The Serpent's Kiss

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The Serpent's Kiss Page 6

by Claire Marta

  “Well, I’m not taking any of those. My last medical check came up clean.” Lifting the glass of milk again, she greedily drank down some more. Her eyes half closed with a look of pleasure as the cold liquid slid down her throat.

  Asier felt his cock begin to harden. She had the most expressive face. The girl was yet to learn how to mask her emotions. Her innocence aroused him in ways that surprised him.

  “I doubt Jazzy’s done a drug in her life. She’s not even on the pill.” Twitch mumbled before shoving another handful of chocolate into his mouth.

  Jasmine ignored him as she discarded the empty glass. Instead she began to fumble with the front pocket of her jeans. “I didn’t bring much with me...” She apologized, as she tugged out some crumpled notes.

  “No, bella.” Asier took hold of her wrist gently to stop her, his tone was firm. “I do not want your money.”

  Jasmine looked up startled. Her lips were parted slightly and glistened temptingly still wet from the milk. “I thought you charge for your bite here?”

  “We do.” He confirmed his attention on her pouty mouth. “But I don’t want your money. I would rather have your presence at the club once a week, not just when you come for my bite.” Slowly raising his gaze he caught her stare and smiled.


  “Because that’s part of my price Jasmine.” He could feel her heart beat increasing from beneath his hold. “Besides, now that we are friends we should spend time together. I will have my lawyer also draw up a contract in the meantime.”

  “Contract?” Tugging free of his grip, she rubbed at the spot self-consciously.

  “Si. I run a business Jasmine. It is nothing more than an agreement that you are coming to me to be bitten. I have had problems with a few clients in the past and this is only a precaution, you understand.” It would also ensure she did not try to go anywhere else. His deal would be iron clad. Now that he had her, Asier had no plans to let her escape. He would legally bind her to him. The only bite she would receive would be his. This was a precaution just in case Eric did come back for her.

  “Don’t worry Jazzy, I can read through it before you sign.” Twitch assured her, as he tucked away the paper bag of treats into the inside pocket of his velvety coat. “I’m not about to let you sign anything you shouldn’t, especially with a blood sucker.”

  Jasmine flashed him a smile of relief. “Thanks Twitchy.”

  Asier kept his expression bland. The mage was going to be a complication. Yet Asier knew he could find a suitable distraction to keep him occupied. If Twitch’s attention was engaged with something else, he would be less of a problem.

  “How are you feeling now?” Asier asked Jasmine as he stood watching her intently. Cheeks now more a healthy colour of pink, he could see she was fully recovered from any signs of weakness.

  “Better after the cookies, thanks.” She was staring at his naked chest again. Tip of her tongue darting out, she wet her lips.

  Asier didn’t miss how her fingers curled on the table top. Did she want to touch him again? It was there on her face. The barely disguised look of curiosity.

  “Are you planning to stay longer here at the club?” Asier asked, his accent thickening with the huskiness in his voice. “I could show you around some more. Let you see the delights of Liquor and Lust.”

  “I’m feeling pretty beat actually.” Twitch responded on the stool beside her before he yawned.

  Slowly, Jasmine shook her head. “Thanks for the offer Asier, but I better get Twitch home before he gets into trouble.”

  Asier pushed aside the tiny pang of disappointment. Jasmine would be his in due course. “There are back stairs you can leave through to avoid the crowd. I can escort you out.”

  The alleyway was empty and dark. Asier was careful to be sure no danger lurked before he allowed them to leave. Noise from the street was a constant hum, even at this time of night.

  “You’re going to freeze your man tits off like that.” Twitch pointed out as he pushed some messy locks from his eyes. They began to wander up towards the main street.

  “I don’t feel the cold.” Asier assured the mage with a smirk. His blood was far too hot for that to happen. Much like his nature.

  Jasmine was not the only one getting uncomfortable by his state of undress. Twitch seemed to be just as happy to be overdressed as she was. Asier knew this was for other reasons. He hadn’t missed the burn scars on the young man’s face, neck, and hands.

