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Her Demon Harem: Reverse Harem Duology 1 (The Succubus Chronicles)

Page 1

by Savannah Skye

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Her Demon Harem

  Reverse Harem Duology

  Savannah Skye



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  When librarian Stevie Price goes out with some friends on New Year's Eve, she never expects to come home on the back of a motorcycle with four sexy demons who claim they're her new protectors. And she DEFINITELY doesn't expect to be hunted by a crazed she-devil named Luci who wants her dead. But she's not going down without a fight.

  Now, if she can just stop herself from falling in love with Damon, Lachlan, Matteo AND Rex? Maybe she's got a chance in hell of surviving this mess...

  Chapter 1

  One would think that by my twenty-first birthday, I’d be able to decide how to celebrate said birthday.

  Apparently, one would be wrong.

  Me and my pet ferret, Maximus, were curled up on the couch with all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer queued up for an epic New Year’s/birthday marathon when a loud boom sounded at my front door.

  The boom was followed shortly by the loud, excited voices of Brie and Charlie making their way through my kitchen. For my part, I groaned and buried my head in the blanket draped over my legs.

  “Stevie!” Charlie called, bursting into my living room and bouncing around like the ball of energy that he was.

  Brie followed close behind, as usual. Hollering at the top of her lungs and throwing her hands over her head in an excited little dance. “Twenty-one, Steve! No more fake id’s for any of the musketeers.”

  “Yessssss!” Charlie echoed, ripping the blanket from my knees and then scampering after a fleeing Maximus, cursing as he went. “Damned ferret, when are you getting rid of this thing, Steve?”

  “What’re you two doing here?” With no more blanket left to hide under, I finally faced Brie’s brilliant smirk, ruing the day that I had given her my spare key.

  “It’s your birthday, girl, and New Year’s Eve to boot! We’re here to take you out, obviously.” My best friend reached for my hand and tugged me to my feet.

  I sighed, arguing my case, even if I knew that it was a complete lost cause. “I told you, B. I don’t want to go out. I just want to spend some time with Maximus, Buffy and Angel before work starts back up.”

  I failed to add that I would rather visit my dentist—twice—before I went out to a dance club. Brie knew that. So did Charlie. Usually, they would be right there on the couch with me. It had been our unwritten rule since we’d become the three musketeers back in middle school that birthday celebrations were the exclusive pick of the celebrating party, but it appeared they were intent on breaking that rule for my twenty-first.

  “Got him,” Charlie announced, sauntering back into the living room without Maximus. His bright brown eyes flickered between Brie and me before he gave her a pointed stare. “Max is in his cage where he belongs. Now why aren’t you getting our girl ready yet, Brie? We’re burning daylight here.”

  “We’re going, don’t get your panties in a twist,” I shot back as Brie dragged me towards my bedroom.

  Charlie clapped behind us. “Hustle, hustle, ladies. I might not wear panties but there are plenty of women out there waiting for me to get their’s in a twist.”

  His laughter followed us until I snapped the bedroom door shut behind me with a decisive click.

  “I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that neither of you two are going to let me out of this house in jeans and my hoodie?” I lifted an eyebrow at her.

  She knew without my having to explain which hoodie I was referring to. It was a worn, oversized thing with the logo for the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on my heart and the words avada kedavra, bitch on the back.

  It was my absolute favorite and I had no qualms about admitting it. I wouldn’t have recently been appointed as the city librarian if I wasn’t a complete book-nerd and damn proud of it.

  Brie was shaking her head, passing over hanger after hanger in my closet muttering under her breath. “Nope, nope and nope.”

  “Maybe if you told me what you were looking for, I could point you in the right direction?” I suggested, crossing my arms over my chest.

  “Nah, go shower. I’ve got this,” she told me, then called out for Charlie to come help her pick me an outfit as I stepped into the shower.

  Less than an hour later, I was primped and painted and headed to Club Eudemonia, the hottest new place in town. I had been stuffed into a mini-skirt that I didn’t recall I owned, mascara had been slathered on my eyelashes and Brie had even smeared some of her horrible lip goo to my mouth.

  All things considered, I felt like a little girl playing dress up all for a dreaded trip to Mordor.

  The line to get into the club stretched halfway down the block, scantily clad women and spiffy-looking men vying to be let in to the party.

  It was freaking freezing outside, yet none of those people—my own best friends included—seemed to have noticed, if their clothes were any indication.

  Charlie handed some bills to our cabdriver and strolled up to the bouncer like he owned the place, more cash at the ready. Leave it to Charlie to come prepared.

  As he paid the entrance fee plus a hefty bribe, Brie grabbed my hand and gave it an excited squeeze. “It’s going to be a great night. I just have this awesome feeling about it.”

