Inked Temptation (Inked Series, #1)

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Inked Temptation (Inked Series, #1) Page 11

by Maree, Kay

  He pulls my head back by my hair and little prickles of pain slide down my back as he buries his face in my neck and snaps his hips back and forth. Heavy breaths, the echo of skin slapping is almost enough to have me coming undone. I can feel liquid heat racing through every vein, searching for an escape. I allow my body to take over as my head begins to spin from the build-up. I meet X at every thrust. My arms strain above my head, but I soak in the pain from gripping the panels for too long. X’s dirty words in my ear send me into a state of euphoria like I have never known before.

  “Fuck, so wet. I can feel your pussy juices running over my balls.” He sucks the lobe of my ear into his mouth -such sweet torture. I don’t know when it’s going to end and I’m not sure I want it to.

  “Harder,” I moan as X’s groans vibrate in my ear when I squeeze my inner walls around him.

  “Greedy fucking pussy.” He latches onto my neck with his teeth before leaning back and gripping my hip with one hand while the other returns to my neck, squeezing every so often as his thrusts pick up speed.

  “Come on, Babe,” he grits out before moving his hand from my hip and rubbing my clit.

  One more hard thrust, swipe of the finger over my pulsing clit and he has me screaming out his name as a kaleidoscope of colours flash before my eyes. A loud grunt fills the room a moment later and X tenses. The warmth of his cum floods my pussy setting off small tremors through my body.

  “Fuck, Babe,” X says on a hard breath.

  I place my hands over my chest and hum as I try to suck in as much oxygen as I can. Cracking an eye open, I look to the bedside table and after my heart settles a little more, I prop myself up on one elbow and reach for my glass of water. Taking a generous mouthful, I pass the glass to a chuckling X and watch as he drains the rest of the water. Licking my lips, I watch as his adam’s apple bobs up and down and his muscles flex in his arm. Damn my man is too friggin sexy for words.


  My eyes snap back to his and he chuckles at my reaction to him, but I feel my spine stiffen when a serious look crosses his face.

  “What’s wrong?” I whisper, all my insecurities racing back over me.

  I reach for the sheet to wrap around my naked body.

  “Hey...” He reaches out to stop me, ripping the sheet from my hands, then grips my chin so I’m looking at him again.

  “Don’t hide from me babe” he runs his fingers softly down the side of my face.

  “I just wanted to tell you, we forgot the condom.” His voice is tense.

  Oh shit, I have never forgotten about making sure the man is using one before.

  “I’m on the pill and I haven’t been with anyone since...” he cuts me off before I can say Luke’s name and I’m kind of thankful for that, not wanting to bring him up while I’m naked.

  “Me too. I never forget to wear one. You send my head spinning, Babe and I can’t think straight when I'm around you.” He crawls up to lay beside me and wraps his arms around me, shifting I place one leg over his lap and rest my head against his chest

  “I know the feeling,” I murmur as he runs his fingers up and down my naked back.

  Looking towards the clock without moving my head I notice it’s just after 4am. Holy shit where the hell did the time go? Shifting a little, I notice the dull ache between my legs which tells me exactly where the time went. And, for the first time in a long time I feel whole and a feeling of lightness rushes over me as I feel X’s lips at the crown of my head.



  It’s been three days since Ally gave herself to me and fuck what a night it was. After our first time, I couldn’t wait for another taste.

  Rolling her over I’d begun devouring her body all over again until those dirty words I loved were flying out of her mouth. Sin dripped from her luscious pink lips and I’d wanted more. Flipping her to her stomach, I’d kneeled behind her and lifted her so her back was flush with my chest as I fed my impatient cock into her greedy pussy. Fucking heaven was what it felt like being inside her and I didn’t want it to end. I was worried my dominance and possessiveness would scare the shit out of her, but she soaked up everything I gave her and by the end, I wanted everything she had to give.