  “Well, thanks again.” Jasmine babbled. “You know with the...” She awkwardly pointed to her arm.

  “Do not wait so long next time.” Asier scolded. “When you feel the pain start to build, you come to me. Even if it’s not the day we arrange for your bite. Capisci?”

  “Fuck, he sounds just as bossy as Eric.” Twitch muttered low.

  Jasmine’s lips tightened at his words. For a moment anger gleamed in her glance before her thick, black eyelashes lowered to hide it. Asier’s expression became watchful. The girl’s anger at his friend was apparent. This he knew would work well with his plans.

  They soon found themselves beside the towering metal main doors of the club. Murmurs started when the crowd saw Asier. Since starting his businesses he had become quite a celebrity.

  Noticing them, the protesters began to boo and hiss. Asier ignored them. He was tolerant of their presence. It was something that he would make sure was not there for long. Unfortunately, the legal way was taking far too long. Other measures were already being considered by Kane, who was dealing with them. Something that would be less pleasant, but effective.

  “You don’t have to come any further.” Jasmine assured him quickly. She seemed a little too eager to be rid of him. This was unique. Usually with women it was the other way around. Asier felt an unexpected sense of annoyance.

  A woman’s scream interrupted him from replying. Full of fear, it caught everyone's attention. Turning in the direction of the sound, they saw a smartly dressed man. He was young. In his early twenties. One hand curled into a fist, he had a woman shoved up against a wall. Eyes frightened, she was trying to fight him off. Voice high and shaky, she was begging him to let her go. Yet he did not seem to be listening.

  “Please Frank, stop it.” She pleaded.

  Frank leered down at her with an unfeeling, over bright glare. “You had to go and wear that fucking dress. I told you not to wear it. It makes you look like a cock sucking whore.”

  Brightly painted nails digging into his forearms, she could not stop him from tearing the shoulder off her floral dress. The guy was intent on getting it off. He was manic in his movements. Two other men in line rushed to help the female. Grabbing her attacker, they tried to force him down onto the floor. With a roar of rage and a strength not possible for a mere human, he shook them off and flung them into the watching spectators.

  Frank laughed. A crazed, jarring sound which showed just how unhinged he had become. “I’m bloody untouchable, invincible!” He crowed. “Don’t you dare touch me again with your filthy hands!”

  Asier took a step forwards to intervene. This was not natural. This male was human. He should not have been able to possess such strength. It needed to be dealt with quickly. His suspicions at the cause were already aroused. This would only escalate. And that was something he could not afford. Not outside his club.

  Frank reached for the woman again. In vain, she tried to scuttle out of the way, but he caught her by the hair and dragged her back. She cried out in fear. Panicking, she tried to kick him in the shins.

  Jasmine instinctively moved to help. “Hey, leave her alone arsehole!” She shouted. Every line of her body taut with rage. Darting forward, she headed straight for danger.

  The people with the protest signs looked terrified. They didn’t put up a fuss as she shoved them forcefully out of the way. Asier followed her quickly with Twitch in tow. Lips pressed together in displeasure, he pushed down the impulse to drag her back. Did she not consider the consequences of her action?
It was almost as if she did not care.

  Rudy, one of the large bouncers, lumbered suddenly forward. With a growl he began to push people out of his way. They leapt back to avoid the bear shifter. Although he remained in human form, he was a formidable size and sight. Rudy reached the couple first. With a paw like hand, he clamped it down onto the assailants shoulder. Frank bellowed in indignation. Rounding on the bigger male, he took hold of the bouncers arm. The bear shifter’s face creased in confusion. A moment later he gave a shriek of pain as Frank twisted his arm. Something snapped. Toppling to his knees, Rudy tried unsuccessfully to pull it back.

  “Are you deaf?” Frank hissed, his eyes bulging. “I said no one touches me!”

  As Jasmine reached them, Frank went rigid. Handsome face losing every shred of colour, he started frothing at the mouth. Dropping to his knees, he began to convulse. Falling sideways onto the hard cold pavement, he continued to thrash. Then, after a moment, his movements stilled.

