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Knock Me Up, Boss: A Bad Boy Office Romance

Page 99

by Juliana Conners

  He sighs.

  “Wait a minute,” I say, finally reading the rest of the notes. “These minutes don’t say she reported us for anything. They just say she has nothing to report. And then for the last couple of meetings, she hasn’t even shown up.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” Marino says, hanging his head. “She’s a fucking spy. I knew it was too good to be true.”

  “Poor little Marino,” Samantha says, shaking her head and making a tsking noise. “Always too trusting.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” he asks, glaring at her.

  “First me, now Jessica.”

  Samantha laughs a cruel and evil- sounding cackle.

  “What do you mean first you? I’m fucking over you,” Marino says, getting louder and angrier.

  “Yeah but it’s only because I wanted Dante, not you,” she says.

  “You didn’t want me,” I tell her. “You just wanted the club.”

  “Oh I wanted The Fun House all right,” she says. “And I’ll have it. But I wanted you too and I had you. Right in this very spot, in fact. When we had those drinks and then we went back to your place…”

  “Shut up,” I hiss, but it’s too late.

  Marino is crestfallen, having just found out the extent of the secret relationship I’d had with Samantha. He downs the rest of his drink and then splits.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I ask Samantha. “You just like to go around hurting people, rubbing things in their faces that you know will upset them?”

  “You had your chance with me,” she says, with a shrug. “And you didn’t want it. But there are things that I still want.”

  “You’re not getting The Fun House,” I tell her.

  “You and Dante don’t even plan to keep it,” she says. “It’s too dangerous for you. I know you have plans for different avenues of making money. So leave The Fun House to me. I even have the money to buy it. Life as a dancer at Cheeky Girls isn’t as bad as you made it sound. And I know you’ll give me a discount.”

  “I’m not selling it to you,” I tell her. “And I’m definitely not giving you a discount. You’re a fucking fool if you think I’m still enamored with you in any way whatsoever. Especially after what you just did to Marino.”

  “Oh, I know you’re not enamored with me anymore,” she says, flipping her crazy curls. “And the non-feeling is mutual. But you’re going to give me a discount because I have something on you.”

  “What do you have on me?” I ask her. “What do you mean?”

  “I have everything on you,” she says. “I know about all the coke the dancers were doing in the back room. The sex they were having in the VIP room. You might have cleaned up your act to keep your nose out of trouble and raise the level of clientele after Jessica showed up, but I still know enough about what you used to do to have you go down on drug and prostitution ring charges.”

  “You wouldn’t,” I tell her, feeling so sick to my stomach that I can’t even finish my drink.

  “Oh I would,” she says. “You underestimated me. I told you to give me what I wanted or else you’d pay. And I know people who know people. How do you think I got these meeting minutes?”

  “Oh please,” I tell her, laughing in her face. “We all know that half of the state government frequents The Fun House.”

  I can’t believe I never put two and two together. Of course the hypocrites who enjoy what we have to offer are the same ones who want to shut us down. I just never pegged Jessica as a fucking senator. She was that good as a stripper.

  “Senator Sentara is more than just one of my regulars,” Samantha brags. “He’s one of my best clients in all possible ways, if you know what I mean. And he’s the one heading up this investigation. Why do you think that is?”

  I just scowl at her, too upset to even speak.

  “He wants to hand over the keys to yours truly,” she says. “And if Jessica doesn’t deliver the goods then I have the information that will help him do that.”

  So if Jessica doesn’t report us than Samantha will, I think. Great.

  “Well thanks for the nice little chat,” I tell her, determined not to show her how much she’s fucking gotten to me. “But I have a club to save.”

  “Good luck trying to do that,” she laughs, as I walk out.

  But even more so than saving The Fun House, I’m worried about saving my relationship with my brother. I know we can get through anything together. But only if we’re on the same side.

  Chapter 24 – Marino

  I can’t fucking believe it. Why am I always the one getting screwed over?

  I knew that Samantha had fallen for Dante more than she had fallen for me but I didn’t know he had deceived me to this extent. I didn’t know he had taken her on a date and brought her to our place. While I was working at The Fun House no doubt. Leave it to Dante to make me do the dirty work while he has all the fun.

  I wonder what he’s done with Jessica behind my back. If he could go to these lengths with Samantha then I’m sure he’s gone there with Jessica. And that hurts even more, because Samantha was nothing compared to Jessica.

  I’d thought we’d really had something there with Jessica. But Jessica only ever came to see us because she had it out for us. And Dante clearly can’t be trusted.

  Fuck them. They’re probably together right now. They deserve each other. Two deceptive little peas in a pod.

  I look down at my phone and have two missed calls. They’re from Dante. Surprisingly none are from Jessica.

  Maybe she doesn’t know what’s going on. I guess that means Dante’s not with her. I don’t even know what to make of anything anymore. Apparently I’m always in the dark about my own fucking life.

  After driving around feeling sorry for myself, I go home, determined to confront Dante. I’ll tell him I’m done giving in to what he wants. Done being half of the Rossi brothers but not even getting a quarter of the respect. I’m going to set off on my own.

