Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4) Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  Both families Caleb and I have are as good as one another. One is just smaller than the other one. And less rowdy for sure. But, I love them all dearly and know they care for my son and I. Just like they’ll care about my other sons when they get here. Although, no one here knows what I’m having. Edna and Sandy have tried to get it out of me, but they won’t. I’m keeping that secret as long as I possibly can.

  “You need anything else?” Sandy asks, walking up to me on the couch.

  “No, thank you. I’d rather be up moving around, but I’ll be working later so I have to rest now,” I respond.

  “Yeah, I know. If you need anything, let me know,” she says, going back to Caleb’s side.

  Caleb’s party was amazing. He got a Nerf gun from Carson with a ton of extra bullets. I glared at him while Caleb went over to give him a massive hug. Edna got him some summer clothes, a new pair of sandals, and some bubbles. Sandy got him a new movie and things so he can have a movie night with her. Edna also picked him out some clothes, movies, and a few books from me. Caleb has started reading and I wanted to make sure he has some books so he can read to the babies when they’re here.

  “Caleb, I gotta head to work now. You be good for Edna and I’ll see you soon,” I tell him.

  My son runs up to me and stops just before colliding against my legs. He’s very careful around me these days. After wrapping his arms around my legs, I hug him back and kiss the top of his head. I won’t be able to do that much longer because it’s getting harder to bend down to him.

  “I love you, mama,” he tells me.

  “I love you too,” I say.

  Carson and Sandy help me out to his truck. Once I’m sitting in the front seat, Sandy and Carson get in the truck. We head out to the truck stop and Carson lets me off at the front door with Sandy helping me inside. I walk to the backroom without looking around the restaurant and put my purse in my locker before grabbing my apron. I’m glad the thing has long strings, so I can still use it.

  “If you need me, let me know,” Sandy says as we walk back to the floor to relieve the other waitresses.

  “I will. Thanks, Sandy. For everything,” I say before heading to my section.

  As I take the coffee pot around to refresh the customer’s coffee, I see two people sitting in the last table. They’re huddled together and seem familiar to me. But, I can’t quite place them because they have menus in front of their faces.

  “Can I get you, gentlemen, some more coffee?” I ask when I get to their table.

  “Sam?” I hear Playboy ask.

  Looking at him, I almost drop the coffee pot to the floor.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, shock filling me.

  “What are you doin’?” he asks, looking at my stomach.

  Slim looks at me at the same time and there’s nothing I can say. Tears fill my eyes and Playboy stands to take me in his arms. I wrap my own around him and cry for the time we’ve lost and the fact he’s going to be leaving me again. His life is in Benton Falls with the Phantom Bastards.

  “Is this why you left, sweetheart?” Slim finally asks me.

  I nod my head, not letting go of Playboy in case this isn’t real. My fear is I’m dreaming and I’ll wake up soon. That Playboy is still in jail and we’re still separated.

  “Why?” Playboy asks me.

  “Because you wouldn’t see me or accept my letters. If I couldn’t tell you, I didn’t want anyone else to know before you. The best way I could figure to make that happen was to leave,” I tell him.

  “Baby, I’m so sorry,” he says, lifting my head to kiss me.

  “Well, you know the surprise now. What you don’t know is we’re having twins,” I say, exhaustion taking over as I suddenly feel weak.

  “Sam, are you okay?” Carson asks, walking up to us.

  “You did this?” I ask my boss.

  “Yeah, I did. I got a hold of Slim. Turns out, I’ve known these guys a long time. They stop in whenever they’re in the area. I had his number. And, look at this,” Carson says, holding out my phone.

  “Where was it?” I ask him, taking my phone from his hand.

  “Behind the counter in the kitchen. I believe it fell back there when Vanessa got fired,” he tells me.

  “This is why you haven’t gotten any of our calls or messages?” Playboy asks, looking down at my hand.


  “Why don’t you guys take her home. Playboy, she’s supposed to be on bed rest. She can fill you in,” Carson says. “You’ll get paid for today. Go make your boy happy.”

