Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4) Page 11

by Erin Osborne

  “Everything looks good here,” the technician assures me. “Would you like to know the sex of the babies?”

  “Yes, please,” I say, excitement filling me.

  “Baby A looks to be a boy,” she says before moving the wand around. “Baby B is also a boy.”

  “Oh, lord! Help me now,” I say, still in awe of adding two more sons to our family.

  Then, the reminder of knowing Playboy isn’t here with me hits and I’m filled with regret and pain. A deep sadness fills me and I let my tears slide down my cheeks.

  “Are you sure everything is okay?” I ask her.

  “Yes. There’s no tears in anything and nothing else looks to be off,” she once again assures me. “Let me get you some pictures printed out and make sure you contact your doctor to make an appointment.”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ll call her tomorrow and make arrangements to get in to see her,” I respond.

  It’s a while later the doctor comes in to let me know everything looks good and this is probably nothing more than a case of extreme stress. So, until my doctor clears me, I’ll be on bed rest and won’t be able to do much more than get up to go to the bathroom and make sure I have something to eat and drink. When I don’t have someone at the house with me, that is.

  Things could definitely be a lot worse than they are now. I still have our children resting comfortably in my stomach and as long as I take care of myself and stop obsessing over things I have no control over. So, I thank him for making sure my babies are okay and Carson comes in to take me home. It looks like I have no choice but to make sure I’m resting because Edna is staying the night with me.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I’VE BEEN ON a run for the last three days. It’s the last thing I wanted to do, but with my dad filling in while I was inside, I had no choice but to head out with my brothers. Unfortunately, we should’ve been back in Benton Falls by now and we’re not. We’re still with Butcher and his club. The shipment we’re waiting on has been delayed because of something that happened with the other club.

  I don’t have any idea what’s going on with the other club, and everyone is being very silent about what’s happening. A few of us have a horrible feeling about this and we don’t want anything to do with it. But, we have orders to fulfill and can’t stop because of a gut feeling we have.

  “Playboy, you okay?” Killer asks, walking up to the bar where I’m watching the activities in the common room take place.

  “Yep. Well, no, not really,” I answer.

  “What’s goin’ on?” he asks, tapping his knuckles on the bar top for a beer.

  “I just don’t have a good feelin’ about this run. It’s not like this usually. And, for us to not know what’s goin’ on with Knight’s Rebellion isn’t right. We should be the first fuckin’ men to know why they’re not ready to deliver to us,” I tell him.

  “Yeah, I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought it was weird. Butcher doesn’t know anythin’ either. I talked to him and he assures me he has no clue what’s goin’ on,” Killer tells me.

  “I didn’t even want to be here. I’d rather be out lookin’ for Sam and findin’ out what’s goin’ on with her,” I say honestly. “Gwen still hasn’t heard from her?”

  “Not a word. It’s like she’s gone radio silent to everyone and no one can figure it out,” he tells me. “I think the women are talkin’ about makin’ a trip to her house and figure out why she won’t answer anyone. Even the other ol’ ladies are havin’ a hard time with her not respondin’ to anyone. Especially the women from Dander Falls. They met her first.”

  “I know. This isn’t like Sam at all,” I say, not knowing what else to say. “I’m off to get a tattoo done. See ya later.”

  “What you gettin’?” he asks me, downing his beer.

  “Aphrodite with ‘Playboy’s Goddess written around it,” I answer.

  Killer tries not to laugh his ass off at me. It doesn’t work as he busts a gut while I stand up and flip him off. He doesn’t get it; no one does because every man who wants an ol’ lady has theirs with them at home. I’m the only one who fucked up enough to lose my woman before I got to make her mine officially. Sam is my Goddess of love, she’s true beauty, and she has so much passion in her to give without realizing it.

  However, in my tattoo, her face will be Sam’s. I have a picture of her on my phone and I’ve already given it to Garth. He’s the club's tattoo artist and he does amazing work. It’s not the first time I’ve been to him and it won’t be the last time. Garth is a solid man and Butcher has been trying to get him to patch into the club for as long as I’ve been a member.

