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THE ROOMMATE: A Sizzling Stepbrother Romance

Page 5

by Lindsey Hart

Something in his tone startled her. She suddenly realized that it wasn’t just her mom. It wasn’t just her that he was suspicious of. He clearly didn’t believe in marriage at all. She wondered if it had something to do with the fact that she knew his parents divorced early. She didn’t know anything more than that, than the few things her mom told her as passing facts. Markus was… maybe he didn’t mean to be as rude as he’d come across. Maybe he was just trying to put on a front…

  “Uh- okay, well maybe we got off on the wrong foot,” she admitted.

  “Maybe we did.” He made no move to release her.

  She realized that his arms were still around her shoulders. She tried to step back, but his arms were like granite. The muscle rippled and pulsed around her, warm, alive, sensual.

  Her chest tightened and the breath rushed out of her lungs. And then Markus did the unthinkable. He bent his head as if somehow her loud exhalation was a declaration of passion. His mouth slanted over hers, hard, hot, demanding.

  And she yielded.



  Leanne’s mouth was glorious, her lips on fire, his hard against hers. She was wet, tasted like fucking honey, and that drove him wild. He reached up, tangled his fingers in her glorious wheat-hued hair. It was like silk. Desire ripped through him, shooting straight to his groin. He felt himself harden and he knew, by the way she stiffened in his arms, Leanne felt it too.

  She didn’t pull away. No, she kissed him back. Furiously. Their teeth knocked together. He groaned and she ate up the sound. His tongue swept into her mouth and this time it was him swallowing her whimpers. She was glorious. He couldn’t help the way his arm tightened around her petite shoulders, the way he hauled her in, tight against him, as he drank in the taste and feel of her.

  He thought he had some semblance of control left. And then Leanne bit his lip. She didn’t do it hard enough to hurt, just hard enough for him to feel it. The action sent another rush of blood straight to his groin. He deepened the kiss, becoming far too reckless, far too forceful, out of control. She kissed him back, licking and biting at his lips frantically, equally hungry.

  She was like a pillar of fire in his arms, undulating, swaying, grinding against him.

  Just as suddenly as they’d come together, Leanne pulled away. Her eyes looked dazed, glazed over, hazy with passion. Something else twisted her features, a shadow that he finally recognized was anger.

  Leanne pulled away sharply and he let her go. His arms fell away, his hands trailing down again, back at his side. He didn’t know it was possible to feel so empty and bereft after just a moment. He didn’t like it. Whatever feeling was expanding, filling up his chest, drowning him, he didn’t like it at all. He wanted to shut it off and shut it down, but it kept creeping up on him.

  “Just when I thought you were actually going to be okay- you go and do something like this.” Leanne’s eyes flashed with anger. She took a halting step back.

  “Me?” He laughed, amazed at how she could turn the tables on him and misinterpret what had just happened. There’s a reason I stay away from all of this. “What about you? You were kissing me and grinding against me like you fucking wanted it too.”

  “You- I- it was because I… you took advantage of the situation. I’m a mess right now and you know it.”

  “You don’t look like a mess.”

  “Yes, I do. My feelings are all over the place. I’m worried sick about Charlie and that makes me- vulnerable I guess, and you swept right in for the kill.”

  “Okay, that was not sweeping in for the kill. That was just a taste.”

  “A taste?” Her voice rose a few notches until it was shrill, bordering on hysterical. “You call that a taste? You practically devoured me.”

  “If I was devouring you, then like I said, you were devouring right back.”

  “I… I was not.”

  “I’m pretty sure you were.”

  Her eyes shot daggers. He couldn’t help but be impressed by how gorgeous she was when she was angry. Her eyes darkened and her entire face and body came alive. She was incredible, the sun at her back, shining behind her hair, illuminating the gold strands like a fiery goddess about to go into battle.

  “I’m pretty sure I was… not,” she panted. “And even if I was, then like I said it’s because you took advantage of the situation!”

