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Taneika: Daughter of the Wolf

Page 6

by R. Casteel

  Taneika laughed at Taren, standing there with his hands cupped protectively around his manhood, and at Lobo, still under the covers with only her wagging tail exposed. “Out, now.”

  Lobo stuck her head out and barked.

  “Not another word, you hear me? Outside!”

  In a whirlwind of feet and flashing tail, Lobo bounded for the door. Taneika grabbed the sleeping bag before it could be dragged out. Once outside, Lobo began barking and chasing her tail with such speed she became a blur of gray against the newly fallen snow.

  “Mind telling me what that was all about?” Taren padded over to the pump and drew water for his morning coffee.

  “You wouldn’t understand. It’s strictly a wolf thing.”

  Taren threw a log on the fire and set the pot close by. “ Your smirky little smile tells me it’s something else.”

  His sudden move surprised her. She flung open the door and tripped over Lobo. In a tangle of arms, legs and gray fur, they landed in the snow.

  Lobo bounded away, unsure as to what was going on. This was the alpha’s fight and she wanted nothing to do with it.

  Taneika lay on her back. Snowflakes speckled her golden skin like sugar on creamy chocolate. He licked the snow from her cheek and her nose, and kissed them from her eyes. Their lips touched and sealed in a kiss. As it deepened, passion and desire swept through them. She wrapped her hand around him, guiding him into her inner core. Lying in the snow, nestled between her legs, he experienced a world of fire and ice. The wolves gathered close, sniffing, watching and circling. Taneika arched beneath him in release. Muscles of steel clamped around him, locking him deep inside. Taren slumped against her, his strength drained from his body. Lobo crept forward, licked the melted snow from his face, turned and ran into the woods.

  * * * * *

  With his finger poised to turn the connection off, he glared at the message displayed across the screen.

  Sit tight. Needed papers misplaced, suspected inside mole being questioned. This may not be related, but three strong arms of mob drug lord left Chicago this morning, on westbound puddle jumper. Present location, unknown. Repeat, sit tight. Santa is standing by with sleigh if needed. Linda

  His eyes glared like black diamonds. Steel cords stood out in his neck. The knuckles of his clenched fist turned white. Taneika placed her hand on his shoulder, the muscles quivered with unreleased energy. Reading the message, her confusion grew.

  “This isn’t just about a wolf, is it? And what about Santa standing by with his sleigh.”

  After three years of watching and waiting, the realization he had placed an innocent life at risk made the victory bittersweet. “No, this isn’t just about your wolf. Santa is a nickname for my partner, Nick Strange. The sleigh is the helicopter he flies.

  Taren took his identification out and handed it to her.

  Special Investigator, Department of Justice, United States of America. “I thought you worked for the Interior.”

  “I do. I was a game warden and had just transferred to the Justice Department when a senior warden was killed here at Yellowstone. I was sent back before the ink had dried on the first transfer papers. The Under Secretary and I had just quietly broken up from a short affair. To make my transfer out here seem more believable, we made the breakup appear scandalous and fed it to the press.

  “Harold Fallings likes his world neat and tidy, sort of like looking into the mirror image of calm water. Having his image distorted in anyway upsets him greatly.

  “After three years of waiting for him to screw up we decided we had to go on the offensive. We started with little things. Reports written so they would have to be redone, showing up late with lame excuses.”

  “And then I showed up with Lobo. And your attempt to protect me further enraged him.”

  “When I invited you to the banquet, I never dreamed he would come after you personally. Considering who was at the table, I should have seen it coming. I’m sorry.”

  “What if these thugs are coming here?” she asked.

  “First they have to find us.” Taren turned off the computer.

  “Well, for now the problem with Lobo may be solved.” She walked over to the window. “Those two are curled up under a young pine tree. Figuratively speaking, I may be a great aunt in a few months.”

  He heard the sadness in her voice. “Hon, I’m sorry. I know how attached you are to her. But as you said, she is a wild animal.”

