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Page 10

by Amy DeMeritt

  Gloria says, “Money, honey,” matter-of-factly. “They pay their way out of trouble every time someone calls foul on the place. Places like Slinky’s have reputations as being places of pure debauchery and people will sit around a table talking shit on them, but I guarantee you, at least half of those same people either go to those places or want to go and only stay away out of fear of being judged. People are horny and lonely and those places make people feel desired and give them a bit of excitement.”

  “I guess I can see that. It was fun for about the first ten minutes, then I just felt like I was in a lion’s den. We didn’t stay too long.”

  Gloria grins with just the left corner of her mouth quirked upwards. “That’s because you are fresh meat. You are beautiful, young, and have those adorable doe eyes. You’re going to draw attention anywhere you go, especially in a place like that. You just scream eat me.”

  With an embarrassed laugh and blushing cheeks, Skylar tentatively says, “Thanks, I think. I’m not really sure if I should take that as a compliment or a warning.”

  “If you’re smart, you’ll accept it as both.”

  “Here you are, ladies.” Sheila leans over the table to set their drinks down. “Your appetizer will be out soon. Are you ready to order dinner?”

  Ashton shakes her head, saying, “No, we’re going to wait to order till after Skylar performs.”

  “I hope that will be soon.” Gloria lifts a shot of tequila, but before drinking it, she looks at Skylar, and adds, “No offense, sweetie, but I am very hungry.”

  “None taken.” She looks towards the stage, where her uncle is singing while playing an acoustic guitar. “My uncle should be calling me up after the next two songs. They have a whole set they do before I join them.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Ladies and gents, I have a special surprise for you tonight. Joining us for the first time on this stage, please give my niece a warm welcome – Skylar West!”

  Everyone in the bar gives Skylar a loud round of applause with sharp whistles and hollers of “woohoo” mixed in. As Ashton claps and watches Skylar take the stage, her heart starts beating out of her chest. Skylar went through hell last week. She doesn’t want the bar to turn on her. She hopes this goes well.

  “Thank you.” While smiling out at the crowd, Skylar puts on a badass looking leather motorcycle jacket, earning her a few more whistles and applause. “I sing with the guys fairly often, but this is my first time on this particular stage. And I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for one particular person in the audience tonight. I’m sure most of you know her – Lieutenant Ashton Hyland of Station 10 of the Milltown Fire Department.” The pub erupts in applause and hoots and hollers again, making Ashton feel a mixture of pride and awkwardness. “Thanks to the lieutenant, I get to keep doing one of the things I love. I hope you’ll love the set we put together for you tonight.”

  The pub gives her another round of applause, then a few moments later, the band starts playing and Skylar takes a step back with her body gently moving to the beats. When she steps forward and the first note leaves her mouth and is thrown through the entire pub by the wonderfully crisp surround sound, Ashton’s jaw drops and she releases a quiet gasp of surprised pleasure.


  Skylar is singing a cover for Alannah Myles – Black Velvet and her voice is a near perfect match to the original, maybe even better. Her voice has the full range of sweetness and edginess that makes the song intoxicating. Her hips are rocking and her right heel is tapping in beat to the drums and electric guitars. Her entire presence is an experience – one that Ashton feels proud and blessed to be a part of.

  The entire pub is enamored with her – conversations have ceased and people have moved in closer to stand between tables and against the walls to watch and listen. Never once has Ashton witnessed the pub so engrossed with a live performance in a positive way. When the song ends, the applause and hollers are deafening.

  As Skylar takes a sip of water, she looks straight at Ashton with a warm smile that makes the pride and excitement in her chest magnify tenfold. It’s not till she sees Skylar release a small laugh that she realizes she is standing and clapping harder than anyone in the entire pub. She quickly sits down, but as she watches Skylar accept an electric guitar from her uncle, she scoots to the edge of her seat in anticipation.

  With her back to the pub, Skylar slings the guitar over her shoulder to lay across her lower abdomen. As the music starts, Skylar’s hips start moving and Ashton’s eyes are involuntarily drawn to Skylar’s small round bottom framed with her leather jacket reaching just above the pockets of her tight gray skinny jeans.

  As she spins to face the pub, she’s playing the electric guitar with the band and singing Joan Jett and the Blackhearts – I Hate Myself for Loving You.


  Ashton falls back in her chair completely blown away by Skylar. She remains fully captivated by the young woman through her entire six song set. Every song shows her great voice range, allows her to move her beautiful fit body in the subtlest ways to add even more allure, and her face shows just how damn happy she is to be on stage.

  While Ashton can’t keep her eyes off of her for the entire set, Skylar’s eyes scan over the crowd to lock with Ashton’s more than a handful of times on every song.

  After her last song ends, and with a big smile on her face, Skylar speaks loudly into the microphone to get above the very loud applause and hollering, saying, “Thank you! All of you are amazing!”