  “Rudy?” Asier called at the bouncer, who was still crouched down nursing his arm. Being a shapeshifter the damage would heal quickly. For the benefit of the crowd of humans who were unaware of supernaturals, Rudy would have to play the part of being wounded. Reaching across he felt Frank’s neck with his good hand. His expression was grim.

  After a second Rudy shook his head. “He’s dead boss.”

  Asier already knew this. The man’s heart beat had stuttered and stilled as he’d listened. But verbal confirmation was needed for the frightened watchers.

  “Rudy, phone for the police, grazie.” He kept his voice calm.

  Nodding, the bouncer fished out his smart phone. Turning his back to them, he began to dial. Uneasy murmurs were rippling through the humans. Their morbid attention was on the corpse. Foam covered the human’s mouth and chin. Eyes impossibly wide, his pupils were dilated inhumanly big in death. Jasmine was kneeling beside the body. Her delicate hand was against the man’s throat as if she wanted to be sure herself.

  “What happened to him?”

  “Careful Jazzy. It might be contagious.” Twitch warned, as he grabbed her arm and tugged her up.

  Asier shook his head, his expression darkening. “No, he overdosed.”

  Jasmine frowned. Watching the man die seemed to have disturbed her. Asier on the other hand was used to death. Seen it in its many forms. It no longer bothered him as it had in his youth so many centuries ago.

  “You mean drugs?”

  “Si.” Asier responded without elaborating. The same drug Timothy had been dealing. It looked like another dealer was in his midst. One whose identity he would have to dig out.

  “And how do you know that?” Twitch asked, as he slipped an arm possessively around Jasmine’s waist and tugged her back into him as he rested his chin on her shoulder. She did not pull away. In fact, she leaned into the embrace without a second thought. It was intimate and familiar.

  “I recognize the signs. This is something new and the effects are unlike anything ever seen before.” Asier told them, not letting his annoyance show. Was the boy trying to warn him off?

  “Boss, the police are on their way.” Rudy informed him as he put his smart phone away.

  Asier acknowledged his words with a tilt of his head. “I suggest you make yourself scarce if you don’t want anyone to know you were here bella.”

  “I’m pretty sure Asier wants to stick more than his fangs in you.” Twitch confided as they made their way back towards Charring Cross tube station.

  Jasmine was not blind. She had also seen Italian’s interest in her. It was something she had been hoping to avoid. “I’m not interested in anything else, and if I was, it wouldn’t be with another vampire.”

  Twitch gave her an unconvinced sideways glance as they narrowly avoided colliding with group of rowdy drunken young men. “Hmm, your mouth says one thing, but I saw the way you were watching him up on stage. Just remember the last prince charming turned out to be a dick.”

  “Please stop reminding me.” Jasmine’s jaw tightened in response. She was sick of being reminded. Eric was in the past. “But nothing is going to happen like that with Asier.”

  “You’re trying to friend zone the Master Vampire of London, and Jazzy baby I don’t think that is going to work.” The mage fished out the white paper bag from the pocket of his coat. Carefully opening it, he offered it to her.

  “Well it’s going to have to.” Jasmine told him, grabbing a handful of chocolate covered peanuts before popping them into her mouth. Ok so she was attracted to Asier. But it was nothing like the blinding lust she had felt for Eric. That had been out of her control.

  “But can we really trust him?” Twitch questioned quietly.

  No. But Jasmine had no one else to turn to. She also knew she would have to tread carefully with him. Asier had overwhelmed her senses in Prague. Jasmine could not afford to let that happen again. Could not allow him too close.

  “I don’t have a lot of other options at this point do I?”

  Twitch’s brows drew together in a frown. “Eric...”

  Whipping around Jasmine jabbed him in the chest angrily with her finger. “No fucking way. He screwed me over, you just said that yourself. I can never trust that arsehole again. Plus, I wouldn’t know where to find him even if I wanted to.”

  Twitch took a jerky step back in surprise. “Ok! Calm your tits! It was just a fucking suggestion, no need to go all nuclear on me.”

