THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series

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THE PHOENIX WEDDING: The Complete 6 Books Series Page 42

by CJ Bishop


  Abel smiled. “He’d said before that he didn’t really know if he liked girls or boys. I guess now he knows.”

  “Do you think Chris picked up on the adoration?”

  “Probably,” Abel nodded. “But he wouldn’t embarrass Noah by saying anything. He would probably be flattered and think it’s cute.”

  Axel looked at the young man. “Is he gay?”

  “I don’t know,” Abel chuckled. “His Uncle Lex is. Of course, that doesn’t mean anything. His parents were obviously straight. And as far as I know, so is Miranda. He isn’t involved with anyone, and I don’t think he’s mentioned a specific interest in either gender, so it’s anyone’s guess at this point.”

  Axel grinned. “He’d sure make a pretty gay boy.”

  Abel laughed. “No shit. He’s a looker, for sure. Can’t blame Noah for getting all twitterpated over him.”

  The two men laughed as they walked up the porch steps.

  Clint raised an eyebrow curiously. Axel sat on his leg and draped his arm around the cowboy’s shoulders. “I think there’s love in the air.”

  “Jules?” Clint queried.

  “Well, yeah, him, too,” Axel chuckled. “But I was talking about Noah.”

  “Noah?” Devlin stepped closer and looked at Abel.

  “I think he’s smitten with Chris,” Abel smiled and indicated the boy’s doe-eyed expression as he gazed at the young man who had just joined their small group.

  “So he does like boys,” Devlin murmured, pleased.

  “Who wouldn’t be smitten by that boy?” Cory smirked. “Rawr.”

  “Hey.” His boyfriend, Colton, stared at him. “I’m right here.”

  “I know, baby,” Cory winked. “You can admire him, too.”

  Adrian moved closer and rested his chin on Cory’s shoulder, gazing across the yard. “He is purdy.”

  “Shit,” Anthony chuckled and looked at Angelo. “We may need a leash for him.”

  Adrian twisted his head and grinned at them. “And a collar? Please?”

  The others laughed as the two older men shook their heads. “It’s a good thing there’s two of us,” Angelo said. “I don’t think either of us could handle him all on our own.”

  “Definitely a good thing there’s two of you,” Adrian smiled darkly.

  From the end of the porch where Cole and Gabe lounged against the rail, Cole winked at Abel as his eyes drifted between him and Devlin, “Three is a fun number.”

  Chapter 10

  Grid returned inside, passing discreetly around the perimeter of the men gathered on the porch. He walked through the house and reached the front door as the doorbell rang. On the other side of the door stood a man who looked somewhat familiar—possibly someone he had seen at the bachelor party—but couldn’t put a name to the face. The man was slightly older than Grid, maybe twenty-five or twenty-six, with black hair and green eyes.

  “Hey,” Grid nodded at him.

  “Hello.” The man frowned thoughtfully as he held out his hand. “I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Darius. Max’s brother.”

  Of course, Grid should have guessed. The man was a vivid younger version of Max. “Grid,” he smiled and shook his hand. “I’m a friend of Horatio’s, from Chicago.”

  “Well, it’s good to meet you, Grid.” Darius was pleasant and instantly likable.

  Grid motioned him inside. “Everyone’s out on the back porch,” he said and pointed down the hall. “Just through there.”

  “Thanks,” Darius smiled and disappeared into the house.

  Grid stepped out the door and stood on the small front porch then sat down on the front steps. He chewed his thumbnail and stared blankly at the cars parked along the curb. He was trying desperately to convince himself that Horatio’s attorneys could help Nolan out of his situation, but what if they couldn’t?

  And what if they do? Grid was so focused on just being with Nolan “right now”, but if they were free and clear to be together in the long-term…was he ready for that? Ready to be a father-figure to a child? Ready to fully commit to a mature relationship, a situation that couldn’t adapt to him but which he would have to adapt to? He’d only known Nolan a few days. What if this was more infatuation than it was love?

