Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4) Page 2

by Erin Osborne

  “Where you headin’?” he asks.

  “To get Sam and Caleb,” I answer, my impatience showing.

  “You ever gonna make her your ol’ lady?” he asks as disappointment covers the woman’s face.

  “Not your concern,” I answer, turning my back on the pair.

  Continuing out the door of the clubhouse, I pull my hair back and secure it with a hair tie I keep on my wrist. Pulling my sunglasses out of my shirt, I place them on my head before getting into the SUV. As soon as I have it turned on, I roll the windows down and open the sunroof. Read Me My Rights by Brantley Gilbert blares from the speakers, and I begin to laugh. I’m not sure who was in the SUV last, but this song fits perfectly for my mood lately.

  It doesn’t take long to get to Sam’s house. She’s waiting outside on the porch with Caleb, and a few containers are on one of the small tables next to her. I pick them up before leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

  Sam’s wearing a pair of cutoff shorts today with a Phantom Bastards tank top. Flip flops cover her feet, and I can see a fine sheen of sweat already coating her body. Her short hair is tied back with a hair tie to keep it off her neck in the unusual heat we have today. She’s got sunglasses on the top of her head, and a bag slung over her shoulder.

  “You look good, babe,” I tell Sam.

  “Thank you,” she says, blushing.

  I’ve never seen a woman blush the way Sam does. It shows there’s an innocence about her no one’s breached yet no matter what her past is. Some days, I say outlandish things to her just to get her to blush and see how far down it goes. Today, it covers her chest, neck, and face. Before the end of the day, I’ll have her turning red more than that. Being at the clubhouse, I’ll be staking my claim, so no one gets any ideas they can talk to my woman.

  “Playboy, I been waiting for you,” Caleb says, drawing my attention to him.

  “Oh yeah. You been good for your mama?” I ask him, holding out my fist for a fist bump from him.


  Caleb jumps off the porch and waits for us to join him on the sidewalk. He’s wearing a pair of shorts with a tank top. Little sneakers cover his feet, and I know they’ll be off before too long. Caleb hates having his feet covered. Sam has to fight him daily to wear them outside to play.

  “So, what did you bribe him with today?” I ask on a laugh.

  “I told him we were going to the clubhouse, and he needed to wear them, or he couldn’t go,” she says.

  A smile covers her face because Caleb loves being around the guys. He’s gotten used to a few of us and knows we won’t let anything happen to his mom or him. Going to the clubhouse is a treat he likes doing, and he won’t jeopardize it for anything.

  “Alright, bud, let’s get in the SUV and get on the road,” I tell him.

  Caleb stays close to us as we make our way to the SUV. I set the containers in the back seat before helping Caleb inside. There’s already a booster seat, and I place him in it before putting his seatbelt on. As soon as he’s strapped in, I close his door and walk around to the driver’s side. Getting in, I see Sam has one foot resting on the dash, her toenails painted red.

  As soon as I have the SUV on, she pulls her phone out and hooks it up to the Bluetooth. She puts on Love Me by Aaron Lewis. It’s a country song and not one I’d really listen to, but I deal with it because it’s Sam. She listens to a little bit of everything and usually has music playing. When music is playing, Sam is relaxed and calm. It’s one of the few things that calms her down and keeps her demons at bay.

  Sam sings along to the song as I drive the short distance to the clubhouse. Pulling into the parking lot, it’s packed. A lot of people have arrived since I left to get Sam and Caleb. I pull the SUV off to the side of the building where it won’t be in the way of anyone else leaving and far away from the bikes filling the lot.

  Looking at Sam, I see her body is tense. We all thought this was just going to be a family cookout today, and it seems as if we were wrong. I don’t even know who the hell is here. Placing my hand on her thigh, I give her a gentle squeeze of reassurance before sliding out of the driver’s side door.

  Opening the back door, I unbuckle Caleb’s seatbelt and then grab the containers of food Sam prepared at home. I told her she didn’t have to, but I know the guys will appreciate her brownies with peanut butter and the salad she made. Sam makes the best pasta salad the guys have ever had, and they constantly beg her for it.

