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Inked Temptation (Inked Series, #1)

Page 15

by Maree, Kay

  Justin throws his hands in the air and blows out a hard breath before apologizing. Cynthia nods and mutters a quiet ‘sorry’ before she clears her throat and begins reading again. After a few moments, the air around us settles and I concentrate on listening to her soft voice. The words about the guy in the book waiting for the love of his life to come back to him, ricochet around my head. I swallow as the pain in my chest seems to intensify with each word is spoken. I draw my chair up closer to Ally’s face, bend down and whisper in her ear to keep fighting. I beg her not to give up on me now and promise that I will prove to her every day that this is where she belongs -next to me. I vow, no matter what, I will always be here. Right next to her fighting when she can't.



  In the back of my mind, my father’s whispered words float around - telling me to wake up, demanding I don’t give up. He orders me to simply open my eyes. “It’s not that hard, Buttons, just remember life is worth fighting for.” His voice slowly fades away. A slight hum slides up my throat and passes my lips in response to the feeling of warmth which surrounds me. I take comfort in the feeling, too scared to open my eyes in case I get thrown into another dream which turns into a nightmare. I try to take stock of my body as the same feeling of stiffness in my back makes itself known. At the same time, a beeping noise resonates through my foggy head.

  Is this real or will I wake only for this moment to be stolen away from me again? I’m absolutely bloody terrified of the answer.

  Breathing in short sharp breaths, attempting to gain my senses, I feel something laying under my nose. It's not enough to stop the familiar scent of mint and coffee which wafts around me, helping clear the fog from my head. It's a smell I know well and the way it lingers around me is like it’s welcoming me home. I try to lift my right hand but something is weighing it down. I attempt to move my legs, but again, something heavy feels like it's keeping me pinned to the bed. I give up and try to wiggle my fingers instead, even this is a huge effort. Taking a deep breath through my nose, I will myself to open my eyes. Counting to three in my head, I slowly peel my eyes open only to find everything is a blur. I blink rapidly to clear my vision and find I’m in a dimly lit room with incessant beeping coming from machines beside my bed.

  I look over to my right, trying to figure out what is weighing me down. Xavier’s arm is draped over me and his handsome, rugged face is resting on the side of the bed. His fingers are laced with mine, his hold tight as if he’s worried someone is going to tear me away from him. My heart fills with so much emotion at the sight. Staring at him, I take him in. His eyes are closed, dark lashes resting against his cheeks and his breathing is even. His dark hair is a disheveled mess and he looks like he hasn’t shaved in days. Not wanting to wake him, I move only my eyes to look around the room. Chairs line the far wall where Beau and Justin are asleep. Erica is curled up asleep on Beau’s lap. Cynthia is asleep in a chair on the left of my bed, a book upside down in her lap. Warmth washes over me at having them all care enough to be here with me. I look towards the window and notice it's dark out, I wonder how long I’ve been here. Focusing back on X, I note the lines of worry in his face. As much as I don't want to wake him, I need to know what the hell is going on and how I ended up in a hospital. Swallowing the saliva in my mouth, I try to find my voice. I wince as a slice of pain spears through me as I croak out his name.


  He seems deep in sleep so, I try to flex my fingers in his before lifting my other hand to his face. I see the cannula attached to the back of my hand. Shaking my head, I slide my nails across X’s strong jaw, ignoring the heavy and sluggish feeling of my arm. Sucking back the pain, I try again to speak.

  “X, Babe.” Using what little strength I have, I squeeze my fingers around his and I’m thankful it was enough.

  When he jolts awake, two pained and tired blue eyes lock with mine.

  “Ally," He whispers, his voice hoarse.

  He clears his throat as a single tear ghosts down his cheek.

  “Don't...” I want to tell him not to cry, but another pain grips my throat. I take my hand from X’s face and wrap it around my neck.

  “Don't speak, Babe, let me call the nurse." He leans over me to press a button before bending and kissing my forehead.