  “I- if you truly think that, then I’m sorry.” He could see her guard fall just a fraction. “But I can tell you don’t, so I’m not truly sorry. Because you kissed me back. That wasn’t just confusion. You wanted it. I could tell. It was so obvious even a blind man could see it.”

  “Yeah?” Her hands flew to her hips and that guard was right back up. Her eyes shot sparks. Lord, it looked like she’d be capable of breathing fire and it was, unfortunately for him, sexy as hell.

  He nodded. “Well, we kissed and you liked it. So what? We’ve already seen each other naked.”

  “So what?” she spluttered. “So what? We’re going to be brother and sister soon. That’s what is so what.”

  “Stepbrother and stepsister. That doesn’t count.”

  “It fucking does! My mom would be appalled. So would your dad, I’m sure.”

  “They don’t have to know.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “It was just one kiss. You liked it. I liked it. So what? We can just be adults and move on. We don’t have to hate each other and we don’t have to do it again. We can just be friends and be normal, like you said.”

  “That was totally not what I meant and you know it.”

  “Do I?”

  “You are so fucking frustrating,” Leanne growled. She closed her eyes, like she was trying to drum up an ounce of patience. “You seriously don’t even like me. You don’t like my mom. You think she’s a gold digger. You said so yourself. Just because we have less money than you guys do, apparently what she feels can’t be authentic.”

  Markus raised a hand to the back of his neck, which he was pretty sure was beet red. That’s what happened when he got embarrassed.

  “Yeah, well… I might have rethought that.”

  “It’s only been a few days.”

  He shrugged. “It really doesn’t have anything to do with your mom. Sometimes I just say dumb shit. I didn’t really mean it. I- I can see how happy my dad is. I just hope it lasts. I hope she is genuine. He’s had a shit run of it his entire life. I just don’t want to see him put through the ringer again.”


  He shook his head. He was not going to get into that. “I just think that all love and romance is bullshit. Marriage doesn’t last anymore. People don’t stay together. They don’t treat each other right. I never see one single relationship that works out anymore. I think it’s an archaic institution that isn’t going to be around much longer. People are finally waking up and realizing that it’s ridiculous, the whole flawed notion of it.”

  Leanne rolled her eyes. They were still red-rimmed and a little swollen from her crying spell earlier, but barely. She recovered well.

  “So that’s it. It’s not my mom, it could be anyone. You would hate anyone because you aren’t just protective of your dad, you think the whole thing is stupid.”

  “Pretty much. What’s wrong with that?”

  “It’s fucking jaded as hell.”

  “Just being realistic. If you can point out to me one marriage that has been successful, I still wouldn’t change my mind, because on the inside, those people are probably miserable as hell.”

  “Says you. Markus The All Mighty. I forgot that you know everything. You have all the answers. You have everything figured out.”

  “I have that figured out at least.”

  Leanne shook her head like he disgusted her. Like he’d left a bad taste in her mouth. He stared at those lips of hers, which were pressed into a flat, angry line, and wanted to kiss them again. He wanted to kiss them over and over until they were red and swollen with passion. And then he wanted t
o take off her clothes and taste those sweet dusky nipples of hers, that even sweeter spot between her legs…

  “Take a fucking hike, Markus. There is no way we are ever going to be friends.” Leanne spun on her heel and marched across the yard, onto the deck and back into the cabin. The slamming door echoed in the clearing.

  “Well,” he said to the wind as he turned around and faced the dead calm lake. “I guess she doesn’t exactly believe in hiding her real feelings.”

  It was probably for the best. The more Leanne hated him, the more she’d stay away. Since he couldn’t trust his own self-control, which was a surprising all time low, he needed her to keep her distance. He was all about being safe. It was the only way to actually get through life.



  For the better part of three hours, Leanne had nothing to think about besides that kiss.

  Well, the kiss and Markus, if she was honest. She lay on her small bed, on top of the covers, sweating, body tortured, on fire. Just because she didn’t want to think about Markus did not mean she could to banish him from her mind. It was impossible. Her lips tingled. Her tongue tingled. Her hands ached. Other, baser spots pounded for release.

