The Serpent's Kiss

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The Serpent's Kiss Page 7

by Claire Marta

A delicate frown creased her brow. “Yes. The one that’s got everyone gossiping.”

  Asier did not give a fuck that people were talking. They would soon learn that Jasmine was just going to be another one of his fuck toys. “I want you to distract the male that was with her. The one all in black, with all the scars.”

  Lexi’s cheeks flushed slightly at his words. “Twitch?”

  Asier’s full attention focused on the young woman at his side. “Si. You know him? I don’t need him getting in my way, and you can use any means necessary Lexi. Just keep him distracted long enough until his cousin is mine.”

  “I bumped into him when he was getting some air after she fainted.” She began to twirl a long pink lock of hair round her finger. “If that’s what you want me to do Master.”

  “It is. Jasmine is an indulgence that nothing will stop me from sampling. Now go and get back to work, Vai.”

  Without another word, she turned and hurried back towards the bar. Asier headed back toward the apartment. He would take his time changing. The Russians could sweat for a while. It was not like they were going anywhere. Even Ivan and Gregor were not stupid enough to walk out on their first meeting.

  Twenty minutes later, dressed in an immaculate black Armani suit, he met Kane outside his conference room. His second had not bothered to change. The ripped jeans he wore clung snugly to his thick muscled legs. A grey t-shirt was stretched tightly over his brawny, bulging chest. Several spots stained it darker. Asier could still smell Timothy’s dried blood.

  “Aww, you made yourself look all pretty.” Kane teased, as he adjusted one of his blonde braids.

  “Si. I at least make an effort to be business like.” Asier countered with a mock scowl. “You look like you’ve just come from a cage fight.”

  “I don’t see the point of sugar-coating this. They think they can run their shit without us.” Kane toyed with the end of his goatee. “They think they can treat us like idiots.”

  “Kane, they’re about to learn their mistake, I can promise you that.” Asier strolled calmly into the room as they entered. An air of confident dominance surrounded him which made every male in the room sit or stand a little taller.

  His eyes zoned in on Ivan and Gregor. They were already seated at the table and did not bother to get up to greet them. These pups were the new blood in town. Setting up their network over the last few months, they had a reputation for bullying and violence. They were handsome, young, and arrogant. A combination others might have found intimidating. Unfortunately for them, Asier had seen it all before. All their bluster was for nothing.

  Six heavily armed goons stood behind them, their back to the wall, all wearing remote expressions. Asier’s keen eyesight quickly picked out the bulges of their weapons. He smirked. These men were probably the best they had. All handpicked and hardened killers. Asier could see it in their faces. These men lived for death. It was a pity that none of them would stand a chance against him or Kane.

  Asier cut straight to the chase. Tonight he had no patience for fake pleasantries. “You’ve been snatching women, girls off the streets of my city, and selling them into the sex trade.” He spoke in Russian. It was so perfect that anyone listening would not know it was not his native tongue.

  “That’s a very damaging accusation.” Gregor stated, a conceited smile barely held back on his lips.

  “Don’t try to bullshit me.” Asier spat. “I’ve gotten all I need from one of your snivelling little minions.” Slowly, he settled himself in the chair at the head of the table. He had them by the balls. They just didn’t know it yet. Not that it mattered. None of them would be leaving the room alive.

  “Look, we only came tonight to set things straight, vampire.” Ivan was lounging in his chair. He didn’t seem to be concerned who the snitch was. “Things are going to change here in London. Things that not even you, with your fancy reputation can stop.”

  Asier cocked his head with interest. “Are you threatening me?”

  “No, just filling you in that there’s another player in town with more pull than you will ever have.”

  Asier suppressed a smile. They had no idea who they were dealing with. His allies were far from street punks. “You?”

  Gregor leaned back with an air of insolence. Removing a cigar from his suit pocket, he popped it between his lips.

  “No.” Ivan continued, as Gregor lit it with a solid gold lighter. “But if you follow our orders, it might just save you from getting staked, you understand?”

