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Sorry Ain't Enough 2

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by Tiana Grover

  Previously in Sorry Ain’t Enough…


  It was November fifteenth, Sierra’s birthday. I had a big surprise dinner in store for her at Le Mont with all of her family and friends. I decided to do it big for her. While she was out getting her hair done, I picked up the engagement ring that I had specifically designed for her. It was a platinum band in the shape of a heart. Two small diamonds about a half a carat were on the left and right side. The actual solitaire diamond in the setting was five carats and was the clearest thing I had ever seen. Inside of it, I had the words Always My Honey inscribed. It was perfect.

  We had been together almost a year. I had dealt with every other female in my life way longer than that, but none of them made me feel the way that Sierra did. She just did it for me. Her smile, the way she laughed, her intelligence. Everything about her made me want to be a better man for her. I loved the ground she walked on. She was perfect for me.

  I had just pulled up to the crib when my phone rang. I saw it was Bree and sighed. She had been blowing me up ever since I had made things right with Sierra. Since I was done with the arms trafficking business, I had no reason to talk to her anymore. I decided that today was as good a day as any to let her know that anything we had going on in the past was a done deal. I at least owed it to her to tell her that instead of ignoring her the way that I had. She had been good to me and had looked out for me over the years.

  “Yo,” I answered. I tried to think of the best way to tell her I was done with her for good. I was about to really be a one woman man, for real this time.

  “Well Prince, it’s nice to finally hear your voice.”

  I wasn’t even gone lie to her and tell her that it was nice to hear hers. It was my woman’s birthday and I was ready to go celebrate it. “I’m glad you called Bree. Listen…”

  “No, you listen. I been looking out for your ass for years. I’ve known all about all your other women and never said a thing about them…”

  “Why would you?” I cut her off. “That’s none of your business. I ain’t never said shit about your husband.”

  “Did I ever tell you I had a husband?”

  I looked at my phone like she was crazy. “Uh yea, you told me you were married since day one. What are you talking about?”

  “Yes! I said that I was married. I never said to a man.”

  “Okay…” I wondered where she was going with this.

  “Prince, I’ll give it to you straight.”

  “Please do. I have something important to do and you wasting my time,” I said shortly as I looked at Sierra’s engagement ring. I couldn’t wait to see her beautiful face when I proposed to her. I was so ready to make her my wife.

  “The woman that was with us, she’s my wife. She found out about you and wanted to see what it was about you that made me love you so much. She wanted to know why I couldn’t leave you alone, even after she gave me an ultimatum to do so. So I decided to share you with her.”

  Even though I was about to take a major step in my life by asking Sierra to marry me, I couldn’t help but to think of that fine ass Tahiry lookalike. That was some of the best pussy and head I ever had in my life.

  “She’s pregnant, Prince.”

  I shrugged. “So? What you telling me for? I hit that months ago.”

  “Yea, back in July. She’s four months pregnant Prince!” She sounded like she was crying. “She tried to keep it from me but she can’t hide it anymore. I want nothing else to do with her. I can’t even look at her the same! I was supposed to be the one that had your baby Prince! It was supposed to be me…”

  I didn’t hear a word she said after four months pregnant. I sat there and thought back to the night in that motel room. I was so infatuated with the Tahiry look alike that I broke my golden rule and slid in her raw. I never planned on it, but when she sat on my dick in the Jacuzzi, I damn sure didn’t push her off of me.

  I leaned my head back against my headrest and closed my eyes. Thoughts of Sierra flooded my mind. After the big blow out we had from that night, and the way she had really refused to speak to me for a whole month afterwards, I was so glad to be back to normal. After Art’s, we never discussed that night again. She thought I had been with Chloe and even though I hadn’t been, I let her think that. It was better than her knowing the truth in my opinion, that I was busy having a threesome all night long. Now I had to deal with this shit.

