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Her Demon Harem: Reverse Harem Duology 1 (The Succubus Chronicles)

Page 14

by Savannah Skye

  If this was just the start…Luci’s opening salvo, and it had nearly killed me…

  What was it going to be like when she stopped playing around?

  Chapter 17

  “Get Matty,” Damon muttered as he gathered me into his arms and carried me up the stairs. I just lolled against him, a mass of aches and pains and fear as he set me gently onto the bed.

  Matteo burst into the room and they exchanged a long look. Damon nodded and turned towards my bathroom. A second later, I heard water starting to run into the tub.

  Matteo came over to me, a tower of muscle as he leaned over to stroke my hair. “You’re going to be fine, baby girl. Damon and I are going to give you a bath to wash all this shit off of you.”

  Through the pain, it dawned on me that it was the first time I had been naked in front of all of them now, but there was no room for embarrassment. These men were my friends, my lovers, and my protectors. We were like family now, a pack of paranormal creatures who relied and counted on one another.

  And they were counting on me to get better. I knew if I didn’t, they would never get over it. With renewed determination, I tried to focus on healing.

  “Okay, bring her in,” Damon called.

  I hated feeling as helpless as I did, but I couldn’t move on my own no matter how I tried. Matteo gently lifted me up and walked me to the bath. Damon had added something aromatic to the water and a hint of lavender hit my nostrils. He walked over and peeled my panties off, careful to avoid my banged up legs. Then Matteo lowered me into the warm, soothing water.

  The open wounds stung, but not much more than before, and I lay motionless, letting the heat of the water seep into my aching muscles.

  They both got down onto their knees at the side of the tub, each of them grabbing a spare washcloth from the cupboard. So gently that I could barely feel the material, they started cleaning me up. Blood and dirt coated the cloths and several times they had to rise to rinse them in the basin.

  Damon washed my hair, his fingers deftly untangling the knots. He massaged my scalp with movements as soft as a whisper, while Matteo lifted each of my legs and bunched his cloth to dab at the blood caked over the cuts. He grimaced at every new scratch that he found, pain radiating from him as surely as my own.

  Damon was a stone wall. Every now and again I would catch a glimmer of emotion in his eyes, but he shut it down quickly.

  As hard as it was, I tried to relax under their tender hands and willed myself to be strong. I was banged up, sure, but I couldn’t give up. We had to do whatever it took to beat Luci. As strong as she was, there had to be a way.

  I let my eyes fall shut, breathing deeply. Instinctively, I knew that there was an answer, I just had to find it. No matter how long it took.

  Once the last traces of the day’s grime left my body, Damon glanced at Matteo, a hint of uncertainty passing over his usually cocky features before he brought his eyes to mine. “There’s something we can try,” he said softly. “If it works it could heal you right up. If it doesn’t, it could set you back a week before you regain your strength and then we have no choice. We have to run, Stevie. Blink if you understand.”

  I still couldn’t talk, so I blinked.

  “Blink if you’ll let us try, then.”

  I blinked again, knowing that it was my own stubbornness that had gotten us here. If I’d listened to them, we could be off in Monaco somewhere, hiding but together and alive and in one piece. I wouldn’t let them down again.

  Matteo carried on where Damon had left off, “You need to drink in our strength. Not through sex this time. This is more…direct.”

  I could tell just by looking at him that this was way more serious than it sounded. If this…whatever this “more direct” way of drinking them in could hurt them? Leave them like Abercrombie in the alley?

  I didn’t want it. I couldn’t live with myself.

  Matteo registered my alarm and immediately tried to calm me down.

  “It’s nothing we haven’t been giving to you already, Stevie. You have to do this.”

  Even half delirious with pain, I noticed Matteo’s chosen words. He said that we’ve been giving, instead of the more apt what you’ve been taking. Guilt knotted in my stomach.

  Damon seemed to sense it. He brought his hands to my cheeks and stroked them with long fingers, drinking me in with his eyes, that swirling passionate green that the ocean turned during a torrential storm.

