by Al Sweigart
charts in, Freeze Panes
column width, Formulas
converting between column letters and numbers, Converting Between Column Letters and Numbers
creating documents, Ideas for Similar Programs
creating worksheets, Creating and Removing Sheets
deleting worksheets, Creating and Removing Sheets
font styles, Setting the Font Style of Cells
formulas in, Font Objects
freezing panes, Merging and Unmerging Cells
getting cell values, Getting Sheets from the Workbook
getting rows and columns, Converting Between Column Letters and Numbers
getting worksheet names, Getting Sheets from the Workbook
merging and unmerging cells, Setting Row Height and Column Width
opening documents, Reading Excel Documents
openpyxl module, Working with Excel Spreadsheets
overview, Working with Excel Spreadsheets
reading files, Getting Rows and Columns from the Sheets, Project: Reading Data from a Spreadsheet, Step 1: Read the Spreadsheet Data, Step 2: Populate the Data Structure
overview, Getting Rows and Columns from the Sheets
populating data structure, Step 1: Read the Spreadsheet Data
reading data, Project: Reading Data from a Spreadsheet
writing results to file, Step 2: Populate the Data Structure
and reminder emails project, Disconnecting from the IMAP Server
row height, Formulas
saving workbooks, Ideas for Similar Programs
updating, Writing Values to Cells, Writing Values to Cells, Project: Updating a Spreadsheet
overview, Writing Values to Cells
setup, Project: Updating a Spreadsheet
workbooks vs., Working with Excel Spreadsheets
writing values to cells, Creating and Removing Sheets
Exception objects, Raising Exceptions
exceptions, The global Statement, Debugging, Raising Exceptions, Assertions
assertions and, Assertions
getting traceback as string, Raising Exceptions
handling, The global Statement
raising, Debugging
execution, program, Flow Control, Blocks of Code, Importing Modules, Pausing Until a Specific Date
defined, Flow Control
overview, Blocks of Code
pausing until specific time, Pausing Until a Specific Date
terminating program with sys.exit(), Importing Modules
exists() function, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents
exit codes, Launching Other Programs from Python
expand keyword, Rotating and Flipping Images
exponent (**) operator, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell
expressions, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell, Mixing Boolean and Comparison Operators
conditions and, Mixing Boolean and Comparison Operators
in interactive shell, Entering Expressions into the Interactive Shell
expunge() method, Getting the Body from a Raw Message
extensions, file, Reading and Writing Files
extractall() method, Extracting from ZIP Files
extracting ZIP files, Extracting from ZIP Files
extract() method, Extracting from ZIP Files
FailSafeException exception, Step 2: Set Up Coordinates
“falsey” values, continue Statements
fetch() method, Performing the Search, Size Limits
file editor, Variable Names
file management, Reading and Writing Files, Reading and Writing Files, Files and File Paths, The Current Working Directory, The Current Working Directory, Absolute vs. Relative Paths, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents, The File Reading/Writing Process, Opening Files with the open() Function, Reading the Contents of Files, Writing to Files, Saving Variables with the shelve Module, Step 4: Write Content to the Quiz and Answer Key Files, Organizing Files, Copying Files and Folders, Copying Files and Folders, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders, Permanently Deleting Files and Folders, Safe Deletes with the send2trash Module, Walking a Directory Tree, Compressing Files with the zipfile Module, Extracting from ZIP Files, Extracting from ZIP Files, Creating and Adding to ZIP Files, Step 3: Form the New Filename and Rename the Files
absolute vs. relative paths, The Current Working Directory
backslash vs. forward slash, Files and File Paths
compressed files, Walking a Directory Tree, Compressing Files with the zipfile Module, Extracting from ZIP Files, Extracting from ZIP Files, Step 3: Form the New Filename and Rename the Files
backing up to, Step 3: Form the New Filename and Rename the Files
creating ZIP files, Extracting from ZIP Files
extracting ZIP files, Extracting from ZIP Files
overview, Walking a Directory Tree
reading ZIP files, Compressing Files with the zipfile Module
creating directories, Absolute vs. Relative Paths
current working directory, The Current Working Directory
multiclipboard project, Step 4: Write Content to the Quiz and Answer Key Files
opening files, The File Reading/Writing Process
os.path module, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents
absolute paths in, The os.path Module
file sizes, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths
folder contents, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths
overview, The os.path Module
path validity, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents
relative paths in, The os.path Module
overview, Reading and Writing Files
paths, Reading and Writing Files
plaintext vs. binary files, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents
reading files, Opening Files with the open() Function