  “Thank fuck, you came back to me,” he whispers into my hair. I don't miss the catch in his voice.

  “Am I dreaming?" I wheeze out.

  “If so, let's never wake up," he replies into my lips before planting a soft kiss to my mouth.

  Instinct has me running my tongue across the seam of his mouth and a low growl slips from his throat. I needed a taste to ground me and tell me this is all real.

  “Babe," he chastises.

  I can’t stop the hint of a smile which curves my lips on hearing his deep delicious voice, I’ve missed it so much. Before he can say anything more, a nurse with blonde hair enters. A badge attached to her uniform tells me her name is Georgia.

  “I’ll page the doctor,” she tells Xavier and I watch her press a button on a device attached to her waist.

  She steps closer and begins taking my vitals.

  “How are you feeling?" she asks, placing a hand over mine.

  “My throat hurts a little,” I whisper in answer.

  “When the doctor comes in, he’ll talk to you and your husband about everything.”

  At the word ‘husband’, I raise my brows in confusion, wondering what the hell she is talking about. I look down at my hand – nope, no ring. What the hell is she talking about? Have I lost my memory, is that why I'm here? No, that can't be true because I knew who Xavier and my friends were straight away. An alternate universe maybe?

  I look towards X hoping he can shed some light on whatever the fuck is happening. I notice the pleading look in his eyes. Is he pleading with me to remember? How could I have forgotten we got married? Fuck, how long have I been here? I feel my eyes glass over before the tears begin to fall.

  “Is it okay to give us a minute?” X asks the nurse as she adjusts my bed so I can sit up.

  “The doctor should be in any minute, but I can step out until he gets here.”

  “Thank you."

  X gathers my hand in his but doesn't say anything until the nurse leaves.

  Sniffing I wipe my free hand under my nose while avoiding dislodging the cannula.

  “I’m sorry,” I mumble and sniff again.

  I look around the room to find the others haven’t moved, they’re still sleeping. I fix my eyes on the window so I won’t have to look into X’s eye’s, worried about what I will see there. X gently turns my face to his with the tips of his fingers. I close my eyes for a few beats before slowly opening them. Instead of the hurt I expected to see in his eyes, there’s a softness I have never seen before.

  “What are you sorry about, Sweetness?”

  “I don’t remember.” Tears well again.

  “Remember what?”

  “I don’t remember....” Blowing out a small breath I try again, “that we’re married.”

  I sniffle again and try hard to hold back the tears.

  Chuckling softly, he runs his fingers down the side of my face in a soothing motion, but I’m confused as to why he’s laughing at me.

  “How would you feel if you couldn’t remember,” I grit out.

  He stops chuckling, sits on the side of my bed and traces circles over the top of my hand.



  “Listen to me, Sweetness.”

  Nodding my head, I keep my eyes closed.

  “Look at me, Babe,” he says gently while squeezing my hand in his.

  “I don’t want to,” I whisper, sounding like a sullen child.

  “Babe, come on,” he coaxes.

  Giving in, I open my eyes. I’m pleased he’s stopped laughing at me. Bringing my hand to his mouth he plants a soft kiss to my palm which makes me melt a little.

��s better. Now you listen to me, Sweetness. You haven't forgotten anything. We’re not married. Yet. I had to say that to be able to be in here with you.”

  I blow out a deep breath, relieved I’m not going crazy and forgetting big life events like my own wedding. I open my mouth to apologize again, but he cuts me off before I can say a word.

  “Trust me, Babe, when we get married it will be a day that neither of us will ever forget.”

  “When we get married?”

  “Fuck, yeah Babe, there is no getting rid of me now.” He leans forward and plants another soft kiss to my lips.

  Pulling back, I look back around the room and wonder if there is more I should know.

  “And them?” I ask, nodding to our friends.

  Chuckling again. “Cynthia is your sister and Justin is her husband. Erica is my sister and Beau is her husband.” He finishes on a deep, quiet laugh and I can’t help but laugh with him until the pain in my throat causes me to wince. I watch as a pained expression crosses X’s face.