  “Matty and I are at full strength, so if it’s okay with you, we’re going to have to be the ones you drink from. We will be weak afterwards, but if all goes well, all three of us will be whole again.”

  “It’s easy. Almost like kissing us, but instead of focusing on the kiss, close your eyes and breathe us in. Open yourself up to what we’re offering in a conscious way.”

  I used every ounce of strength I had to make my vocal chords work.

  “D-dangerous?” I managed in barely a whisper.

  The men exchanged looks and Matteo cleared his throat.

  “That’s why we’re both here. Whatever Luci did to those birds, it was powerful magic. One of us wouldn’t be enough. You’re going to need to switch between us because we can’t afford to be a man down for so much as a day right now. It’s going to be totally fine.”

  My eyes fell to his full lips. His tongue darted out and dragged across the bottom lip quickly, leaving it wet and inviting. I’d gotten used to my body reacting to every move that they made, the fact that it didn’t when Damon was all caring and sexy was a sign of just how run down I was.

  But they still hadn’t told me what else could go wrong, I knew that there had to be a catch. Not least of all because Damon had said as much. The fact that they’d tried so many other options first spoke volumes. I gave Matteo a pointed look. Thankfully, he read me like an open book.

  “The amount of strength you need is significant for someone whose own powers and magic hasn’t fully manifested yet. If you take too much, it won’t just leave us depleted. Think of it as a drug overdose in a human. A little gets you high, too much can kill you. In this case, the consequences won’t be lethal, but you would…suffer,” Damon explained, his expression so aggrieved I wished I could take his pain away.

  “What do you say?” Matteo asked.

  As far as I was concerned, there was no question about it. They needed me healthy and at full strength. If I were out of the game, I wouldn’t be able to help with Luci and that just wasn’t happening. I would just have to be careful. For me and for them.

  I looked Matteo straight in the eye and nodded.

  “That’s it then. Whoever you’re not drinking from will tap you out when it starts looking like too much too soon,” he told me.

  Damon shifted. “I think you’ll be more comfortable doing this back in your room. That water is getting cooler and I have no idea how long this could take.”

  Matteo held open a fluffy white towel and swaddled me in it after Damon lifted me from the bath. He carried me back to the bedroom and set me down on the bed. My wet hair was hanging in loose tendrils, dripping water down my back. I was sure that I looked a mess, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

  Both of the guys sat down on the bed, the bed dipped under their weight. Damon settled in right in front of me, stretching his legs on either side of my hips. He moved closer until his face was just inches away from mine. “You ready?”

  I honestly didn’t know, but I nodded anyway. They’d said it wasn’t so different than what I’d gotten from them before, but I didn’t understand how it would be different at all. Damon’s eyes bore into mine and he brought his hand up to grip the back of my neck. His thumb stroked my jawline and those eyes threatened to drag me into their current and never let me go as they burnt into mine.

  “Just relax, okay.” His voice was softer and more tender than I’d ever heard it before. “You’re going to feel so much better after this.”

  I nodded again. He leaned forward and his lips brushed mine. A
n electrical shock traveled from the point of contact to the very fiber of my being. Tightening his grip on my neck, he brought our lips together again.

  When his tongue nudged at my lips, they parted automatically. He tasted like mint and man and something that was very uniquely Damon. His stroke was impossibly gentle, lapping and licking and I felt something from him almost as tangible as his tongue had been in asking for entrance. The usual energy raced through me, a rush of power, but my wounds still ached and throbbed.

  It wasn’t working.

  My mind raced until I remembered his words.

  Open yourself up to it.

  I did what he asked, stilling my mouth and focusing on grabbing a tighter hold of the force that was passing from him to me. My eyes were already closed, as he’d instructed earlier, but I wasn’t sure what else I could do to let him in. Especially not since I was having a hard time concentrating between his sweet kisses and my excruciating—

  Wait. Where was the pain?

  It was there, but fading slowly, the edges softening like an old photograph. My head started spinning and I deepened our kiss, bringing our mouths together faster and faster, my hands moving to his chest when I discovered I could move them without any pain.