  “I’m ridin’ with ya,” Killer tells me.

  We get on our bikes and head to the shop in town. I try to enjoy the freedom and peace of the road and it doesn’t work. I haven’t found a single second of peace since Sam took off. Nothing will be right until I find her and bring her home. At least that’s what I’m hoping for.

  It’s taken us less than a half-hour to get to the shop. I back my bike into the spot in front of the shop. Once Killer and I are parked, I take off my helmet and slide my sunglasses up to the top of my head. I’ve got a blue bandana on and I keep it in place, so my hair stays off my face. I don’t want to be messing with it while Garth is trying to ink me.

  We head inside and Killer starts chatting up the woman at the front desk. I don’t know why he doesn’t get his head out of his ass, but it’s not my business. Hopefully, he doesn’t lose Gwen because he wants to give her time. She won’t be around forever and he has to realize that. She’s going to see something she doesn’t like one of these days and that’s going to be the end of things for the two of them.

  “Playboy, it’s good to see you again,” Garth says, walking out from the back.

  “Good to see you too, man,” I reply.

  “Let’s get this shit started,” he says and turns to walk back to his room.

  Killer doesn’t follow me; he chooses to stay and talk to the bitch at the front. She’ll be in his bed before we leave here. He’s usually up for a piece of strange but I thought he’d tone that shit down with Gwen here permanently now. I guess he’s going with ‘what happens on the road, stays on the road’ philosophy. I’ll never do that. I have everything I need in Sam.

  “Where’s this goin’?” Garth asks me.

  “On my chest,” I tell him, taking my cut off and hanging it on his door before removing my shirt.

  I sit back in the chair and get relaxed while Garth finishes setting up. He sets the ink out and then places the stencil on my chest where I want it. I love the design and can’t wait until Sam sees it. Hopefully, it’s soon.

  Killer and I are back at Butcher’s clubhouse. As I suspected, the bitch from Garth’s shop followed us back here and is sitting on his lap while he plays cards with Butcher and a few of his men. I’m at the bar nursing a beer and playing with my phone.

  I’ve tried calling her several more times and it just continues to go straight to voicemail. My level of worry goes through the roof. I won’t rest until I talk to her; no, I won’t rest until I see her in the flesh. Sam is my other half and I’m not the man I should be without her.

  “What’s up?” my dad asks, answering his phone.

  “Anyone heard from Sam yet?” I ask, getting straight to the point.

  “Not yet, son,” he answers.

  “What the fuck? Somethin’ is wrong, dad,” I say, letting my concern shine through.

  “We’ll figure it out, Playboy,” he assures me. “Now, what’s goin’ on with the run?”

  “I have no clue. We still don’t know dick all and no one from Knight’s Rebellion is talkin’. All we know is there’s a delay but we don’t know when it’s goin’ to come. I’m not stayin’ here for long, dad,” I tell him. “I know we’ve got orders to fill and we need this shipment, but there are other ways. We’re wastin’ our fuckin’ time here.”

  “I’m callin’ them as soo
n as I get off the phone with you. I’ll get an answer from Lash or we’ll take our business elsewhere,” my dad says.

  “Thanks. And let me know if someone hears from her,” I say.

  “Will do. If the women don’t hear from her in the next few days, Shy and Gwen are talkin’ about goin’ down there,” he assures me. “We’ll get her home where she belongs. I miss my little buddy.”

  “I miss them both so much I can’t stand it,” I tell him.

  “We’ll get them home,” he tells me before hanging up the phone.

  I finish my beer and set the bottle on the top of the bar. Looking around the room, I have no interest in being out here. The men are partaking in smoking joints and having the house bunnies climb all over them. This is definitely not my scene these days. I’d rather head to the room I’ve been using here and be talking to Sam on the phone. Instead, I’ll be using my hand to images of her.

  “You headin’ to bed?” Valor asks me.

  “I’m headin’ to my room. I won’t be goin’ to bed just yet,” I say.

