by Tiana Grover
He shook his head. “At Mya’s pops. She decided to go look at expanding her bakeries some more and took them over there at the last minute.”
I noticed he seemed a little upset, which was saying a lot. Nas always had his poker face on. I hoped nothing was going wrong with him and Mya. He owned plenty of businesses and she had a chain of bakeries all over the city. They were perfect together in my eyes. “What’s wrong with that? Ain’t nothing like a woman that wants to make her own money.” I thought of Sierra and felt a pang in my heart at her absence. I missed the hell out of her.
Nas snorted. “I ain’t got no problem with that. The problem is that she’s letting that shit take over now. That’s all she wants to do is work, work and more work. I’m ready to knock her ass up again just so she can sit down.”
We both laughed at that. Then Nas looked at me seriously.
“So here’s the real reason I called you over here…Yo, what’s the deal with you and your cousin? Are y’all partners or not?”
I frowned and sipped my beer. “I let him look over things to make sure they ran right, and he’s doing a good job.”
“That ain’t what I asked you though. I asked if y’all were partners?” Nas repeated.
“I mean… naw, not really,” I confessed. “I let him manage shit so he can stay out of trouble. I don’t want to see him going back upstate. But as far as the money and all that, naw that’s all me. You know that. We did the deal for Latte together.”
“Exactly my point. So why does he expect to see some money out of our deal?”
I put the beer down. “Wait, what?”
“Yeah. I met with him a few weeks ago and he was on some I’m ready to get the ball rolling type shit. I told him I had already started with you, and if he had any questions he needed to holla at you. I thought that was the end of it, but now the nigga hit me asking when the deal was signed between us so he would know when to expect his share,” Nas looked at me seriously. “I know he don’t know how business goes, so maybe you need to school him and tell him to stand down. He’s trying to eat at the table with the bosses but he ain’t one. I could see if he put some money up, but you telling me he didn’t so…”
I shook my head. “I’ll talk to him.”
“Make sure you do. And make sure he keeping his nose clean too. I don’t want nothing to happen to him.”
I looked at him. “What that mean? You hear something?”
“Just a little rumor on the streets that he owe Kas some bread.”
I scrunched my face up. I knew exactly who Kaseem was. He went from flunky to a force to be reckoned with in these streets. Still, I had made sure Javon had been straight since he came home. He had no reason to be involved with any street shit. “Why would he owe Kas money? He don’t even fuck with that street shit no more.”
“If you say so,” Nas responded, but he sounded unconvinced.
The rest of the visit we kicked back and chilled. I had never had a nigga close to me outside of my cousin, but Nas was cool as shit. Plus he was smart and something like a legend around the way. I knew I could only become wiser by being in his presence.
I went home and made up my mind that I would have a talk with Javon in the morning. He needed to learn the way that business actually worked. The money that would come from the back end from me and Nas joining forces would belong to me and Nas. I would pay him handsomely for the job he was doing from my cut but he needed to know that it was my cut. Not his.
When I arrived home, I saw Chloe sitting on my steps. Just what I didn’t need right now. I knew I had made a big mistake fucking with her again, which was why I had backed away from her. I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea, but it seemed like it was too late now.
I took a deep breath as I got out my truck. I knew she had to be upset to be over here waiting for me like this. It was wintertime, yet she was sitting outside like she wasn’t cold. My head started to pound at the thought of yet another emotional confrontation.
I gave her a quick hug and unlocked the door so she could come in and get warm.
“Why were you waiting outside like that?” I asked her.
“If I had a key I wouldn’t have to wait,” she responded.
Such a dumb ass comment didn’t deserve a reply. She knew better. “So what’s good, what brings you here?”
“You, Prince. Where have you been? Why haven’t I seen you?”
“I got a lot going on right now Chloe,” I told her honestly. “I’m about to have a baby, I’m opening a new business… I don’t have time to sit around and be with you all day.”
“You have time to be with me at night though,” she insisted. “And since you ain’t been with me nigga, who you been with?”
This is gone come as a shock to everyone, but surprisingly, I had been sleeping alone. I didn’t want to be with anyone if it wasn’t Sierra. I had too much going on to worry about a female if she wasn’t my woman. Like most niggas, I had learned that lesson a little bit too late.
