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Sam's Playboy (Phantom Bastards MC Book 4)

Page 24

by Erin Osborne

  It still takes us an hour to open everything up with Playboy, Caleb, and myself working on them. We’ve gotten everything from clothes, small toys, diapers, bottles, wipes, lotion, bath stuff, bathtubs, and anything else you could even begin to imagine a baby could need. Tears have been filling my eyes since we started because I never once expected this.

  Playboy hasn’t left my side since we came downstairs. He’s made sure I have food, drinks, and has helped me up to use the restroom. Caleb is now at my side and we’re surrounded by our entire family consisting of three different clubs.

  “Mama, look at all this stuff,” Caleb says as his eyes go wide. “It’s a lot.”

  “Yes, it is,” I reply as those closest to us laugh with us.

  “You’ve got two more gifts and that’s it,” Bailey says, walking up with a large box in her hand.

  She sets it down in front of me and I look to Playboy. He nods his head and I begin to unwrap the box. Nestled inside among the tissue paper are two little matching outfits. There’s little pair of jeans, white onesies proclaiming them future Phantom Bastard Prospects, little leather vest like the cuts the men wear with the Prospect patch on them, and little black bandanas like the one Playboy usually wears around his face when he’s out riding.

  “These are so precious,” I say, tears streaming down my face as I look up at Bailey. “Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome, honey,” Bailey answers. “You know, my mom started this tradition when she was alive and since losing her, I’ve been keeping up with it. The only difference is I go to the other clubs and try to make sure I get one for every new baby that comes into the family.”

  There’s not a dry eye on the women as Bailey talks about something her mom started so long ago. Now, Bailey keeps her memory alive in continuing with the tradition. It’s special and even after the boys outgrown these outfits, I’ll be saving them to ensure they never get damaged or lost.

  Before I can blink, Playboy is standing next to me. As I go to ask him what’s going on, he drops to a knee and pulls a box from the inside of his cut. I gasp and tears fill my eyes. Again, this is the last thing I expected with everything that’s been going on with this new club in town.

  “Sam, you have been to hell and back and you’re still here to live your life. You’ve let not only me but the rest of the club and ol’ ladies in your life and Caleb’s life. I love you with all my heart and there’s no one else who can gain access now that you own it. You’re givin’ me two new little boys and I want to know if you’d do me the honor of spendin’ the rest of your life with me. Will you marry me?” he asks as he opens the box he’s holding.

  “Yes!” I yell out so everyone can hear as tears stream down my face and I hold my hand out to him.

  Looking down, I see a stunning platinum band on my finger with a diamond in the middle of light blue stones that go down along the band as well. It’s not too big and it fits perfectly.

  Playboy leans up and kisses me. He lets his lips linger against mine and I can feel the smile on his face as he remains connected to me. I can’t help but smile in return.

  “Are you ready?” he asks as he finally pulls from my lips.

  “Ready for what, baby?” I ask him.

  “To get married?” Playboy asks like it’s the most normal thing in the world to get engaged and married in the same day.

  “Nothing has been planned or done for it,” I tell him, letting him see the shock on my faces.

  “Everythin’ is ready, baby. Just waitin’ on your to say yes,” he informs me.

  “You’re crazy! But that’s why I love you,” I say on a laugh. “Let’s do this.”

  Playboy helps me up from the chair where Bailey, Skylar, Maddie, Shy, Hadliegh, Gwen, and Callie are waiting. The rest of the ol’ ladies have disappeared and I’m sure they’re putting the finishing touches on the wedding. I didn’t even know this could be done legally.

  “Go with the girls. I’ll see you in a few minutes,” he says, placing another lingering kiss on my lips.

  As soon as he’s done kissing me until I can’t think anymore, Shy and Hadliegh lead me to our room. We enter and I see they already have the make-up and curling iron ready to go.

  “This is why Playboy picked out a white dress for me to wear today, isn’t it?” I ask them.

  “It is,” Shy says. “I picked it up yesterday when we went out.