  I had no idea how I was going to tell her this. We were doing so good. I hadn’t been running around on her or cheating on her, nothing. For once in my life, I was on the straight and narrow. I was actually faithful. I was doing everything I said I would. I was ready to make this thing official and ask her to be my wife! Now this shit.

  I had no idea how I would break this news to her but I knew that I would have to. I didn’t want to hide anything from her anymore. Even if this wasn’t my baby, I knew the fact that a woman could say that she was possibly pregnant by me was bad enough. Especially since it happened on that night. I would have to explain how I knew this chick and I didn’t even know her name. Telling Sierra that chick in question was actually one of my sideline’s wife wouldn’t make the situation any better. There was no way to break this shit to her gently.

  For me to even have to put her through this and hurt her again was killing me. I owed her the biggest apology in the world but I had no idea where to start. I knew sorry wouldn’t cut it.

  “Prince? Are you still there? Prince! Maria said she’s on her way over there to tell you herself,” Bree was saying in my ear. That brought me back to reality real quick. “She should probably be there by now.”

  “What? Naw she can’t come over here! My woman lives with me now!” I yelled. Since they were law officials, I didn’t even bother wondering how she had gotten my address. Both of them probably been knew it. That ain’t mean shit and wouldn’t mean shit to Sierra if she saw this chick before I even told her what was going on.

  The moment those words flew out of my mouth, Sierra was pulling up in her Charger. At the same time, a blue Jeep Cherokee parked across the street and a sexy Latina climbed out of it and headed straight to my car. Sierra, who had been walking towards my car as well, cocked her neck back and glared at the chick.

  “Your woman?” Bree said in surprise, but I ignored her.

  It was about to go down, and knowing Sierra it wasn’t about to be pretty.

  Now on to Sorry Ain’t Enough 2…

  Chapter One

  “Ooh I gotta hunch something ain’t right”

  Changing Faces “Foolin’ Around”


  I couldn’t remember the last time I was as excited as I was today. It was November fifteenth, my twenty second birthday, and my man had been dropping hints that he had something really special planned for me all week. Just this morning he’d woke me up to breakfast in bed, a beautiful diamond tennis bracelet, and five thousand dollars. I refused the money, but he insisted I take it to get myself ready for tonight. Prince could be very persuasive, so that’s exactly what I did.

  I found a bad ass orange bondage dress in Bebe, paired it with nude Jimmy Choos from Nordstrom’s, then went to get my hair, nails and makeup done. I had been on cloud nine all day. Prince kept saying that he had something planned that I would love. I couldn’t wait to see exactly what that was.

  We had gone through more than a few ups and downs in our relationship, but one things for certain and two’s for sure, Prince loved the hell outta me. Of that, I was sure. He had no problem showing me just how much he loved me either, which was why I was so excited to see what we were doing tonight. With him being so secretive and all, I was knew that whatever he planned had to be something big. I couldn’t wait to see what it

  I pulled up to our house and smiled at the sight of my baby sitting in his white Denali. Prince was the sexiest man walking this planet in my eyes. Everything about him turned me on to the fullest, from his chestnut brown skin; to his sparkling dark eyes; those full lips I loved to kiss and suck on; and those long dreads that fell damn near to the middle of his back that he always kept shaped up. He stayed fly but understated at the same time. Prince would have on a basic white tee with some Levi jeans and some fifteen hundred Salvatore Ferragamo sneakers on his feet. He didn’t feel the need to be flashy. His whole aura screamed that he was a boss; he didn’t need all that extra shit and I loved that about him.

  Prince had women from eight to eighty blind, crippled or crazy turn their necks to look at him when he stepped in the room. His presence was just strong like that without him ever having to say a word. I loved my baby to death. Every time I saw him my heart melted, even when I was pissed off at him. No matter what we went through I couldn’t stop the way I felt about him even if I wanted to; that man held the keys to my heart. Every time I tried to leave him, I always ended up right back with him or just staying altogether. It was all a front on my end anyway; I knew good and damn well I wasn’t going anywhere. I loved him way too much to live without him. Prince knew it too.