“Nobody,” I replied.
“Huh!” she scoffed. “I don’t believe you.”
I was too drained for this shit. Everyday it seemed like I was arguing with someone in my life because I wasn’t doing what they thought I should be doing. Chloe definitely had no rights to call me out. In the grand scheme of things, she wasn’t a priority to me.
“I don’t care if you do,” I snapped at her. “I don’t owe you any explanations.”
“Oh you don’t? I only been riding with you for ten years and you don’t owe me shit nigga? How you gone say that to me? I bet you don’t talk to Sierra like that.”
“You ain’t Sierra!” I yelled at her. “You ain’t! So stop bringing her up all the time! You want the truth? Yeah I talk to Sierra differently than I talk to you, I treated her differently than I treat you, because that was my woman. I was gone marry her and you know that. You ain’t her and you never will be so stop trying. Just be cool with being you.”
Tears streamed down her face. I felt like an asshole. I ain’t mean to hurt her feelings but shit, she needed to know. I don’t know how she expected me to treat her as my woman when she wasn’t my damn woman! She was insanely jealous of Sierra.
“Just go home, Chloe,” I told her quietly. “Trying to do this with you was a mistake. It always has been.”
She glared at me so hard that if looks could kill, I would be dead on the spot. “Have a nice life Prince,” she said in a deathly quiet tone. Then she left.
I plopped down on my couch and felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
Chapter Twenty-Three
“Fuck around I have to go and reinforce the glock”
Nicki Minaj ft. Lil Wayne “Roman Reloaded”
I left Prince’s house, pissed. I was sick of him taking me and my love for granted. Just like a typical nigga, he couldn’t see the forest for the trees. I was what he needed. Me and no one else. Only he didn’t seem to see that because she was in the way.
He treated her like gold and treated me like shit. I used to think that since they were broken up, I would have him to myself. Only this wasn’t the case at all. The bitch was gone, he hadn’t spoken to her in months and she was still a threat to my relationship. I was sick of this bitch and decided she had to be eliminated for good.
I had no thoughts, just actions as I drove downtown to Macy’s. I walked in and saw that she was in fact working late, just like I assumed she would be since she was in college. I stayed low around the store, shooing off various people who tried to help me until I saw the bitch clock out. She walked out of the store and I followed her. I noticed she was headed to a parking garage right next door. She was so busy talking on her cell phone that she paid me no mind.
“Of course I missed you, Leon,” she cooed into the phone. “I’m gonna go home and take a bath first. Then I might slip into a little something that’s easy for you to slip off.”
See this shit?
The whole time I was trying to win Prince’s heart back, he was stuck on her and here she was fucking and sucking another nigga. I was about to do him a favor.
She disappeared into the garage, still sweet-talking on her phone. Since it was late, I had been able to park right on the street. I stayed low in my car and waited for hers to emerge. I knew exactly what it looked like from stalking Prince’s house so many times.
I followed her, patiently waiting for my moment. I got it on a deserted section of Forbes Avenue on the Hill. The streetlights were broken and we were too far up the street from Duquesne University for there to be any surveillance cameras. I tapped her bumper, not hard, just enough for her to pull over. She got out of the car and marched over to my car. When I didn’t respond right away, she tapped on my window impatiently. I cocked the safety off the Glock I kept in a hidden compartment in my car. Being with Prince for so long I had learned more than enough about how to handle guns. He had showed me everything I needed to know and made sure I knew how to use them properly.
I lowered my window with a devilish smirk.
When she saw my face her eyes narrowed. “What the fuck, are you stalking me now?” she snapped.
“Yeah I am… So I can give you this bitch!” With no remorse, I fired three shots. Two to her stomach and one to her chest, then watched in satisfaction as she hit the ground.
Then I pulled off, laughing the entire way home.
To be continued…
Sorry Ain’t Enough 2
Copyright © 2015 by Tiana Grover
Published by Don Dyvas Publications
All rights reserved
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales or, is entirely coincidental.
No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without writer permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Don Dyvas Publications
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