  Sam finally gets out of the SUV, and we head toward the front door of the clubhouse. The door is propped open, and we can hear the music blaring from inside already. Right now, Bad Boy by Brantley Gilbert is playing. This tells me the ol’ ladies are here and have taken control of the music. My guess is Shy. She’s always changing the music up on us, and it drives everyone crazy. But, we love her, and we deal with it.

  I place my hand on Sam’s lower back as we walk through the crowds of people milling about the common room of the clubhouse. Caleb takes her hand and looks around at all the people inside. He’s looking for my dad or any of the kids running about.

  Caleb loves my dad and calls him Papi. He’s the only one Caleb calls anything other than their road name, and I know my dad loves it. He’s got a soft spot for all of the kids in the club, and Caleb is no different. Slim may be the President of the Phantom Bastards and a tough man when he has to be. Put him around the ol’ ladies or kids and his soft sideshows. He doesn’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about it, either.

  “Papi!” Caleb suddenly yells out as he sees my dad walking toward us.

  Caleb pulls his hand from his mother’s and runs to my dad. He hands his beer off just before Caleb jumps into his arms. Yeah, Caleb’s nervous as hell with so many other people here. If I’d known, I wouldn’t have walked inside. Not that outside is going to be much better. People will be spilling out the back door and filling the backyard of the compound.

  “How’s my grandson doin’ today?” Slim asks Caleb.

  Yeah, he knows I want to claim Sam, but I’m waiting for her to be ready. Everyone in the club knows except for her. She has no clue how I truly feel about her, but today is the beginning of the end for her. She’ll know before we leave here.

  “I’m good. Ready to eat,” Caleb tells my dad, as everyone around them laughs.

  “You are? Well, let’s see what we can do to make that happen,” Slim says. “I got him.”

  Sam nods her head at him, and the two disappear. We’ll be lucky to see Caleb again for the next hour. He’ll be helping my dad at the grill, and it’s going to be hot, so then he’ll be in the hose or little kiddie pools we bought for today. I hope Sam brought him a change of clothes to have in case he doesn’t dry off before she’s ready to head home.

  “You stay here. I’ll be right back,” I tell Sam. “Why don’t you get us some drinks before we head out back.”

  “Okay. Beer?” she asks.


  I head to the kitchen and see Shy and Jennifer there. They’re going through all the food to make sure it’s ready to take outside.

  “Hey, Playboy,” Shy says, turning to kiss me on the cheek.

  It’s weird to think my stepmom is the same age as me. But, she makes my dad happy, and I couldn’t think of anyone better for him. She’s given me another sister, Rayven, and she truly cares about every member of this club. Including the house bunnies. Don’t get me wrong; Shy will beat their asses if they need it. However, if she senses a problem with anyone, she’s right there and doesn’t leave until there’s a solution.

  “Hey, Shy. Jennifer,” I greet both women.

  “Where’s Sam and Caleb?” Jennifer asks.

  “Do you really have to ask where Caleb is?” I ask her.

  “Nope. He’s with his Papi,” Shy says on a laugh.

  “I should’ve known. What about Sam?” Jennifer asks.

  “She’s gettin’ us some drinks so we can head outside. I’m sure she’ll be in here soon to help you,” I answ
er. “Who the hell all is here? I thought it was just gonna be family today.”

  “Butcher’s club is here. I don’t know what’s going on. You’ll have to ask Slim about that,” Shy answers. “And some hang arounds are here too. Your dad decided to let them stay for a while to see what happens. They need to be able to party with the family and not just the house bunnies.”

  Nodding my head, I leave the containers in the kitchen and make my way back to the common room. I thought Sam would’ve been here by now, but she’s not. Scanning the room as I go, I finally spot her in the corner of the room with a man standing in front of her. There’s pure fear covering her face, and I rush to her side.

  “What the fuck is goin’ on here?” I roar out when I’m close to them.

  The guy turns around, and I see he’s nothing more than a hang around.

  “She’s not marked as anyone’s so she’s fair game. You know the rules, Playboy,” he tells me, already sounding drunk.

  “Not her. She’s mine, and every fucker who comes to this clubhouse knows that. You can fuckin’ leave. Now!” I yell at him, placing my body between his and Sam’s.