  Playboy and Slim lead me from Torrino’s. Slim has his truck today and Playboy helps me into the backseat before climbing in after me. He rests his hand on my stomach and looks at me with wonder and excitement filling his eyes.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man on Earth,” he tells me, leaning down to place a kiss against my lips.

  “Are you sure. I don’t want to push this on you. Caleb and I are fine staying here and you can see the babies as much as you want. Or not at all,” I say, rushing out the words.

  “You’re comin’ home with me, baby. Told you I love you and I meant it. When we get home, I’m makin’ you my ol’ lady. Everyone misses you and Caleb so much. I’m so fuckin’ sorry, Sam. For not seein’ you, for not callin’ you, and for not readin’ your letter. I just knew it would be hard as fuck because I couldn’t comfort you and our son,” Playboy tells me.

  “Next time, you come to us,” Slim says. “We would’ve made sure this ass saw you if we knew the news you had. Though, I get why you wanted to hide it. We all gossip like a group of damn hens.”

  Playboy and I laugh as Slim pulls into my driveway. He helps me down from the truck and then to the door.

  “Now, why are you on bed rest and light duty?” he asks me as we walk to the door.

  “I started bleeding a few weeks ago. The doctor said it was stress-related. So, now I’m on light duty because they don’t want to chance anything with the babies. I have pictures inside,” I tell him as we get to the porch.

  “Are you okay? Are the babies okay?” he asks me, concern lacing his face and voice.

  “We’re okay. I just need more rest than normal,” I answer.

  Opening the door, I hear Caleb’s laughter. It warms my heart as I hear him so happy when he’s been heartbroken. The three of us stop and listen to him for a minute before Playboy can’t stand it anymore.

  “Caleb, where are you, buddy?” he calls out.

  “Playboy? You’re really here?” Caleb yells out, running to him with his arms spread open and a smile on his face larger than I’ve ever seen. “And Papi!”

  Everyone laughs as tears run down my little boy’s face. Playboy whispers something in his ear and Caleb furiously nods his head in response. As soon as Playboy sets him down on his feet, Caleb is up in Slim’s arms. Slim whispers something to him as well.

  “Mama, I got my birthday wish,” Caleb tells me.

  “Today your birthday?” Slim asks him.

  My son nods his head and gets down so he can show his two favorite men the gifts he got today. Playboy and Slim have a conversation with their eyes before following Caleb into the living room.

  “Edna, this is Playboy and Slim. Slim and Playboy, this is my friend Edna,” I say, making the introductions.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she says, eyeing Playboy.

  “You too, ma’am,” he responds.

  Playboy and Slim sit down on the couch and I watch as they take in our small home. Neither one of them are happy about it, I can tell by the look in their eyes. That’s not my problem, though. For now, my only problem is sitting down and getting off my feet.

  “Sam, get off your damn feet,” Edna tells me, getting up from the couch so I can sit down. “I’ll get you some juice and something to eat.”

  “I’m fine,” I tell her.

  “Nonsense. I know you need to eat something. You visit with your friends here and let me worry about things
before I leave. I’m gonna leave and go cover your shift,” she lets me know.

  “Thank you. I’m sorry you have to cover for me,” I say.

  “Don’t worry, child,” she says. “You guys have a lot to catch up on.”

  The rest of the day, we talk and laugh. Slim and Playboy spend the entire afternoon focusing on Caleb. The only time they leave is to get dinner. And to get him some birthday gifts. I’m exhausted and Playboy makes me go to bed. He puts Caleb to bed and then walks his dad to the door. Just before I fall asleep, I feel him climb into bed with me and pull me against his body.

  “I’ve missed you so much. And I’ve missed out on so much,” he says, placing a kiss on the top of my head. “I love you, Sam.”

  “I love you too, Playboy. I missed you every single day,” I say, my words ending as sleep pulls me under.