  Asier’s stare latched onto the flame that sparked to life. He could feel its eagerness to consume. Purging, pure, it called to him. Without even a conscious thought, he felt his power roar to the surface. It flowed through his blood, firing in his veins. He welcomed it. Embraced it. The flicker, still bobbing playfully on the tip of the lighter, leapt free with such sudden speed no one had time to react. Like a shooting star it blazed towards the nearest bodyguard.

  Capturing hold of his shirt front, the flame was hungry to obey. Devouring in a frenzy, it wasted no time to spread. The male screamed as he began to burn. Panicking blindly in his terror, he ran backwards into the wall. With desperate movements he tried to pat the fire away, but it only made things worse. Those around him were quick to try and help. Using their jackets they attempted to smother the flame. But it would not be stopped.

  Asier sat, his power blazing around him. He was careful to keep his little show contained. Setting fire to his own club was not his aim. But a show of force was needed, and he was more than happy to oblige. The nauseating stench of burnt flesh filled the meeting room. Reigning in his power, he allowed the torture to end. With an agonised cry of relief the bodyguard fell to his knees. He was shaking badly with shock, body covered in first degree burns.

  Blood sprayed suddenly across the table as two men fell within seconds of each other. Throats cut. Kane stood splattered in blood. The blade he had used still in his hand. His sky blue eyes were gleaming with a sick pleasure at the lives he had just ended. He rarely felt remorse. Using his tongue he licked the crimson that decorated his face from his lips.

  Asier smiled menacingly. His cold, ruthless gaze never wavered from the Russians. They were frozen in their seats. Expressions a combination of fear and disbelief. All their swagger was gone. Now they understood. This miscalculation was going to cost them dearly.

  “This city is mine.” Asier kept his voice pleasant. “Everything illegal that goes on here belongs to me, or has permission to be run by me. I don’t like being insulted or clumsily threatened.”

  The four bodyguards that were left were getting twitchy. Heartbeats accelerating as adrenaline flooded their veins. Asier knew they were ready to retaliate. It didn’t matter if they did. They were all dead men walking. No one screwed him over in business and got off lightly.

  Ivan released a shaky breath. “Fuck. Relax man we didn’t mean to piss you off.” Turning his attention to his men he gestured them to stand down.

  Asier’s regard snapped back to his, one dark eyebrow rising in enquiry. “Ah I see, it’s all a misunderstanding?”

  “Yeah,” Gregor jumped in, switching to English as he abandoned his native tongue. “Yeah that’s exactly what this is. We’re just here with a message.”

  “Hmm, then you should give it to me before your mouth gets you into even more trouble.” Asier was enjoying watching them squirm.

  “There’s a guy. A Doctor Dasyurus.” Gregor explained, tripping over his words to get them out. “He’s been involved in a lot of illegal stuff abroad the last few years, and he wants to get in on the action here in London.”

  Asier’s eyes flickered fractionally at the name. He was well aware of this elusive mastermind. Eric was obsessed with him. Dasyurus seemed to have his hands in every criminal activity in Europe. It should not be surprising that he wanted a piece of Asier’s city. Sending these jackasses though had been a mistake. He was not about to do business with someone who sent idiots instead of facing him himself.
r />   “I don’t do business with middle men. If he wants to talk to me, he comes himself, and that is not negotiable.”

  “Sure, sure we can tell him.” Gregor assured him as he made a move to rise. Licking his lips nervously, he glanced at his brother.

  Asier became unnaturally still. Every human in the room froze as they sensed their impending doom.

  “We still have a problem. You have allowed demon spawn into my domain, and that is something I can’t forgive. E non lo fará mai!”

  Kane moved in a blur. Fangs already bared, he ripped them into the jugular of the nearest person. Eyes wide, the man gurgled, hands clawing at the vampire’s huge arm as he held him up like a doll. Blood spurted out across the room dousing the Russians. Swearing they leapt out of their seats knocking them backwards.

  “What the fuck are you doing man?” Ivan screamed.

  The rest of the bodyguards lost it. Freaking out in a panic, they drew their weapons. Asier remained seated. Composed and unperturbed, he wore a formidable expression as he watched them with hard, cold eyes. “No one crosses me. We only need one of you to pass the message onto Dasyurus.”