  I’d felt her body begin to shake as I bit down on her shoulder, tasting the saltiness from the sweat coating her smooth milky skin, making me thirsty for more. Raising my hand and gripping the back of her neck, causing her body to bow for me was a fucking heady feeling, but nothing was better than the way her body went crazy when I gripped her throat. So much passion spilled from her lips that I wanted to soak in it. Turning her face towards mine, I’d felt her pulse race under my fingers and the hitch in her breath when I flexed my fingers, caused me to growl into her mouth as I sucked every one of her whimpers into my body. Pulling back, I watched her sex drunk eyes looking up at me through her thick lashes. She begged for more as I slammed into her over and over again, the sounds of our heavy breathing mixed with skin slapping bouncing off the walls.

  I shift in my chair as my hard cock pushes against the zipper of my jeans and wonder how much longer it is until I can see her again. We haven’t had sex since Monday morning, when we finally pulled apart from each other.

  Monday was a long ass day and by the time I got back to Ally’s later in the night, we were both exhausted and crashed out watching a movie. Yesterday I had dinner with my parents. I’d tried to talk her into coming with me, but she didn’t want to meet them while she looked all banged up. My parents wouldn’t have cared, but I let her off the hook because she had dark circles under her eyes and seemed to be coming down with a bug of some kind. Next week is a totally different story though, there’s no way she’s getting out of it.

  Glancing up at the clock, I note it’s only 10am. Pushing to my feet, I grab my now empty coffee cup and head towards the kitchen for a refill. A loud crashing sound grabs my attention followed by my name being shouted out. What the fuck is going on?

  I race out front and find Cynthia standing in the doorway with her hand on her heart, trying to catch her breath. Her eyes are wild and searching the room until they land on mine. The look of terror in her orbs has pure panic pumping through my veins.

  “What the fuck is wrong?” I check behind her for Ally but Cynthia is alone.

  “X,” she gasps as tears form in her eyes.

  My heart is pumping out of my chest. Rushing to her, I try to persuade her to tell me what the fuck is going on. Resting my hands on her shoulders, I give her a little shake and she seems to snap out of the shock she is in.

  “Ally.” She hiccups and tears begin to roll down her cheeks. “She passed out at work and wouldn’t wake up.”

  “Where is she now?” I feel my body lock, needing to get to my girl.

  “I called an ambulance and they took her to the John.”

  “Fuck, I need to get to her.”

  Pulling my phone from a pocket, I dial Beau’s number, I don’t have time to race around looking for him. Fortunately, he’s in the stock room at the back. I explain I need to leave as I make my way out the door with Cynthia close on my heels.

  “What the fucking hell is going on?” Justin asks as I brush past him.

  “It’s Ally, she’s in hospital.” Cynthia manages to tell him between sobs.

  “Oh fuck, let me drive brother.” He holds his hand out for my keys.

  I know I’m not in the right headspace to be driving so I chuck him the keys, hurry out to the car, pull open the front passenger door and climb in. Cynthia climbs in the back.

  For the next twenty minutes or so everything passes in a blur - the traffic, the noise and even the sounds of Cynthia’s quiet sobs in the back seemed to all fade to black. I only have one thing running through my head right now and that is, I need to get to my woman and make sure she’s okay.

  I’m unable to find the words to speak when we race into the emergency department, but Cynthia speaks with a lady behind the desk who’s sto
pping us from getting to my woman.

  “Sir, are you family?”

  I snap my eyes to hers as she takes me in from head to toe assessing me and I know if I don’t say yes then she won’t let me back there.

  “He’s her husband,” Cynthia says coolly.

  I snap my eyes to Cynthia, but she isn’t looking at me, she’s staring straight at the nurse daring her to say I’m not.

  “It’s not listed here that she has a husband.” The nurse checks on a computer.

  “They just got married on the weekend,” Cynthia insists.

  “And you are?” The nurse asks Cynthia.

  I’m about done with this conversation, it’s keeping me from Ally’s side.

  “She’s Ally’s sister,” I grit out as Justin races in after parking the car.

  “And, that’s her husband.” I point to Justin and hear a long drawn in breath from beside me, but I ignore Cynthia’s reaction.