  “I’m okay.” I try to reassure him, but he shakes his head at me.

  “No, you’re not and I will not let you brush it away, Babe. I told you when we first got together - when it comes to your health, I’m in charge.”

  I smother a smile as he goes all caveman on me but can’t stop the tingles that race through me at his stubbornness.

  “Okay, Babe.” I agree, so he’ll calm down.

  As I lean back on the bed, X fixes my pillows.

  “I bet the girls were happy with the fact you named the guys as their husbands.” I try to change the subject but he isn’t having any of it.

  “Why don’t you just relax while we wait for the doctor,” he says gently before pushing my hair back off my face.

  Cynthia squeals and tears stream down her cheeks then, she jumps up and before I know it, I’m wrapped in a hug. “I could have slapped him across the face.” “I’m so happy you’re finally awake,” she whispers into my ear.

  I wonder how long I was asleep for.

  “So am I.”

  I watch as the rest of our friends wake up, thanks to Cynthia’s excitement. Erica has a bright smile on her face and the boys are stretching and running their hands down their tired faces.

  “You guys didn’t need to be here, you look like you need some rest.” Secretly, I’m so bloody happy they’re all here with me.

  “Someone had to control your man while you were out, I swear he was ready to rip someone’s head off.” Erica laughs as she crosses the room to me.

  Cynthia releases me and Erica leans over and gives me a tight hug.

  “Welcome home,” she whispers, bringing a lump to my throat.

  “Thank you,” I manage to say just before the doctor walks in with nurse Georgia at his side.

  “Welcome back, Miss Malone, my name is Doctor Vargas. I’ve been taking care of you.” He reaches into the front pocket of his white coat, pulls out a pen-light and proceeds to flash it into my eyes. “How are you feeling?”

  “My throat’s a little sore.” I glance towards X and notice a sad look on his face. Before I can ask what’s wrong, the doctor starts to check me over.

  “Is your throat the only thing bothering you?”

  I nod in answer while he checks one of the machines beside me.

  “I’m going to order a few tests for first thing in the morning.” He writes in what I assume is my patient folder.

  “How long was I asleep?”

  “Just over thirty-six hours,” he says, checking his watch.

  “Holy shit, nearly two days! What the hell happened to me?”

  “You don’t remember?” Concern flashes over Doctor Vargas’ features.

  Closing my eyes, I try to remember the last thing I did....

  X wanted me to go to dinner with his family, but I wasn’t feeling well and stayed home to read. The next morning, I still wasn’t feeling well, but I managed to go into work. I remember Cynthia telling me I should have stayed home and I started to agree with her when I felt like I was going to pass out. Everything after that is a blur. After explaining all this to the doctor, he nods and jots down more notes in my file. He instructs Georgia to remove the IV and start me on oral medicine first thing the following morning before turning back to me and explaining what happened and why I am here.

  “You’re a very lucky young lady. If it hadn’t been for the quick thinking of your friend in calling an ambulance immediately, we may not be having this conversation. When you were brought in, you were in a coma so we stabilised you with the help of a breathing machine and checked you further. We noticed the bandage on your hand and removed it. The cut was badly infected and after running a few tests, we discovered the wound was septic. In other words, you had a severe case of blood poisoning. We kept you in a coma to give the medication a chance to work and allow your body to recover. It was a close call.”

  My mind is racing a million miles an hour at what he has said.

  “Your throat is sore because you were intubated and ....

  He pauses for a moment, he seems to be weighing his next words and the silence turns heavy. X takes my hand and the same look of sadness washes over his face again.

  “What is it?” I whisper, worried about the answer.

  “Your mum,” Xavier starts.

  I suck in a deep breath and my body locks up.

  “What happened?” My vision blurs and cool tears slide down my cheeks.