  The energy poured into me now, rushing through my veins like an elixir and I kissed him deeper still. It wasn’t until Matteo’s fingers closed over my wrists and dragged me away that I came back into myself and gasped.

  “Oh my god, all you all right?” I asked.

  Damon’s eyes were slightly dazed and unfocused when we pulled apart. He shook his head as if trying to collect himself. “Yeah…yeah, I’m good. How are you feeling?”

  Like I want to mount you. I couldn’t exactly say that though. My hand fluttered to my throat as I tried for my voice. It came out soft and grating.

  “Better, so much better. Thank you.” But the guilt that mingled with the energy in my veins made my heart ache. “I’m sorry if I hurt you.”

  Relief flooded his eyes as he shook his head.

  “Nope. You’re getting better and Matteo should make you a hundred percent. I’m happier than a clam.” His hands fell onto my legs and he squeezed my calves. I was sitting cross-legged between his legs, my feet right by his—

  “My turn,” Matteo said.

  He was standing now, his hand on Damon’s shoulder.

  The men traded places and Matteo’s face was serious as he sat. “Prepare to be wowed.”

  “She already has been, ass-wipe,” Damon interjected, the levity in their voices giving me true hope that this might all turn out okay after all.

  Matteo’s warm brown eyes scanned mine even as he flipped Damon off. His hands went to my thighs, his touch soft and sure. “Let’s do this, babe.”

  “All right,” I agreed. I leaned forward and claimed his lips with mine. They were firm and eager, moving with mine and parting just as I thought about gliding my tongue against them. My mouth welcomed him like an old friend that it had missed for years instead of only a couple of days.

  I had to force myself to focus on what we were actually doing. His strength flowed into me with ease as soon as I relaxed into it, flooding my veins with warmth and light. It thundered through me like a live wire, making my heart swell and beat stronger. Harder. Soaring in my chest.

  Matteo responded with a groan and squeezed the skin on my thighs. I was about to rip the towel off my body and crawl into his lap when Damon’s low growl startled me.


  My eyes snapped open and I froze. Matteo drew away from me, his eyes slightly glazed and his smile lopsided. Damon slapped his cheek twice and the warmth returned to his eyes.

  “That was awesome,” Matteo exclaimed.

  “And as you can see, either one of us would’ve happily let you drain us without the other here,” Damon said dryly. “But it’s so hard when you touch us…everything else disappears. You will grow accustomed soon enough and know when to stop, and until then, we’ll just feed you the old fashioned way,” he added with a wink.

  I was too stunned by what had just happened to say anything. Stretching my limbs carefully, I found that I was fully healed. There wasn’t so much as a hint of soreness anywhere. A grin spread on my lips. I had done it, I had drunk from them without hurting or depleting either of them. And I hadn’t overdosed. It had been painful to feel them break away from me each time, but we’d done it.

  And now, I was wild with a need that had less to do with magic and everything to do with the two men before me.

  “So after that, you guys can’t…” I rose a brow as my cheeks flamed.

  Matteo let out a low laugh and nodded. “Actually, we can. So long as you don’t drink from us during sex.”

  “What do say, angel, you feeling well enough to play a little with the two of us?” Damon turned those eyes onto me.

  I couldn’t believe what he was so casually proposing. Both of them. At the same time. But my sex clenched and swelled and I couldn’t say no to that. Especially not after what they’d just done for me. Especially not when it could be our last night on this earth for all we knew.

  “Yes,” I said without hesitation. I couldn’t believe that not one, but two unbelievably sexy men were shrugging out of their jeans right in front of me. That I was about to be with both of them. What the hell happened to that humdrum life from only the week before?

  Two hunks of muscled, tattooed flesh stood before me and I didn’t know where to look first. My eyes darted between them, on overdrive from the perfection right in front of me. They were both still wearing their briefs, but they were both aroused.

  Matteo moved to one end of the bed, wrapping a strong arm around my waist as he pulled me towards him. My ass rubbed against his cock. Damon slid onto the bed, shuffling closer on his knees. He paused, then reached for the knot of my towel and tugged it free, groaning when he caught another look at my naked breasts.