  But he isn’t here. On the counter is a legal document giving me full control of all business decisions for The Fun House, and a note from Dante.


  You’ve always been the brains of this operation. I’ll let you make all the decisions now. It’s the least I can do. Please call me back. I’m sorry, Brother.


  I grab the document and think about crinkling it up in my hand but I know I’ll need it. Fuck Dante. If this is his peace offering he can stick it up his ass.

  I think about my past, growing up in Dante’s shadow. He had always been the one providing for us, rescuing us, making all the decisions. I was grateful for it but now I just feel resentful.

  He probably thinks that because he always took care of me, he’s in charge and can do whatever he wants. He can even keep for himself what he had promised to share with me.

  Well, not this time. I’m taking what’s fucking mine.

  I drive to Jessica’s place, determined to act cool, calm and collected. I’m going to fuck her alone, without Dante’s permission, and I know she’ll let me.

  I see the way she looks at me. She’s in love with me. Sure, she’s in love with Dante too but for once I’m going to be the one to steal her away from him.

  Then I’ll break her heart before she can break mine. I’ll tell her that I’m done with her, and she’s free to run and squeal about us to her fucking senate committee. Because I’ll be done with Dante too. My name will be off of The Fun House and all interests and liabilities will be his.

  But when I get to Jessica’s apartment, she’s not there either. I pound on the door but there’s no answer. I call her, but there’s still no answer.

  If she and Dante have gone off somewhere together I’m going to fucking kill them.

  I think about her glistening eyes, her soft laugh and her warm, welcoming pussy.

  I guess she’s using me to further her career just like Samantha did. But I still can’t get her out of my fucking mind.

p; I never should have let her walk into The Fun House. Or into my life. Because now I don’t want to let her out of it, no matter what she’s done.

  Chapter 25 – Jessica

  I hand in my report by sliding it under Senator Sentara’s door. And then I head to The Fun House.

  I never thought I would commit career suicide like this. But then again, I never thought I’d do any of the things I’ve done since agreeing to go undercover and especially since meeting the Rossi brothers.

  And I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. They’ve opened up a side of me that I never even knew existed.

  Now I just hope it’s not too late to save what I know we have together.

  I walk into the office and find Dante and Marino huddled together, talking fervently. They look up at me as I walk in, as if they’re surprised to see me here.

  “What are you doing here?” Dante asks me, sounding annoyed.

  I’ve known that something was up ever since they had to leave the other night. And I’m prepared for whatever they have to say to me. But I just hope they’ll hear me out, because I have something I want to say to them.

  “I came to tell you that my initial reasons for coming to The Fun House were not as I presented them,” I admit.

  “No shit,” Dante says.

  “I admit, initially I was here as an enemy,” I continue. “But something happened. I fell in love with you.”

  “With who?” Marino says, barely looking up at me.

  “With both of you.”

  Two handsome sets of eyes stare back at me, but not in the way that they once did.

  “I just came to give you this,” I tell them, and hand Marino a copy of the same report I’d given to the committee earlier.

  He lays it on the desk.

  “That’s fine, Jessica. But I don’t want to read anything. I just want to fuck you one more time. And then never look at your traitorous face again.”


  I look back and forth at Marino and Dante. I’m surprised that they want to have anything to do with me, if they know the truth about me, which I’m assuming they do.

  “Look, Doll,” Dante says, with the reserved air of someone who barely knows me. “I thought long and hard about what to do about you. You caused a big rift between Marino and I.”

  Marino glares at me, as if to confirm it.

  “But I told him that even though I’ve made mistakes in the past, I was totally above board with you. Which is more than I can say about you.”

  “Dante, Marino, I…”

  “Be quiet,” Dante says. “I’m talking. I told him that you and I have never met up without him knowing. We’ve never been together without him knowing.”

  “Of course not,” I say, when I’m sure he’s finished talking. “I love what I have with both of you…”

  “Be quiet,” Dante says. “I know you do. And that’s why I figured that the best punishment would be for us to leave you. But not until we have our way with you, one last time.”

  My body stiffens with excitement and a mixture of emotions. I’m upset that I won’t get to see them again. But I’m also excited to be with them one last time, which is more than I expected.

  “I’m glad that you and Dante were never alone with each other,” Marino says. “And I know that even if you started out to hurt us, you really did feel something for us.”

  “I did,” I assure him. “I do.”

  “But too late for that now,” Marino continues. “There is loyalty among brothers, forgiveness no matter what. But that doesn’t extend to you.”

  He gulps, as if he’s maybe second guessing what he’s saying. As if perhaps there’s still some hope.

  But then he swallows with resolve.

  “So that’s why it has to be over,” he pronounces. “After this.”

  “Dance for us one last time,” Dante says.

  I obediently sway from side to side.

  “I need some music,” I tell him.

  He goes to the computer and turns on Aaliyah’s Baby Baby Baby.

  “Take off your clothes,” he says.

  I continue dancing while shedding my clothes. Dante’s eyes travel up and down my naked body, taking in every bare part of me. But Marino’s eyes don’t leave my own. They look hurt, but also turned on.

