps, The time Module, The datetime Module, Review of Python’s Time Functions
equal to (==) operator, Boolean Values, Comparison Operators
ERROR level, Logging Levels
errors, Starting IDLE, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell
crashes and, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell
help for, Starting IDLE
escape characters, String Literals
evaluation, defined, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell
Excel spreadsheets, Working with Excel Spreadsheets, Working with Excel Spreadsheets, Working with Excel Spreadsheets, Working with Excel Spreadsheets, Reading Excel Documents, Getting Sheets from the Workbook, Getting Sheets from the Workbook, Converting Between Column Letters and Numbers, Converting Between Column Letters and Numbers, Getting Rows and Columns from the Sheets, Project: Reading Data from a Spreadsheet, Step 1: Read the Spreadsheet Data, Step 2: Populate the Data Structure, Ideas for Similar Programs, Ideas for Similar Programs, Creating and Removing Sheets, Creating and Removing Sheets, Creating and Removing Sheets, Writing Values to Cells, Writing Values to Cells, Project: Updating a Spreadsheet, Setting the Font Style of Cells, Font Objects, Formulas, Formulas, Setting Row Height and Column Width, Merging and Unmerging Cells, Freeze Panes, Disconnecting from the IMAP Server
application support, Working with Excel Spreadsheets