  Instead of dreaming about Playboy, I sleep wrapped up in the safety of his arms. This is where I’m meant to be and I can’t even believe I ever thought he wouldn’t want the babies or me. Playboy is mine and I’m his. Caleb is our son and we’re about to add two more boys to our family. Life can’t get much better than this.

  Chapter Seventeen


  JUST AFTER I got home from the run, my dad pulled me into his office. I sit down in the chair across from his desk and wait for him to talk. This isn’t about the run we were just on; otherwise, the rest of the guys would be here with me. Whatever he has to say is personal and I’ll have to wait for him to fill me in on the details.

  “Son, I had a phone call from an old friend of the club. His name is Carson and we need to head to Torrino’s. Now,” my dad says, not holding back at all.

  “Why? What’s goin’ on there that means we have to show up to lend our support?” I ask him, confusion filling me.

  “Nothin’ we have to lend support for. Sam’s there and she needs help. She’s okay for the most part, but we need to get there,” he says.

  “When are we leavin’ because I’m ready to go now?” I ask him.


  Dad and I head out of his office. He stops at the bar where Shy is sitting and whispers something to her. I watch on as she looks at me with tears in her eyes. My dad obviously knows more than what he’s letting on. I’m not sure what to do or think about things right this moment. All I know is I’m about to see my woman and something is going on with her.

  Shy walks over to me and pulls me into her arms.

  “You bring our girl home,” she whispers, a tear falling and landing on my shirt.

  “I will. I love that woman with all my heart,” I respond.

  Shy backs off and my dad and I go to our bikes. She’ll let everyone know where we’re going. But, I’m not sure our bikes are the way to go right now.

  “Dad, should we take the bikes?” I ask just before he starts his up.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, if somethin’ is goin’ on with her, shouldn’t we take one of the SUVs?” I question.

  “Fuck! You’re right. We’ll take my truck,” he says.

  We get off our bikes and run to his truck parked along the side of the clubhouse. As soon as we’re both in, he’s got the engine on and we’re taking off. It should take us about four hours to get there, but with the way he’s driving, I don’t think it will take that long.

  “So, what’s the plan?” I ask.

  “We’re gonna show up to Torrino’s before Sam does. Then, we can find out what the hell is goin’ on with her. If I had even thought she’d be workin’ for Carson, I’d have called him before now. I just thought she was workin’ somewhere else in town,” he tells me. “I dropped the fuckin’ ball on this one.”

  “No, you didn’t. I did when I wouldn’t let her come see me or have any contact with her,” I reply.

  The rest of the ride goes by in silence. I’m thinking about how this is going to go and hoping I can talk her into coming home with me. If I have to stay here a few days, then that’s what I’ll do to ensure she comes back where she belongs. Sam and Caleb belong in Benton Falls and that’s where they’re going to live. With me.

  The second Sam walked into the truck stop; my eyes were on her. She kept her back to us because of where we were sitting, but I knew there was something different about her. I could feel it down to my bones. Now, the trick will be to get her to talk to me long enough to find out what her secret is.

  When she walked hesitantly up to our table, my eyes never once strayed from her face. I couldn’t tell you what she was wearing or how she looked. The only thing I saw was pain in her eyes and exhaustion marring her beautiful features. Until I let my eyes fall lower to land on her huge stomach. She isn’t fat; far from it. No, Sam is pregnant and no one could be the father except for me.

  Her boss telling us to take her home was the best thing I’ve ever heard apart from her telling me she loves me. I don’t waste any time getting her out of there. Especially knowing she was in the hospital for bleeding and is mainly on bed rest and light duty until the babies are born.

  Sam can’t be on her own anymore. With Edna being here when we got to the house, I’m sure she’s been one of the main people here with Sam and Caleb. Carson seems like the type of man who would be here for my family too. Just from the few minutes he was near us at the table in the truck stop, Carson reminds me a lot like dad. I’m grateful Sam had him and the rest of her friends here. But, she has a family and friends back home too.

