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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

Page 9

by Erin Osborne

  “Carson, do you have a minute?” I ask from outside the door.

  “Sure, sweetheart. What can I do for you?” he asks, setting his paperwork aside and giving me his full attention.

  “Well, I need to let you know I’m pregnant. I found out yesterday I’m about four months along with twins,” I tell him, wringing my hands in front of me.

  “That’s why you keep disappearing today then?” he questions gently.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry about it. Just the smells of the food and coffee are getting to me,” I tell him honestly.

  “Nothing to be sorry about. Where’s the children’s father while you’re here busting your ass and raising that little boy?” Carson asks me.

  “Well, last I knew, he was in jail. He got arrested for protecting me when I was being kidnapped,” I answer.

  “Does he know where you are?” my boss asks.

  “No, he doesn’t. He wouldn’t see me or talk to me. No one from home knows I’m pregnant because when he finds out I’m pregnant, I’ll be the one to tell him,” I say, standing up straight.

  “What the fuck, Sam? This man wouldn’t have anything to do with you because he’s in jail. He has no clue what’s going on with you and that you need help right now?” Carson bellows out.

  “No, he doesn’t,” I respond, not afraid of the man before me.

  Carson is mad on my behalf. He’s not mad at me, and that’s why I’m not afraid of him. My boss treats every single one of his employees as if we’re his family. So, I don’t expect him to be any less pissed than he is right now. I’ve been pissed about the situation, but there’s nothing that can be done about it.

  “What do you need from me?” Carson asks, standing up and walking over to me.

  “I just wanted to let you know in case customers or other employees started complaining about me disappearing regularly. I’m hoping the morning sickness won’t last long, but I’m not sure because of having twins this time. It’s all-new for me,” I tell him.

  “Okay. Well, if you need anything, you let me know, and we’ll do what we can to make sure you get it. For now, take it easy, and I’m going to limit the overtime you work,” he informs me.

  “No, please don’t do that, Carson. I need all the money I can get— at least, until I can talk to the baby's father and let him know what’s going on. I need to be able to get what Caleb and I need and then what I need for the babies when they get here, too,” I plead with him.

  After a few minutes, Carson finally nods his approval for me to continue picking up extra shifts and working later. He does tell me to take extra breaks when I can and not to overwork myself. I hug him before returning to the floor. Vanessa, the other waitress on shift with me, glares at me as I return to my section to check on the tables.

  Vanessa and I have had a love to hate relationship since I started working here. Part of it’s because Edna and I are close and become closer on a daily basis. The other part of it is because Carson gave me the small house Caleb and I live in. She’s had her eye on it for a friend, and he refused to rent to the friend. I’m not sure why; it’s not my business. So, she’s always being pissy with me, and I just ignore her.

  “Are you okay, honey?” one of the truck drivers asks me as I bring coffee around for refills.

  “Yeah. I’m not sick or anything, so nothing will happen to you,” I assure him.

  “Not worried about that, darlin’. Worried about you. You’re very pale and look about dead on your feet. First trimester?” he asks me.

  “Oh, well. No, I just found out I’m four months with twins,” I answer him.

  “Ah. No wonder you’re pale and look ready for a long nap,” he responds. “My wife was the same way when our twins were born.”

  “I have a son, and I was never this tired from that pregnancy,” I say with a laugh.

  “Well, you take it easy and don’t work too hard,” the customer says as I refill his cup. “And don’t let that other bitch keep trying to steal your tips. She goes behind you when she thinks you’re not paying attention.”

  “Thanks for the heads up,” I say. “I’ll make sure to keep an eye on her better from now on.”

  I go about the rest of my shift with a smile on my face and pain in my back and feet. This is only going to get worse the further along I get in my pregnancy. Nothing new, and definitely things I’ll be dealing with from now on.

  Just before the end of my shift, I catch Vanessa trying to get my tips from the tables as I walk through my section.

  “Can I help you?” I ask, turning around to face her.

  “Not at all,” she replies with an attitude.