  “I know. . .I should be happy for her.”

  He saw her lip tremble, the twitch at the corner of her eye. A large, sparkling diamond-like tear formed and trickled down her face.

  “Come here.” He turned and placed her in his lap, surrounding her in the security of his arms.

  Chapter 6

  Harold Fallings sat in a rundown bar. The blaring rock music and the smoky haze was perfect cover for the meeting. The stripper presently on the runway was good and all eyes were on her. Later he would stick several dollars in her G-string to have her shake her big tits in his face and even a lap-dance in the private Champaign lounge.

  The lap-dances here went beyond the normal. For an extra fifty he could get a blowjob, something his prissy little wife refused to do, even when he got violent. But that was okay. He liked to see the fear in her eyes whenever he slapped her around.

  A man sat down at the table next to him. “I think Chicago is colder.”

  “Not if you have a wolf-skin coat.”

  Harold looked across the table at the man from Chicago. Even in the dimly lighted bar he wore dark sunglasses. “You made good time. I want this problem removed. Here’s their location.” Harold slid a pack of cigarettes across the scarred, glass ring-stained table and raised his voice. “Keep ’em…I’m trying to quit.”

  A few minutes later, the man got up and walked out. Harold sat back with his feet stretched out in front of him. Catching the attention of the dancer, he shifted his erection so that the bulging outline it created in his pants would be more visibly.

  Hidden from view of the other patrons and the bouncer, he slowly unzipped his pants, exposing himself to the dancer.

  Chapter 7

  Taren closed the door against the blowing snow. Taneika stood by the sink. Her body sparkled like jewels from the firelight reflecting off her wet skin. He openly admired her beauty, the fullness of her breasts, the sleek, gracefully body that was surprisingly and deceptively strong. Placing the wood he had brought in by the fireplace, he continued to feast upon her with his eyes.

  “You look at me like you have never seen me before.” She washed between her legs and heard his breathing deepen.

  “I enjoy watching you.” Walking over to her, Taren slid a finger slowly from the side of her face, down her neck and over a golden breast. “And touching you.”

  His finger left a trail of warmth on her skin. The aroma of wet, freshly cut wood, newly fallen snow and the smoke from the fireplace mingled with his unique manly scent, drawing her closer. “I like you touching me.”

  Their lips met. The intimacy of their last mating that clung to his lips was an aphrodisiac to her senses. She dropped the washcloth and moved her hands to his shirt. Trembling fingers worked frantically to free the buttons. With the last one released, Taneika pulled the fabric apart and splayed her fingers across his chest. His heart beat wildly against her palm. She lowered her hand to his waist and released his belt. Her fingers fumbled with the jean snap and lowered the zipper.

  Taren gasped as she freed him from the confines of his shorts. Her fingers sent shocks of delight surging through his body. She left a string of kisses and love bites down his chest. His legs shook, threatening to fold beneath him as her tongue snaked out and captured a clear pearl.

  The sound of Lobo’s warning broke through the fog of sensuous heat. Taneika sprang from the floor and grabbed her bow and quiver. “We have company.”

  Before Taren could pull up his pants, she was gone, disappearing into the thickening shadows of the late aftern
oon. With one hand he buttoned his shirt, the other picked up the rifle by the door. Glancing around the door, he was rewarded with a bullet inches above his head.

  Taneika saw the gun barrel sticking out from behind the tree. Movement from the other side caused the man to turn and fire. The piercing cry of an injured wolf was joined by he inhuman scream of the killer. Lobo’s weight took the man to the ground as her massive jaws clamped around his throat.

  She ran to where the two thrashed upon the ground. Blood from a torn jugular filled the air with its hot bittersweet odor and turned the snow into a crimson mat. With one final twist, Lobo ripped the man’s throat away. Blood flowed down the man’s broken windpipe. She knew that within minutes he would be dead, drowned in his own blood.

  Lobo nuzzled her fallen mate, licking his face.

  Taneika approached.