  Jasmine felt her anger wane. She was exhausted and her emotions had been all over the place the last twenty four hours. Fuck, the last two weeks. Twitch had done nothing but help her. He did not deserve her anger.

  “Sorry.” She sighed, shoulders slumping. “I didn’t mean to take it out on you.”

  “It’s fine Jazzy.” The mage assured her with a wave of his hand. “You’re female, and you’re all a little emotionally bat shit crazy. By the way, you’re beautiful when you have an orgasm. You get all flushed, and your moans are just so sexy.”

  They were back in Trafalgar square. Most of the crowd has thinned, but there were people still ambling about. Jasmine turned scarlet in embarrassment. She should have known he wasn’t going to keep quiet about that. It was awkward enough that he had been in the room.

  “Did you meet someone in the club?” She asked trying to steer the conversation onto a less mortifying subject.

  “Maybe.” He mumbled in reply. He was still busy munching on the bag of chocolate treats.

  Jasmine eyed them thoughtfully. “Did she give you those?”

  The mage’s goofy smile she’d seen at the bar returned. “Yeah, she did...wanna go get a milkshake and some nuggets before we head home? I want to make a start on tracing you birth parents.”

  Jasmine felt a small rush of excitement. Would he really be able to find out what had happened to them? They knew her real mother had come from the Isle of Avalon. The same place Twitch’s people lived. After leaving the mystical island with Jasmine when she had been six months old, she had vanished without a trace.

  Jasmine’s father was also a mystery. Why had they abandoned her as a two year old outside a hospital? Where were they now? Had something happened to them? Deep down there was a part of her that was frightened to know. What if they had simply decided they did not want her? Jasmine pushed the thoughts aside. She would cross that bridge if she came to it. For now, it was a start discovering her past.

  Distractedly, she tucked her arm through Twitch’s. “Sure, but only if it’s strawberry.”

  “The Russians are here.” Kane informed Asier as he stalked back into the club.

  Lexi was hovering anxiously just behind the Viking. She looked pale. Seeing the corpse in the basement must have left her unsettled, as well as hearing they had another one out front.

  Asier nodded. He’d left Rudy dealing with the police. They were of little help. No one had made any progress on who was selling ‘the serpent’s kiss’ and even they were becoming desperate. Jasmine had distracted him from the business t
hat waited for him tonight. It was something that could not be put off.

  “What’s going on between you and that redheaded chick?” Kane asked conversationally as he fell into step.

  Lexi followed them quietly. Pink hair rumpled, she kept glancing worriedly at the front doors.

  A smug grin curved Asier’s lips. “It looks like Jasmine has walked right into the palm of my hand. I’ve already made sure she will be coming back to me.” Now that he’d had a taste of her, he wanted more. Her blood. Body. It would all be exclusively his.

  Kane chuckled. “I thought you liked her back in Prague.”

  “Si. I did.” Asier replied. “She’s still so naïve and the innocent don’t always last that long in my hands. I want to spank her red. Jasmine’s pale skin is perfect for it, and maybe I will find a use for that pretty mouth of hers as well.”

  “You’ve got plenty of pussy coming into the club you can have.” The other vampire murmured in return. “With a lot less complications.”

  “If you’re referring to her belonging to Eric, that is over.” Asier couldn’t quite contain his glee. “She isn’t seeing him anymore.”

  Disbelief lit Kane’s gaze for a moment, then a smile curled his lips. “Don’t go breaking her too quickly Asier. I like a little life left in your castoffs.”

  “Oh I intend to enjoy her for quite a while before I am done with her, so you are going to have to wait.”

  Kane gave a grunt of amusement. “I’ll see you back downstairs.” Turning his head, he gave Lexi a quick wink before he strode off through the crowd.

  Asier was looking forward to the game. A woman could easily be seduced without even being touched. He intended to entice Jasmine. Tempt her. With his words he would lure her in. She would be wet and ready for him even before he laid a finger on her. He had a suspicion the girl was going to enjoy it. Then he would take what he wanted.

  “Tell me, did you see the redhead that was with me earlier?” He asked Lexi, as he paused to let her catch up.


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