  “Good. Then I suggest you get out of my section and leave my tables alone,” I tell her, placing my hands on my hips. “You’re done taking my money from me.”

  “What’s going on out here?” Carson asks.

  I just stare at Vanessa for a minute, waiting to see what she’s going to do. When she stomps off in the direction of her section, Carson puts a hand on my shoulder.

  “You don’t gotta say a word. Had a customer plant a bug in my ear, and then I started watching the security footage. Vanessa won’t be here any longer. She’s being terminated for theft,” he tells me.

  “Well, I don’t know that she deserves that,” I tell him.

  “Yes, she does. I’m not going to have an employee stealing from another one because she’s got a bug up her ass,” he says, turning to let me finish my shift.

  Once my section is cleaned, and Riley is here to relieve me, I head to the back to grab my purse. I’ve been keeping my phone off because I don’t want to talk to anyone. I’m so afraid I’m going to let something about the babies slip, and I don’t want to. Plus, I honestly don’t want to hear anything about Playboy. He made his choice, and it’s time to move on.

  “Carson, you can’t fucking do this to me!” I hear Vanessa yell. “That bitch is the one stealing, not me.”

  “Vanessa, we have footage of you doing it. And, a customer told me he watched you walk behind her, taking her tips. So, collect your things and get out of my restaurant,” Carson tells him.

  “Fuck you, Carson! Keep this shit in mind when you realize I’m the best waitress you’ve ever fucking had in this dump,” Vanessa screams.

  As she leaves Carson’s office, she literally slams into me. I catch myself on the counter behind me as pain shoots through my back.

  “This is all your fucking fault, bitch,” Vanessa shouts at me. “I’ll get my payback on your ass too.”

  Vanessa storms from the truck stop, and I know she means every single word she’s spewing at me. Now, on top of everything else I have going on, I’ll have to watch out for Vanessa or one of her lackeys coming after me. Just fucking great.

  “Are you okay?” Carson asks, rushing from his office.

  “I’m okay. A little pain in my back, but it’s okay,” I answer him.

  “Tyler, walk Sam to her car. Make sure Vanessa doesn’t follow her,” Carson orders the night manager.

  Tyler walks me to my car and waits outside until I’m out of the parking lot. I don’t watch him go back inside the truck stop or anything else. The only thing I’m concerned with right now is getting home so Edna can get home. She has to be up early for her shift, and I’m sure she’s going to ask what happened tonight. Carson has more than likely already called her.

  Sure enough, as soon as I walk through the door, Edna is on her feet and holding me back from her. She inspects me from head to toe and then motions for me to turn around. I do, and she lifts my shirt. Edna gasps, and I can only imagine the bruise I’m sporting from crashing into the counter behind me earlier.

  “That dumb bitch!” Edna growls out. She reminds me of Playboy right now.

  “It’s over, Edna. I just want to go to bed and forget about tonight at all,” I respond to her.

  “What exactly happened?” Edna asks.

  “Vanessa has apparently been stealing my tips when I wasn’t paying attention. A
customer brought it to my attention and then to Carson’s. When I was checking out my section before Riley got there to relieve me, I caught her following me through my tables and looking for my tips. Then, Carson fired her,” I say, giving her the short version of tonight’s events.

  “I’ve never known Vanessa to be such a bitch. I wonder what the hell is going on with her,” Edna says.

  “I don’t know. You know she’s never liked me since I started working here though,” I say. “Apparently, we just rubbed one another the wrong way.”

  Edna leaves, and I walk through the house. After checking to make sure all the windows and the door is locked, I make my way to Caleb’s room. He’s sound asleep, and I cover him back up before walking into my room. I undress and get ready for bed. My back is now killing me as I try to find a comfortable place when I lay down. It’s not easy, and it takes me a long time to get comfortable enough to let sleep finally claim me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I’VE BEEN OUT of jail for two days now. I spend my time getting caught up on club business and trying to get a hold of Sam. She’s not answering any of my messages, and when I try to call her, it goes straight to voicemail. Now I’m not only worried about my family, but I’m pissed the fuck off. Why the hell doesn’t she have her fucking phone on?