  It was no small mercy when she heard Carl’s truck pull up outside.

  She jumped off the bed and flew out of her room. Her bare feet skidded on the hardwood in the hall. She was in such a hurry. She forgot all about looking out for Markus, but luckily enough, he wasn’t anywhere in sight. She ran out the front door, up to the truck, and met her mom, who was just getting out.

  Sarah held Charlie tucked into her arms. The tiny white dog wagged his tail. Leanne opened her arms and took him, laughing when he kissed her cheek.

  “Oh, Charlie, I’m so glad you’re okay.” She had to blink back tears again.

  Leanne loved Charlie. He was a member of their family. Leanne remembered how badly she wanted a dog. She begged her mom for one for years before she was finally deemed responsible enough to have one. They’d gone to the shelter and picked out a puppy, a fluffy little white ball. She also remembered how eagerly he used to bathe her face and hands. They’d been best friend since the day she got him. She couldn’t imagine him not being in her life.

  “The vet did some tests and x-rays, which is why we were gone so long,” Sarah explained. Behind her, Carlos climbed out of the truck.

  “Charlie was a little trooper,” he added. He came around and wrapped an arm around Sarah’s waist. “He didn’t fight the vet at all. Didn’t bite or growl, even when she had to take his blood.”

  “I’m just glad you found someone.” Leanne held Charlie up to her face and was once again rewarded with the soft velvet of his nose and the warmth of his little tongue as he kissed her cheek.

  “We had to drive for half an hour, but we found her. She has a small place, works out of her house. The front rooms are the clinic. I guess she does house calls for a lot of larger animals around here.”

  “That would make sense.” It was a removed location. They’d passed quite a few farms on the drive up. “And? What did she say?”

  “She thinks Charlie had a heart attack. It was just minor though. He actually seems to be in good health, but she said to make sure he gets lots of rest and doesn’t overdo it.”

  “That’s it? He doesn’t need any medication?”

  “Not yet. She said though, that he does have a slight heart murmur which has likely been there for a long time. Honey, it’s best if you probably prepare yourself for this being Charlie’s last couple of years. The vet did give me some medication that Charlie has to be on for his heart, but it’s not going to make it better. She said he probably has a good year left, maybe two.”

  “A year?” Leanne gasped. “That’s so- so- short.”

  “We could have lost him today, honey.”

  Her mom reached out and gently ran a hand over Leanne’s hair, smoothing it down. She didn’t want to think that Markus had done the same thing a few hours earlier. Where is he anyway?

  “Yeah, uh- I’m glad we didn’t. I don’t know what I’d do without you, Charlie.” She kissed her dog on his head and he wagged his little tail.

  “Where is Markus?” Carl asked. He glanced around, towards the beach, at the cabin, and back to the water.

  “I’m not sure,” Leanne admitted. “He- uh- I laid down and had a nap. I’ve been pretty out of it for a few hours.”

  “You were probably worried sick. I’m sorry, I tried to call, but we didn’t have any reception.”

  “It’s okay. I noticed my phone doesn’t have service either.”

  “Part of the selling point of the vacation.” Carlos grinned sheepishly. “No cell reception.”

  “Yes, I remember now that you said that when we were first looking at it,” Sarah chimed in. “I’m sure Markus will come back soon enough. He probably just went for a walk.”

  “Likely.” Carlos scanned the area again, as though he was worried something had happened. Like maybe a bear had come and eaten his son.

  Maybe he sensed that something wasn’t right, just from the way Leanne was acting. She hoped not. She closed her eyes, hugged Charlie close, and hoped that whatever Carlos was thinking, he just attributed it to her being upset about the day’s events. Which she was, but he didn’t know the half of it. I didn’t really kiss him back, did I? Yes… yes unfortunately, I think I did.

  “Would you like to help me get supper going, honey?”

  “What? Oh- uh- yeah. Of course.” Leanne nodded, probably way too emphatically.