  She starts to walk off of the stage, but the entire pub is calling out for her to come back. Skylar freezes at the edge of the stage before stepping down to go to the small backstage area. She looks over at Ashton with a conspiratorial grin and winks at her, causing a sudden rush of tingles in her nerves and her stomach flips in anticipation. Skylar spins and throws her hair back in a dramatic way and the band immediately starts playing. She picks up her guitar and releases a deep raspy scream into her microphone, eliciting cheers and stomping applause. As Skylar’s eyes lock with hers, Ashton releases a small laugh and puts two fingers in her mouth to release a shrill whistle, making Skylar laugh.

  Skylar wows the audience with a great cover of Guns and Roses – Night Train, not just with her incredible vocals but with her skills on the electric guitar as well. When the song ends, they go straight into a cover of Aerosmith – Sweet Emotion. Skylar’s vocals, guitar skills, and dancing continue to please every person in the bar. While she plays, Skylar’s hips rock side to side and she tosses her beautiful hair at just the right moments to draw the audience into her.

  After the song ends, the band begins to play quietly, and Skylar asks, “How about we slow things down?”

  She starts to sing a Mariah Carey song, which sounds beautiful, but the mood in the bar has palpably deflated some. She stops singing with a smirk, and says, “Fuck it. Let’s keep rocking,” causing the audience to laugh and holler in appreciation for her change of pace. Skylar locks eyes with Ashton with an adorable happy smile and starts singing, Def Leppard – Pour Some Sugar on Me.

  “I have loved performing for all of you tonight, but now I have a dinner date with my hero and two beautiful women.” The pub whistles, making Skylar laugh. “Thank you. Have a great night, everyone!”

  As Skylar starts to exit the stage, the band and her uncle start playing and singing a new song so the pub can’t entice her back onto the stage with another encore request.

  “Ash,” Erin grabs her wrist to get her attention. “You should go back there and wait with her. Those guys standing near the backstage door look like they’re debating going in there after her.”

  Ashton immediately stands up and pushes through the crowd. And just as she’s reaching the edge of the stage, Erin’s concerns become justified. With matching grins, two of the guys take a step towards the door, but Ashton steps in front of them, blocking their path.

  “I don’t think so, boys. Go take a seat.”

e doesn’t recognize them and they don’t have the sharply groomed appearance of a first responder, so she doesn’t think they are police or firefighters.

  “We just want to talk to her.”

  “Not in private you’re not. Go take a seat or I’ll have you tossed out.”

  “Who the hell are you to…?”

  “Is there a problem here?”

  Ashton doesn’t even need to look to know the voice – it’s Juan Perez, one of her best right hands in every fire. The guys start to back up as a dozen men and women, comprising of police and firefighters, back up Ashton.

  “Whatever. Let’s get out of here.”

  The men walk away, and Ashton gives her comrades a nod of gratitude before walking through the door to find Skylar. But she doesn’t have to go very far. She only takes three steps in and she’s met with a beautiful smile.

  “Looks like you saved me again, Lieutenant.”

  Ashton gently pulls her off of the peeling hunter green wall into her arms and Skylar sighs deeply against her shoulder as she lays her head on Ashton’s chest. She glides her hands up Ashton’s strong back and grips the back of her shoulders. Ashton brushes a couple of fingers through her silky hair, combing it off of her face and neck so she can see her better, which sends a shiver of warmth through Skylar. Her eyes close and she tightens her grip on Ashton’s shoulders.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Thanks to you.”

  “Well, Erin first noticed those guys might be trouble.”

  Skylar smiles but doesn’t lift her head or open her eyes. “You’re always so humble. How did you like the show?”

  “There just aren’t words. You are exceptionally talented. I felt like I was at a serious rock concert.”

  She lifts her head off of Ashton’s chest to look up at her with a brilliant smile and her light brown eyes glistening. “Thank you. I’m really glad you made it out.”

  Ashton’s smile falls and shame turns her stomach sour. “Skylar, I’m very sorry I was late. I…”

  “It’s okay, really. You don’t have to…”

  “No, I do. I almost chose not to come at all. Not because of you, but because I was being selfish with my time with Erin. I’m not normally so flaky or unreliable, but when it comes to Erin, my judgement isn’t always so… Well, sometimes I fuck up when it comes to choosing between her and something or someone else. I’m sorry.”

  “That happens when you’re in love. When you’re with that person, nothing else and no one else exists. I completely understand. I would have been sad if you didn’t make it, but you did. You showed up and I was still able to show you what you helped save.”

  “You’re too forgiving. I was a jerk tonight.”

  “Hey, you saved my life. You’re not a jerk. You’re the exact opposite. Besides, you don’t owe me anything, but I owe you everything.

  “No, you don’t.”

  With a small laugh, Skylar teases, “You know we could probably go back and forth like this all night.”

  “You’re right. Can I buy you dinner now?”

  “I’d love that.”

  She perks up a little on her toes and kisses Ashton on the cheek, making her smile widen and her olive cheeks blush. While looking in Ashton’s light gray eyes, she reluctantly drags her hands down her back to release her. And as Ashton drops her own arms, Skylar catches her left hand. With their hands clasped, Ashton leads her back out to the pub.

  The crowds have dispersed and the restaurant has settled back into its typical chatter, allowing them to walk through the tables to join Erin and Gloria without any problems. Ashton pulls her chair out, and as Skylar releases her hand, Ashton places it on the middle of her back as she steps around the chair to sit down.