  Today, the club is properly welcoming me home with a huge ass party. I don’t want to be here for it. What I want to be doing is out looking for Sam and Caleb. Instead, I’ve been stuck here at the clubhouse, and I’m dealing with everything here.

  We’ve had several sessions of church to get me caught up on things, and I’ve talked to Fox about tracking her whereabouts. He can’t find her no matter what he does. Other than knowing she’s working at a truck stop and that she has her own place. Well, she’s renting it. I also know one of the other waitresses watches Caleb for her. That information came from Shy.

  Yeah, I’ve been finding out everything I can from the women. What I’m hearing, I don’t like one bit. Sam is struggling to make ends meet, and she’s living in a shit hole. She doesn’t need to be doing that, yet she is. And it’s my fault because I couldn’t see past my own ass to let her see me.

  “Hey, Playboy. You’re looking a little tense,” one of the house bunnies says, running her hand down my chest.

  “Get the fuck off me,” I growl out as I make my way to the bar.

  “Don’t be like that. You know I could give you the relief you need. No one has to know,” she says, following me. “Besides, it’s not like that bitch is here to take care of your needs.”

  “Don’t you ever fuckin’ talk about my woman again. You do, and I’ll toss your ass outta here. Permanently. Got me, bitch,” I yell, getting in the house bunnies’ face.

  She turns on her heels and runs from me. I can hear the fake as shit tears she’s crying to get sympathy from someone else here at the club. Trust me, we’ve seen it all, and nothing these bitches do phase us anymore. Especially not some fake ass tears.

  “Did you have to be that harsh?” Shy asks, walking toward me.

  “Yeah, I did. No one’s gonna talk shit about Sam and get away with it,” I answer.

  “She’ll be back, Playboy. I know she will,” she says, sitting down next to me with Rayven in her arms.

  I grab my little sister from her and rest her against my chest. Rayven is a beautiful little girl, and my dad is going to have his hands full with her as she gets older. I don’t envy him at all.

  “Shy, are you sure she didn’t say anythin’ to you about why she left?” I ask her, looking her straight on as I wait for her answer.

  “I’d tell you if I knew. I’m not sure what’s going on with her. Or why she chose to leave here. Other than what she told me and you already know that,” she responds. “Why?”

  “I’ve been tryin’ to call and message her, and I’m gettin’ nothin’ back. Her phone goes straight to voicemail. Why wouldn’t she have her phone on?” I ask, not expecting an answer.

  “I’m not sure about that. We’ve taken care of the bill while you were inside, just like you asked us to. So, her service is on,” Shy says as my dad walks in the room.

  “I see you’ve already kidnapped my baby girl,” he says on a laugh.

  “Damn straight, I did. When’s everyone supposed to get here?” I question.

  “Should be any time now,” he informs me.

  “Okay. I’m gonna take a shower and get ready then. I’ll be back for my baby sister later on,” I say, reluctantly handing her back over.

  Standing up, I grab my beer and head to my room here at the clubhouse. I do have a place built here on the compound now, but I refuse to stay there without Sam and Caleb. It’s our home, and that’s what it will always be. So, I refuse to be there without my family in our home. Right now, it’s just a pile of wood and the other shit making up a building.

  As I enter my room, I try to shut the door only to have it stopped. Standing outside in the hall is the same house bunny who tried to get me to fuck her less than an hour ago. Her eyes look up at me, and I groan.

  “Not doin’ this with you. Thought you would’ve gotten the message earlier. There will be plenty of biker cock here for you in a little bit. For now, get the fuck away from me,” I growl out, not giving a shit about her feelings.

  She stomps her foot like a petulant child and walks down the hall toward the common room. It’s not like she’ll be out and about while the ol’ ladies are around the clubhouse; house bunnies aren’t allowed out until later at night when the families go home. It makes all of our lives easier.

  I finally slam my door shut and make sure it’s locked before stripping out of my clothes. Once my cut is hung on the back of my door, I head into the bathroom and turn the shower on. Maybe the hot water will help me ease the tension from my body.