  She carried Charlie into the cabin behind her mom and Carl. She wasn’t sure where to put him so that he wouldn’t run around and give himself round two of needing revival. Markus was nowhere to be seen. If something happened to Charlie, he was going to be SOL.

  She settled for the couch. Instead of helping her mom like she’d asked, Leanne curled up on the couch beside him. She hugged Charlie tight and he was content to be there. Leanne couldn’t help but wonder what the hell he’d seen on the other side, for those few minutes when he’d technically been dead. Or at least, not breathing. She wasn’t quite sure if he was actually dead or not. She thought so since the CPR had served to restart his heart. You couldn’t do CPR on a being with a heartbeat, could you? She didn’t think so.

  “Leanne? Leanne?”

  Leanne finally snapped out of it. She realized her mom was calling her from the kitchen. “Sorry, boy.” She set Charlie aside, but he was happy to nestle into the couch cushions. He laid his head on his paws and closed his eyes, the picture of bliss.

  Leanne left him there and walked into the kitchen. The cabin wasn’t exactly open concept and that made it seem smaller than it really was.

  “Sorry. I wanted to spend a few more minutes getting Charlie settled.”

  “That’s alright.” Sarah was stirring something in a huge red glass bowl. Leanne couldn’t even begin to guess what it was. “We just wanted to tell you about a poster we saw at the vet’s office.”

  “There’s a music festival tomorrow night. We thought it would be a great idea if we all went.” Carl stared at Leanne hopefully.

  She couldn’t think of a worse idea. She didn’t want to be anywhere near Markus. She was going to do the best she could to avoid him for the next thirteen days. God, it seemed like their ‘vacation’ was never going to end.

  “Uhh… thanks, but I think I’ll pass. I should probably stay with Charlie and make sure he’s okay. I’d never forgive myself if I was out there having a good time and something happened to him and he was alone.”

  Sarah glanced up from whatever she was mixing. Her eyes were soft and her face flooded with compassion. The guilt that stabbed at Leanne was instant. It wasn’t just Charlie, but she could never tell them that. Her mom, and likely Carl as well, would be absolutely appalled at what she’d done.

  “I never thought of that,” Sarah said.

  “I’ll ask Markus to stay home as well.” Carl obviously thought he was being r
eally helpful. “That way you’ll have some company. You guys can use it as a chance to get to know each other. He won’t want to come anyway if it’s us going. He’ll say that he’s a third wheel.”

  Sarah cast a glance at Leanne. She knew how Leanne felt about Markus. “Is that alright, honey?” She asked tentatively. Her hands went back to mixing, harder than before.

  Leanne took a deep breath. She let it out slowly, without being obvious. “Yeah,” she muttered. “It’s fine.”

  She beat a hasty retreat out of the kitchen. It was just her luck that no matter what she did, she couldn’t seem to get rid of Markus.



  After making every possible excuse to avoid Leanne for the past couple days, when it came down to being the two of them again, alone for the night, Markus found that he couldn’t stay away.

  He knew better. He should lock himself in his room and leave well enough alone. Even if they didn’t actually like each other, there was a crazy chemistry between them that neither of them could deny. He wanted to. It was clear that Leanne really fucking wanted to.

  When he returned from a walk, which he’d been doing a lot lately, walking, he spotted the slim outline of Leanne sitting on the beach. The sun was setting on the lake, the sky painted a spectacular array of golds and pinks and purples. It was incredible, probably the best sunset he’d ever seen. It didn’t hold a candle to Leanne’s beauty.

  Which was why he’d avoided her. Because he wanted her. One look at her bathed in all that golden sunlight, blonde hair spilling down her back, lips pursed in concentration, speaking softly to the little dog in her arms… god, all it took was one look and he was a goner. All his hard-fought resolution fell away. The thick walls built up naturally began to crumble. She was tearing it down, brick by brick, and she didn’t even want anything to do with him.

  He took a chance. He knew he should have gone back into the cabin, but instead, he found his feet carrying him over the grass, to the beach.


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