renaming files, date styles, Creating and Adding to ZIP Files
saving variables with pformat() function, Saving Variables with the shelve Module
send2trash module, Permanently Deleting Files and Folders
shelve module, Writing to Files
shutil module, Organizing Files, Copying Files and Folders, Copying Files and Folders, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders
copying files/folders, Organizing Files
deleting files/folders, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders
moving files/folders, Copying Files and Folders
renaming files/folders, Copying Files and Folders
walking directory trees, Safe Deletes with the send2trash Module
writing files, Reading the Contents of Files
filenames, defined, Reading and Writing Files
File objects, Opening Files with the open() Function
findall() method, Greedy and Nongreedy Matching
find_element_by_* methods, Starting a Selenium-Controlled Browser
find_elements_by_* methods, Starting a Selenium-Controlled Browser
Firefox, developer tools in, Opening Your Browser’s Developer Tools
FLAGGED search key, Performing the Search
flipping images, Rotating and Flipping Images
float() function, The len() Function
floating-point numbers, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types, The str(), int(), and float() Functions, The time.sleep() Function
integer equivalence, The str(), int(), and float() Functions
overview, The Integer, Floating-Point, and String Data Types
rounding, The time.sleep() Function
flow control, Flow Control, Flow Control, Boolean Values, Comparison Operators, Binary Boolean Operators, Mixing Boolean and Comparison Operators, Mixing Boolean
and Comparison Operators, Blocks of Code, if Statements, else Statements, while Loop Statements, An Annoying while Loop, continue Statements
binary operators, Comparison Operators
blocks of code, Mixing Boolean and Comparison Operators
Boolean values and, Flow Control
break statements, An Annoying while Loop
comparison operators, Boolean Values
conditions, Mixing Boolean and Comparison Operators
continue statements, continue Statements
elif statements, else Statements
else statements, if Statements
if statements, Blocks of Code
overview, Flow Control
using binary and comparison operators together, Binary Boolean Operators
while loops, while Loop Statements
folders, Reading and Writing Files, Files and File Paths, The Current Working Directory, The Current Working Directory, Absolute vs. Relative Paths, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents, Organizing Files, Copying Files and Folders, Copying Files and Folders, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders, Permanently Deleting Files and Folders, Safe Deletes with the send2trash Module, Step 3: Form the New Filename and Rename the Files, Project: Backing Up a Folder into a ZIP File, Step 1: Figure Out the ZIP File’s Name, Step 1: Figure Out the ZIP File’s Name
absolute vs. relative paths, The Current Working Directory
backing up to ZIP file, Step 3: Form the New Filename and Rename the Files, Project: Backing Up a Folder into a ZIP File, Step 1: Figure Out the ZIP File’s Name, Step 1: Figure Out the ZIP File’s Name
creating new ZIP file, Step 1: Figure Out the ZIP File’s Name
figuring out ZIP filename, Project: Backing Up a Folder into a ZIP File
walking directory tree, Step 1: Figure Out the ZIP File’s Name
backslash vs. forward slash, Files and File Paths
copying, Organizing Files
creating, Absolute vs. Relative Paths
current working directory, The Current Working Directory
defined, Reading and Writing Files
deleting permanently, Moving and Renaming Files and Folders
deleting using send2trash module, Permanently Deleting Files and Folders
moving, Copying Files and Folders
os.path module, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, The os.path Module, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents
absolute paths in, The os.path Module
file sizes, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths
folder contents, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths
overview, The os.path Module
path validity, Finding File Sizes and Folder Contents
relative paths in, The os.path Module
renaming, Copying Files and Folders
walking directory trees, Safe Deletes with the send2trash Module
Font objects, Setting the Font Style of Cells
font styles, in Excel spreadsheets, Setting the Font Style of Cells
for loops, continue Statements, Using for Loops with Lists, The keys(), values(), and items() Methods
overview, continue Statements
using dictionary items in, The keys(), values(), and items() Methods
using lists with, Using for Loops with Lists
format attribute, Working with the Image Data Type
format_description attribute, Working with the Image Data Type
formData list, Step 2: Set Up Coordinates
form filler project, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions, Project: Automatic Form Filler, Step 1: Figure Out the Steps, Step 2: Set Up Coordinates, Step 3: Start Typing Data, Step 3: Start Typing Data, Step 4: Handle Select Lists and Radio Buttons
overview, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions
radio buttons, Step 3: Start Typing Data
select lists, Step 3: Start Typing Data
setting up coordinates, Step 1: Figure Out the Steps