  Grid leaned forward and scraped his fingers through his hair, confusion clouding his mind. “Fuck,” he whispered tightly. His heart insisted this was the real deal and not to fuck it up. But what if his heart was wrong? He didn’t want to embed himself in Nolan and Reuben’s lives, only to find out later that it wasn’t as real as he’d thought. That wouldn’t be fair to either of them, and children get attached real quick. He groaned and squeezed his strands.

  “You okay, man?” Samuel appeared behind him without making a sound.

  Grid raised his head as he finger-combed his messed hair. “Yeah.” He sighed. “No. I don’t know.”

  “That was clarifying,” Samuel smiled and sat beside him. He rested forward on his knees and asked quietly, “Having second thoughts about Nolan?”

  Grid lowered his eyes and stared at his hands. “I don’t know,” he whispered. “I’m fucking crazy about the guy, but maybe I’m just causing him more stress. He’s got enough to deal with, without me hanging around and putting him at risk of getting caught by his fiancée. I couldn’t deal with it if I caused him to lose his son.”

  “Look,” Samuel murmured. “Horatio’s attorneys are badass. There’s a way out of this, and they’ll find it.” His eyes lingered on Grid’s face. “But what about the other?”

  “What other?”

  “The fact that Nolan has a son. Not everyone is keen on getting involved with someone who has a kid. And there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s better to be honest about it from the start, than to get involved and have the kid get attached to you, then have to walk out on them later.”

  Grid nodded. “I was just thinking about that,” he whispered. “I mean, I don’t have a problem with him being a dad. I love kids. I guess I just want to know for sure that this is the real thing before I get too deep in their lives.” He shrugged and shook his head. “If Nolan would even want me in their lives. Permanently, I mean. Maybe he doesn’t exactly see me as a proper father figure for his son. I mean—shit—I’m not even sure what I want to do with my life, career-wise. He’s already got his shit together, his life established. Like I said before, I might just disrupt the order of his life.”

  “And like I said,” Samuel interjected. “Maybe he needs that. Everyone needs a little excitement in their life to keep them feeling alive. In my humble opinion, I think Nolan needs someone exactly like you in his life. But you must decide if you want to be in it for the long haul. This legal matter with his son could draw out into an ugly court battle. If you and Nolan are in a relationship, then you have to be prepared to be dragged into it, your life scrutinized and put under a microscope. His opponents won’t play nice. So, you need to figure out before it all gets underway if you’re ready to fight alongside him till the war is won.”

  Grid hung his head and rubbed his eyes.

  “You don’t have to decide right this minute,” Samuel said. “And if you decide against it, that’s okay, too. You’re not under any obligations. You have to think about your life and what you want out of it. Everyone has the right to make the choices that are best for them. If you opt out, no one is going to think less of you. Least of all Nolan. Most likely, he’ll try to discourage you from getting caught up in his battle.”

  Grid nodded. “He already has.”

  “Understandable,” Samuel murmured. “He’s an attorney. He’s aware of what he’s facing if he goes forward with this and fights for his son. I’m sure he’s just trying to protect you from the bloody battle that will follow.”

  “What will a vicious court battle do to his son?” Grid whispered. “Will he be actively involved? Or just…” his brow pinched. “…held at the edge of it all as the prize to be won?”

  Samuel sighed. �
��I don’t know. Hopefully, he won’t be dragged into it. But he will likely remain in his mother’s custody until the court makes its decision. She could do a lot of damage to the boy—in regards to his feelings toward his dad—during that time.”

  “Sometimes,” Grid mumbled. “I wish you could just snap your fingers and make these people disappear.” He looked at Samuel. “Is that a horrible way to feel?”

  Samuel squeezed his arm. “If so, then there’s a hell of a lot of us who are just as horrible.”


  “So…” Cole pushed up close behind Dane and wrapped his arms around his neck. “Have you made the proposition to Angel yet?” he smiled over Dane’s shoulder at Angel.

  “Proposition?” Angel eyed them suspiciously. “What proposition?”

  “Nothing,” Dane assured. “He’s just fantasizing.”

  Cole dropped his hands to Dane’s hips and nudged his crotch to Dane’s ass. “Am I alone in this fantasy?”

  “I’m with you,” Gabe smirked and winked at Angel.