  “Are we about done with the chit chat?” I growl.

  I try to control the rage in my voice, but when the nurse’s head snaps back, I figure I haven’t succeeded.

  “Sir, there is no reason...”

  “Look, he’s worried about his wife. So, if you would kindly push the button to let us in, we’ll get out of your hair.” I can hear the tears in Cynthia’s voice.

  The nurse looks at her and I see sadness swimming in her eyes. She nods, reaches over and pushes the button which releases the double doors so we can enter.

  “Thank you,” Cynthia says from behind me as I push through the doors. We head down a small corridor and when we reach the end, I note the nurses station in the middle. To my left is the Paediatric area, to the right are larger beds so I start off in that direction. Blood is pounding in my veins and my heartbeat thumps in my ears. I swallow in an attempt to bring moisture back into my mouth. Before we can go much further, the nurse from our previous encounter appears out of nowhere, stands in front of me and holds her hands up.

  “I’m sorry, Sir, but you can’t go any further. I need you to come with me.”

  “Like fuck!”

  She looks as pissed as I feel now. “Sir, I will call security if you don’t calm down. I need to escort you to the waiting area we have just over there.” She points to a small room off to one side. “A doctor will be with you shortly to explain what is happening with your wife.”

  The word ‘wife’ settles deep in my belly, it sounds so right. As I open my mouth to protest, I hear raised voices coming from a room ahead and look over the nurse’s head to see a flurry of activity. Without hesitation, I move past the nurse and cross the couple of meters separating me from the room where instructions are being barked out. When I reach the open doorway, nothing could have prepared me for what I see. My Sweetness, as white as the sheet she is lying on. She’s not moving, her eyes are closed and a tube is down her throat. Wires are coming off her everywhere and what I assume is a heart monitor is beeping – but it’s not strong or steady. I suck in a deep breath and stumble back into the wall behind me, my woman is helpless and so fragile looking.

  “Sir,” a deep voice from my left says with authority lacing his tone.

  I glance over and notice a man dressed in a security officer’s uniform. I don’t give a shit what he says, I’m not leaving. I need to be right fucking here for when she wakes up, because she will wake up.

  “I’m not fucking leaving,” I snarl between clenched teeth.

  He steps forward and lifts his hand to my shoulder. He stops in mid-air when I speak.

  “Touch me and see what happens. I’ll make sure you’ll be using your feet to eat for the next month.”

  “X-man.” Justin attempts to calm me down but fuck that.

  “Sir I will call the police and have you removed from this hospital for good”

  “X.” Cynthia’s soft tear-filled voice draws my attention to her and she grabs my arm. “Please, let’s go to the waiting area and wait for the doctor.”

  She looks to the security guard, he has a pissed off look on his face, but he nods.

  Fuck him. I take a few deep breaths, not wanting to move, but I either go with Cynthia or my ass gets kicked out or thrown in jail. Neither will do Ally or me any good. Steading myself, I push off the wall and make my way towards the waiting area. It’s not much to look at - there are two small couches pushed up against different walls in an L-shaped configuration and a small coffee table is in front. On the far wall is a small kitchenette with tea and coffee supplies for those who are waiting.

  Taking a seat, I rest my elbows on my knees and bow my head into the palms of my hands, trying to get my breathing under control. Dampness coats my hands and when I wipe a hand over my face, I realise they’re tears. Fuck, I need to get my shit together. I look up when the door opens. I expected it to be the doctor but it’s the asshole security guard from before. He shoots me a warning look before leaning against the wall near the door and folding his arms over his chest.

  Cynthia places a cup of coffee on the small table in front of me. I have no desire to drink it, but I need to settle my churning head. Taking a sip, I let the flavor coat my tongue and wince at the bitter taste.

  “Tell me what happened, Cynthia.” I run a hand down the side of my face, blow out a deep breath and steady myself to hear what happened to my girl.