  Lying in bed with Sam in my arms and Caleb across the hallway asleep in his bed is the calmest and most peaceful I’ve been since the day I got arrested. I relish the feeling of her laying against me, her hair fanned out over my chest, and her stomach pressing against my arm. This is where I’m meant to be every day for the rest of my life.

  I have a lot to make up for with Sam and Caleb and that starts tomorrow. As soon as we’re awake, I’m going to explain everything to my woman and hope she forgives me. There’s no other option for me. I refuse to let Sam get away and leave me again. Not with Caleb or our two new children she’s carrying in her belly.

  Waking up, I hear Sam crying softly next to me. Instantly I’m awake and hovering over her.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” I ask her, concern etched in my every muscle.

  “I can’t get up and I have to go to the bathroom,” she says as I catch a tear sliding down her face.

  “Why didn’t you wake me up?” I ask her.

  “Because if I woke you up, I thought I was dreaming and you’d disappear again,” she says as her tears fall faster.

  “I’m not goin’ anywhere and you’re not dreamin’,” I tell her. “Now, let’s get you out of bed.”

  Stepping on the floor, I hold out my hands and let Sam put her hands in mine. I slowly pull her from the bed, so I don’t hurt the babies or her. Following her, I make sure she gets in the bathroom okay and then wait in the hall for her to be done. Just in case she needs help up from the toilet.

  When she opens the door, I lead her to the living room and help her sit down on the couch. As soon as she’s comfortable, I make my way to the kitchen and start making breakfast. Sam doesn’t have much, but it’s enough for us and that’s fine by me. For now.

  “Why are you still here?” Sam asks me.

  “Because we need to talk. And I’m not leavin’ you again if I can help it,” I tell her.

  “But why now after all this time?” she questions.

  “Because I’ve been tryin’ to get a hold of you since the second I got out. All the ol’ ladies have been. We had no clue you didn’t have your phone,” I tell her. “Sam, it’s not that I didn’t want to see you. I couldn’t see you. If I saw you, I’d want to be with you to comfort you and be with you at home. If I heard your voice, I’d want to be with you. And, if I saw your letters with the tears stains on the paper, I’d feel horrible because I couldn’t be there with you. That’s why I wanted no contact.”

  “But you saw Shy,” she says.

She forced her way in and I know better than to try to tell her no,” I say on a laugh.

  “True, but you could have sent a letter explaining this all to me,” she tells me logically.

  “I know. But, I didn’t want you to be even sadder because I was tellin’ you in a letter I didn’t want you to see me as a caged fuckin’ animal,” I say, walking over and bending down in front of her. “I felt like a caged animal in there and I didn’t want you to see me that way. I’m so sorry, Sam.”

  “You have no idea how much you hurt me,” she says, a fresh tear sliding down her cheek. “Especially once I found out I was pregnant.”

  “I know, baby. And if I could take it all back, I would. But, I still wouldn’t have you see me in there. I can’t do that,” I tell her, begging her with my eyes to believe me.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she tells me. “This all feels so surreal.”

  “I know. It does for me to. But, we’ll get through this. Now, what I want to know is everythin’ that’s been goin’ on with you and the pregnancy. I’ve missed so much of it already,” I tell her.

  “Well, I didn’t find out until I was almost four months pregnant. My cycle has never been normal, so it’s always a hit or miss if I’m going to get pregnant or not. All it took was one time for us to be together to result in a positive test. I went to the doctor and they did an ultrasound because I had no clue how far along I was. That’s when I found out we’re having twins.

  “I will still basically not showing when the women showed up to see me. It was like the day I hit five months, I’m where you see me now. And I’m only going to get bigger from here as they grow,” she tells me.

  “So, what about you goin’ to the hospital?” I ask her.

  “I was at work one day and I started bleeding really bad. They said it was stress-related and I had to be on bed rest. When I went back to my doctor, she said I could work one day a week and I have to do as little as possible for now. I go back in a few days and we’ll see what she says then,” Sam tells me.


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