  “What’re you guys talking about?” Angel laughed nervously. “Or do I want to know?”

  “No, you don’t,” Dane told him and pulled away from Cole with a short laugh. “And get off my ass.”

  Cole leaned close to his ear. “You weren’t complaining yesterday,” he whispered.

  “Yesterday?” Angel cocked an eyebrow at Dane. “Just what went on at the club yesterday?”

  Heat surged through Dane, warming his loins. “Nothing of consequence.”

  Angel stared at the three of them. “What’s this fantasy you’re talking about?”

  As hot and sexy as Cole and Gabe were, Dane would never share Angel with them. If he didn’t have Angel, he wouldn’t think twice about fucking his friends. But what he had with Angel was special between the two of them. He was aware of Cole and Gabe’s special relationship with Abel and Devlin, and that was a beautiful thing, but it consisted of much more than sex. Dane didn’t know if the two guys were serious about a foursome with him and Angel, or just playing and teasing…and fantasizing. Either way, it wasn’t going to happen.

  “It isn’t important,” Dane chuckled and slid his arm around Angel’s shoulder, drawing him close. “Because it will never see the light of reality.”

  “Maybe we should ask Angel?” Gabe grinned.

  “No, we shouldn’t,” Dane countered.

  “Ask me what?” Angel exclaimed.

  Cole smiled. “Yesterday, at the club, we were working out a little stage number and in the process got all hot and horny.” His smile stretched. “And we were thinking how nice it would be if the four of us…”

  Angel frowned curiously. “If we all danced together on stage?”

  Drawing in a slow, deep breath, Cole rubbed his chest and grinned. “Well…I guess some people call it dancing.”

  Shaking his head, Dane rubbed his eyes and chuckled low.

  Angel stared at them. “You’re talking about sex?”

  Looking the younger man up and down, Gabe sighed. “Can you blame us? Are you aware of how fucking hot you and Dane are as a couple?”

  Angel laughed. “You guys are bad.”

  “True,” Cole wholeheartedly agreed. “But isn’t that what makes us so good?”

  On that, Dane had to concede; those two were at their hottest when they were beingbad.


  Donald dropped ice into two glasses then opened the fridge for the pitcher of tea. He placed the tea on the counter and glanced around behind him when he heard footsteps halt in the kitchen doorway. The Egyptian stood watching him silently.

  “Hey,” Donald nodded and turned back to the glasses, filling them with tea. “Did you hear? Abel’s brothers might be staying out here with Clint and Axel while Abel and Devlin are on their honeymoon.”

  Cochise grunted and entered the room. Donald had learned to interpret the tone of his ‘grunts’. This wasn’t a bad grunt.

  “I like them,” Donald said. “The twins. They’re kind of shy, and Noel seems a little skittish, but I can understand that.” He quieted a moment as dark images from his recent past crept in. “It’s traumatizing…getting raped.” He cleared his throat. “And with him being so young. It’s got to be taking its toll.” Donald turned around, a brittle edge to his voice as he asked, “You took care of him, though, didn’t you…the fucker who abused them? That’s why you and Clint went to Chicago, right?”

  Cochise nodded. “Yes.”

  “Good.” Donald had no empathy or pity for men like that. They were in the same category as the bastard who had raped him and tortured Axel nearly to death. He released a slow breath and ushered the dark thoughts from his mind, allowing his mood to lighten. “Did you see the way Noah was looking at Chris?” he smiled. “Talk about crush city.”

  “Yeah,” Cochise murmured. “The way you look at John.”

  Donald tensed then turned back to the glasses on the counter. “What do you mean?” He hadn’t openly admitted to anyone how he felt about John. The other boy hung out a lot with Zoe, and he half-suspected they had a thing for each other, though he couldn’t be sure.

  “You know what I mean.”

  Swallowing hard, Donald mumbled, “It’s…nothing. He’s cute. I find him attractive. But…it’s nothing more than that.” The Egyptian didn’t speak. Donald knew that denying anything to Cochise was futile. It was impossible to fool him; he was far too observant. He shrugged. “Okay, so maybe it’s something. But I’m not going to say anything to him about it. Or to anyone.”