  “Have a good time, guys,” the doorman murmured, lifting the velvet rope to let us into the foyer.

  “Thanks,” Charlie nodded to the bouncer.

  The din of the music that had been muffled by the steel doors hit me like a brick wall when Charlie yanked them open and led us in to the interior club.

  “How did he get us in here?” I yelled, pressing close to Brie’s ear to have any hope of her hearing me over the racket.

  She leaned over, pressing her lips to my ear. “Friend of a friend or something.”

  Her blonde hair shone like a golden halo under the flashing strobe lights and Charlie’s raven hair glowed blue. The club itself had been decorated to look like what could only be described as a modern dungeon chic. I had no idea what drew people to it, or how it had gained its popularity but I knew that I was stuck there for the foreseeable future. I might as well have a little fun.

  My friends danced their way across the club, barreling straight to the bar, and ordered us each a beer and shot of tequila to start with.

  I accepted my shot, sprinkled some salt on the space between my thumb and forefinger and squeezed a lime between m
y fingertips. I hated the taste of alcohol, it was like a mixture of poison and rot to me, but I knew how to muscle it down when I had to.

  “To Stevie!” Charlie yelled, raising his tiny glass to me.

  “Stevie! Here’s to another decade of friendship,” Brie added.

  We clinked our glasses together and raised them to our lips, licking at our hands and draining the tequila in one go, then sucked at the limes, each of us pulling a hilarious face as we did it.

  I burst out laughing as the liquid burned a path of fire straight to my belly. Charlie nudged my shoulder with his, shooting me a mischievous grin as he motioned the bartender over again.

  Order, rinse, repeat.

  By the time they dragged me to the dance floor, I was three shots in and already feeling tipsy. I was also quite sure that that was a part of their plan because writhing with a bunch of sweaty strangers was not my idea of a good time.

  As had become the story of my night though, my objections to dancing were thoroughly ignored and I found myself sandwiched between my two best friends as the hour that would signal my official twenty-first year on the planet grew near. The exact same hour that would take the world into the next year.

  Many resolutions had been made, more would be broken—probably even before the sun greeted the new year with its first rays—but the only promise that I made myself tonight was that my birthday the next year would be nothing like this one.

  I refused to call it a resolution though, because no one actually stuck to those.

  The closer we got to midnight, the more the energy in the club amped up. Eager hands groped at my hips, only to be slapped away. A few of the braver souls approached us outright, guys and girls alike. All looking for someone to kiss when the clock struck twelve.

  Brie and Charlie soon found someones to pair off with after I’d practically shoved them after a seriously hot pair of fraternal twins who had approached them to go to the bar for a round of shots, despite their objections about leaving me alone. With a promise to come find me in a few minutes when the clock struck midnight, they scurried away with their dates for the night.

  I breathed a sigh of relief as I watched them go. All I wanted for my birthday by this point was a few deep breaths of fresh air and to be out of here and home in bed before one. I headed to the far side of the club toward an exit door and into the alley.

  The brisk night air slapped me in the face with an icy hand and I gasped, partly in shock, partly in relief. It was cold, but the lack of desperation and Drakkar Noir in the air was a pleasant change.

  Basking in my solitude and the relative peace from the thumping bass track, it took me a few seconds to realize that I wasn’t alone. I turned to see the preppy-looking guy that I had shut down a little earlier standing by the closed door, a bemused smile on his lips.

  I had inadvertently exited the club into a dimly lit, quiet alley with a complete stranger.

  Frick on a fricking stick.

  My mind raced as the blonde Abercrombie wannabe stepped towards me, hand outstretched.

  “Hey, gorgeous, you lead me out here for a naughty kiss at midnight? I promise, these lips will change your life.”

  “I… I didn’t lead you out here. I was just—” I broke off as my thoughts raced. Maybe this would be nothing. He’d take no for an answer and then I’d go back inside, no harm, no foul. But in the back of my mind, I was preparing myself to fight off a potential attack with the somewhat questionable kickboxing skills I had picked up by watching videos on YouTube on my lunch hour between angry cat videos.

  “Come on, baby. There’s less than,” Abercrombie paused to glance at his watch, “a minute to midnight. You really going to tell me you didn’t bring me out here to usher in the new year with a kiss?”

  “I didn’t bring you out here,” I insisted. I hadn’t. Yet, somehow, as the seconds ticked by, I found myself slowly walking towards him. Straight into his arms. I didn’t want to kiss him, I wanted to run, I wanted to…

  “There we are, sweetheart. That’s more like it,” he said, snaking an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him.

  Somewhere in the distance, a clock chimed and my mind seemed to splinter with each loud toll. A warm feeling spread through my veins, my vision went dark. Before the final toll had rung out, I didn’t want to kiss this vile stranger.