  As the metal of their guns began to burn white hot, the humans screamed as they dropped them. Fingers curled, they stared in disbelief at their blistered palms. They did not know what was happening. It was plain on their expressions. Chaos reigned supreme. Kane had already moved onto another one. Savaging him, he hurled the body into the wall with a spine chilling crack. If he had been alive before, he was dead now. A smear of red was left splashed across the white paint work.

  “Mercy...please god.” Ivan begged as he backed up, realizing quickly he had nowhere to go. The door was at the other end of the room. To get to it he had to go through Kane, and then finally Asier.

  “That word does not exist in my vocabulary. E Dio non puó aiutarti ora.” Asier told them over the screams as Kane continued his carnage. “Let’s hope those who replace you are a little more intelligent.”

  It didn’t take long for Kane to finish his fun. Five bodies lay broken and bloodied by the time he we done. Only Gregor and Ivan remained breathing. Kane forced the Russians onto their knees. It took no effort with his supernatural strength. Whimpering, they did not put up much of a fight. Terror had them locked in place. All their bravado and arrogance was gone. Now they realised just how low on the food chain they really were.

  Kane pulled a coin from the pocket of his jeans and tossed it into the air. “Heads Ivan, tails Gregor.” He muttered before catching it. “Your lucky day, Ivan. Get the fuck out.”

  Scrambling to his feet Ivan fled from the room without a backwards glance. Gregor called after him, but his words were ignored. They could hear the tap of his frantic feet as he rushed up the stairs.

  “Cazzo. You’ve ruined my suit.” Asier muttered sourly. Red droplets were splattered across one lapel and down the left side of the expensive material. Wrinkling his nose, he brushed the mess with his fingers.

  Kane grinned, blood dripping from his chin, teeth stained with it. “I’ll buy you another fucking suit. Now you want this one or not? He’s clean, no drugs.”

  Asier’s stare pinned on the male struggling on his knees. Fangs elongating, he left his chair in one fluid motion. The beat of his prey’s heart was a heavy, frightened pounding in his ears. Breathing in deeply, his eyes rolled back in his head for a moment as he savoured the smell of fear. There was nothing else like it. It roused every predatory instinct. Grabbing hold of Gregor’s collar he jerked him up. Without a second thought, Asier sank his fangs deep.

  Gregor struggled frantically. There was no escaping this. His death was imminent. Thick and quenching, Asier’s victim’s blood filled his mouth.

  Music was pounding throughout the dimly lit hall. Packed with so many people, it made the place hot and sticky as they danced. A mix of pungent odour filled Jasmine’s nose. She could sense many supernaturals among the crowd of revellers enjoying the music of the heavy metal band.

  The different signatures pulsed against her sixth sense with the rhythm of the song. Eyes roaming over the moving sea of bodies, she tried to pick out the owners. It was not so easy. Not when they blended in so well. Shifters were plentiful, but not all of them were werewolves. Vampires were also present.

  It made her start to wonder if the person they were looking for wasn’t human at all. Jasmine checked her watch. It was just after nine in the evening. The place in north London was already busy as this new up and coming band was popular.

  Something wet hit the back of her neck making her jump. Spinning around, she found one of her workmates, Fergus, standing a few paces behind her. He was staring at her with an impish expression. The worn jeans and Iron Maiden t-shirt he was wearing could barely contain his muscular form. He was built like a boxer with heavyset muscles. The strobe lighting coming off the stage was bouncing off his smooth bald head.

  The werewolf’s eyes, which were a dazzling shade of amber, were watching her with mischief. They reflected his playful personality. In his hand was a small yellow plastic water pistol. Grinning evilly, he pulled the trigger again.

  Squealing, Jasmine leapt back jostling some dancers, but it was not enough to escape the jet of icy water. Raising a hand she wiped the liquid quickly from her face. Damp splashes had soaked her sweatshirt, which had the lead singer of Kiss blazoned across the front.

  “Twitch did you give Fergus a water gun?” Jasmine muttered, knowing the mage could hear her through the magical earpiece they were all wearing. This was more than likely his doing.