  He reached out and pinched a nipple between his fingers. I gasped as Matteo took to placing a trail of kisses on my shoulder. My hands went for the waistline of Damon’s underwear. I inadvertently licked my lips as his hard length was exposed to me. Grabbing him in a tight fist, I moaned when I felt Matteo’s fingers stroking my seam.

  “You’re soaking my fingers,” he grunted from behind me. I writhed onto his fingers, my mouth falling open on a gasp.

  “Can’t help it,” I panted. “It’s you two.”

  “Fuck yeah it is,” Damon growled as my hand wrapped around his shaft. His skin was like velvet sheathing steel. The juxtaposition drove me wild. I positioned myself on my hands and knees, grinding into Matteo’s magic fingers and closing my lips around Damon’s cock.

  He jerked forward when my tongue slid down, swirling around his base before coming back up to tease his tip. I tried to concentrate on my breathing, but every nerve was alive, every heartbeat more erratic than the last. They were driving me out of my damned mind.

  Damon’s hand grazed my side and moved to where Matteo’s fingers were plunging into me, joining them to massage my cleft. I cried out, the sound muffled by Damon’s dick. Matteo’s erection nudged at my entrance, his breathing as erratic as mine.

  “Can I take you, babe?” he breathed, licking along the shell of my ear. I nodded, causing both of them to moan.

  Damon groaned and withdrew his fingers from me at the exact same time that Matteo did. Then, Matteo drove his cock home in a sure thrust, hands steadying my hips.

  Sensation crashed into me again and again, an incredible feeling of fullness overcoming me. Damon’s one hand went to my clit, while his other cupped my chin. “Does he feel good, angel?”

  I could do nothing but moan in response. Damon thickened in my mouth, while Matteo pumped into me harder, his cock so long that it almost hurt.


  “Fuck, I don’t want to come yet, but you feel so good,” Matteo gritted out. “That sweet pussy is hanging on so tight, I don’t know how long I can—”

“Hurry the fuck up, because I’m about to blow myself,” Damon ordered.

  Their dirty banter was too much for me and I pulsed around Matteo, moaning as Damon’s cock hit the back of my throat. It was all so good, so damned good, and suddenly I was hurtling off the precipice, whimpering around Damon’s thick shaft as I came hard.

  My thighs trembled and shook as waves of pleasure coursed through me, leaving every nerve ending on fire. Matteo tensed behind me and bellowed my name as he spurted inside me in a rush.

  “Ah, fuck yeah,” he groaned, his muscles quaking as he jerked and twitched.

  Damon was right behind him, hand in my hair, working me over him faster as he let out a long groan. “So fucking sexy, watching your lips around me, seeing you suck me off,” he muttered. Then, he too, stiffened, anchoring me in place while his massive cock leapt and bucked in my mouth, spraying my clutching throat with hot, salty liquid.

  We stayed like that for a long moment afterward, each wrapped in the gentle waves of the aftermath.

  When Damon finally released my hair, I backed away and managed a wide smile as I licked my lips.

  “Do you want us to go now, angel? We should let you rest.”

  But I could already feel Matteo getting stiff inside me again and my body reacted instantly as I ground my ass against him.

  “No. I can rest when I’m dead.”

  As Matteo pulled out and turned me around, face full of sensual promise, I let out a joyful laugh.

  This was a finite moment in time. Who knew if it—or we—would last? And if loving four men, even two at a time, was wrong?

  Being right could go suck an egg.

  Chapter 18

  After making love to both Damon and Matteo the night before, and surviving Luci, I was walking around feeling a bit like Wonder Woman that morning. The guys all fussed over me, convinced that I was lying about being absolutely fine.

  But I really was. Better than fine, actually.

  Not only had they healed my wounds, Damon and Matteo shared enough of themselves with me that I could literally feel their power in my veins. It was a heady feeling. I couldn’t believe what we’d done, but I would also cherish the thought for as long as I lived…however short that might be.


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