  She grips the tank top I’m wearing under my cut. I can feel her trembling. Looking up, I see Killer and Stryker heading my way. They’re pissed as fuck, and I know this is about to get interesting. This hang around will no longer be welcome at the clubhouse.

  “Got a problem here?” Killer asks.

  “Yeah. This bitch thought he could corner Sam when I went to the kitchen,” I answer him. “Keep an eye on her while I take out the fuckin’ trash.”

  “No. I think I want to help take the trash out,” Killer answers.

  “I got her. I’ll take her outback,” Stryker answers.

  I turn around and see Sam shaking against the wall with our drinks in her hands. Kissing her lightly on the mouth, I remove her hand from my tank top and bend down so I can look in her eyes.

  “Go with Stryker, precious. I’ll be right there,” I tell her, giving her another kiss.

  Sam goes to Stryker, and he puts an arm around her to make sure no one gets close to her on their way outside. If I didn’t know he was head over heels in love with Sally, I’d be beating his ass next. But, I do know he is, and he’s just trying to protect Sam from the rest of the assholes in here.

  Turning my attention back toward the douche canoe in front of me, I see his eyes widen as I grab his shirt and haul his ass out the door.

  “You don’t ever fuckin’ touch somethin’ that’s not yours!” I yell at him. “You’re nothin’ but a fuckin’ hang around and don’t even get to touch the house bunnies, so I don’t know what you think gives you the right to touch Sam. To scare her to the point she was shakin’ like a fuckin’ leaf. Now, you’ll deal with the consequences.”

  I don’t waste another second. Balling up my fist, I land punch after punch on the asshole. There’s a large crowd surrounding us, but no one tries to stop me. When the man goes down, I begin kicking him in the ribs before straddling his abdomen so I can land more punches to him. I’m not about kicking a man while he’s down; I want to feel his bones crushing under my bare fists.

  “Playboy, enough!” Slim yells. “Get him the fuck off him!”

  Killer, Stryker, Wood, and Butcher pull me from the man lying at my feet in the parking lot. Before anyone can say or do anything else, I hear sirens approaching the gate. Today is the day I leave my family. They’re here to take me in, and I already know it as I look at my dad.

  “Get this piece of shit the fuck outta here. Now!” Slim yells.

  Fox, Des, and Valor get rid of him. They carry him into the clubhouse, and I’m sure they’ll stash him somewhere until the cops are gone. Fuck!

  As the four cop cars come to a stop, I’m surrounded by Killer, Stryker, Wood, Boy Scout, Valor, Vault, Hitter, Des, and Slim. This is the last thing I want to happen right now, but with what I did, everyone knew it was coming.

  While the cops are getting out of their cars, a hand wraps around my waist, and I look down into Sam’s face. She’s got tears streaming down her face. Behind the tears, I see something else, something she hasn’t let me see until today. Sam loves me, and she’s scared to say it. I get it; I’m scared of what I feel for her and Caleb too.

  “It’ll be okay, precious. I love you, and you’re mine. Just remember that,” I whisper to her.

  Leaning down further, I place a kiss against her lips, and she instantly opens her mouth to me. I deepen the kiss, and the world around us disappears. It’s just Sam and me, and we’re going to get through this. If not, I hope someone in the club takes care of my woman and kid until I can finally make my way home to them.

  “This is my fault,” she tells me when I break the kiss.

  “No, it’s not. This is on me, and I’m ready to do my time for it,” I tell her. “Stay with my dad for now until I’m gone. Then someone will take you home.”

  “Can I help you?” my dad’s voice booms in my ears.

  “We’re here for a Griffin Busch,” one of the cops says as I turn to face them.

  They all have their hands on their weapons, ready to pull on us. I smile at them, and it’s the evilest smile I can plaster on my face.

  “What’s this regarding?” my dad asks.

  “A murder that occurred in town,” the cop says.