  I hopped out of my Dodge Charger. I didn’t even worry about the bags I had in my car; I knew that Prince would grab them, the same way he always did. Whenever he was around, I didn’t have to lift a finger if I didn’t want to. He would spoil me rotten if I allowed him to. He didn’t even want me to work, but I still held onto my job at Macy’s. Prince paid all of the bills; I had to maintain some type of independence.

  The same time as I was approaching his car, I noticed a pretty Spanish chick marching across the street with a pissed off expression on her face. I felt sorry for whomever she was going to see… until I noticed she was heading in my direction. My attitude changed immediately. I snapped my neck back and glared at this chick.

  “Excuse me,” she snapped as she tried to get around me. It was then that I noticed her heated expression was focused on Prince’s truck.

  “You ain’t excused,” I retorted as I folded my arms across my chest and refused to budge. I normally wasn’t one to start a fight or anything like that unless I felt disrespected or threatened. The way this chick looked definitely made me feel some type of way, especially since she attempted to get to my man’s ride. There was no way in the world I was about to let that go down. I didn’t know who she was but I was determined to find out.


  I turned at hearing Prince’s nickname for me. He had gotten out of his truck and was heading towards me. From the look on this chick’s face, I could tell that I was right in my assumption that she was here to see him.

  He walked up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss.

  “Prince, I need to speak to you,” the chick said impatiently.

  I raised my eyebrow at her boldness, then glared at him. Who was this broad? I could tell from her demeanor that she wasn’t a family member or a friend. She was here on some other shit and she certainly wasn’t impressed by his little public display of affection with me. It clearly didn’t bother her that he had a woman either. I could only be but so mad at her though. The fact that she was here spoke volumes to me. In my opinion, it meant he was slipping while he was out here doing his dirt. Again. All of the loving thoughts I’d just been having only seconds before vanished as I entertained the that he just might be out here still fucking around on me. I had decided to trust him again against my better judgment after the last time, when I decided to listen to my heart and not my head. If he had gone and violated my trust again, I wouldn’t hesitate to walk out on him.

  I wanted to go off on him for having any type of drama around me, and on my birthday no less but I wouldn’t dare show my ass in front of her. Instead I just glared at her, then looked back at him and asked, “Baby, who is she?”

  He looked at me but didn’t say anything for a few seconds. As I returned his stare, I saw guilt creep into his eyes and slowly spread across his face. I looked at the chick, then back at him again.

  “Prince,” I said firmly, my voice growing louder as my heart raced and stomach sank at all the possibilities of why a woman that I didn’t know felt comfortable enough to confront my man in front of me at our home. “Who. Is. She?”

  He didn’t respond right away. His grip tightened around my waist, as if he was trying to prevent me from escaping or getting away from him. “Baby don’t even worry about who she is. It’s not important. It’s your day. Go on in the house and get ready, I’ll bring your bags in. She’s a nobody.”

  “She’s a somebody if she could come to our front door to speak to you!” I snapped. I felt myself starting to lose all composure, which was the last thing I wanted to do in front of this mystery chick but I couldn’t help it. I knew deep down that Prince was bullshitting me and it was pissing me off. “Now who the fuck is she?”

  She sighed loudly. “Since he won’t introduce me, I guess I’ll have to do it. I’m Judge Maria Santiago and I have no time for these types of games. I need to speak to Prince alone regarding a serious legal matter. If you could give us about a minute or two of privacy, I would greatly appreciate it. We have an important issue to take care of, then I’ll leave and you two can go on about your day.”

  I looked at Prince as he breathed a sigh of relief. I stood there wondering why a judge would bother to come see Prince. Even though I knew he was into some illegal activity, that shit wasn’t normal. I never knew exactly what it was that he did but he had plenty money, the swagger of a boss and no job. I wasn’t naïve enough to believe that he wasn’t out there on the streets. He swore he’d gone legit the day he opened a chain of Laundromats and dry cleaners all over the city. With this judge popping up over here, I didn’t know what to think. Had he lied to me? Was she corrupt and he owed her some money for keeping him out of jail? My mind was all over the place.