  Tears fill my eyes as I realize they helped Playboy do this. And, there’s more than likely only one reason why he’s doing this for us right now; he’s worried something is going to happen to him. That he’s not going to come home to me and he wants to protect us.

  “No crying,” Hadliegh says. “I don’t know what’s going on, but he’s coming home. They all are.”

  I nod my head as they get to work. Shy informs me we only have ten minutes before he’s expecting me out there.

  “You realize I don’t even have a maid of honor or anything?” I ask them.

  “So choose one,” Hadliegh tells me, not letting me think of anything to get out of marrying Playboy right now.

  “Gwen, would you?” I ask her, knowing I’m the closest to her.

  “Yes, I would,” she answers with tears in her own eyes.

  Gwen is wearing a pretty black dress. It’s strapless and falls to just above her knees. Her golden skin is shown off in it and I know Killer is going to lose his shit because she sure as hell wasn’t wearing this for the baby shower. Gwen’s make-up is light and accentuates her golden eyes. She’s beautiful with an air of innocence surrounding her and there’s no way anyone can deny it.

  Hadliegh does my hair while Shy does my make-up. Skylar, Bailey, Maddie, and Callie emerge from the bathroom wearing similar dresses to Gwen. Their hair and make-up is done by the time I’m ready. Shy and Hadliegh are the last two to get ready as they change into dresses and take care of their hair and faces. Each woman is stunning and I can’t wait to see the men. My only hope is they aren’t dressed in suits or anything; that’s not who they are and I don’t want them to change.

  “Are you all in the wedding?” I ask them.

  “Yeah,” Skylar answers me. “Playboy wants it to be a family affair, so there’s men and women from each club in the wedding party. Are you okay with that?”

  “I couldn’t be happier about it. Thank you all so much. For everything you’ve done with the wedding and baby shower today,” I tell them.

  “You’re welcome,” Hadliegh says, walking up to me. “Two more surprises for you.”

  The second Hadliegh finishes talking, there’s a knock on the door. When Shy opens the door, Tank is standing before us. He’s got a smile on his face as he looks at all the women standing before him.

  “You ladies ready to go?” he asks, stepping in to kiss Maddie.

  “Yep. Just finished up,” she answers him.

  All the women head out and make their way to the back door. Tank is the only one to remain. I look up at him with confusion on my face.

  “I’m the lucky fucker walkin’ you down the aisle to your man,” he says, giving me a wink.

  “Thank you. I didn’t even think of that,” I respond as he leads me from the room and toward the back door.

  As we step up, I see Caleb standing there with a little leather vest on over his white tee-shirt. He’s got a pair of new jeans on and boots on his feet. Caleb has a pillow in his hands with our wedding bands on them. Shy is standing next to him with Kinsliegh in her arms. She’s got a basket of red rose petals in her hand and tears fill my eyes. This is truly a family event when I’ve never really had a family to call my own. Now, it seems I do in the form of three clubs and the men and women in them.

  I soon hear Love Me by Aaron Lewis playing through the speakers. This song fits us perfectly as I listen to the words again. We both fought our feelings for so long and even now, we have a hard time loving one another. Not that we don’t want to; I’ve just never had it shown to me, so it’s harder for me. It’s a favorit
e of mine and Playboy has had to listen to it more than enough.

  One by one, all the women walk out of the clubhouse and down the yard behind it. I glimpse Playboy standing at the front. He’s wearing a pair of jeans, a black tee-shirt, his cut, and a black bandana on his head. His hair is showing under the bandana and the way it’s laying, I know he’s got it pulled back in a low ponytail. Playboy knows I love it when he looks like this. It’s my favorite look besides when we’re having sex and his hair is hanging around him while his eyes penetrate mine and a look of bliss covers his sexy face.

  Finally, it’s our time to leave the clubhouse and as we do, I take a deep breath. The second we step through the door, all eyes swing to us and I can feel the blush creeping up my face. Tank leads me to Playboy, who’s not all that far away because of how pregnant I am.