  “See ya in the mornin’,” he returns.

  “Oh, Butcher, dad is callin’ Lash to find out what’s goin’ on. He may call you,” I say, giving the President a warning to stay somewhat clearheaded.

  “Gotcha. I’ll make sure my phone is on and ready,” he says, placing his bet against Killer.

  Heading to my room, I strip off my cut so I can hang it on the back of the door when I get inside. As soon as I’m stripped down, I head to the attached bathroom and start the shower. I look in the mirror as the water heats up. I’m exhausted and the worry I feel over Sam and Caleb is plain to see on my face. I can’t hide it and I don’t want to.

  Stepping in the shower, I imagine Sam in here with me. She’s got water cascading down her body and I want to lick every single drop of it from her smooth, silky skin. In my mind, she turns around and I glimpse her full tits pointing straight up at me, her nipples begging for my mouth.

  Sam drops to her knees in front of me and takes my hard cock in her mouth. She sucks, licks, and teases before swallowing as much of my length as she can. At the same time, she reaches up and rolls my balls in her hand. I’m sliding my hand up and down my cock as quick as I can. I can feel myself already close to cumming all over the shower.

  One more image of Sam sucking my cock while her other hand disappears between her legs. She’s playing with her pussy while sucking my cock. I can’t stop my orgasm from exploding from my body as Sam’s name falls from my lips. Fuck! I want her so much I literally ache for her.

  It’s been over five months now since the one and only time I got a taste of her. That’s way too long for us not to be tasting and touching one another. I want to have her in my life more than I want to keep breathing. Sam is my life, my partner, and my best friend. She’s the only one who will ever own my heart and no one will ever come close to having a piece of me if we can’t bring her home.

  Getting out of the shower, I hear my phone ringing. I wrap the towel around my hips and don’t bother wiping off the water dripping from my hair and down my body. Reaching out for my pants, I grab my phone and see it’s my dad calling once again.

  “Yeah?” I ask answering it.

  “Talked to Lash. He’s meetin’ you with our shipment. Same location as before. Tomorrow mornin’ at nine. He’s pissed at the time, but I don’t give a fuck,” he tells me. “This is his last shot and I’ve made that clear. Still have no clue what’s goin’ on with the club and shipment on his end. Watch your six and make sure you’re not followed.”

  “Thanks. We’ll see you tomorrow night then. We’re headin’ straight through. I’ll make sure our only stops are for gas and we’ll fill up before headin’ out. We should only have to stop once on the way back,” I say.

  “See you tomorrow,” he says before hanging up once again.

  I put my jeans on so I can let the rest of my guys know what’s going on. They’ll need to be up early so we can head out. Walking into the common room of Butcher’s clubhouse. I see Killer getting a blowjob by the table he was playing poker at. Valor is sitting at the bar, Boy Scout is sitting at a different table, and our Prospect Connor is the last one I see. Fox must be in his room already. I’ll message him, later on, to let him know. Hopefully, he’s just on the phone with Kim and not sleeping.

  After letting the men know we’re heading out at a little after eight in the morning, I head back to my room. Everyone other than Killer follows me to their rooms. Killer will finish his blowjob before kicking the bitch out and heading to bed. I shoot a quick message to Fox and get in my bed to grab some sleep. Thoughts of Sam and Caleb fill my head as sleep claims me.

  Chapter Sixteen


  TODAY IS A very important day for Caleb. It’s his sixth birthday and I’m having a small party for him. It’s just going to be Edna, Carson, Sandy, and myself. Since I still haven’t found my phone, I can’t get a hold of anyone from the club to celebrate with him. I know it’s breaking his heart and I wish I could change it for him.

  I’m still taking it easy, very easy. Carson is only letting me work one day a week for now and I hate it. I’m thankful to get out of the house and have job. But, I want to feel as if I’m pulling my weight and be able to pay my bills. I want Caleb to have a good life and be able to provide for him. I’ve got a few more months and then I’ll be back to normal. Well, busy as hell with three kids, but I’ll manage.