  “Maybe.” Came the raspy, giggling reply.

  Glancing up at one of the cameras, which were situated around the club, Jasmine raised a middle finger and flipped him off. She knew the techno mage had tapped into the security system and was watching their backs. A burst of laughter came through the device in her ear.

  “Don’t you dare squirt me again!” Jasmine told Fergus, waggling a finger his way. “Go and annoy Gemma.”

  The wolf though had already tucked the water pistol safely away into the waistband of his worn jeans.

  “What the fuck is going on over there?” The voice of their boss suddenly barked down the line.

  “Nothing Boss.” Fergus murmured, trying to contain his grin. “Just me and Jaz having some fun.” The earpieces they were wearing managed to let them hear each other perfectly over the wailing of the lead singer up on stage.

  “You’re supposed to be working, not messing about. Now get on with your damn job.” Mark growled back with irritation.

  “That guy really needs to get laid.” Fergus complained to Jasmine as he reached her side. “Maybe it might mellow him the hell out.”

  “You know I can still hear you, right?” Their boss’s disembodied voice responded back.

  Gemma their fifth and final co-worker’s amused laughter filter across the line.

  “Mutt you think everything can be solved by having a good hard fuck.”

  Fergus’s gaze scanned the throng as he searched for her among the dancers. “Oh baby cakes you know first-hand how good I can be.” Teasing his bottom lip with his tongue, his expression turned coy.

  “Could you please focus people?” Mark snapped. His annoyance seemed to be growing, which was never a good sign. “You’re supposed to be looking for one of the local drug dealers, not playing out an episode of Love Island.”

  “Ohhh I love that show.” Came Twitch’s muffled reply.

  Fergus rolled his eyes. Moving off into the crowd, he left Jasmine to make her way around the edge of the room. Jasmine could feel the heavy metal music thumping through her body and vibrating in the pit of her stomach. It was making her feel sick. The dancers around her were lost in the ear splitting beat. Head banging as they thrashed their arms and stomped their feet. Sweat glistened on their ecstatic faces. Taking a deep breath, Jasmine continued moving slowly around the perimeter. There were too many in the middle of the dance pit, and she did not want to be swallowed. Fergus was f
ar better at dealing with that. Plus she doubted any of the drug dealers would be in the centre of the heaving mosh. No. They would be somewhere a little less crowded.

  Gemma was somewhere across the hall, staking out the other side. Mark was in the surveillance van with Twitch. It was up to them to dig out any shady looking characters.

  They were all dressed to fit in. So far it seemed to be working and no one suspected the law was among them. Jasmine had not bothered with a bag. The few things she needed were stuffed into the pockets of her sweatshirt. These were magical pockets Twitch had created for her. You could never fit big objects, but it was much more than normal. His spells bent the space around the area. She was not completely sure how it worked, but it was cool. Her front door keys, money, I.D, and a little gadget Twitch had given her were all safely tucked away without any obvious indication that they were there, as everything remained flat within. Another perk of the mage’s enchantment.

  Jasmine’s eyes suddenly landed on a familiar looking back. Long blonde braids hung around his shoulders and there was no mistaking Kane’s titan like frame. What was Asier’s second doing at the concert? Maybe he was into the band that was playing? The big vamp did look like he could be a bit of a heavy metal fan.

  No. He wasn’t focused on the stage she realised, but something in front of him.

  Jasmine watched his body language intently. He was tense. His brawny form taught with tension beneath the tight black t-shirt. As he moved slightly to the side, she noticed the woman who had been blocked from view. She was wearing a dark purple skirt, which was so long it trailed along the floor. Her slender figure was shown off in a tight black corset, which advertised an ample bosom.

  Her hair was white as snow, and lay in a smooth plait over her right shoulder. Almond shaped eyes the colour of silver were fringed with thick black eyelashes. She was beautiful in an unearthly way. With a small pert nose, a pouty generous mouth, and skin so flawless and pale it was almost as white as her hair. Jasmine did not miss the sharp points to her ears. An elf.


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