  The party is in full swing. Everyone from the Phantom Bastards MC, Wild Kings MC, and Satan’s Anarchy MC are here to welcome me home. We’re all outside, and I’m sitting with my dad and Shy when I realize I better make the rounds. Standing up, the first people I meet are Grim, Bailey, Skylar, and Cage. Joker is around here somewhere. He’s never far from his woman’s side.

  “How you doin’?” Grim asks me, pulling me in for a man hug.

  “Been better. Lots goin’ on right now,” I answer him, turning to my attention to Cage. “How have things been with you guys?”

  “Same ol’ shit just a different damn day,” Cage responds.

  “Heard about Sam taking off,” Bailey says. “Everything okay there?”

  “I have no clue. I haven’t been able to get ahold of her since I got released. As far as I know, she doesn’t even know I’m home and don’t have to worry about this shit again,” I answer her, pulling her in for a hug. “Anyone seen my sister around here?”

  “Yeah, she’s with Tank and Joker over by the food,” Skylar answers as I pull her in for a hug next.

  “Thank you. I’m gonna go say hi before they decide to find a private corner,” I tell them, earning laughs all around because we know it’s true.

  Walking through the crowded yard out behind the clubhouse, I stop and talk to men and women as I pass. Kids run through everyone, though there’s not as many as there used to be. Most of them are getting to be teenagers and living their own lives.

  Finally, I get to my sister and Tank. Tank’s facing me, and I place my fingers against my lips so I can sneak up behind Maddie. She’s been dying to see me, and I’ve purposely put it off because I know she’s going to give me shit about Sam and Caleb leaving here. Yeah, she already knows because everyone in these clubs talks and nothing is a secret.

  I pick Maddie up around her waist and spin her around. She screams and tries to hit out at me as Tank, Joker, Pops, my dad, and Shy all laugh their asses off at us. When I finally set her down on her feet, I keep a hand on her elbow to make sure she doesn’t fall to her ass after spinning her around so many times. I’m a little damn dizzy myself.

; “Playboy! You scared the shit outta me,” she yells, throwing herself back in my arms. “How you doing?”

  “Not good. But I suspect you already know that,” I tell her honestly as I pull Tank in for a man hug. “Good to see you, man.”

  “You too. You need any help, let me know, and we’ll be there,” he says.

  “Mad, have you been able to get ahold of Sam?” I ask, wondering if she’s tried to reach out to her.

  “No. I haven’t talked to her since the last time we were all together,” she tells me. “I feel horrible because we’ve been busy, and I haven’t made time to check on her. Especially once dad let me know what was going on with you. You know I would’ve been here if I could’ve been.”

  “I know, Mad. We all have lives though, and it’s okay. I just can’t get a hold of her. She’s got her phone off, and if she’s turned it on, she’s not responding to me,” I inform her.

  “I’m here no matter what, brother. We love you and want to see her home where she belongs,” she tells me, grabbing me a plate of food.

  I nod my head and go off in search of a table to sit at. Across the way, I see Renegade, Psycho, and their ol’ ladies sitting together, so I head in their direction. It’s been a while since I’ve seen them too. Not since the last time we were all together.

  “Mind if I have a seat?” I ask, looking at everyone.

  “Not at all, man,” Psycho answers. “Good to see you home.”

  “Thanks. It’s good to be home,” I respond before taking a bite of my burger.

  “Where’s Sam?” Hadliegh asks. “I haven’t seen her at all since we got here.”

  “I don’t know. All I know is she’s in Torrino. Got a job there and a small house. Took off while I was inside,” I tell her honestly.

  “What did you do?” Natasha asks me as Renegade growls at her.

  “Don’t worry about it, Renegade. This fuck up is all on me. I wouldn’t see her or talk to her while I was inside. Hell, I sent the one letter she tried to send me back without reading the damn thing. She took that to mean I want nothin’ to do with her,” I say, letting the small group know as Smokey comes over to join us.


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