  Donald flinched in start when Cochise was suddenly behind him, lightly gripping his shoulders. His lips touched Donald’s hair as he murmured, “Don’t be too quick to concede defeat.” He kissed his head and left the kitchen.

  Turning slowly, Donald stared at the empty doorway. Cochise’s rare and often unexpected open displays of affection were to be cherished. As was his wisdom.

  Don’t be too quick to concede defeat.

  Did he know something that Donald didn’t?

  Chapter 11

  “Hey, brother.” Max grinned as Darius emerged from the house and crossed the porch. He slid out a chair. “About time you showed up. Haven’t seen you for a couple days. What you been up to?”

  Darius caught the teasing gleam in his eyes and chuckled. “Not what you’re thinking.” He sat down.

  “What?” Max feigned innocence. “What was I thinking?”

  “I bet I know,” Horatio smiled. “And by the way, why weren’t you doing that?”

  “Uh…” Darius laughed quietly. “We’re getting there.”

  “Yeah?” Max piqued with interest. “Been…dabbling some, have you?”

  “Some.” Darius’ crotch warmed with the memory of laying naked on Riley’s bed, receiving the best blowjob of his life.

  “Well, it’s good to know we’re not the only ones who aren’t getting any.” Horatio shot a scowl at Cole and Gabe.

  “Not getting any?” Darius looked at Max. “You holding out on him?”

  “We’re holding out on each other.”

  “And you’re holding out because…?”

  Max and Horatio looked dully at Cole and Gabe.

  “Why are we getting dirty looks?” Cole asked with a smile that said he knew exactly why.

  “Don’t even play innocent,” Max growled.

  “What am I missing?” Darius laughed.

  Horatio shook his head. “Those two geniuses over there decided to accept a celibacy challenge for all of us. Now, we can’t have sex until after the wedding.”

  “When was this?”

  “A couple days ago,” Max said.

  “Well, at least you only have to hold out until tomorrow, right?” Darius chuckled.

  “A very long tomorrow,” Horatio groaned. “Hopefully we don’t have any embarrassing displays.”

  Those gathered around laughed heartily.

  “Are you nervous?” Darius asked. “About the ceremony?”

  The tw
o older men looked at each other and smiled. “A little,” Max admitted and took Horatio’s hand. “But a little nervousness is worth having my lifelong dream come true.” He kissed Horatio’s hand. “Better late than never, huh, baby?”

  “Absolutely,” Horatio murmured, eyes filled with warm love for the other man.

  Darius smiled; would he and Riley have this someday? Maybe it was too soon to know, but what they felt for one another seemed special. Even everlasting.

  “And anyway,” Max added. “After being forced up on stage at the bachelor party, nothing seems daunting anymore.”

  “Oh God,” Devlin chimed in. “I can’t believe they did that to us.”

  Cole laughed. “What’re you talking about, Doc? You were fucking hot.” He pointed at Max and Horatio. “And you two—holy fuck. You’re all naturals.”

  Gabe sauntered over to Clint. “You’re beingawfully quiet, cowboy,” he smirked. “I have to say, I can’t wait to see your sexy ass on stage when the time comes for you and Axel to tie the knot.”

  Tilting his head up, Clint scowled at him from beneath the brim of his cowboy hat.

  “Ain’t nothing like a sexy cowboy shaking his thang,” Gabe grinned. “You can have Caleb give you lessons.”

  “Shit,” Cole hooted. “That little hombre sets the stage on fire.”

  “I heard my name.” Caleb approached, climbing the porch steps. “Y’all talking about me behind my back?”

  “Just talking good things,” Cole assured with a wink.

  “You up for sexy cowboy lessons?” Gabe grinned. “Clint here may need some before his stage debut.”

  Caleb looked at Clint doubtfully. “I’m up for it, but he looks like he might gut anyone who gets close to him.”

  Darius had to agree; the cowboy didn’t look at all compliant.


  “So, after we put the final touches on the cakes,” Chris said. “We’ll go down to the club and get everything set up. Max is going to close early, about five this evening. Samuel and Caleb and some of the boys from the club will help us.”


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