  “Mama, it’s my birthday!” Caleb says, running into my room.

  “I know, buddy. Are you ready to see Edna, Carson, and Sandy today?” I ask him.

  “Yeah,” he answers, putting his little head down.

  “What’s the matter?” I ask him.

  “I want Papi here. And everyone else. Where’s Playboy?” he asks me.

  “I wish I could get them here for you, buddy. If I had my phone, I’d call them and see if they could be here. But, I don’t know where it is still. And I also have to work later today so we don’t have much time bud,” I say, pulling his body to mine.

  Caleb places one hand on my ever-growing belly and rests his head on my shoulder. This is how we usually lay down together. I give us some time because I’m still supposed to be resting more than I am up and about. Doctor Manning didn’t want to let me go back to work, but I talked her into one day a week for now. And I’m truly trying not to stress about anything.

  After several minutes pass, I tap Caleb on the shoulder to get up. He sits up in my bed and I try to sit up myself. It takes a few minutes before I manage to sit with my stomach sticking out like several beach balls are attached to my stomach. The first thing I have to do is run to the bathroom. Well, I can’t run, but I can waddle my ass there.

  While I’m in taking care of business, there’s a knock on the door. Caleb stops in front of the bathroom and we wait to see who’s here. I’m thinking it’s Edna because she was picking up the cake and wanted to decorate for Caleb.

  “It’s just me,” Edna finally calls out. “Are you okay, Sam?”

  “In the bathroom,” I answer her as Caleb runs to see her.

  It takes a little while, but I’m finally able to make my way out of the bathroom. I walk from the bathroom to the couch and park my ass there. At least for now because I have to get us breakfast.

  “How are you feeling this morning?” Edna asks me.

  “I feel like a beached whale. It takes forever to get up from anything. And I still have to make breakfast for us,” I tell her with a laugh at the end of my words.

  “Don’t you worry about that. Carson will be here in fifteen minutes and he’s bringing breakfast with him,” Edna tells me.

  “Oh, thank you,” I say, grateful I don’t have to get up right this second.

  Edna goes in the kitchen and places the cake on the counter. This year, I’m not trying to surprise him with anything because I know his heart is broken and there’s nothing I can do to fix it. The only thing would be Playboy, his Papi, and the rest of
the club and women coming here to see him.

  The only thing I’m hiding is his gifts. Edna managed to pick me up a few things for him when she went shopping for her own gift to him. Carson and Sandy also got him gifts, but no one will let me know what they got him. Apparently, I’m going to be surprised right along with him.

  It’s not long before Edna is opening the door to Carson and Sandy. They rode over together for some reason. Maybe because we both have to work tonight, and she figures I can ride in with them, so I have a ride home. Yeah, I’m not supposed to be driving a lot right now, either.

  “How are you feeling?” Carson asks me, leaning down to place a kiss on my head.

  “Been better. But, this will be over with one day and then I’ll have two more babies in my life to love and care for,” I answer him.

  “That you will. We’ll see if you’re still here when that happens. Either way, you better let us know when you have them,” he tells me, looking at Edna as he walks away from me.

  “Why wouldn’t I be here when I have them?” I ask him.

  “You never know what’s going to happen,” he tells me cryptically.

  “What have you done?” I ask him.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he says.

  “Uh-huh,” I murmur.

  Carson brings me over a plate and I thank him while giving him the stink eye. He’s done something and he won’t tell me until he’s good and ready to let me in on the secret. However, I’m betting Sandy and Edna both know what’s going on because they’re avoiding me. Sandy is eating with Caleb and Edna is making herself busy by cleaning my house. She’s been taking good care of me since I got put on bed rest and then moved to extremely light duty.

  Tears fill my eyes as I realize I’ve made a new family for Caleb and myself. We have Carson, Edna, and Sandy, who have all been by my side since I got taken to the hospital. At least one of them has been here since I got released and they’ve done everything to help me out around the house. Edna is even talking about painting the walls for me. Or making Carson have someone come in and do it for her. We laughed over that one because of her facial expression.


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