steps in process, Project: Automatic Form Filler
submitting form, Step 4: Handle Select Lists and Radio Buttons
typing data, Step 2: Set Up Coordinates
formulas, in Excel spreadsheets, Font Objects
forward() method, Sending Special Keys
forward slash (/), Files and File Paths
FROM search key, Performing the Search
fromtimestamp() function, The datetime Module, Review of Python’s Time Functions
functions, Comments, Importing Modules, Functions, def Statements with Parameters, def Statements with Parameters, def Statements with Parameters, def Statements with Parameters, Return Values and return Statements, Return Values and return Statements, The global Statement, The global Statement, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions
(see also names of individual functions)
arguments, Comments, def Statements with Parameters
as “black box”, The global Statement
built-in, Importing Modules
def statements, def Statements with Parameters
exception handling, The global Statement
keyword arguments, Return Values and return Statements
None value and, Return Values and return Statements
overview, Functions
parameters, def Statements with Parameters
return values, def Statements with Parameters
get_active_sheet() method, Getting Sheets from the Workbook
get_addresses() method, Getting Email Addresses from a Raw Message
get_attribute() method, Finding Elements on the Page
getcolor() function, Computer Image Fundamentals, Working with the Image Data Type
get_column_letter() function, Converting Between Column Letters and Numbers
getcwd() function, The Current Working Directory
get() function, Checking Whether a Key or Value Exists in a Dictionary, Downloading Files from the Web with the requests Module
overview, Checking Whether a Key or Value Exists in a Dictionary
requests module, Downloading Files from the Web with the requests Module
get_highest_column() method, Getting Cells from the Sheets, Step 1: Open the Excel File
get_highest_row() method, Getting Cells from the Sheets
get_payload() method, Getting Email Addresses from a Raw Message
getpixel() function, Changing Individual Pixels, Scrolling the Mouse, Analyzing the Screenshot
get_sheet_by_name() method, Getting Sheets from the Workbook
get_sheet_names() method, Getting Sheets from the Workbook
getsize() function, Handling Absolute and Relative Paths
get_subject() method, Getting Email Addresses from a Raw Message
getText() function, Reading Word Documents
GIF format, Working with the Image Data Type
global scope, Local and Global Variables with the Same Name
Gmail, Connecting to an SMTP Server, Logging in to the SMTP Server, Retrieving and Deleting Emails with IMAP
gmail_search() method, Size Limits
Google Maps, Web Scraping
graphical user interface automation, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions (see GUI (graphical user interface) automation)
greater than (>) operator, Boolean Values
greater than or equal to (>=) operator, Boolean Values
greedy matching, Matching One or More with the Plus, The Wildcard Character
dot-star for, The Wildcard Character
in regular expressions, Matching One or More with the Plus
group() method, Creating Regex Objects, Review of Regular Expression Matching
groups, regular expression, Review of Regular Expression Matching, Grouping with Parentheses, Matching Multiple Groups with the Pipe, Optional Matchi
ng with the Question Mark, Optional Matching with the Question Mark, Matching One or More with the Plus, Matching One or More with the Plus, Greedy and Nongreedy Matching
matching, Matching Multiple Groups with the Pipe, Optional Matching with the Question Mark, Optional Matching with the Question Mark, Matching One or More with the Plus, Matching One or More with the Plus, Greedy and Nongreedy Matching
greedy, Matching One or More with the Plus
nongreedy, Greedy and Nongreedy Matching
one or more, Optional Matching with the Question Mark
optional, Matching Multiple Groups with the Pipe
specific reptitions, Matching One or More with the Plus
zero or more, Optional Matching with the Question Mark
using parentheses, Review of Regular Expression Matching
using pipe character in, Grouping with Parentheses
Guess the Number program, Exception Handling
GUI (graphical user interface) automation, Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation, Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation, Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation, Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation, Pauses and Fail-Safes, Moving the Mouse, Step 3: Get and Print the Mouse Coordinates, Clicking the Mouse, Clicking the Mouse, Dragging the Mouse, Scrolling the Mouse, Project: Extending the mouseNow Program, Image Recognition, Image Recognition, Sending a String from the Keyboard, Key Names, Pressing and Releasing the Keyboard, Review of the PyAutoGUI Functions
(see also form filler project)
controlling keyboard, Image Recognition, Image Recognition, Sending a String from the Keyboard, Key Names, Pressing and Releasing the Keyboard
hotkey combinations, Pressing and Releasing the Keyboard
key names, Sending a String from the Keyboard
pressing and releasing, Key Names
sending string from keyboard, Image Recognition