  Do something, Taneika! Lobo cried.

  “There is very little I can do, girl.”

  She heard the gurgle as the man drew his last agonizing breath. She felt the evil surround her as his spirit departed, only to be met by the angels of death as they carried his soul into the bowels of hell.

  “Stay with your mate, girl.” She softly ran her hand over the injured wolf’s head. “You are brave, oh gallant one. I would stay with you but others hunt us. I must go or we will all be lost. I will be back.”

  He whimpered and licked her hand. Go, Daughter of the Wolf. . .protect your mate.

  Taneika crept through the trees, watching and tasting the air for any scent of the killers. Her helplessness over Lobo’s mate filled her with a resolve that left no room for mercy. The loud report of a shot from just ahead pinpointed another killer. Fading deeper into the trees, she stalked her prey.

  A long mournful howl sounded. Lobo’s mate was seriously injured. She wanted to try and stop the bleeding, but right now that would have to wait.

  A shadow ahead moved. She notched an arrow and waited. The man stooped over and ran toward another tree. With the skill of a practiced warrior, she pulled the bow and loosed an arrow. A surprised gasp of shock and pain erupted as the arrow struck him low in the side.

  The man looked up as she lifted the rifle from the ground. Surprise mingled with the pain as he held the arrow shaft with his hands, trying to pull it out.

  “There’s a broad-head on the end of that shaft. Every time you move it, razor sharp blades are slicing more of your insides, cutting your guts apart.”

  “What can I do?”

  She looked around and then riveted her eyes on the man. His eyes were wide with fear and there was panic in his voice. He had stopped trying to remove the arrow, but the damage had already been done.

  “Out here?” she smiled. “Die.”

  Taneika turned her back and left.

  “Larry, I’m hit! The bitch shot me with an arrow! I need to get to the hospital!”

  “You fucking moron, there’s no hospital around here!”

  Taren laughed as the two men yelled back and forth across the clearing.

  “You gotta do something, Larry, I’m gonna die!”

  “So shut the fuck up and die!”

  “Hey! Larry!” Taren called out. “Ask him how it feels to be dying.”

  “Why should I do that, pig?”

  “Because you’re next. . .just figured I’d give you something to think about.”

  The door jam splintered as a dozen copper-plated lead bullets from a machine pistol tried to chew their way through the thick logs. The window shattered, a sack of flour exploded from the impact of a round. Taren dove for the woodpile just outside the door, praying that with the angle the shooter was from the house he hadn’t been seen.

  Spotting the man hiding behind a fallen tree, he fired and ran. Halfway across the clearing, the ground erupted around him. A searing pain raced up his leg. His leg, hit by a round, folded and he crashed to the ground.

  The shooter stood and stepped into the clearing, the Mac-10 held at his side. “Well, pig…any last words before you die?”

  Taneika watched the scene unfold before her. She saw Taren on the ground. Rage filled her heart and tears filled her eyes. She pulled the bowstring to her cheek.

  Taren rolled, aimed and fired. “Yeah, you first.”

  The power of the deer rifle and the impact of the arrow turned the man around. She watched the shock register on the man’s face as he fell into a lifeless heap.

  Dropping the bow, she ran to Taren. “I saw you fall. I thought you were dead. Where are you hit?”

  Taren pointed to his leg. There was a hole in his pants between his knee and hip. The material was turning red.

  “It looks like a flesh wound. Need to get you inside where I can look at it.”

  With her help, he was able to stand and make it to the house. “There is a first aid kit in my pack.”

  Taneika put some water near the fire and began looking for the first aid kit.

  Taren sat at the table and started to take off his boots. The heel of one was missing. “There’s the reason I fell.” He tossed the boot to Taneika. “Makes walking out of here difficult. The heel must have come off when I went down.”

  “Another inch higher and you wouldn’t be walking.” She carried a bowl of hot water and the first aid kit over to the table. “Shuck those pants so I can take care of that wound.”