  I step forward after handing my dad my cut because this is what I have to do. When the cops turn me around to face the crowd now gathered outside, my eyes stay glued on Sam. She’s wrapped her arms around her small body, and tears are still streaming down her beautiful face. My heart is breaking at the look on her face. Thankfully, Caleb isn’t out here. It’s bad enough Sam is seeing me with cuffs around my wrists while I’m being read my Miranda rights.

  My dad and Shy are on either side of my woman with their arms wrapped around her. She’s not seeking comfort from either of them, though. Sam is trying to appear strong even though I can see her breaking apart.

  “Don’t you say a word until our lawyer gets there,” my dad says as Killer steps away to call him.

  I nod my head and let the cops lead me to the back of one of the cars. There’s no struggle on my part because Sam is here, and I’m not adding any charges to a fucking murder charge.

  Once I’m in the backseat of the cruiser, I don’t turn around to look at my family. I’ll fucking break if I see Sam still crying. Or Caleb running around the building to figure out what’s going on. The only way I’m going to get through this is by remaining facing forward. I have my memories of Sam, Caleb, and the rest of my family.

  As the cruisers leave the clubhouse, I sit back and close my eyes. Visions of Sam and Caleb hit me. We’ve made memories since she came to Benton Falls. I see flashes of laying on the couch with Sam, playing in the yard with Caleb, and eating dinner with both of them. These two people are going to be the only reason I make it through whatever happens to me now.

  Chapter Two


  WATCHING PLAYBOY BEING handcuffed and placed in the back of a cop car is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to watch. And that’s saying something with the life I’ve led. My heart is breaking as he doesn’t look back or say a single word after leaving my side.

  I didn’t even tell him I loved him when he told me. Tears fall faster and harder from my eyes as the cars begin to pull out of the parking lot in the clubhouse. Slim and Shy still have their arms around me as we all stand still and watch Playboy be taken away from us.

  “This is all my fault. If I hadn’t called him that day, he never would’ve been taken today,” I cry out as the guys from Benton Falls surround us.

  “Stop, Sam. This isn’t your fault, and you’re not gonna take the blame for this. Playboy did what he had to do to protect you,” Slim tells me. “I’m gonna head down there and meet the lawyer there. Shy, take her and Caleb to the house for now. When I know anything, I’ll fill you in.”

  Slim kisses Shy, and he walks to his bike. Several of the men follow him, b
ut the rest remains because there are still a ton of people here for a party and cookout today. Shy leads me around the side of the clubhouse and to the house she shares with Slim and Rayven.

  Shy’s on her phone, and I’m sure she’s texting someone to bring my son to me. While I don’t want him to see my upset, he’s going to find out about Playboy soon enough. It’s best he hears it from me and not all of the gossiping men and women at the cookout. This is one piece of news I don’t want to have to give my son. He worships the ground Playboy walks on and looks forward to seeing the man every single day. This is going to crush him.

  “Killer is gonna bring Caleb over. Can I get you anything?” Shy asks me.

  I shake my head as I sit down on the porch of her house. Right now, I want to see my son as soon as he gets close. Taking a few deep breaths, I try to calm myself down as I wipe the tears from my face. The less upset I am, the better right now.

  “Mama!” Caleb yells out a few minutes later.

  He comes running at me as I stand up and prepare to catch him in my arms. Caleb is a smart little boy and knows something is wrong.

  I just realize I can no longer hear the music from the clubhouse, bikes are shaking the ground as large groups start up and leave the clubhouse, and women are walking toward their own homes close to Shy and Slim’s. The party is effectively over.

  “What’s wrong, Mama?” Caleb asks me.

  “Well, I have to talk to you about something,” I begin, sitting down on the grass with him. “Do you remember a few days ago when mama was hurt, and Playboy helped save me?”

  Caleb nods his head. He looks deep into my eyes, and I almost crumble.

  “Well, because of that, Playboy had to go away for a while. I’m not sure when he’ll be back,” I tell him.

  My son looks at me, and I can tell he’s trying to be strong in front of Shy and Killer. He looks between the three of us, and I can see the questions in his eyes.

  “He gonna be okay?” Caleb asks.

  “Playboy is gonna be just fine, buddy,” Killer tells him. “Your Papi is down there with him, and he’s gonna get it all figured out so Playboy can come home to you and your mama.”


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