  X sighs. “I left to go and grab a coffee.” I hear the anger and guilt coating his words and it breaks my heart. His words take on a hard edge as he continues. “When I came back to the room, she was here. She had a pillow over your face, she’d also attempted to strangle you.” He blows out a hard breath, rubbing a hand down his tired face while his other hand squeezes mine.

  I wait for the pain to slice through me but nothing comes. Looking around the room, I note the mix of sadness and anger on everyone’s faces. I have no words. What does one say on hearing something like that? Again, the silence in the room seems to sit heavy around us until doctor Vargas speaks.

  “First thing in the morning, Georgia will take you for a head and neck scan to check everything is as it should be. We don’t know how long she smothered you for and I need to ensure there is no damage due to a possible lack of oxygen. I’ll also run some blood tests to check the infection. If the scan comes back clear and you respond to oral medications, you should be able to go home in forty-eight hours. You will need to rest and take it easy for at least two weeks and I’ll want to see you again in a few days to check the wound on your hand.”

  “Two days,” I murmur, still at a loss for words.

  “Let’s just concentrate on getting you well again.”

  I nod and feel X’s lips on my forehead as everything I have been told begins to sink in. I knew my mother hated me, but to try and kill me is a whole new level I didn’t think she would stoop to.

  “Try and get some rest and I’ll be back in the morning to check on you. We’ll look at disconnecting you from a couple of the machines if all is well.” Doctor Vargas hands my chart to the nurse and I slump back on the pillow. My head swirls with the overload of information. Closing my eyes, I attempt to relax.

  “Rest baby, I’ve got you,” X breaths into the top of my head and the truth in his words comforts me, settling some of the swirling emotion swimming in my head.



  “Rest baby, I’ve got you,” I whisper into her silky soft hair. I’m hoping to catch the familiar scent of sweet apples, but it’s no use -antiseptic and the smell of a sterile room overpower what might be there.

  When I cast my gaze down, her eyes flutter closed and a tear squeezes through her thick lashes to roll over her cheek. I brush it away with the pad of my thumb before it drips from her chin.

  My stomach churns with disgust knowing I had to tell her about her mother, but I sure as shit wasn’t going to lie to her. As much as I hated h
aving to tell her, she deserved to know.

  Ally grips my shirt tight between her fingers and I watch as her knuckles turn white. A tremble races through her, she buries her head into my chest and sobs wrack her body. It breaks my heart to see her so upset. Sitting on the side of her bed, I hold her tight and kiss the top of her head.

  “Can you give us a moment?” I croak out to Beau.

  “Yeah, we’ll go and grab another round of coffee.” He heads to the door with everyone else following and we’re left alone.

  “H-how c-could she do t-that?” Ally stammers out between heavy sobs.

  I wish I had an answer for her but I don’t understand it either. Running my hand up and down her back in what I hope is a soothing motion, I try to think of something reassuring to tell her. Nothing comes to mind.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper knowing it’s not enough, but it’s all I got. I’m sorry for all the years she’s had to put up with the bitch.

  When she leans back a little, Ally’s glassy eyes lock with mine. Sniffing, she runs a shaking hand under her nose. Without a thought, I lean down and kiss her nose, chuckling lowly when I feel it scrunch up beneath my lips.

  “That tickled,” she breathes out when I pull back.

  I close my eyes when I feel her nails trace over the two days growth on my face. I savor the feeling of her touch and the breath catches in my throat when I realise just how much I’ve missed her touch.

  “Sorry, Sweetness.” I slowly open my eyes and lock my gaze with hers, aware of our connection.

  “Stop saying, sorry. You have nothing to be sorry about.”

  She drags her eyes away from mine, looks over my shoulder and blows out a deep breath before returning her gaze to me. So much sorrow swims within the deep depths of her eyes and I would give anything to be able to fix it. I’m snapped back to the moment when she speaks, her voice husky.

  “I’m the one who should be sorry.” Her words tremble with regret and sadness, each one causing my heart to twist and ache for her. Blowing out a deep breath, I try to free my heart from the crushing effect of her words.


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