  “I know you like dancing for us,” he says. “Even if you didn’t think you would.”

  I want to tell him he couldn’t be more right. That’s exactly what happened. I danced for them and fell in love with them.

  But I don’t talk. I just dance as I’m told, now totally naked as both sets of eyes keep staring at me.

  “And I know you only like dancing for us, not all of those guys out there,” Dante says, nodding towards the main floor where right now other dancers are on stage.

  He’s right too. At first I enjoyed the power of many eyes looking at me, wanting me, paying me to dance for them. But as soon as I was with Dante and Marino, all I wanted to do was dance for them. So it’s a good thing they always wanted it that way too.

  “Come here,” Marino says, his hand patting the desk on which Dante had just put the report I gave them.

  I walk up to it and he bends me over the desk. Dante takes off his tie and ties my arms up to a chair on one side of the desk. Marino takes off his tie and ties one of my legs to the leg of the other side of the desk. And then Dante takes off his belt and ties my other leg to the other leg of the desk.

  “Now we have you right where we want you,” Dante says.

  He slaps my ass, which is sticking straight up in the air and exposed to them, as is my pussy.

  “We have to punish you for what you did to us,” Marino says. “And wouldn’t you know, after we’ve gotten done tying you up, we still have one belt left.”

  I hear the sound of his leather belt whisking out of his pants. He cracks it in the air.

  “Are you willing to accept your punishment?” he asks.

  I nod, bracing myself for the impending whip. I’ve never done anything like this before, and I feel a mixture of fear and excitement.


  Marino’s belt meets my ass and stings it hard.

  “Ouch!” I cry, instinctively trying to reach back and touch the spot where the belt had hit me, which is no doubt turning red. But my hands are tied, so I end up just flinching.

  “That’s a good girl,” Dante says. “Take your punishment like a champ.”

  He walks over to me and hits me hard with his bare hand.


  My other ass cheek is stinging now, almost as badly as from the belt whip. Both Dante and Marino grab one of my ass cheeks and squeeze it.

  “We’re going to make you sorry you ever came sniffing around here to snitch on us,” Dante says, as he pinches my ass cheek in the same spot where Marino had just hit it with a belt.

  “Owww,” I cry out, barely able to take any more pain. “Please. Please be gentle.”

  Dante says, “I believe I’m owed a piece of this ass.”

  I grip the legs of the chair and feel my ass hole clenching tight.

  “You can do that,” I tell him. “I already said you can do it any time. But please don’t be too rough.”

  “Oh don’t worry,” Marino says, taking out his huge cock and sticking it into my mouth. “You’ll be a bit too busy being choked by my cock to pay attention to what Dante is doing to your ass.”

  I do my best to suck on Marino’s cock but he’s jamming it down my throat hard and fast. It’s all I can do to keep from choking it.

  Then Dante’s inside me just as hard and fast, fucking my ass and saying, “I’m claiming this as mine too. You’ll always be mine even though we can’t be together because you’re a fucking lying snitch.”

  I have to admit that this hate fuck is really hot. And it almost sounds like Dante still loves me and wants to be with me. I refuse to give up hope, even as he’s shredding my ass hole with his cock.

  I know he has every right to b
e mad at me. I’ve definitely done him wrong. I just hope he can realize how sorry I am and how much I wish I could take everything back.

  Of course I still want to have met him and Marino. But under different circumstances. More honest ones.

  Dante teases me by playing with my clit as he fucks my ass and I suck on Marino’s cock. But every time I get close to coming, he takes his hand away.

  “You’re not allowed to come,” he tells me. “I’m never going to let you come again.”

  He’s right, and probably even more so than he knows. If I can’t be with Dante and Marino I don’t want to be with anyone. And even if I try to be, it will probably be so dull compared to what I have with them.

  He spanks me with the belt again while he thrusts his cock in and out of me. Meanwhile I’m deep throating Marino’s cock when he’s not taking it out and spanking my face with it.

  I deserve this punishment. I even like this punishment, except for the part about not being allowed to come. It’s hot in a way that’s different from the lovey dovey stuff I’ve experienced with them. But I just hope they’ll let me have that with them again.

  Dante brings me right to the edge of an orgasm but then stops.

  “Please,” I beg him. “Please let me come.”

  Suddenly it’s not hot any more. It’s not fun. It’s torture to want to come and not be able to. And to think that this is the last time they’ll fuck me.

  I imagine my nights spent thinking about them and masturbating as my only form of release. My days spent trying to find a new job and forget about the fact that I was once in love with two men at the same time.

  “I’m going to come in your ass now,” Dante says, grabbing my hips and pulling me back even further into him.

  At the same time, Marino pulls my head closer, his cock engulfing my throat.

  I’m being held tightly by both of them for the last time ever, and I cry out in a mixture of pain, pleasure and sadness.

  Dante comes in my ass while Marino comes in my mouth. They hold onto me— Dante onto my hips and Marino onto my ass— for a little longer than they need to, as if saying their final goodbye. And I can’t help myself. I start crying.


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