  The burning in his leg was turning into a painful throb. Taren unsnapped his jeans and Taneika helped slide them off. An ugly gash of torn flesh was a stark reminder of how close he had been to death.

  She washed the blood off and removed pieces of material and loose flesh. She glanced up. Beads of sweat formed on his brow, eyes glazed with pain were riveted on her. “That is going to be painful but should do ‘til we can get you to a hospital.” Taneika applied some antiseptic and a bandage.

  Taren shifted in the seat. His side felt like he had been kicked. Pulling back the shirt, he could see a bruise was already visible.

  “How did you get that?” She ran her fingers gingerly over the discolored flesh.

  “I don’t know.” Taren checked his coat pocket. A small round hole in the fabric caught his attention. Inside, his cell phone was useless. A round had destroyed it, saving his life.

  “This is a good example why people should carry these things in the woods.”

  “Well,” she said. “We still have the laptop.”

  Taren looked at the table and his heart sank. Hopes of a quick ride out of here were crushed. The monitor was fragmented into a thousand shards of glass and electronic parts.

  “When those boys don’t show up or contact Chicago in a few days, their bosses are going to send someone else searching. We can’t call in reinforcements or get help out of here. We’ll have to manage on our own.”

  “You walking out of here right now is out of the question. I could go for help but that would leave you here alone. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Taren dreaded asking the next question. But he had to know. “Lobo?”

  “Lobo isn’t hurt, physically; her mate was shot. I don’t know if he’ll make it. He needs medical attention.”

  Although he felt bad for Lobo, he wasn’t quite sure how to convey that feeling into words. “Damn, sorry.”

  She nodded and a sad smile formed.

  “What shall we do with the bodies…leave them?”

  He ran his hand through his hair searching for the right answer. “For now, remove any identification and bury them. Keep the animals from destroying the bodies. See if you can find out how they arrived. Somehow I just don’t see them walking here. My thoughts are horseback.”

  “I’ll have Lobo look around. If there’re horses out there, she’ll find them. I’ll be back in a little while.”

  “Don’t you think you might want to get dressed?” He smiled in spite of the pain in his leg.

  “It’s easier to wash the dirt from me than my clothes. That reminds me. One of the thugs was still alive when I left him.”

chance of him getting out of here alive? He could be the key to closing these sordid dealings and put Fallings where he belongs, behind bars.”

  “Sorry, none, the ride would only hasten the inevitable.”

  Taneika found Lobo with her head lying across the shoulder of her mate.

  Lobo raised her head.

  “I know.” She sat cross-legged on the ground. Her hand stroked her friend and companion. “Taren has been hurt. See if you can find how these men got here.”

  With one last look at her fallen mate, Lobo left.

  She took the first aid kit and slowed the bleeding in the wolf’s side. “Sorry, boy, that’s the best I can do. Rest, I will be back as soon as I can.”

  Taneika dragged the first body to a small depression, covering him with a shallow layer of dirt and rock. For the man in the clearing she dug a grave deep enough to hold the body. She retrieved her arrow and the extra rounds for the pistol and rolled the man in. The last man, in an attempt to either remove the arrow or to quicken the end had shoved the broad head into his chest cavity. Whatever the reason, the result was the same. He was in no more pain.

  Lobo came back as she finished covering the last body.

  “What did you find, girl?”

  There are three horses downstream, Lobo barked.

  “Good girl.” Taneika dropped to her knees and gave Lobo an affectionate hug. “Show me where they are.” Lobo turned and ran into the woods. Taneika followed a couple of steps behind.

  Taren fussed and rearranged the log in the fireplace for the umpteenth time. He had always prided himself on his patience. But right now, that virtue was on short supply. His leg throbbed and burned where he had been hit.

  Forced to lie in front of the fireplace he couldn’t even help with the things outside. The gut feeling he had told him that she wouldn’t spend much effort in burying those three. In all honesty, he couldn’t blame her. Who really cared if the wolves and bears tore up the bodies? She was probably right, let the buzzards have them.


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