  I needed to kiss him.

  I needed it more than I needed my next breath, which had caught in my lungs and seemed far less urgent than the need to feel his lips—suddenly so appealing—pressed to mine.

  My entire world narrowed to a pinprick. An all-consuming desire that rose from my core to the very tips of my fingers and toes.

  Abercrombie pulled at the same time as I pushed and our lips met in an earth-shattering kiss. Life-altering, exactly as he predicted.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and tried to pull him closer, bringing our mouths together over and over again.

  My brain felt like it was going offline with every stroke of the guy’s tongue against mine. A strange feeling of power was growing in my belly with every passing second, as if he was pouring his very life-force into me. The power coursed through me like electricity, zapping its way from my stomach to every fiber of my being, making me feel stronger. Larger. Invincible.

  Somewhere in the dark recesses of my mind, I knew that something was going on. Something that was very wrong. I didn’t know what was happening or why, only that it was.

  I knew that I had to stop, that I had to disentangle myself from Abercrombie and run, just like I’d wanted to do what felt like years ago when I’d first stepped into the alley, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it.

  His body was starting to sag against mine, his mouth becoming more pliable.

  I couldn’t help myself, as much as I knew I had to pull away, I swirled my inexperienced tongue into his mouth and drank from him as if I’d been stuck in the desert all my life. I was high on the electricity coursing through me, unable to focus on anything other than one word: more.

  My subconscious bleated at me to step back, but I just couldn’t do it.

  Suddenly, tree trunks wrapped in a vise around my waist and hauled my body from Abercrombie’s and I was flung across a broad shoulder. My mind came back online in a flash and I pounded against someone’s spine.

  Someone who was walking me to a giant motorcycle and didn’t flinch or falter in his step as I kicked, hit and bit every part of him I could make contact with.

  There was another huge guy sitting astride the motorcycle, revving it as if he was impatient, and shooting menacing glances towards Abercrombie.

  What in the name of all of the Marvel Universe was happening?

  The tree of a man who was carrying me tossed me onto the back of the motorcycle like I weighed less than a feather. The impatient one, whose back I was now straddling, reached back and wrapped my arms around the steel that I could only guess was his abs.

  I glanced behind me, only to see Abercrombie lying on the concrete looking somewhere between pretty and very dead as three more giant motorcycles revved to life.

  Oh no. God no. I blinked. Hard. Then I shook my head violently.

  But nothing changed, except that there was wind in my hair and Abercrombie was becoming smaller by the second.

  The icy fingers of unimaginable fear slid up my rib cage and settled around my heart. Squeezing tighter and tighter with each beat that it tried to take until it felt like it was no longer able to beat at all.

  My mind swirled when realization started sinking in. I was pretty sure I had just killed someone, with nothing more than a kiss that I hadn’t wanted to begin with. I was also pretty sure that I had just been kidnapped by a gang of enormous, inhumanly strong bikers.

  My hands also felt ridiculously warm where they were resting against Kidnapper #2’s stomach. I leaned across him to see what in the hell was going on, sure that my hands were touching some part of the bike that they shouldn’t have been.

  Instead, I
found them glowing. Freaking orange. Bright orange, like the beginning of a beautiful summer sunset.

  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, but I couldn’t deny it either. Something was very, very wrong with me. As if melted, the icy grip of fear around my heart retreated, replaced by a pounding the likes of which had to be dangerous. To say the very least.

  My head started spinning, spinning like I was on a carnival ride that had been hacked and was being cranked up to a speed that the human body wasn’t meant to withstand. My stomach dropped and twisted and my mouth started watering. The edges of my vision blurred.

  “I think I’m going to puke,” I muttered to the kidnapper, then the world went black.

  Chapter 2

  Light. Too much light, was my first thought as I started waking up.

  I cracked open a weary eye and immediately snapped it shut when it felt like the rays of sunshine pouring in through the windows were making personal attacks on my irises.

  It felt like I was experiencing the beginning of the world’s worst hangover, yet I didn’t really drink. Certainly not to the point of game over the next morning.

  My mind was blank. My last memories were of being at home with Maximus about to watch Buffy, then Charlie and Brie came over and…

  Oh. Oh shit.

  The club, the dancing, the drinking, the groping. It all came crashing back to me at once.

  Oh god and midnight. Kissing the preppy guy who looked like he had stepped out of a catalog. Feeling like a superhero…and then his seemingly lifeless body sprawled on the ground. The bikers who had appeared out of thin air and kidnapped me.

  I bolted upright, sunlight forgotten, my hands splayed out in front of me. A wave of relief crashed into me when I saw that my hands were totally normal. The same hands that in my hazy memory had glowed orange just hours before.


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