  What takes us minutes feels as if it takes hours to get to my man. The smile on his face lights my way toward him and I can’t take my eyes off his sexy face. I don’t even realize Slim’s standing up to marry us until Tank leaves my side after placing a kiss on my cheek to a growling Playboy.

  Each man standing up with Playboy matches up with their ol’ lady standing up for me. I love we’re combining all the clubs in our day even though I seem to be the last one to know. Today is turning out to be an amazing day and I’m happy it’s happening before our sons are born, so other than Caleb, we all have the same name. And I know it’s just a matter of time before Caleb has the same last name as us.

  “This is gonna be short and sweet,” Slim says, launching into the ceremony.

  Honestly, my only focus is on Playboy as Slim talks to the crowd behind us. It’s not until it’s time for us to say our vows that I look around for the first time. There’s a path of blood-red rose petals we walked across, wildflowers hang from Sheppard’s hooks on the outside of the chairs, and there’s an arch behind Slim covered in wildflowers.

  “Sam, you came into my life completely unexpected and now I can’t imagine a day without you by my side. When we were apart, you were always on my mind and I couldn’t get rid of you. Not that I’d ever want to. Caleb is my son and he’s always on my mind too. We’re about to add two new members to our family and I can’t wait for the day we can hold them in our arms and watch them learn and grow, moldin’ them into the kind of men we want them to be. I love you more every single second of every day and that won’t ever change,” Playboy says.

  “Playboy, when I came here, I was afraid of my own shadow. You helped me overcome that, helped our handsome son get over his lack of talking, and are making me a mother twice over. Without you, I don’t know where we’d be and I’ll never be able to thank you for that or giving us a family we never had before. I love you, always and it only grows on a daily basis. You’re teaching me how to love and let someone in to love me back,” I tell him, tears rolling silently down my face as his eyes glisten as well.

  “Sam, do you take Playboy to be your husband?” Slim asks as I take the ring from Caleb’s little hand.

  “I do,” I respond.

  “Playboy, do you take Sam to be your wife?” he asks his son.

  “I fuckin’ do,” Playboy says as laughter rings out around us.

  Once the rings are in place on our fingers, we join hands and Slim places his hand over them.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. Son, you may kiss your beautiful bride,” Slim says as catcalls, whistles, and cheering erupts and quickly fades into the background.

  Playboy pulls me into his body and our lips part so he can deepen the kiss in front of all our family and friends.

  When we finally break apart, Playboy leads me from our wedding place to a chair. Once I’m seated, he slides one over to me and parks his ass while everyone else mingles and music starts playing.

  “We’re out here long enough for somethin’ to eat and then we’re inside. Shy and Dad will have Caleb tonight,” he informs me, placing a gentle kiss against my lips.

  True to his word, Playboy ushered me inside as soon as we were done eating. He leads me to our room, and as soon as the door’s shut behind him, he’s on me. Playboy strips me out of my dress and quickly removes his clothes. While he’s standing before me completely naked, I’m wearing my bra and panties still.

  I’m more than ready for him to take me. The entire time we were waiting for our food, then eating, and talking to our family, he had his hands all over me. If his hands weren’t on me, he was kissing me somewhere on my body. I’ve been turned on and wanting him for over an hour now, and I can’t wait much longer for him.

  “If you don’t want to lose them permanently, take them off,” Playboy grits out.

  He reaches behind me and undoes the hooks holding my bra in place. I drop my arms and let it fall to the floor before lowering my panties. Once they can fall by themselves, I let them. As soon as I step out of them, I sit on the bed and wait for what my husband is going to want to do next.

  “Hands and knees, baby,” he tells me, his voice low and husky with want. “This time will be fast and hard. Later, I’ll be slow and gentle.”

  “Anything, babe. I just need you now,” I tell him, starting to pant in anticipation of him filling me.

  Playboy does as I ask and slides into me after sliding his fingers through my folds to make sure I’m wet and ready for him. He doesn’t stop until he’s balls deep in me. After letting me adjust for a second, Playboy begins to pull out of my body before slamming back in as hard as he dares with me being almost eight months pregnant now.