  Prince kissed my cheek again. “Baby go on in the house and get ready. I just have a few things to speak to the judge about and we’ll be on our way to do it big for your day aight? It’s still all about you. Nothing will ever change that,” he said so seriously that I had no choice but to believe him.

  That is, until I took another look at Maria. Judge or not, this broad was bad as hell. Her face was beyond beautiful and she was built better than a brick house. Her waist was so small and her ass was so fat I could see it from the front. For once I actually felt insecure around another woman. I wasn’t a damn fool. This chick looked way too good to leave alone around my man.

  She must have sensed my apprehension because she rolled her eyes, sighed again and flashed her left hand, showing off a gleaming set of wedding rings. “Look, I’m married. The sooner you let us speak in private, the sooner he will be all yours again sweetheart.”

  The way she said sweetheart sounded very condescending to my ears. I opened my mouth to say something else but Prince stopped me by planting a soft kiss on my lips.

  “Trust me baby, he murmured. “It’s nothing like you’re thinking it is.”

  Reluctantly, I walked away from them and towards the house.

  “Babe I’ll get your bags from the car aight? I love you!” he called after me.

  I nodded and didn’t bother to respond as I entered our home. I tried to get back into the same mood I’d been in all day but I just couldn’t. Instead. I walked to the window in our living room and peeked out of it.

  I couldn’t shake the feeling that judge or not, something wasn’t right with Maria Santiago.

  Chapter Two

  “I gotta figure it out/ Can’t let no p***y come before my baby”

  Trey Songz “Last Time”


  I waited until Sierra was in the house with the door closed before I spoke one word to Maria.

  “Why the fuck would you come to my house yo?” I snapped at her.

sp; “Oh please, don’t act like you don’t know why,” she replied with a wave of her hand. “Bree told me she would call you to tell you I was coming over here so cut the bullshit.”

  I looked back towards my crib. I couldn’t see her, but I knew Sierra like the back of my hand. She was definitely in there watching us.

  I tried to be discreet as I turned my gaze back to Maria. I focused on her stomach. The little bump there wasn’t that noticeable, at least not to most people. People who had never seen her naked before wouldn’t notice it, but since I had, even though it was only once, it stuck out like a sore thumb to me. I gotta be honest though… everything about Maria stuck out to me.

  Now don’t get it fucked up. I loved Sierra. I swear to God I did. Today I planned on asking her to be my wife. I was not complete without her. I could not function without her. There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

  Still… I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a strong attraction to Maria. I’d just learned her name when she said it to Sierra, so it was nothing but a pure physical attraction, but it was still there nonetheless. The more I remembered the one night I spent with her, the stronger it got.

  “It’s my woman’s birthday so I’m gone have to get at you later. As you can see, it’s not a very good time for me.”

  Maria just stared with me with those big dark eyes. We were both silent, but the chemistry between us was so strong that I knew she could feel it too. After a moment of silence, she finally spoke. “I hope this doesn’t become a problem when our baby gets here, you putting your woman before your child.”

  Talk about a sucker punch to the gut. All of the lustful thoughts I’d been having towards Maria just seconds before disappeared as I remembered the real reason why she was here.

  I ran my hand down my face and shook my head. “I’ll get at you later,” I repeated.

  She slid me a business card. “Make sure you do. I don’t want to have to play dirty, but you should know I’m well aware of your involvement with Jeff Simmons and his arms trafficking operation. I would hate for that information to land in the wrong hands,” She shrugged her shoulders. “A pesky DA looking for a come up would love for that information to land on his desk,” She patted my shoulder. “So when you think about getting at me to discuss what we have going on here, you might wanna think about that as well.”


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