  “She didn’t look well when she came into work this morning. She was pale with dark circles rimming her eyes, like she hadn’t slept all night. She said she thought she was coming down with something because her muscles felt achy. I tried to tell her she should be at home in bed, but she just waved me off and took off to get the book trolley. All of a sudden she seemed unsteady on her feet and in a blink of an eye she was on the floor.” She blows out a deep breath, sniffs back her tears and continues. “I didn’t know what had happened or what to do. I fell to the floor beside her and tried to wake her, but she didn’t respond so, I ran to get my phone and called the ambulance. Everything after that is like a blur. I was on my knees beside Ally and the lady on the phone kept trying to talk to me, to keep my focus until the ambulance turned up.”

  Tears fall from her eyes and it guts me to see. Reaching over, I grab her hand and give it a squeeze. Justin wraps his arm around her back. I feel her tense at his touch, she doesn’t pull away, but she doesn’t lean into his touch either.

  I’m not sure how long we sit there or, how many of these god-awful coffees we drink between us, but finally the door opens and a middle-aged man steps into the room with a grave look on his face. He’s holding a grey flip folder in his hands. My ass is off the couch and in front him before he can open his mouth. I sense the security guard step to my side, but I ignore his ass.

  “How is she?” I demand to know

  “My name is Doctor Tannersen, I’m Miss Malone’s doctor and you are?”

  “Xavier - Ally’s husband.” Heat travels through me when I say the word ‘husband’ and I realise, I really want it to be true. “This is Cynthia - Ally’s sister and her husband, Justin.” I wave my hand behind me.

  Nodding, he indicates the lounge and when I sit down, he sits beside me and flips open the folder.

  “When your wife was brought in, she was unconscious. The paramedics inserted an IV to get a vein open and they started saline solution. Although she was given oxygen via a tube, she struggled to breath and her heart rate was increasingly rapid. Her BP was dangerously low so, they had no choice but to intubate. By the time the ambulance turned up and she was wheeled in, we had a team ready to assess what was happening. A thorough examination was conducted to check for external wounds. The bandage on her hand was removed and a swollen, red and oozing cut was revealed. We administered a large dose of Amoxicillin immediately to counteract the infection and blood was drawn to further analyze and isolate the type of infection.”

  My head is spinning and I’m fucking glad I’m sitting down. “What does this mean in plain talk, Doc?”

  “I put a rush on the blood work and we
just received the results back. They show what we initially suspected. The cut in your wife’s hand is Septic – it’s Septicemia. Your wife is extremely ill.”

  “Septicemia?” I repeat slowly. I’m trying to remember what it is, I know I’ve heard the term before but my brain has turned to mush. Thankfully, the doctor explains further.

  “Septicemia, or blood poisoning, develops when our bodies are overwhelmed by infection. Our immune systems successfully fight off most of the bacteria which attacks our bodies. Usually if bacteria do gain access, we might feel achy and feverish for a day or so, but our bodies usually overcome them, often without antibiotics. Most of the time we have no idea we’ve even had bacteria invade because our immune system fights it off so quickly. However, sepsis is a different story. It infiltrates a wound and spreads into the bloodstream, the chemicals released by the immune system to fight the infection end up causing the body to become inflamed throughout. As in Miss Malone’s case, when Septicemia is present, the heart rate soars, blood pressure crashes and the patient struggles to draw oxygen into their lungs which causes them to become unconscious. This can deteriorate into Septic Shock and death if precautions are not immediately forthcoming. Thankfully, when Miss Malone did collapse, someone was there to call for an ambulance.” The doctor turned to Cynthia. “You, young lady, probably saved your sister’s life.”

  Cynthia crumbles into Justin’s hold and starts to sob. Adrenaline is rushing through me, I need this man to tell me, Ally is going to be okay.

  “She’ll live though now, won’t she?” I refuse to think about the alternative.

  “At the moment, Miss Malone is stable and for the next 48 hours we’ll be monitoring her closely and pumping her full of antibiotics to keep her that way.”

  “Can I see her?” I need to touch her, smell her sweet scent, I crave so much. Let her know I’m right here for her.


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