  Once he finds his rhythm, Playboy leans over and begins to place kisses down my back. He removes one of his hands from the bed beside me and begins to tweak one of my nipples. I let my head drop and let out a long moan. Playboy pauses long enough to place a pillow under my stomach, so it’s not pulling on me and then resumes his tempo as if he’s never missed a beat.

  “I’m close, baby. You need to get there,” he grits out from clenched teeth.

  Instead of answering, I start meeting him thrust for thrust. He moves his hand from my tit down to my clit. Playboy begins to pinch and pull on it as his tempo picks up just a bit. Even with his pace increasing, Playboy doesn’t move in and out any harder than he already is.

  With him manipulating my clit, I can feel my body coiling tighter and tighter, and my release begins to pull me to the edge of the cliff. The next time he pinches my clit between his fingers, my release crashes over me, and I can’t stop the scream erupting from me.

  “Griffin!” I yell out as my orgasm crashes over me.

  My body tightens and shudders beneath him. I pull Playboy over the edge with me. His own body tightens and stills inside me.

  “Sam!” he shouts out.

  Playboy slowly glides in and out of me, prolonging both of our orgasms. When he finally slides from my body, I watch with hooded eyes as he walks naked into the bathroom. He cleans up and then brings a washcloth back to clean me up. Once I’m clean, he climbs into bed with me and pulls my back to his front. He rubs his hands up and down my stomach as our breathing comes back to normal. My eyes slide shut, and sleep instantly claims me with my husband’s arms around me.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  YESTERDAY WAS THE best day of my life up to this point. I got to marry the love of my life. After ravishing her body, and Sam taking a nap, we went back outside with our family and friends. Jose joined the party and met Sam. He handed me an envelope filled with money as a wedding gift for us. When I tried to hand it back, he told me to do something special for my family.

  I danced with Sam as Outlaw In Me by Brantley Gilbert played. Not a traditional wedding song, but we’re not a traditional couple. After dancing with my wife, we cut the cake and then went back inside while the rest of the clubs partied and did what they do the rest of the night. My time was spent buried in my wife throughout the entire night.

  Although the best part of the night was when I took her home after dancing with her. It was my dad’s one co
ncession to us getting married; we stay in the house on our wedding night. I showed Sam the nursery, and she fell in love with it.

  Painted on the walls are a group of motorcycles. The riders are all wearing Phantom Bastards cuts and bandanas covering their heads. The road is stretched out before them and trees are painted on one side of the road. What really got her was that all the riders were bears instead of people.

  When her gaze landed on the nursery room furniture, there was no stopping the tears. Pops brought up his normal set of furniture. So, there’s two cribs, toy boxes, and two rocking chairs. The Phantom Bastards colors are on all of them, and teddy bears are carved into the wood as well. It’s the same thing he does for any new baby into the family.

  Today, the feel around the clubhouse is much different, though. It’s the day we go to war with Terror and his pussies; the day I make Rancor pay for touching what’s mine. I won’t rest until he’s buried in the depths of hell. None of us will rest until Terror, and every last man wearing a Devils Rule cut is burning in hell.

  “Church in session,” my dad says, slamming down the gavel as we’re in our last meeting before heading out.

  “What’s goin’ on today?” I ask, leaning up against the wall again so Jose can have my chair.

  “Again, you guys are going to go ahead. Playboy, Jose, and I will show up together. I want you all closer than last time, so we can take them the fuck out. We go in, act like Jose wants to talk about workin’ with them. When I hold my hand up, I want all hell to break loose,” my dad answers. “We’ve gone over and over this plan more than once in the last few days. Fox, you’ve been over the maps with Jose’s guys, and everyone knows what you’re supposed to do. Any questions.”

  “Not a question,” I begin, looking at every man in the room. “Rancor is mine. He put his hands on my ol’ lady, and he dies by my hand and my hand only.”

  “Terror is mine. He called me a bitch without saying the words,” Jose adds in.


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