  With a cheeky grin, and a sultry voice, Gloria coos, “Hey, rock star. That was a hell of a performance.”

  Skylar blushes as she scoots her chair forward. “Thank you. I hope I didn’t make you wait too long for dinner.”

  “You didn’t, but Ashton did. Now, please tell us why you are an insurance agent and not seeking a professional career in music.”

  “Honestly, I…” She pauses as Sheila sets a fresh round of drinks down in front of them. “Oh, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, honey. You were great up there. We’ve had a flood of requests for you to come back again.”

  “That’s sweet. Thank you.”

  “Just telling ya like it is. You ladies ready to order?”

  Skylar quickly grabs a menu and looks around the table, saying, “I can be ready if you are.”

  One by one, each of them orders, then after Sheila walks away, Erin reiterates Gloria’s question, asking, “So, when are you going to be a famous singer?”

  “It has always sort of been a dream, but my parents have always been against it. That lifestyle scares them. They worry a lot.”

  “Ah, yes, we heard about the overprotective parents.” Gloria takes a sip of iced tea, then asks, “Any luck on the apartment hunting?”

  “Not yet. I viewed a couple of places yesterday, but one was a little above my budget and the other was just too old. The stairs felt and sounded like I was going to fall through them with every step I took.”

  She visibly cringes for a moment as the description causes a flood of memories from the fire last week to flash before her eyes, which does not go unnoticed by Ashton.

  “Gloria is a real estate agent. Maybe if you tell her what you’re looking for, she could point you in the right direction and lessen the burden of the search a bit. She knows all of the best places.”

  With a click of her tongue and narrowed eyes, Gloria admonishes Ashton. “Baby, rein in your big hero muscles and give me a chance to make the offer myself.”

  “Oh, excuse me for speaking out of turn, Madame Sanchez.”

  “You’re excused.” She smirks as she turns her attention back to Skylar, who is suppressing a small laugh. “If you need help, I wouldn’t mind. I can give you my card and we can make an appointment and handle this professionally in my office so your business isn’t being slung across a bar.” She throws Ashton a disapproving glance, making her roll her eyes. “Don’t you give me that look, Ashton Maria Hyland.”

  “You are one to talk. And stop using my full name.”

  “I will use your full name when I see fit.”

  “You drive me crazy.”

  “I drive you crazy? You drive me crazy. You saw how those boys were drooling over her and you’re just going to haphazardly talk about her living situation in a place like this? You need to think things out more.”

  “I never…” Ashton groans in frustration as she runs a hand over her face. “I never said to start talking details. I just suggested that you could help her. Stop jumping five paces ahead in a conversation and acting like you know what I’m going to say. I didn’t mean to have a freaking consultation right here and now.”

  Skylar meets Erin’s eyes, looking a bit concerned. Erin smiles and waves a flippant hand. “Don’t mind them. They bicker like an old married couple all the time. And before you ask, no, they’ve never been a couple.”

  “No, we haven’t because Gloria drives me insane.”

  “I resent you for saying that. You know damn well you’d be lucky to have me.”

  “And you wouldn’t be lucky to have me?”

  “I could have you if I wanted you.”

  Ashton crosses her arms over her chest as she leans back in her chair glaring at Gloria, who is just staring in her eyes with a smug grin. After two full minutes of silently staring each other down, Ashton concedes with a frustrated laugh and shakes her head.

  “You drive me crazy.”

  “You love me.”


  “Okay, back to your corners now.”

  Ashton breaks eye contact with Gloria to look at Erin and takes her hand to hold on the table. “Sorry, babe.”

  “I’m used to you both by now, but I think you’re scaring Skylar.”

nbsp; Gloria clicks her tongue and waves a dismissive hand towards Erin, saying, “The girl plays rock and roll like a badass. I think she can handle a little bit of playful banter between best friends. But since you’re uncomfortable, we’ll play nice.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Morgan walks into the locker room to find Ashton, and as she comes around the corner and finds her brushing a towel over her wet hair with only a towel around her waist, she pulls up quickly to do a half turn to look away.

  “Hey, boss.”

  Ashton looks over at Morgan and releases a small laugh as she drapes the towel over her shoulders, allowing the ends to cover her breasts.

  “I’m covered.” She turns to her locker to pull out fresh clothes, and asks, “You need me for something?”

  Morgan straddles the end of the bench a few feet away facing Ashton, and cheerfully answers, “You have a guest.”

  Ashton quirks an eyebrow, tentatively asking, “Who could possibly be here to see me that would make you grin like that?”

  “That pretty girl that came to see you a few days ago.”


  “Yeah, that’s her name. So, what’s the deal? You dating her?”

  Ashton laughs hard as she turns her back to Morgan to pull a sports bra on. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Why is it ridiculous?” Morgan whistles, and adds, “Damn, that’s a huge bruise on your back. What happened?”

  “The bruise is nothing.”

  “It doesn’t look like nothing, but whatever you say, boss. And don’t ignore my question. Why is it ridiculous?”

  “Well, for one, you know I’m dating Erin. For another, I’m an old woman. She’s half my age.”


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